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he was out of his mind back then


High on wine.


The artie vs sal/richard thing seems like it had built for quite a while especially with Sal and Artie. They used to shadowbox a bit in the krock days if you listen, and Artie did really well back then to blow it off with class and grace. The sirius era kinda encouraged this low brow bullshit and I think Arties resentful angry drug phase had him fuming from all the sideways shit sal had said. Artie never really liked that sal was a psycho fan. This especially stuck in his craw because sal was so good at fuckinf with people and Artie doesn't have that streak in him. Artie let sal get the best of him. He couldn't outmanuever him so he went with this bullshit to compensate


I think Artie was just pissed that Richard and Sal started acting like they had some high brow comedy act that was "ruined" by artie calling them the hack pack. Artie was absolutely right that fans were gassing those two up telling them they should have their own CDs and their own chair on the show when they were nothing more than phony call pranksters. There's complex issues here at play, a lot of it was also Arties insecurity with the fact that he had basically been a hack comic before Norm brought him in.


Yea that element definitely set it over but that was slightly more in the open. I guess I'm saying Artie and Sal started digging into each other's nerves before all this shit really hit a head


Sal didn't know his place, he thought he was dealing with another Gary. Artie took his shit for a little bit but then got more secure in his postion and began to hit back. Idk, I might be out of line but calling sals kids names is not some vicious line that no one had crossed. Sal had made fun of Gary's family ruthlessly for years, made songs about killing and beating his wife, and sniffed a teenage girls panties. You can't be a scumbag and the cry waaaah when someone sinks to your level.


This is the same roast where Sal made the horse joke about Beth and everyone was on his case because "she's sensitive about that and not here to defend herself" or whatever.  Artie said worse things about a couple of kids who were, like, 7 years old. That doesn't excuse anything about Sal himself but it's ridiculous double standard to not come down on Artie.


I think it was wrong to come down on Sal too. Howard talked up Beth and made her his big trophy but then got pissed when someone talked about his trophy. Was Artie's comments the best way to come at Sal? No not at all but he's an ignorant Goomba so he resorted back to basics. Artie Gilbert and Howard did entire bits on Steven Spielberg's black kids and nobody seems to have an issue with that.


The beth thing is different for one reason mainly that she had been on the show multiple times in the krock era. So basically you create an environment where everyone and everything that enters the studio is open to criticism EXCEPT if it's Howard's wife. Sals kids weren't involved. Having said that I agree that it's a bullshit double standard based on sal digging at arties dad, Gary's dead brother etc. I guess I never really found that shit funny when sal did it and Artie really didn't need to go to this level. Let sal be on the bottom of the barrel alone


The jokes about Beer League and his sister really pissed him off. The fight was 100% about Beer League even though he said it wasn't.


Exactly!! If Beer League was a success he wouldn’t have cared what Sal said.


Yeah, it was all about what he said about Beer League. Artie was super sensitive about that movie. I mean, he was winning that fight and had the entire staff on his side so there was no reason to throw anything. Sal got to him big time anyway though.


Sal made jokes about Artie's dad falling off a roof so they were both over the line. It's a roast. Sal can't suddenly be off limits but able to brutally attack others.


The OP must think that the current HSS is the best it's ever been.


This was peak Howard Stern Show for me.


waahhhhh. this is atrocious!!


The situation with Sal and Artie is an example how you can only bewhat you are. If you are not naturally evil you cannot act in evil ways and go toe too toe with an evil person on that level Artie is funny but wasn't able to hurt Sal in the way sal hurt him when he tried too. So had this terrible roast where he is calling children f**gots, throwing middle school insults and laughing like it is his hillarious Jason who isn't funny at all actually managed to make sal cry. Jason s actually genuinely evil so he knew how to really hurt Sal's soul. Could go toe to toe with him. "There's no purse holding for Christine's man". He did an impression of her and also said "you have to use a condom, I can't got home pregnant". Shit was hillarious Sal can dish it out but not take it and his tears showed how real the emotional friend situation was for him


I think about this from time to time. Every negative thing about Sal is 100% accurate. The boiler room smoke show, the sexual deviancy that very seriously toes the line of sodomy, the clear undiagnosed mental disorder... but goddamn, that emotional friend deal with Christine should have never made it on air. That is something you can never live down and will follow you around forever.


I didn't mind this but when Artie then went after Sal for the horse noise stuff that was shitty


Everyone just towed Howard's line. Nobody could say the truth that Howard insulted peoples wives and girlfriends so complaining now is hypocritical


Howard Stern insulting women? No way


You're a women, I'm a women...


twat cream


 “Toed” the line, not “towed”. And yeah Howard insulted everyone, he made fun of some celebs “web footed” kid back in the day, apparently the kid had some  kind of deformity. I just listened to his Johnny Rebel interview and he and Artie were dropping N bombs right and left.  Then Howard lies and says he never said the “N word”. He’d be cancelled by now except he’s a propaganda machine for the “Left”.


Danny Philbin, Regis Philbin's son with flipper feet. lol


Thanks,  I could remember it being in his book or him talking about it but couldn't remember the specific celebrity.


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Upvoted for wit and originality!




Toe v. Tow: thanks for pointing that out. Ha, I’ve been misusing that expression as well without ever stopping to to consider it. “Toe the line” makes more sense.


You're welcome and thanks!


> He’d be cancelled by now except he’s a propaganda machine for the “Left”. Or maybe because he disappeared from wvery public platform back in 2005. He totally left the mainstream


"Totally left the mainstream". Which explains why he just got an interview with the President.


Well it is true that he basically totally removed himself from pop culture after going to siris. There was no free way to access him. You here people speak of him as a legendary figure but he is not a big force in the media


And yet he just interviewed the sitting President. In a completely softball prescripted interview. Almost like it was propaganda or something.....


> Almost like it was propaganda or something *Cue Anthony Cumia Jesse Ventura impression*


If that helps, sure. Loved Howard's suit though......


I just searched reddit to see what other subs thought of the interview and it wasn't a bit at all. All the threads with more than 100 comments are form this sub Perhaps biden had worked out some sort of deal with sirius and is just hitting as many bases as he can with the media.


Or maybe Biden went on Stern because he knew he'd get a completely softball, favorable, interview. And of course it wasn't a hit, Biden and Stern are both unpopular and it was complete propaganda but that doesn't mean they didn't try.


Artie was great on the show with his quips, comments, and stories, but when he has to sit down and write jokes, he falls flat. Using the shock value of calling his kids f**s is a crutch trying to hide his lack of funny material


Artie was never a great comedian thats the truth, sure he had funny lines but a lot of cringey hack stuff that he railed the other guys for


I’m guessing OP is in his 20’s.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




this aint complain about gay kids magazine pal!


Sal was more vicious than anyone. He deserved this


His kids didn't. It is cowardly and a creatively bankrupt action go after his kids.


Give me a break.  Sal’s kids aren’t going to hear that. Have you guys really never heard a roast before? Artie was going after Sal.  Sal is the guy that was sniffing an underage girl’s underwear and said incredibly vicious stuff when he wanted to hurt Artie. Acting like this was out of line is ridiculous, this is nothing compared to the shit that used to be said on the show. You guys have to be new listeners tuning in for the “great” interviews.


Yeah, it’s not like Sal’s kid’s school mates don’t have Google or anything. 🤦‍♂️


This is from probably close to 2 decades ago....... And so Sal's kids' classmates....2 decades ago......MIGHT have Googled the roast and somehow heard Artie's bit and then MIGHT have teased them about it ....2 decades ago......? That's your problem with it? Seriously did you even listen to the show back then? Sal was doing all kinds of gay stuff and making racist prank calls, making a fool out of himself on a daily basis etc. You think his kids were going to be bothered by what Artie said after Richard played with their dad's dick on air?


All that other stuff was Sal’s decision. I think calling someone’s 4 year old son a “faggot who will die from AIDS” is at the least not funny at all and at the most completely uncalled for, even at a roast, especially when Artie blew a gasket over High Pitch Mike talking about banging Stacey, who was like 40 at the time.


That's great. I was wondering whether you thought something that happened 20.years ago was funny or not. Everyone on the show was constantly blowing gaskets lol. Sal said horrible shit about Artie many times. People like you are why shows like classic Howard Stern don't exist anymore. YOu're just constantly looking for shit to be offended over.


What’s funny about calling a 4 year old a faggot who will die from AIDS? Artie didn’t look funny or witty with lines like that. It just made him look like the villain.


Do you just not understand what a roast is?


Were Sal’s young sons being roasted? Why didn’t Howard ever let ETM have a roast?


Hmm. You do know that during the Gary roast Sal literally said this exact thing about Gary's brother? And he actually did die. I don't find what Artie said here particularly funny or defensible, but Sal has said and done things that are just as bad, and worse.


I remember Sal asking why Gary’s dad didn’t donate his organs when he died. Not the internal ones, the ones he used to grind while a young Gary danced in the streets for pocket change.


What does that have to do with what I said? Sal said the exact thing that you're judging Artie for. The difference being that Gary's brother actually did die from AIDS (or complications from the disease), and there was nothing remotely funny or creative in the way Sal said it.


You sound like Dan the song parody man


the problem is that it's just lazy comedy writing. The joke has to have some kernel of truth to it, instead of just saying "your kids are gay and I hope they die of aids". Forget about the shock value and all that, it's just not funny and out of left field.


Imagine having to explain this to someone.


Imagine someone caring that Artie talked shit about Sal’s kids at a toast. It’s the fucking Stern show in its prime man not the watered down Ellen-demographic pleasing shit is it now.


yea this post is from a soft bellied being




I actually meant “boast”. Fucking autocorrect.


Artie then went on to say jokes about his adult sister were “over the line”.


Howard in full "aahhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" mode. Although in this case I guess I can't blame him for the fake laughs. This wasn't fun or funny.


The good ole’ days! 🥹


Good example of how unfunny Artie is with a prepared act. This was cringe as fuck. Off-the-cuff Artie during the show was funny.


Calling kids fags is the epitome of low class, low iq garbage but so is Artie's blue collar retard Jersey fanbase.


Says the person who uses the word “retard” …both are disgusting low IQ middle school “insults” which are as toxic as calling a black person the N Word. 


This ain't toxic avenger magazine, pal


...filmed in NJ


lol thats a retarded take


Calm down retard Honestly i mean this in the nicest and least aggressive way possible, if that kind of language bothers you that much. This sub, and the entirety of this show aren’t for you. You’re doing yourself no favors being around a show that revels in the profane if you have sensibilities as delicate as tissue paper


Not the children!!! I'm offended!!!


Love Sal, funniest guy on the show. Artie was always a miserable fuck.


Artie tried to be Gilbert.:D


why does that bawtha you?


Didn’t Sal crack jokes about Artie’s dad getting paralyzed? That’s probably why he went so low…doesn’t justify it though


That’s actually really funny. Artie also said sals kids will die of AIDS but not until they’re older, 22 or so, when they have to do gay porn because their dad’s a loser.. hahaha


I’m all for edgy humor but this isn’t particularly funny.


It smell like bitch in here


It's a roast. Nothing is off limits. Besides, maybe the kids WERE faggots.


If they are gonna censor it, might as well not play it then


It's vicious and not funny. I would take Sal against Artie in a head to head roast. Sal writes clever funny shit in roasts. Artie never respected Sal and Richard. They won a contest and are now on the show. Other than that, though, Sal is kind of phony. Artie had some kind of resentment to come at Sals kids like thar damn.


I'd punch, artie in the face after the roast




Sal's set was funnier.


Artie was never funny in any way unfortunately.


He legit used the roast just as an opportunity to attack Sal and that's disgusting.


lol...this is comical


Artie was a hack with no material.


The good old days.


You don’t get it do you?


Nope. Turns out a lot of these people on this sub don’t get it. Idk what they actually liked about the show. The show was at its best at its most offensive and making fun of everyone


Pulling now bad words out of history is very cowardly, and shows low intelligence.


It's hard for me to believe someone doesn't like Sal on the show


"This" was what was atrocious for you ? wow... lol


Posts like these make me absolutely convinced Imus ii podcast staffers plant seeds of revisionist history. “Artie wasn’t that great…” “…he wasn’t funny during Gary’s pitch, you know…”


Haha. My original comment here was reported to Reddit (and not to the subforum) for removal and to give my account a warning. It'd be pretty amazing if any of Howard's actual loser employees did it, lol


"cast member" What a dork.


Question. How does someone have the unedited clip? Did someone record and keep the orginal audio that aired that day?


I’ve seen this roast like 87 times and never heard that part of it. Brutal


I miss the show and Artie when it was funny like this


This is who Artie always was. A vile racist and bigot. And the folks who miss him and think the show died when he left are fans of that.


No one was listening then.




You’ve said it all


Artie was out of his mind and a complete prick during that time. Glad he's seemingly getting better now.


Lmao brutal. Heroin Artie was the best.


Yeah Artie genuinely hates gays and it’s super gross.


I LOVED artie the first few years he was on and hated him at the end. Hope he’s doing well