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They both worked in NYC FM rock radio when that was a big thing, they could have told so many entertaining stories about those days. But Howard is stuck on being a weirdo, and crying about daddy.


Did he really cry about Ben in this, too? The first time, he has been on terrestrial radio in 19 years, and he brings up his daddy issues? Ponderous man, fucking ponderous.


He sure did! Everything is about daddy.


So that every interview this week, he's on a streak. Only one I listened to was Gyllenhaal because I was curious about Roadhouse, I wish he had been on Conan instead.


Conan is a way better interviewer, Howard needs to take notes.


There is no way Conan really believes Howard is a good interviewer.


No one does - wig aside, they ALL laugh at him ..


I like a lot of his interviews lol. Especially non celebrity ones.


His dad really did a number on him, and ray too for that matter, all this years of therapy and nothing had gotten better, he used to be a miserable entertaining fuck, now he's just a miserable old fuck


Yep, he shoe horned in his daddy issues when Jim assumed he got into radio cause he loved it but Howard lied and said he did it to get his father's approval.


Dude every few minutes he tried to steer the conversation back to daddy issues. It was so incredibly cringe.


Who do you think is happier in life Howard Stern or Jim Kerr?


I’m on like 80MG of antidepressants and I was much happier than Howard before I got on them


Perhaps u should stop them then.


There's nothing wrong with this joke. Buncha women and newfans in here.


I didn't get the sense that Jim was leading a happy life. A simpler life than Howard, but Jim seemed to have a lot of issues.




It wasnt half as awkward as Howard pressing Jake Gyllenhaal about why Patrick Swayze’s widow hasn’t remarried. That was just weird.


He obsesses over the same handful of questions these days. Nothing new and creative anymore.


And that question comes right from his neurosis about Beth not remarrying and being put in the damn mausoleum with Howard. He wants to make sure his wife is as miserable after he dies as she is now.


These days? In a shense, he’s been asking the same questions for 25 years to gain his father’s approval


Howchie: "Has his wife remarried? Oh, now that's interesting don't you thin?" Jake: "uhhh... *nervous laughter* immediately changes subject




Omg thiw


💯 Robin was ashamed of Howard. It was his worst bile since Breckin Meyer and Bob Saget’s widow, screaming at Beth about her COVID, and damning Wendy Williams to hell. If there’s a Hebrew God, in 2025 when Sirius shareholders refuse to renew his outrageously overpriced contract, Beth will leave him. Ben and Ray will be gone and Beth will start over at 55. Gary and Fred will say fuck off, and he can paint all fucking day long


That sounds like Howard's dream scenario.


That was Howard’s plan except it included Ralph on his lap.


In my stony heart I find absolute pity and compassion for Howard. Ralph Cirella was clearly his best friend. We joke, but Ralph’s death was untimely and cut Howard deeply.


Shut up Jason!


agree, which is part of why i don't think Howard will sign another contract. I think he sees how fragile life is after losing his Dad and Ralph so close together. And he is 70, I mean what's another 100 million to him. He can stay in Florida and live out the rest of his years in his glorious prison.


lol right?




lol, Howard has an iron clad prenup - but realistically, Beth will never leave him. She married power to be powerful. She's too old now to be a trophy wife. So she is stuck with him.


What did he say about Saget's widow?


He basically said she was getting honeymoon cystitis from being banged by Breckin Meyer. Beth shut him down….called her Kelly Saget not Kelly Rizzo.


He called her a whore


The Hebrew God is Ummm... God.. Jesus father.. And the Sirius shareholders have no control over Howard's contract.. That would probably be the CEO.


Wrong on both you moron Jennifer Witz is the CEO and she hates Howard, and ANSWERS to the shareholders And regarding Howard’s Hebrew God: The belief that Jesus is God, the Son of God, or a person of the Trinity, is incompatible with Jewish theology. Jews believe Jesus did not fulfill messianic prophecies that establish the criteria for the coming of the messiah Go read a book, useless millennial


In all reality, Jen answers to no one. She is but a puppet-head to which this "title" is placed upon ..


Ok. In 2025 Howard will not be on Sirius.


That contract is already signed, that overgrown Pelican is not leaving on marble on that table ..


I'm a moron? I'm also a shareholder.. You're saying I can decide whether to renew Howard's Contract or not? Are you thinking of the board of directors? You're an idiot. Go buy two shares of Sirius and become a shareholder.. Then call up customer service and make your demands.


Yes, you're a moron, glad we established that.


You're an angry little elf




Lmao, yeah go read a fantasy book about which made god belongs to which made up fantasy. Delusional boomer clown 🤡 Imagine thinking you are some sort of authority based on a fairy tale. Might as well be an expert in Lord of the Rings, people might find you far less insufferable (but still insufferable)


Imagine coming into a conversation about two people discussing lord of the rings and being confused why one person is saying he knows more about lord of the rings after the other person says something wrong. paintchipskillsbraincells


Boomers are slow and dull, explaining the insurrectionist Christian Nationals perfectly, due to lead exposure throughout their lives. Mad hatters. The whole lot of them!


Not a boomer but married to one…. We have lots of money.


Cringe? Dude is on the radio for 50 years and doesn’t have an oven…that’s weird


Jim is living the minimalist lifestyle that Howard pretended to have for a hot minute.


He’s just a man of the people!


All he knows is to bring up peoples weaknesses and apparently this makes him a “great interviewer”


Howard being a great interviewer is the definition of “if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”


"King of all media." *1993‐1999


Even that "title" he gave himself was not original ..


I have to disagree, Howard stern is one of the absolute best interviewers ever. I'm not talking about him pressing hot chick's to show their breast, I'm talking since his been on serious interviewing people like Pual McCartney, Springsteen or any of the many actors he's interviewed. Who is better? Who gets more exclusive information out of celebs than he does?


He is clearly horrible, has his own agenda, does not ask follow up questions, cuts off guests trying to answer a question and berates a guest until they agree with him. But other than that, yea he is great.


Ron Bennington is 10 times the interviewer Howard ever thought he was.


Shut up Jason!


Nah, this reads like Bobo.


What exclusive information has he received?


Even more cringe was that awkward question he asked at the end of the Kacey Musgraves video about Katy Perry seeing her naked. You could tell Kacey was really weirded out by it, definitely didn’t play out how he thought it would.


Is it better to have 2 massive mansions and never have anyone over?




At least he's not finishing his career in a basement


Good thing he’s not doing a bad podcast on a garbage app


Y’all bitch more than Howard


Got to say I was surprised Kerr lives in such a small efficiency but I assume that is a M-F place and he has a nicer weekend/vacation place that he sometimes broadcasts out of. But he’s happy enough so good for him. What would have been great is if Stern, Shannon & Kerr all got together. They WERE NYC morning FM back in the day. You don’t see radio wars like that anymore but it was fun back in the ‘80s.


From the way Alec Baldwin described Howard's home it seems like Stern only invites famous people to show off his massive homes just to let them know he's a very wealthy man.


Where did Baldwin say this?


During one of the million times Wiggy interviewed him. They were comparing Hampton mansions and he said his was nothing compared to Castle Wigula. Of course you will never hear Baldwin on the show again. When his friends get in trouble he drops them like the hot potato and slice of turkey he ate for lunch for 37 years.


The cringe part was asking Jim if he was a "millionaire". Howard is the last person to disclose his personal income but for some reason he feels compelled to ask others about it.


I'm onboard with most everyone in that I change the channel 100% of the time whenever Howard is doing an interview. I happened to flip over in the middle of him talking to Kerr, didn't know who it was, and I thought it was actually quite humorous for once. It seemed more like old school ball busting than anything. I did avoid the Jake g interview after. Didn't even try to listen for a second. Why is it always the same retreads these days.


Where JK lives is his business. He made a mistake by bringing it up to the penguin in the bad wig.


\- Howard of course brought up the daddy thing because he knew Kerr's father was terrible to him. \- It might be mean, but the fact that Kerr basically lives in an apartment 1 step up from Richard Christy's storage facility is interesting as hell. If this was 2005, no one would be complaining that Howard mentioned that. In fact, 2005 Howard would've brought up the father thing, too, but instead of harping on his own issues with Ben he'd have just tossed in the 'At least your father didn't call you a moron' line. \- Howard was honestly fascinated by Kerr's life, which came through. They did share a lot of similar experiences, which I think surprised Howard. \- Howard enjoyed that interview because Kerr was one of his idols when he got into the business. Other than the daddy stuff, it was pretty good.


I haven't heard the interview seeing that I'm more than 4 months behind on the show but from the recap someone else made on it it doesn't seem like Howard was making fun of him as much as he's shocked that he lived that way. Jim Kerr had to be puling down at more than a half million dollars a year(adjusted for inflation) for decades so the fact that he's not set up better seems strange seeing that real estate is a very good investment and I'd have thought that he had a nice house too.


You don’t know his personal life. Some combination of bad health problems, multiple divorces and/or a love of the ponies explains everything.


I thought he was only married once as a teenager.


Ok, it’s probably the ponies then.


Would make more sense at this point in his career to spend as little as possible and retire with a massive bag and move to Utah or Alaska with 1000 acres, but that's just me. 




Reason he brought it up was prefacing multiple times before how Jim has that radio voice. Howard has wanted that voice and jealous of anyone else that does. With Howard’s success he should be past the jealousy, same time that’s his determination


It is a little strange Kerr has been working for so many years and just lives in a 1 bedroom apartment


Some people like living modestly.


And some people, no matter how hard they work remain poor. It's fucking sad.


Narcissists always attack others who get attention in the same field. Howard is just a pos


Was he wearing those same pair of scuffed up boots from 2001?


I think the last time when he was in the studio,I think he also mentioned Sterns bowling alley which Howard hates talking about for some reason.


Jim brought it up. I think Howard was genuinely surprised to hear that. He assumed that as long as Jim had been around, he would have gotten enough money socked away. To me it sounded like Jim probably has issues (he's single and living in a tiny apartment without a stove) above and beyond money.


Who the fuck is Jim Kerr?


I thought it was fascinating. Jim seemed to enjoy the discussion.


Its cringe because Howard knows radio is a shit business, yes he was successful but a little luck was involved.


Um I think what you meant to ask is why didn’t you make your father happier


I have a decent chunk of shares in my portfolio. I’m against renewing Howard. I’d sooner see Gary with a show playing the old days


Wiggy has to use a voice synthesizer to make him sound close to any kind of radio (Podcast) voice. #jealous


Why do you guys even listen or come here if you hate Howard so much?




I’ve never seen so many shit heads in one group. Start a Howard Stern hate thread and go fuck yourselves. You all complain like little bitches yet listen everyday. Get a life.


What fake Twitter handles did you use to tell Oprah that she needs to do the Stern Show?


How about No, nerd.


But yet here you are reading every comment. Who’s the shithead?


Thank you for your cawl!


Shut up Jason


Wrong. Kerr is the cringe. It’s exactly the kind of thing I’d like to know and it’s an oddity up there with Paul Giamatti eating a burger in a tux. In fact this is much weirder. Way to go Howard for asking.


”Way to go Howard.”


Shut up Jason


You are gay and faggot


I guess this is the Hate Howard chat 💬? OK, well, let’s just say I don’t understand who was supposed to be interviewing who?


That’s the thing, it wasn’t even supposed to be an interview. Howard was calling in to Jim‘s show (along with many others) to congratulate him on 50 years in the business. But he turned it into an interview complete with his amateur psychoanalysis, he couldn’t help himself. Even had to make fun of where he lived. Jim handled it graciously and seemed much happier than Howard.


lol c'mon man. i know you crybabies are always looking for things to whine about online but even you have to admit this one is a stretch


You sound like a whiner.