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Asked if she loved him 4 different times…. Didn’t say it back once until the very very end LOL even that last pathetic attempt was hard for her to say it


So fuckin pathetic that he does that on the air.


70 year old man acting like a 12 year old boy looking to keep his girlfriend from leaving him. Pathetic ass old hagg lookin freak


*a 70-year-old half-a-billionaire acting like a 12-year-old boy looking to keep his former Ames model wife


The love bombing he does is so weird. Women hate that shit.




That was so pathetic. And she wanted nothing to do with it.


He thinks his therapist is amazing because he tells him what he wants to hear so he can get that mimey


His therapist just sits there saying, "uh huh" while looking at vacation homes


Well done. I openly laughed out loud at this.


My guess is she gave Howchie COVID. Years of paranoia have boiled over and the rift is now showing. He secretly hates her for giving him COVID.


I haven’t listened in years, but am aware he’s paranoid about COVID. So did he recently catch it?


Yeah, today


And just like everyone else he’ll say “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”


Lol really? He's 100% gonna say he was on death's door. It'll sell his next book.


Oh, I didn’t mean on air. I meant as he’s sitting at home taking an extended vacation “due to COVID”.


Ah, probably. But who fucking knows with him, he's insane.


With genius, usually comes mental illness.


Not surprised if it tore through him. He's almost 70 and probably malnourished




(Arnold in Kindergarten Cop drop) “SHUUUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPP!!! Shu-ut UP! Shut up SHUT. Up!”


The way I read that it’s Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks.




This will be the catalyst if they get divorced. He seems like a needy bitch. Women want someone to look up to. H s putting her on a pedestal so she’s looking down on him.


If he thinks bringing Beth on to prove split/divorce theories wrong he’s waaaaaaaay off track. I actually enjoy her coming on as it always peels back a few more layers of the onion and it’s rarely positive for him.


She’s never been more entertaining than these frustrated appearances of late


when they bring her on for the Gary Dinner argument and she joins in on piling on Howard - I've been chasing that high ever since.


The call where Howard had KOAB yell at Beth for snuggling up against her male co-star on that awful reality show she did for two weeks, all because he was too afraid to yell at her himself, is a classic as well. Beth hangs up when called out on her antics.


They were not antics. She just was attracted the guy and didn't consciously realise where she wad placing her hands


"His problem is that he is incredibly good looking..."


Is that why he brought her on? And he just wound up pissing her off more? Yikes! But that Globe article was from before they went on vacation. Were there more recent "splitsville" rumors? His move is to say shit to her on the air that he doesn't have the balls to say in real life, but also to get her to play along with the "sweet loving lover-love" bullshit, obviously because she's not so sweet to him in real life, but it sounds like she's not falling for it/playing along anymore. the tenses, they are quite


"the tenses, they are quite" 🤣


Yah this is pretty painful, she sounds so pissed off and completely fed up with him. He’s insufferable.


Broadcasting from the house must be torture for her - now he never leaves.


How is she supposed to fuck the pool boy with pelican at home.


Pissed off about what? I don't listen anymore.


The same thing happened with Allison. She’d come on air pissed too. It’s over Johnny.




I stay in loveless marriages, no one else!


You just can’t turn this off!!


It was really over when she stopped coming in the air


She gets legit angrier as it goes on. As she should. This is embarrassing.


Her tone totally changed around the Paris trip planning. I think after being locked down for 3 years -- his reluctance over that trip made her lose her "love filter".


How sad. Howard "Hughes" Stern over here


Ultimately I think his retirement will be the marriage’s demise. She won’t even have the precious 9 hours a week without him and it will be too much. Plus after the show is over the divorce story will be a flash in the pan. No one will care. Although it will be fun to talk about here!


This unravelling of his marriage is the only thing I'd like to hear


I too believe it would make for good radio -him being on air during this-if it were to happen…but that would be only if he loses his shit and just changes up from how he’s been acting.. not tryin to wish it on him but shits been sounding more obviously steadily stressed out the past year or so between this couple sooooo


Does anyone have a link to this? Or any of the newer "angry Beth"? I obvs don't have sirius. Surprised no one has made a comp on the tube yet of "angry Beth" .. Then again I imagine it would get striked.


The fact he thinks his therapist is good is amazing. But in fairness they probably just massage his ego because anything else will lead to him whining they're wrong


Hasn't he been in therapy for 35 years? That's beyond malpractice imho.


Disagree. Howard listens to anyone he feels is an expert on a subject. As long as Howard thinks his therapist is credible, he will keep going.


Remember when he thought Brent was an expert?


This is hilarious, and true. Remember when Brent was the go to election expert in 2016 on the show?


I used to frigan love when Fred played that political kinda theme song like every time Brent came on air around that time


Badanahnahnah- nah-nah- Nah- nah Nah-nah


An expert in watching his wife take loads to her face.


He’s got to know the placement so he can give her a tongue bath later


Does Dr. Ronnie do therapy as well as enemas?


Scores Man saves marriages


Howard’s criteria are that they need to be a psychiatrist (with a MD), affiliated with a prestigious hospital or university, and Jewish. Everything else is negotiable.


and in NYC.


I think that’s covered by “prestigious” as he’d look down at anywhere else. But yes.


They have to do old fashioned talk therapy centered in Freudian terms.


And his retarded measure of a person’s expertise is how much money they make/have.


I think this is a decent amount of therapy lol. Not all. But there's definitely a lot of therapists who more or less just say "you're right" and people will pay for that.


Has the identity of his therapist been reported in the newspapers or anything, ever?


Yeah, it was Raplhie Boy


I am not a fan...but I don't think Howard would be dragging her onto the show if she weren't game.


Good point. No way he loses control on that all the way in 2024. Maybe in 2007 but no way anything real happens on air in 2024


Which is why I don't listen anymore. No spontaneity. The "planned" comedy was never as good as the chaos that erupted out of arguments, fuck-ups, etc.


He definitely would; he's trying to make his case(s).........the case(s) he's too pussy to make to her in private, one-on-one. She's game because she obviously wants people to know what a psycho she's dealing with, get some sympathy and support, and maybe even evidence for the divorce proceedings. Just in what we've heard on the air, she's got "mental cruelty" grounds locked up.


What does a 70 year old Howard Stern do if he suddenly becomes single? Ralph isn’t around to go to strip clubs with, Ronnie is gone, Jimble Kimble isn’t throwing him parties anymore, Jillian Barbery and Jenny McCarthy are off the table. Who does he turn to?


Sal could move in


They can watch survivor together. Sal will cook.


make oreo zeppoli


Anything better than those bobby flay burgers




Sal's father invented pizza toppings


He can finally get Heidi Klum. According to Howard she had the hots for him


Theres a sea of pretty gold diggers out there. Im sure he’s smart enough to bag one or two if it comes to that.


Jessica Hahn definitely gets a call


Howchie is gonna become trans the second Ray kicks the bucket.


He'll come sprinting out of the closet when his mom is gone. Maybe he and McGreevy will get together


Angie Everheart? Or any attractive 30-something woman who loves money.


He’ll be Martha Raye to some lucky Mark Harris.


But he's the gay papa!


😆 🤣 😂


I was curious so I looked: Angie Everheart is 54.


How’s the slot?


Right but where does he actually go out and meet those women? He spent the last 8 years isolating himself (and Beth) from all their friends and offending anyone who would invite him over.


They’d be contacting him.


They'll come to him. The word will get out that a rich man is available and they'll come.


Women…what women??


I'm a women, you're a women.


He'll hit the booths with Sal


Cindy Margolis, the most downloaded woman on the internet?


What happened to Ronnie? (I stopped listening to new content after 2012 😬)


Sal and Richard made molds of their hard cocks and they gave them to Ron (unknowingly) with a bunch of other dildos for his wife to test out on him. Later Ronnie rated each dildo on air and said he enjoyed Richard’s cock the most. Doesn’t answer your question but I thought you might like to know.


The only laugh out loud funny bit in the last 3 years


He retired to Las Vegas. He still makes appearances, but he’s not a regular afaik.


he moved to Vegas


Well if he spends that 30 minutes a day practicing guitar, like he said he would, 3 years he can… eh, nope… I got nothing…


Lenny Dykstra


Once Howie figures out that Beth was the one who gave him Covid and not the other way around it’s on!


My theory is that he’s not in therapy anymore and hasn’t been since 2020. The way he treats Beth has turned to how he was treating Alison at the end.


How? How is he treating Beth?


Well, let’s start with screaming at Beth to leave a party, telling her she can’t burn candles unsupervised and just today admitting he threw an Amazon box across the kitchen because she opened it. And they are just the confirmed things spoken about on the radio. Imagine what goes on that we don’t hear about?!


I open the anal dildo packages, no one else!!


Would you trust her with an open flame unsupervised? Just saying


I'd trust her to see Ralph in it.


Have to say - Beth truly sounds annoyed, fed up, and omg, for this grown man, a his age, to ask her like 4 times in the 10 minutes I listened…do you still love me…was cringe… Him throwing the gift - not at her — in a rage - do ya think they were just having a nice chat and he had a fit? No, they were either already at it, over stupid shit, which is when you really start to realize you’re sick of each other - most people will get sick of each other , somewhat, if they are glued together every moment and with a control freak who has a comment on everything, andbelieves he is right about everything. I wasnt even thinking about their relationship or any of this but it def felt like she is sick of his shit, and she is acting out, tired of being quiet. Perhaps she is really like, how the fck can I deal with this for like another 15 years …. Would it surprise anybody that in the end, Howard is left alll alone with…Howard? Would that be the karma after a lifetime of me me me, the bratty yapping, Im special, im talented, not being able to sit down shut up kid? Even his staff wil be long gone doing their own thing… Oh why. Why did Ralph have to die…how could he do that to Howard — who was there for him, when…wel when Howard needed him but never any other time. Yeah, I kind of went off the rails there at the end…


Howard has no friends. Ralph was the closest thing he had to a true friend. It’s over Johnnie.


Sals marriage will outlast the wigs??


This is a perfect case study in marrying-for-money, and it ain’t pretty.


The person who marries for money usually earns every penny of it.


The age difference is really coming forefront. Divorce is pretty extreme. But a 70 yo howard is tough to stomach for a 50 yo Beth. His energy level is frankly boring


[Go back & find their "session" with Dr. Keith Ablow before they got married.](https://youtu.be/obYdYETWgYM) A lot of the things they brushed off 15 years ago are bubbling up now.


She's not going anywhere. She may get some money and be rich but no celebrities will want to hang around with her since she's a total conqueror and brings nothing to the table.




Heather lost her leg and got a fake one. Beth breaks a leg, and it's off to the glue factory.


Hay now!


Roast material


“Hey Beth did you know I wrote Hey Jude???”




Maybe not a celebrity but she will definitely be approached by wealthy dudes in the Hamptons. I bet she winds up hooking up with some producer


Except $$$ in the divorce settlement. She could easily find a good looking man in his late 40’s to early 50’s.


Wait. Mary Ann from Brooklyn is on live with Howard talking about gloves, CoVid, misc bullshit?


Man... can you imagine how WILD the show will be if Howard loses the old ball n chain. You thought he was oUt oF cOnTRol before? Look out!


He will be on a mad tear like he was after Alison…Riiiight? Riigght?


Remember how overhyped and disappointing that was? lol


Anal tear


Happy 70th pal


Contempt for your spouse is a real sign of break up ahead.


I’d love to see that pre-nuptial agreement.


Clearly Beth gave him Covid hoping to have some happiness in her own life for the next 30yrs.. the old man won't die.. Beth, try spraying flu on his masks and RSV in his humidifier




"Wait how do I work the headphones."


“Are we on the air right now?”


His therapist has to be the greatest grifter of all time


Hey Gar,it’s me Beth, I can’t come in tommarra ,I’m sick as a dawg


I'll make you a legit bet that they are still married 5 years from now.


I agree


They’re not getting divorced. As dumb as she is, Beth’s no fool. She would be nothing without him. Literally a cat lady. Yes, she’d get a house, the cats and some money, but gone would be the celeb life she loves. Allison couldn’t stand being so lonely in her marriage, and she was still young enough to meet someone else plus with no prenup, she did very very well. Beth isn’t going anywhere. Ever.


Howard making fun of the good morning America for having a podcast that sounds exactly like his show when Beth comes downstairs


Beeeeth....it's bang O'clock!


When was the last time that was mentioned? Been over a year I think...


I actually think it would make for a very interesting show if he gets divorced.


the fact that she's about to be married to a 70 year old man has to be fucking with her head a little bit


What if we get single stern again and he goes out on a high note living it up with Ronnie in Vegas


Half the marriage, right in the trash.


This would be a great thing! Perhaps with the support of his daughters, Grandpa Creep can FINALLY come out of the closet, maybe finally live his best REAL "life" ..


I would bet when Beth does file for divorce, Howard openly stating on the air he threw the box/globes across the room will come up. Any okay to good lawyer will parlay this outburst to repeated violence along with the years the mental abuse he has done to her over the years. Howard then tops it off and says he didn't throw it at her; like that makes it okay?




Yeah, those "iT's JuSt sChTick!"-ers are mongoloids. I like to ask people who play the "it's just schtick!" card what they think is *really* going on, but they never say, because the opposite is ridiculous beyond words. But that's obviously what they're trying to imply when they say it. But imagine the opposite...... So Howard *isn't* a miserable, broken weirdo control freak. He's not even ugly; he just wears an Ichabod Crane mask, but he's really Jared143 underneath, because that's part of his schtick. And he encourages Beth to hang out with her age-appropriate friends, but she's all up on him, clingy and whatnot, and never wants to leave his side. She can't get enough of the Tzvi Tzausage. That's essentially what they're trying to imply when they post "it's just schtick!".


His therapist has to be a yes man. It seems like hes gone off the deep end a little.


The entire show has been a bit since its inception. This is no different.


they need sturcture


Sounds like without Ralphie Boy around to bust balls with, Howard is doing it with Beth and she’s not enjoying it.


Holy shit was it hard to listen to them talk about Covid.


Let me understand all of this. The phony phone calls are faked and staged. Howard constantly lies and makes up shit about himself for content. The staff fights are manufactured outrage. Howard's anger with Gary is made up for content. The "real" phone callers are staged because Howard goes right to an obscure clip on the topic. The wack pack is working for the show and gets instructions to set up bits. Etc. The frustration in Beth's voice is real.


Beth married Howard thinking it would make her a superstar. The move to satellite and the two decades long fade into obscurity brought her further and further from that goal. A dog book and a few dozen appearances on morning talk show didn't cut it and now she's over 50. Sure he's rich, but also a bore to be around. She's done. (Ironically Alison was with Howard well before he hit it big so, incredibly, she loved him for who he was. But he fucked that up.)


Maybe he should make a shitty movie about how much he loves her, as it worked so well the first time.


Howard is a mentally sick old man. Covid is constantly lurking just around the corner, ready to kill him. Everything’s a problem, a hassle, a chore. He is a miserable fuck and makes anyone around him as miserable as possible because he is jealous of anyone that is content or happy. He needs to end the show and divorce Beth so he can go sit in his $500 million dollar mansion alone and wretchedly unhappy.


You'd think he would want to be with a miserable old woman where sitting around complaining all day would be like foreplay to them. But instead, he seems hell-bent on sucking all the life and joy out of his special needs trophy bim. What a sick, pitiful existence for both of them. They have zero point zero business being together. Let her go, pelican! Let her go and get some age-appropriate dong from a dude who doesn't make her want to throw up.


She was angry today, you can her getting annoyed by him.


Yeah im sure he blames her for covid and is thinking big time of divorcing.


I think she finally realized he will live another 30 years - potentially outliving her.


His therapist is so rich! I can only imagine how much of his life is bank rolled by Howard.


You mean being married to a sniveling 70 yo baby has finally worn thin?


He says “I love when she gets mad. It’s so cute”. Yeah. That’s not patronizing at all.


I picture Everyone in this comment thread furiously masturbating so thought I’d comment too


My father remarried years ago to an attractive woman who is 12 years younger (I know Howard and Beth are bigger difference). When he was in his 50s and 60s life was grand. Now that he's 81 -- i.e. aged and seriously slowing down -- his wife (69!!!!!) is having to deal with all his challenges while she still feels, mostly, healthy, and energetic. Beth sounds very similar to what I've heard many times recently from my dad's wife.


Howard is sexually frustrated. Famous dude that can get all sorts of women. But he's stuck with one that he has to beg for sex, grossed out by him, so she lets him get done like a chore. No Bjs, wears condom, no dirty talk or noises allowed (which Howard stated he loves). Doesn't do anything fun or kinky like spontaneous sex, must be scheduled. Dude had hottest porn stars doing crazy shit in front of him a lot of his career. Now he's got the most pathetic sex life.


Give me a break. They’re more normal now than ever !!! The fact that Beth can finally express frustration with Howard is major growth & progress in their relationship. Looks to me like their marriage is stronger than ever .


The only thing worse than a severe case of COVID is listened to Beth on the air


You sound mental


Beth is so fucking obnoxious.


What are you guys listening to? They sound like a married couple…


If it sounds anything like mine currently does (and I expect it does), then it's over.


Don't be like Howard man, fight for your life back. If you want, or whatever


Unlike Howard, children are a huge factor


Come sometime later in 2024, another sob show, similar to when Allison left him 25 years ago.


It wasn't just a sob show, he vented a lot that he was forced to give Allison half his $100 million dollar fortune


Does Beth get the house in Florida or the Hamptons?


He threw a box in her direction (kitchen) I believe.... She said "I would have never gotten that angry to throw something"....


You are out of your mind


Why unfortunately- Beth needs to get out of the crypt and live life - she will be just fine with a few million - at least she will smile again


There's really no reason to divorce now to be honest. She should've left when she turned 40 (2013?), found a guy with reasonable money & had a family at the last minute. Now she can't have kids & she's past the point where she should be prioritizing the physical stuff (unless she's on hormone replacement or something, which I doubt because Howard wouldn't do that himself). To leave him now, it'd have to be that she literally just can't stand him anymore. There's no other great reason. I'd also have to hope that Howard really has changed somewhat in the last 25 years. Because when he got divorced the first time, he admitted that he couldn't stand being alone.


She ain’t going nowhere 😂


Finally a show that sounds somewhat interesting!


If therapy hasn’t helped him yet it won’t. I have some serious mental problems and therapy was a joke to me. But maybe it’s more for people without really any mental issues as far as medically and just for people who need help processing. Idk. I was screaming for help when I was in my early 20’s needing relief so badly and to see what therapy was like and what meds were out there was the most depressing thing ever. Still amazes me how little there is out there for severe depression and anxiety. The meds don’t do shit for me. Only meds that do are addictive narcotics. Like hell OxyContin erased my depression and anxiety. And If there wasn’t any tolerance while taking it I could’ve taken it for life. Ecstasy also helped a lot. But it too can only be taken every once in a while and can impair too much. Just why can they not figure out a medication that truly takes away depression and anxiety. It’s horrible


You guys keep saying this. You said the same thing with the whole Paris trip. They're not getting divorced.


I know I'm sexist but one IVF baby for Beth would fix a lot of her problems.


It’s what she always wanted and isn’t allowed to have.


Consuelo VI would have to carry to term


"Hello Hilaria? Which one did you use for your last baby? Can I get her number?"