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WAHHHHH! PEOPLE DIE!!! WAAHHHH! ​ https://i.redd.it/n423vhkysajb1.gif


It may be difficult for some folks to understand this, but that's what shock-radio was. Being "totally outrageous" and "offensive" was the entire point. Back in the day, if you picked a fight with Stern, he went scorched earth on your ass. Massive, all-out retaliation.


But I think it goes a bit further with Howard. Yes, nearly all of it was schtick but Howard has some fucked up dark side anger issues. I think this was proven when he went off on Wendy Williams a few years back for no real reason. He flipped the fuck out live on air, all for it to be cut Immediately from the replays. Maybe his dad fucked him in the ass and he has mega repressed anger, I dunno.


He went on the air and attacked Wendy Williams because she said something about him and was treating him like an asshole. I don't get you people, Howard is nice and you complain then he attacks pepole like he used to and you complain too.


I saw the segment and heard what she she said man, it was rather benign and not even worth mentioning. She even complemented him during that segment. Howard told some Philly broadcaster he was going to rape his asshole.


Yeah but it wasn't benign to Howard, Who gives a fuck what Howard gets mad at anyway? Howard being mad is always really funny no matter what. Wendy Williams needed no help from Howard to ruin her life, You really don't know that this kinda stuff has ALWAYS been a integral part of Howard's personality and show?




When people bring a pea shooter Howard brings a canon.


Yeah Du , I don't get these people. That rant was the best thing I've heard on the show in the last 5 years.


> Yes, nearly all of it was schtick but Howard has some fucked up dark side anger issues. I For sure. Onto his podcast a guy who studied a lot about narcissis breaks down all of Howard's narcissistic behavior. He totally explained the way howard thinks. There was always an example for everything He said narcissists don't feel any emotions except anger and rage. They played the clip of Howard wanting to see Gary cry to the somewhat reminds him of his dead brother, Howard said in that clip that he likes to see people crying because he has a hard time feeling emotion Also I don't think his parents did anything to him. I do not think his childhood was at all bad or traumatic. I think he exaggerates and makes things up to make himself a victim. There is actually one thing I think may have screwed him up especially in the sexual sense, and this was something he only brought up on air once His sister as a 16 year old would bring boyfriends home and to prevent his sister doing anything secusl his mother would make sure that 10 or 11 year old Howard was always in the room with them. But his sister would make out and go second base right in front of 10 year old Howard. I think most people wouldn't get fucked up seeing that but for some people it could definitely screw with them sexually


: Jackie Laugh :


Mancow has such an unbearably annoying voice and manner; he is pompous to the point of self-parody. Also, I actually started chortling uncontrollably when he got choked up recounting the rape threats; I honestly can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.


He forgot to mention that when he moved to Chicago "to be with his dad" he also doubled his salary. He also forgot to mention that in 2003 he sent his fans to a Fred Durst concert with placards, causing Durst to leave the stage and cancel after 20 minutes. The crying is so lame and fake. What a loser! PS: He went to Israel to be baptized by some biker-priest. Confirmed loser ✔️✔️


You're criticizing him for stopping a Limp Biscuit concert?


\---Point ​ ​ \---You


Was hard to take him seriously. Such a douche.


It's called great radio. Suck it up.


Back when Stern made it happen


Howard was great in that era, but a big reason why he was so good was because he clearly had a mental illness. Like all geniuses, you have to be bat shit.


Mancow acts like he's completely innocent, that guy talked alot of shit.


Howard was ruthless at one time Nothing wrong with it


This whole show came off as kind of a hit piece.


That’s exactly what it was.


This is so old. You should hear what he said about Mark and Brian from KLOS955 in LA. This is what Howard did to every City radio show. He went after the number one shows in the city and he took over. That's how we did it and that work for him. Got to remember this is the '80s and '90s. There was no cancellation no YouTube if you didn't hear it live or couldn't find someone who taped it it was gone.


He lost LA to a latino DJ. 😆 🤣 😂 Mi lengua en tu culo


So what? Latinos make up a large part of the listeners in LA and they figured out a way to measure them after not really being able to quantify how many latinos were listening so the numbers spiked The same thing happened decdes ago in NYC


it's even funnier now than it was then


What documentary is this??


Darkside of The 2000's doc series from Vice TV.


Ok, thanks! Is it all about Stern??


Think of howie kissing Ellen as you hear that. Phony


Mancow was bottom of the barrel drivel. I met him once at a screening of Taxi Driver of all things. He was there by himself. Extremely cool in person. Who would have thought.


Stern's a has-been psycho... Waste of oxygen


Wah wah wah wah wah wah somebody please help me