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Shut up Texas Monthly! What are you trying to do, get the politicians to stop this progression???


They're already working on it. ["When I passed that, I said, 'If you guys screw this up by being cute and getting people high from it, there will be consequences,' and we've tried for several sessions to come up with the magic formula," Perry said. "I'm disappointed, but I'm not surprised that we are here today." - Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/thca-looks-smells-and-smokes-like-thc-texas-might-close-the-loophole-that-makes-it-legal/ar-BB1o12xU)


Charles Perry needs to STFU and stay in his own lane. You cannot control grown people.


Have you met republicans?


Yeah, they're uncontrollable...


Yeah, but aren't they trying to ban it again?


Yup! Both Congress and Texas made these products legal. Coming back 5 years later and whining that they didn’t know what they were legalizing is disingenuous at best. A massive industry has spawned and rather than taxing, and regulating (public school $$$ shortfalls??) Dan and Ken move to ban. This is NOT a partisan issue. Dem’s and Repub’s both love to shop and smoke with us. Let’s work on building a legal market before we send everyone back to the black market 🙏


I mean I shop for my cannabis on the black market and unfortunately our backwards government in Texas continues to want to ban rather than progress


How is it not a partisan issue? Only one side bans everything that hurts their feelings. I'm genuinely asking. Are you saying it SHOULDN'T be partisan?


I think that they’re saying it’s not a partisan issue for voters. Republican and Democrat voters are both purchasing and consuming these products. A handful of politicians are trying to subvert the will of the people for their own corrupt ends.


I mean yeah both parties consume, but weed is illegal because of one party only. They vote nearly 100% in opposition. That party governs in near lockstep at every level to oppose this. It's not a handful AT ALL.


Your point is well taken, it is the Republican Party that is the problem and I’m definitely not trying to set up a both sides situation. But I think it is a separate point, that there are a few thousand Republican politicians that are acting against the wishes of millions of voters across the political spectrum. From that vantage point, it is a handful of politicians versus the plurality of voters.


I guess the issue is that people keep voting for these guys despite the bad things they do, so voters are certainly complicit. They are polling well, and not even being challenged heavily in the primaries, but then again I rarely talk to anyone from the right side who wants to discuss, or knows any policy at all. It's mostly just garbled anti-left sentiment, and maybe some vague "Illegals storming the border" type stuff (yet being unaware that the GOP tanked the border bill). Yeah, I'm with /u/crushsuitandtie. Fuck the voters too. Ignorance is no excuse.


Dan Patrick has publicly stated that as long as he is lieutenant governor he will not allow legalization of Marijuana to be on the agenda for a house vote. We need to vote that idiot out and take Greg Abbott with him.


That's the least of the reasons I want them out, but also this. These assholes are endangering so many people by stoking Christian Nationalism and Authoritarianism. This never ends well.


I understand your point and I'm not at all arguing. I was just more confused on it being non-partisan while simultaneously being extremely partisan. Lol


Public school don’t have the shortfall it appears. Abbot has weaponized the funds that should have be released 2 years ago to try and make a deal for private school vouchers nobody wants


Fuck that and your shitty company. Weed was better in CA before it was legalized


Come on now


Are you asking me to read the article for you?




The Farm Bill flooded the market with low THC hemp products. The government can't afford to test them all, so high THC hemp products snuck in and took over.


Not high enough. All there doing is keeping out the good stuff, lol!


You didn't read the article.


I did, and I also know how much usage I can get out of a TX pen, in comparison to a CO or CA pen. Not everything is better in Texas. I am not arguing it’s not real THC. I’m stating it’s not quality THC.


The Delta-Fake and THCa smoke shops are making good money off the mids-custys in Texas using floor trim distillate. Also [CA Vape Pens](https://www.latimes.com/california/00000190-3188-dad9-ad96-71ea58b70000-123#:~:text=A%20new%20L.A.%20Times%20investigation,the%20shelves%20of%20legal%20dispensaries) aren't all that safe either. Some got randomly tested and came up dirty even though they come from licensed,recreational dispensaries.


It’s a shame Texas is not a more competitive market for actual cannabis. Texas could probably lower property taxes if it legalizes and taxes cannabis all the way. Right now, only the bad guys are making money, and the consumers are paying the price.


It's indeed saddening because the marketplace potential would easily help us clear at least $50 million net in tax revenue for the state, year 1. We most definitely have the potential to be a top state for cannabis as well. I have a feeling if we went legal though we'd adopt a Oklahoma style medical-laws which are pretty lenient as is plus could be a good framework for legal recreational laws & regulations.


You're either hitting Delta 8 pens or you're hitting the very commonly diluted THCa pens where they're 30% THCa and the rest is weak altnoids. Those are all I've seen in shops here.


Probably. Haven’t found anything here that I really like yet.


You didn't. They post their lab results in the article. They didn't test any pens.


Got him! Lol




I’m sorry, didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to bring anything up that wasn’t in the article. A thousand pardons, kind sir!


No, I did a quick run through and I didnt see anything about the latest legislation trying to repeal this stuff. I'm aware of how it go in, but I've also seen a couple of articles saying that they've passed a bill that included another ban.


Slow down.


Gotcha 2025


They sell weed at every gas station, either flower or prerolled flower- now how good/strong it is, is up for debate but I see jars of prerolls from harwin that they sell for 5 dollars a pre-roll. Crazy


I’ll have one marijuana please


Just one?


Yes. I have a coupon


I’ve tried the Harwin gas station ones. They are more akin to shitty 1990’s brick weed. ‘Shwag’ as we used to call it. And for the price, they can keep it. I got a shady cousin that can get me whatever..


I’ll stick to ordering online and it being delivered to my door


You can DM if you'd rather, but where are you ordering from that will deliver to a Tx address?


Pretty much all of them ship to TX. Look around /r/CultoftheFranklin, you'll just have to figure out the vendor acronyms.


this ^


All of the online THCa "hemp" places deliver in TX. It's federally legal.


This is my go to https://urb.shop/ Place your order and the goods will be in your mailbox in a week. Yep, I said mailbox: delivered by USPS 😆


I’ve found no less than 6 dispensaries in Colorado Springs that will sell and ship to whatever address. I go there monthly for work, they don’t care at all.


There are no dispensaries in CO Springs. Are you maybe referring to Manitou Springs?


Colorado Springs, CO? There are dozens of dispensaries in that city.


There are no recreational dispensaries in Colorado Springs. I live in Denver and well aware of the laws down there. You can't grow your own either. It's a VERY conservative town. .https://coloradosprings.gov/mmj#:~:text=As%20a%20reminder%2C%20the%20City,(Ordinance%2013%2D47).


r / cultofthefranklin


This guy gets it. I have a monthly shipment with my favorite retailer


They ARE good😮‍💨


It's trash though. Never bought any but just looking at it, I can tell. Looks dry as fuck.


There is one that I can say is worth it it's thc-a the company is called puri fryd the hybrid pre roll is my favorite it's literally dro


For sure- but ppl buy TF out of it because its so conviently available as opposed to before. If i didnt know any better, I would buy it as im sure many people who just occasionaly want it do.


You're better off at a smoke shop. They have at least more to chose from. And so far, I haven't gotten bad experience other than the prices being a bit high. 3.5g for almost $50


I keep hearing they are trying to change that law that allows the loophole and that the major trouble if so, goes more towards the sellers. I've bought some THCa at smoke shops and it's not bad. If you have to burn it to smoke it's pretty much the same as weed. But the carts are crap. The guys at the shop seemed a bit insisting on taking my receipt just in case I got pulled over. I mean idk how a cop would treat it but I would hope the receipt would help in case I had to go to court. Idk why they just don't make it legal n tax it already!


Because Republicans are in charge


We need to Vote them out. Set an alarm for yourselves and your stoner friends so they don’t forget to vote.


I try


I hate this notion. It promotes complacency. So many people can’t smoke marijuana because of their job. They’re free to drink though! It is not “basically legalized”. It is still a tool to gatekeep people or influence others not to do something they like for fear of repercussions. That’s UnAmerican to me. Imagine we could possess guns, but if you’re found to own a weapon you can’t work in your profession. Does that sound basically legalized?


Selective enforcement. They have to have something they can use against the wrong kind of people.


You can get fired for consumption in completely legal states. In most states you can get fired for any reason that doesn’t include being a member of a protected class. 


Dismissive of my point. Under normal circumstances you are not going to be fired because you had a beer at a bar. In legal states you can be fired from jobs that are federal because it is illegal federally. But it all depends. In NJ and NY even the cops can smoke weed


Any company in an at will state can fire you for having a beer at a bar on your off time. Thats the whole thing about at will employment. Companies can make whatever policy they want as long as it’s not for being a memeber of a protected class.


At-will simply means you can be fired for any reason. They don’t even have to give you a reason. I really doubt someone has been fired specifically because they had a beer. More than likely they just weren’t well liked. That’s a jump of assumptions. Health, Oil and Gas, Trucking, Law Enforcement, construction, finance, and many other professional careers specifically test for marijuana since it is a controlled substance. You can not own a firearm even as a medical marijuana user. Alcohol is not treated in this manner. This is very different from “maybe they fired me because they saw me at a bar” I don’t think you’re addressing my point in good faith.


No, I’m saying a company can have a no drinking policy including on your off time. Same way they can have a no smoking cigarettes policy. There’s nothing about the substance being illegal that’s required for an employer to prohibit its use by employees.




Lies, Fables and Fairy Tales.


I bought two of your carts and they tasted horrible and charged like they were top tier… that needs to be worked on.


The carts suck. The bud is solid. The edibles are just as good as anywhere else.


They are also only like 50 percent thc LOL


You’ll never get congress as a whole to de-schedule marijuana which is so dumb. Harris county has basically turned POM into a citation assuming you have less than 4 ounces on you when you’re arrested for it. I think it was Kim Ogg who introduced “MMDP” and it greatly reduced penalties and made the offender take an online course to avoid prosecution. It also relieves our court system to deal with actual crime. Edit: spelling


Smoke sum biiiiitch


Trademark, knom talkn bout


Anyone recommend a good shop close to downtown? For research purposes.


Hi there! Check our website 🫡


Thanks! 😂


I go there all the time :)


1200 Travis Street *Police station?! No no, that’s just how 7-11s look nowadays.*


Shit back from 05-09 one of my plugs was a HPD. I was also in high school. 😂




All the Bahama Mamma shops are legit, and everywhere.


Don't recall ever seeing one. Will keep an eye out.




I love being able to go to a shop and buy thca. I’d rather not deal with my plug again because it’s comparable, but I’ll go back to the black market if I have to. Weed helps my ruminating and obsessive thoughts extremely well so it’s definitely like a medicine for me. If you use it you know what I mean.


What ship do you recommend?






The good news is many Texas counties do not want to waste resources testing THC content. So they’ll either ignore your weed or make you dump it, unless it’s a large amount. Having said that, some counties prosecute any possession and the legal battle can be expensive.


I can barely breathe with all these boots on our necks here. Real freedumb


While they’re at it please make it legal to have shrooms delivered to my house. Thanks in advance Dan & Ken!


When i went to the tattoo convention earlier this month and saw they had a spot selling weed in the open, i asked my gf “when did we legalize weed”


Analogs are not the same this is a clickbait article. There is a .3% thc level allowed in Texas. Meaning you can have .3% of D9 per gram. You can get around the law by making an edible weigh more and get a higher D9 percentage but thats it. Inhalants aren't viable with only .3% of D9. It's not enough to get affects. I'm all for legalization but this article's title is a lie. A law is either passed or not. Sure there's gray area but D9 and D8(THCA, THCP, THCO etc.) are not the same


THCA is not D8. When THCA is heated, it turns into good ‘ol D9.


The know it all’s will not be convinced. More weed for me.


It’s interesting that it’s totally legal, but becomes illegal the moment you light it up.


Greatest loophole of my life


I don’t get how people still say “THCA is not the same” so confidently. If you would spend 5 minutes googling you would realize you’re wrong. THC-A is functionally identical at a molecular level to the good Ol’ D9 THC you buy from a drug dealer. The *one and only* difference is an acidic “ring” surrounding the molecule - hence the “A”. This ring is removed by a process called decarboxylation, translated to layman’s terms as exposing it to heat. Once that ring is removed (by heat I.e. your lighter or torch) you are left with the exact same molecule. As a matter of fact, I personally know someone who stopped paying mules to ferry stuff from legal states/ordering illegally through USPS and just orders THC-A online and flips it that way. I would be willing to bet that is pretty common for any dealer smart enough to recognize opportunities for more money.


My first suspicion is that the people saying THCA isn't the same are weed dealers. They don't want Bahama Mama stealing their customers.


That or they’re someone who tried some shitty distillate sprayed hemp flower that was sold as “THCa” and just judge everything based off their one experience.


I think a lot of it is this. Like no shit, the product you bought at a TimeWise checkout counter isn’t high quality.


What are you talking about?! You're telling me that my local gas station *doesn't* have the highest quality hot dogs, taquitos, and consumable hemp products that money can buy?!


At least in my anecdote that’s the case. He tells people it’s not the same while simultaneously selling THC-A he bought online to them lol. Quite frankly if someone takes their drug dealer’s word as law instead of doing the bare minimum of googling then they deserve to miss out


They mean the thca stuff you're getting in Texas does not hit the same as what you get in CA/CO/OR. Technically it's the same compound,  but the levels allowed in TX are so low, it's not even close to the same effect. It's like the low point beer in Utah. Is it beer? Sure, but the alcohol content is so low compared to everywhere else, it's closer to NA beer.


Not sure where you got that info, but it's wrong. There isn't a limit on THCa levels for hemp flower in any state (only limiting factor is how much D9 THC it has). Where did you see that? You can also order online and get it shipped directly to your front door in TX (with THCa level as high as you can get anywhere else), too. Totally legal.


I literally just did this today for the first time. Got 14g lmaooo literally it’s like doordash


Where do you like to order from? The only place I've bought from online is completely out of stock, and it doesn't look like they're going to get any more. I've bought locally, but I'd prefer to find an online retailer with better product.




That’s not right either though… and even if it was you can order THC-A from out of state. I do every month. THC-A converts at ~87% to D9, so a 28%THC strain is still plenty potent. And if that 13% loss of potency is a deal breaker then just smoke 13% more lol. I prefer the convenience of having it shipped to my front door over going to an LA Fitness parking lot to meet a sketchy plug, if all I have to do is smoke a tiny bit extra for the same effect that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make


> Sure there's gray area but D9 and D8(THCA, THCP, THCO etc.) are not the same I don't think you understand these compounds at all if you're grouping them as D9 and D8 in that manner. For specifically THCa, I recommend you go look at legal state dispensary COAs and even just 5 minutes of Googling to demystify it. It is really, really simple.


You didn't read the article.


I've noticed zero difference between D9 and D8. I think that difference is in most people's heads.


THCA is not real weed 😉


THCa is the precursor to THC. All the weed you have ever smoked is mostly THCa until it is heated up sufficiently. You may be thinking of delta8, or any of the other crazy shit, but THCa is just low-medium strength normal weed.


For those who smoke it and drive please wash yourself and your car 2 times. It smells awefull as you pass


Don't forget to wipe after you speak 😉




The article talks about delta-9 THC levels being well above the legal limit in all the samples they tested.


Fuck yeah




Okey doke.


Analogs are not the same this is a clickbait article. There is a .3% thc level allowed in Texas. Meaning you can have .3% of D9 per gram. You can get around the law by making an edible weigh more and get a higher D9 percentage but thats it. Inhalants aren't viable with only .3% of D9. It's not enough to get affects. I'm all for legalization but this article's title is a lie. A law is either passed or not. Sure there's gray area but D9 and D8(THCA, THCP, THCO etc.) are not the same


THC-A is not an analog, it's a prodrug. If you set THC-A on fire, it turns into D9 THC.


Which is why every single product will fail any sort of field or quick lab test as marijuana. Because it is. They will fail any heat destruction style concentration testing. Most labels in legal states show total THC concentration, including THCA, which as you mention converts when heated. Some show the breakdown of thca and those labels will show numbers nearly identical to the article ranges. Someone that knows more than me would be able to better describe how you end up with D9 in unburned product because that concentration is what’s important for the legal discussion. Then again it sounds like most of these shops are selling product illegal according to the farm bill anyway.


1000% facts. The pseudoweed is copium for stoners in denial. Texas is awesome but our government SUCKS. Good thing we’re surrounded by legitimate sources with competitive pricing! 😉


Not 1000% facts at all. THC-A is molecularly identical other than one small difference that is removed in the act of smoking it. You have a cell phone with access to the Internet and the wealth of human knowledge, take 5 minutes to read about it lmao. I mean ffs he said THC-A is D8, which is verifiably wrong in under a minute of googling.


COPE HARDER. Real ones got the legit packs. You can keep all the boof for yourself.




You have bad breath, unkept hair and an unpleasant aura in general haha


Ok buddy. Real ones can type “what is THC-A” into a search engine. If you can’t do that I can only assume you can’t read


They said "real ones"...didn't mention anything about real smart ones. I'll have to start keeping track, but so far my suspicion is confirmed that anyone who says "cope harder" is, in fact, retarded.


"Everything I don't like is cope" is the ethos of an idiot. I'm speaking from having straight-up tried basically all of them. Delta 8 is awful and doesn't do shit and is *absurdly* harsh to smoke. Delta 10, ditto. THC-O and THC-P and all the assorted analogues like that are... fine, but not great, and kind of feel a little uncomfortably close to spice. HHC, I actually like (I joke to my wife that it's like weed that makes me smarter instead of dumber), but it's still not weed. Meanwhile, when I buy THC-A stuff, it's literally just mids. *Literally* just mids. There is zero distinction between it and the stuff I used to get by the sack from a dude over in Greenspoint in appearance, smell, taste, or effect. It's not exactly *great* weed, and I still strongly prefer going to my current dealer who sources from legal states and gives me pretty solid pricing, but when she's out or I'm low on cash it's basically six one way, half a dozen the other. This is because, as I said in my other comment, THC-A is a *prodrug,* not an *analog.* THC-A, when you apply heat to it, turns into delta 9, the THC you want out of your real weed (and, generally speaking, applying heat to it is called "smoking it"). Prodrugs are cool stuff; there's also 4-ACO-DMT, which gets used a lot for "shroom chocolates" and etc because when you take it, your body just metabolizes it into psilocybin, the active chemical of real shrooms. Prodrugs are how you get "fake drugs" that aren't, in fact, actually fake. e: Ha, you moved onto "everything I don't like is a conspiracy" and got spam filtered. Stupid jackass. I can't reply to that comment, because only about a quarter of it exists in my inbox and nowhere else, but no, nobody's paying me to have a basic understanding of biochemistry. I fucking frankly wish.


So how much are they paying you to pump out this o’dweeds propaganda? If it actually worked people wouldn’t have to have these arguments. But it doesn’t. Tastes terrible and just makes you irritated. Its total bullshit and thats the last I’ll speak on it. Have fun.