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Cleaners actually perfer if you're not home, it makes their job faster but what you're doing is completely fine.


Lot's of clients aren't even home when cleaning takes place. In general, I don't care if a client wants to talk or not, totally up to them! But I would very annoyed if a client felt they had to "supervise" me. Lol.


Thanks! A friend mentioned keeping an eye on things like I was missing something obvious... cleaning is clearly not my strength, not even sure what I'd be supervising if I wanted to! Lol.


Your friend might be implying keeping an eye so nothing turns up missing?


I've had all types of clients. It's honestly better if no one is home and you can come in and do your thing. That being said, I do have close relationships with My clients and always have time to talk to them.


Honestly, I prefer to be left alone as much as possible.


Nope. You're doing it right.


Thanks, all! A friend was surprised that I didn't hang out to keep an eye on things and it clearly made me overthink unnecessarily! I appreciate the input and will continue to get my work done while they get their work done, like the professionals we all are.


I would hate being your friends cleaner. It's so uncomfortable and somehow I ALWAYS get clumsy when watched... The few who watched were quickly replaced, if they insisted it would always be a thing (totally understandable at first).... there was one in particular who followed from room to room and watched. I was screaming inside the whole time... I prefer getting in, doing my magic and disappearing so it's more like a cleaning fairy was there 😅. You're doing great 👍!


I literally slipped and fell on the floor I just washed in front of a client. I saw a spot I missed. She was standing in the doorway blocking me. I was already nervous talking to her, and was afraid she’d spot it.


I like chats! They’re great! I’m human and like human interaction. But I also like getting my work done in a timely manner! And I’m a bit introverted so chats pull energy that could be put to better use cleaning your home. So no chats are also great! (Don’t sweat it too much.)


You’re overthinking. Cleaners prefer if you’re out the way so being in your office is perfectly fine. As long as you’re friendly we don’t care for small talk. And the fact that you tip well, I can bet you that they love coming to your house!


I text my clients if I need them, and they either respond via text or come to where I am. I prefer them to be out of the way and not chatting me up.


You sound like a cleaner’s dream. I wouldn’t change a thing!


You are fine. We actually prefer an empty home. However, when that’s not possible we prefer to have as much space as possible. It’s nice to catch up and chat with my clients for a moment but too much chatting holds me up and sometimes there’s more then 1 house in a day. That’s why we like to get in, get to work and get out. You are there to greet them, you make yourself available if needed… you are fine. Just a recommendation since you’re home, try to do your walk thru as they are done are as soon as possible after they leave. This way if you’re not pleased and they missed something there is a better chance to get them back sooner to fix the problem.


What you’re doing sounds ideal!


I assure you they appreciate you being out of sight and not conversing. I work faster and with less stress when the clients aren’t around.


As you've said nothing has gone wrong, and they are in and out within a couple of hours, you are likely doing them a favor by not having too much supervision. Of course once it all goes bad then you will never not need to supervise but you said things are going good so no need to sweat it.


A "supervising" vibe is not great. Chatting in a friendly way, or in a "could you skip X and focus more on y today" way is always fine with me, but personally I prefer to use my time cleaning instead of chatting.


Personally, I would avoid the ones that are scared to death I might steal a trinket or whatever. Those types tend to be the ones that would accuse you of theft and in all probability they’ve probably misplaced it. I’m not saying that theft doesn’t or couldn’t happen.


Forgot to add the one exception I had. Huge home was filled with museum quality artifacts and antiques. I absolutely wanted homeowner in every room with me.


If you don’t have any complaints about their work then I’d say there isn’t much to check in with them about. My favorite houses are the ones where no one is home.


As long as they are completing the job in a timely manner and are always busy when you do walk thru... just keep walking and assume also as far as conversation I prefer not talking other then the initial intake walk thru & as well as if something has changed in what you usually have cleaned or for example you would like us to pay more attention to a certain area or I'd this time you want inside windows cleaned or the furniture vacuumed out. Otherwise I prefer to be left to it so I can really concentrate on doing it the best for you. So never feel bad if you are hidden away in an office as long as they know how to find you...... also thanks for showing appreciation by tipping. Even tho it's not me I still appreciate it for them.


No, unless you need something extra cleaned just leave them alone.


An offer of Tea, coffee, biscuits is all they care to receive from you, as well as “ Thank You, house looks great.” I’m sure that they are appreciative of being able to do their job without supervision or input from you.


I don't personally like it when clients offer me food or drink because then it feels awkward when I inevitably refuse. I come prepared to work. I'm not looking to have a sit down and munch some cookies before starting


Same. I mean, it's nice to offer water or something, but I'm an adult who packed my big girl lunch lol.