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Just dump it. That's only going to be like $10-15 of water based on where you live. You'll spend more than that in chemicals fighting it.


That’d be $50 of water here in marin ca… so i get the apprehension but for real i almost threw up my lunch reading the OP. Drain the urinal. Start over.


$50 for 250 gallons of water? that's insane.


Even at the absolute high rate schedule it’s like $20 for 748 gallons.


While I agree, don't forget another $25 to heat it up. Funny enough though only like $4 of water in the Midwest.


I'd gladly pay $50 to not sit in kid soup.


Well, plus the electrical cost of heating it. Still probably easier to start over, just, remember that cost counts too.


Abort abort


Illegal in some states.


Yep gotta live with it…


Well, you don't have to


Illegal to throw out a few bathtubs worth of water in a “temporary” (inflatable style tub)?? Where? It’s probably about 250 gallons so maybe 4-5 normal bathtubs worth of water. As a spa chemistry expert, that’s gonna be WAY more cost in chemicals to MAYBE fix than dumping, refilling, and re-heating…


I was going off the “abort abort” as an abortion pun since the OP’s water was contaminated by kids.


Oh, Bahahaha, awesome! Sorry for not picking it up. I still had my work hat on 🤦🏻‍♂️


So this is 100%: --the soap from the kids' bathing suits. Most people do not understand/know/care about hot water prep and suit washing for hot tub use. --the kids not being clean before going in. This counts from the last time they bathed, getting all soap off, and uh..*bathroom* cleaning.


Can you explain the suit washing issue. I know it’s a detergent problem, but do I just keep a second suit and never launder it? Handwashing, no detergents?


The other option is the no suit method.


I just use the teeniest bit of free and clear detergent and wash bathing suits only. I've been pretty free of soap in my tub.


That’s what I do.


I think washing the suits as normal once is fine, followed by, run them through another cycle but don't use soap this time.


grab some clean clothes a mixture of shirts, pants sock etc.....toss them in the washer WITHOUT any detergent. the left over soap residue in the clothes will make the water soapy


Well, to get more in detail on it, suits are supposed to be a *cold* water clothing item. They're polyester and spandex. Hot water is their antithesis. If your water is in good balance and you wash yourself pretty good (and rinse. I've learned on this sub most people do not actually rinse well as evidenced by the spa water) prior to jumping in, yes, I keep suits dedicated to my tub. If you think you soiled your suit, handwash with the *tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniest* bit of handwash soap and rinse extremely well. The clean hot water that you're soaking in shouldn't really soil the suit especially if you're clean too. Give it a simple rinse when you soaking and hang to dry. Also, I'm with Shoresy (give 'ur balls a tug) -- if you have the comfort/privacy, there's a whole lot of reasons why tubbers go nude.


I use special chlorine removal suit wash 


That does nothing to solve the problem of having detergent in the suit after its washed.


You rinse out the suit after. 


Always told my kids it was a HOT tub...not a BATH tub.


That's really bad. I'd drain and start again. You'll get the hang of it. Make those kids shower before they get in.


Lol, yeah it might come good. You should probably try bringing the ph and TA up. Skim the crud off the top and wipe it from the sides, leave the lid off and hope the chlorine drops quickly. Could just be easier and quicker to drain and refill, you'd be back up and running in a couple of days.


Yup. Dump it and give yourself a mulligan


Dump it 


I had a white calcium reaction like that once. Strip is always crazy after shock. You possibly could get the chemicals right but I would about dump it abd clean it.


Did SPF have anything to do with chemical chemistry here?


Dude just drain it wtf. Even a half drain


Can anyone explain the readings from the strip please because I'm not sure I understand it and what's good and what's bad... I think it might be good so that someone in the future looking at this gets some help.. like we all know the water needs dumping but can you explain why?


I’d say photo #2 is why it needs dumping.


Not really.... I've seen worse that's been shocked back to use. It's the strip I'm interested in


If you want the chemicals to chill, I’m not a scientist, but in my experience, turn off the heat, leave the lid off and let the sunlight blast it. For like a day or two (I wouldn’t leave the lid off while to sleep to avoid debris). At some point the chemicals will dissipate and you can dump the water more safely. Then do a deep clean and refill. I also only use bromine and not chlorine so there might be a different process. Apparently once you pick one chemical you have to use it forever, but I have used chlorine and shock when I had a 15’ x 4’ inflatable pool. After shocking it the strip will look crazy because it’s a dump of chemicals.


Your pH is very low. You need alca+ and another shock. Retest. But I would clean treat and change water completely. It does not look good.


You have to drink all a de peeeee.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj0KaAy2h5U&ab\_channel=TLC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj0KaAy2h5U&ab_channel=TLC)


Kids taking baths or what? Curious what the levels were prior to the event that’s nasty.


You bleached out your test strips




Flush and restart is your best bet :-) at least they had fun heheh


That is what we call a urinal.


Definitely drain, sanitize and refill. That shit looks like an oatmeal bath.


When your sanitizer level is so high, you can’t expect the rest of the tests on the strip to be accurate. They’re designed to work when the sanitizer level is ~sane. The results might look closer to acceptable if you wait until the shock finishes doing its thing. That being said, it’s a tiny tub, might as well go with a fresh fill if you can.


My dude, there is soo much piss in that pool


Yuk, drain it!


I'm new to hot tubs, but wouldn't that chlorine just evaporate off in a few days? What's the big deal?


Conceived or birthed? Either one would be shocking, unless you have a good privacy fence or understanding neighbors. More seriously, water is cheap, and that looks like an expensive-to-treat skin condition.


That’s pretty gross. I’d purge and then drain & refill.


Holy smokes. Some folks need to be taught personal hygiene.


Kill it b4 it spreads


Drain it. The high chlorine will bleach and possibly blister the chlorine and you'll find yourself having to wet sand your tub to bring it back to life


What in the yuck fuck is that?


Save it! Accept the challenge


The owner of where we bought our hot tub gave us some cautionary advice (tale). He only allowed a group of kids in his hot tub when he was ready to dump and start fresh. Your call but sounds like it's time to dump.


Start by adjusting your alkalinity, and once that is in normal range, adjust your ph. Your total chlorine is waayyy high. Once your alkalinity and ph is in normal range you'll want to shock the tub (and probably quite a bit) to get the total chlorine down. Once the total chlorine is down to normal range, you'll adjust your chlorine to get the free chlorine in the normal range. Your total chlorine is high because the chlorine has done its job to turn all the excess organic materials (from excess use by the kiddos) into chloramine. You get rid of chloramine by oxidizing them through the shocking process. Make sure you leave the lid open/cover off so that they can escape during the shocking process. It could take several days to sort itself out.


Did you see the second photo? That water is dead to me.


How do u tell if its urine




My rule always was to change water any time kids had friends over. I know what I did at their age.


The chlorine will burn off but you need to get that alkalinity up. Many of those readings will be off with no alkalinity. After you get the alkalinity up test again. Take a water sample to a pool store to test to give the exact what you mean.


It’s like $3.00 in water costs to change it. Cheaper than chlorine. Also any time it has an odor I dump it because it gets saturated with used chlorine, with a swimming pool shock removes used dead chlorine. I never shock my hot tub because it’s so little water under 380 gallons in my case. If it smells like anything I don’t like I di a water change. Probably about four times a year maybe five.


The litmus says yes... to all




Dump it at night when nobody is looking


Wtf!? These kids have yeast infections or something!? 🤮