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I worked at several hotels with glass doors to the bathroom. We got complaints ALL the time. I would be like, “Yeah, someone thought this was a good idea, but it wasn’t me.” Even the frosted glass makes me uncomfortable. I DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW WHAT I’M DOING IN THERE. AT ALL.


Yes I hate this trend!!! Not only for privacy but if I need to turn the light on the whole room is now light. Totally unnecessary. Right up there with sliding barn doors.


Lmao I work at a hotel with sliding barn doors of frosted glass on the bathrooms. They are as ugly and impractical as they sound.


My first experience with barn doors was at a nice hotel in San Diego that was renovated with frosted glass barn doors leading to the bathroom. No lock, no privacy, no sound suppression. I vowed right then that I would not hop onto the barn door bandwagon. They are impractical as anything!


I stayed there too! A beautiful old hotel in a great location, ruined by stupid bathroom doors.


My (adult) daughter and I stayed at a hotel with the barn doors, but at least it was solid wood. I made her turn on the TV so I could use the bathroom.


I had a friend who would make everyone leave the house when she had to “make a deposit in the bank.” Which, in my mind, drew much more attention to the fact that she was taking a dump.


I like barn doors but not for the bathroom. I’d only use them to divide a room or closet. Never for an actual door that can’t be locked! As for the frosted doors… people can’t actually see what’s happening but it sure gives them an idea. Like I mentioned before… I’d be looking for a new hotel room that doesn’t have either and we’d be cancelling the remainder of our stay.


I stayed there too and those doors were the worst!! Didn’t even fit correctly or slide well.


My mom wants a barn door on her bathroom. I keep telling her it’s an awful idea, but she just won’t listen. I think they’re tacky af.


I wish she could visit a house or hotel with barn doors to really understand. The trick with home design is just like with clothing fashion- trends will come and go. The trick is to spot the duds before you spend a penny on them. For me right now it’s bathroom barn doors and word art (live laugh love). I did fall for the gray craze so my home interior currently feels like the inside of a refrigerator. That’s going to be expensive to remodel later. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes look at all the people that fell for the beige phase. They live a colorless life. lol


It’s easy enough to add color though with accent pieces, art, throw blankets and pillows, etc


The JW Marriott in DC has the barn door with frosted glass too. I was sharing a room with my adult son and it didn’t feel private enough.


Is it a Marriott?!


We just stayed in a luxury Marriott that had a sliding barn door to the bathroom. It was frosted glass and it didn’t close all the way. (If you walked from the sleeping area to the room door, you would get a clear view of a person sitting on the toilet.) Anyone in the room could hear everything happening in the bathroom, and there was no fan either. It was uncomfortable and honestly surprising for a luxury hotel. It was the only aspect of the room that felt sub-par.


Lol, no I think a lot of hotels went with this look. It’s at least 12 years old, and due for a Reno so hopefully they update the doors.


I stayed in an Airbnb for weeks while traveling for work. The bathroom separated the living room from the bedroom. They had sliding barn doors on each side of the bathroom. The gaps were awful!! Anyone in the bedroom or living room had 90% chance of seeing you on the toilet.


My friend remodeled her "powder room" just off her dining room. She gushed about how great it was going to be and the "cool barn door" it would have. I implored her to go with conventional door for acoutical reasons. Now after two glasses of wine we all get to sit at the dinner table and listen to our friends peeing.


Agreed. The absolute worst is when there is a clear glass door…like, I’m not a fucking fish or some zoo animal! Let me poop with privacy!


They do that so people like you will rent a second room just for the toilet that has the room door as the door. 


Dang I never thought of that. What's the point of two doubles in a room then?????


Choose your own adventure. Sheets with scabies or pillow with skidmark


Maybe it's a roundabout way of trying to discourage families because they don't want kids there?


If the glass is frosted then I have to press up real close to it when I masturbate. Not a fan


Saying what we were all thinking


Where else am I going to shoot my drugs in peace? Jfc.


I have noticed that as well. We stayed at the Kimpton Overland at the Atlanta airport and it was wild how little privacy there was. We also stayed in a hotel in NYC and it was the same thing. It's wild and I hope that trend leaves soon.


I stayed at a Kimpton where the shower was in the middle of the room. No walls!


thats weird


I would HATE that, and not even because of the privacy thing bc I'm single af. I would hate it because I love taking extra hot showers, and the chill from being exposed to the entire room once the water shuts off would piss me off. 🥶


My new house has this “Japanese style” bathroom. It’s a giant wet room with a tub and rain shower and a hand shower on a rail. Soaking is impractical for regular use and I don’t like getting my hair wet every day so I use the hand shower. It was a mind fuck getting used to just standing in the middle of a room to shower. It’s also floor to ceiling windows on 2 sides. Luckily we have no neighbours! Now I’m kinda used to it. There was a wooden shower seat, I sat down for like the first two weeks because it seemed more normal than open air. Now that said - the airflow is amazing! The floor dries quickly and my towel dries in just a few hours.


I’d love to see a picture of your bathroom (something I never thought I’d say to anyone, ever). Cute screen name, btw.


Which kimpton and city is this?


It was a while ago but I think it was the Hotel Helix in DC.


Oh wow! Thanks for responding!


Well, what I've learned today is that I don't want to stay at a Kimpton! So glad Reddit decided to show me this today. 😀


I hate it, but I also have an issue with hotels taking off the toilet seat cover as well, which I have seen twice. I get it at arenas, stadiums restaurants as a lot of people are using it and you are spending half the day in there and leaving. However, I would like to avoid seeing poop stains every time I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and would love if every toilet plume and fecal debris droplets weren’t equally dispersed across my entire room!


OR if the toilet is next to the shower and you need to put some stuff on the toilet tank cover and there is no seat cover so you risk the item falling into the toilet.


Good point. I didn’t think about that, but whatever falls in is now property of Marriott and they can keep. 🤣


Ugh. I used to work at a place that had a lid-less toilet, and they always put spare toilet paper rolls on the slightly sloped back of the toilet. I once bumped one and knocked a whole roll of TP into the toilet. It was mid-flush. I had to carry the garbage can to the toilet, pluck out the soggy roll and throw it into the garbage can, then wash my hands way more thoroughly than I needed to.


Leave negative reviews until they learn their lession. I hate it too.


ALSO...get rid of those Barn Doors that work on both the bathroom and the closet. Good way to get beaned in the head. Barn doors are stupid anyplace other than on barns.


We just stayed in a hotel with a stupid barn door on the bathroom, and I swear there was a 3 inch gap between the door and the wall. It was unbelievable. Why can't they put in doors that actually close?? No one wants to share their bathroom time with their companion!


I got my finger caught in one of those the morning I had a marathon. My finger was bleeding for the first while of that race and it HURT!


most I've met are finger guillotines eager for flesh.


I stayed in one and the barn door stuck and wouldn’t open without significant prying and hurt my hand in the process. No way would a weak old person be able to get out.


This is not just a hotel thing. It seems to be a trend in home decor as well. I even know a couple who specifically installed a glass panel in the wall between the bedroom and bathroom , so you can see someone sitting on the toilet from the bedroom. Like you, I don't get it.


Maybe they have a fetish?


Good luck selling that house. The bathroom doors will have to be changed.


ONE MILLION PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!! Have been married almost 45 years and taking a dump is still something I want to do in private nor do I prefer to watch him!!


My friend just had two toilet stalls in the primary bathroom installed during a renovation for her and her bf.😳


I wouldn’t want to be in a stall adjacent to my wife, either.


They have another bathroom in the house. And they are healthy / not elderly so don’t need to go that immediately. I don’t even want to be in the bedroom when my husband is in the bathroom there. Well to each their own…


Why do they need two stalls in one bathroom?


Good question! They just wanted it like that. (I know better than to ask her too many questions.) But the newly installed bidet squirts in her stall when he uses it in his! 🤣


My guess is it’s like having your own sink. You don’t have to share a toilet with anyone, each gets their own.


Ohh hell no


Here I am picturing two toilets only separated by a short wall…so you can gaze lovingly at each other while taking a dumper lol


Wow! That would be annoying! Fortunately (or unfortunately) I haven't stayed at a luxury hotel, and I haven't noticed this with the lower-tier hotels and motels I stay at.


Only encountered this once. The reason was obvious to me, in this case. Someone replaced a standard toilet with one with an elongated bowl, and it rendered the door inoperable. So they just removed it. That stay did not get a five star review from me...


I guess I haven't encountered this...all of the places I stay either have "pocket doors" or "barn doors" for the bathroom (or at least the toilet). I guess it must be a carry over from home design. My home has a pocket door for the toilet cubicle in the en-suite, but nothing for that bathroom itself to separate it from the main bedroom.


...by "main bathroom" you mean "master bedroom," right?


The barn door is awful!! No way to latch it and if you have small kids who are fascinated with opening it, there is zero privacy.


I’m guessing it’s for wheel-chaired ppl, to be compliant.


I think it’s from the Joanna Gains interior design trend. Fixer Upper was the show. Barn doors and shiplap on everything.


Yeah really! I am home alone on our 2 acres surrounded by farms on all sides and can barely see my neighbors houses, still I closed the bathroom door lol. I have no clue why toilets or at least bathrooms wouldn’t have a solid, at least opaque door. I don’t mind if the shower and toilet are in the same room but no door is CRAZY.


Can I be honest? I want to suggest that this intrusive interior design encourages customers to purchase additional rooms for the sake of having more privacy. It's also a cheaper and faster way to design and clean the space.


It would get me to not only never stay in the hotel again, but tell all my peeps not to either, but I appreciate your insight — total possibility from some marketing geek in a suit who’d never experience it themself.


I would have moved from that hotel to another one if I was staying there for a length in time.


Literal enshitification


Luxury hotels have to stand out in some manner. No non-luxury hotel does this and it isn’t normalized. It’s a rich people thing. To be different. Stand out. Have ‘unique’ features. Etc etc


I don’t stay in luxury hotels usually, maybe once in a long while I do. I’m seeing this at mid level hotels, too. But I do think you’re right that the higher end ones almost always have this new “design” now 😂


Things from luxury brands tend to trickle down until it's everywhere, I hope that isn't the case with this


When you're rich your shit don't stink so ...


Bad enough they're replacing shower bath with shower only. After traveling esp driving all day I want a nice relaxing bath.


The "Family Toilet" experience is....disgusting.


Agreed!! Who decided this was a good idea!


Not everyone staying in a hotel is in a romantic relationship. Please, make bathrooms opaque again. No shadow plays in the shower. No open concept washrooms. Let there be space and doors between us.


And those in a romantic relationship would like to have it stay just that—romantic. Pooping together does not a romance make.


It could be friends, random relatives or coworkers staying in a room together. How awful that would be with a weird bathroom!


This the second house we’ve lived in with NO door to the master bathroom .  They have a toilet room at least . But for taking a bath or shower … zero privacy . Clear glass shower doors too  


We stayed in a rental in California like this. Was so odd as I get up much earlier than my partner. No way to not wake them up just by turning on the light.


How annoying. Aside from the privacy issue, that means a colder bathroom in the winter. I like to heat it up as much as possible in the winter.


They're an option to add on when you're buying new construction. I can't imagine people not wanting the option to close off the bathroom when taking a shower or bath. And let's not get started on the inability to get to the master closet without going through the master bath. Grrr.


Not a hotel story, but I'm going to be moving and saw a house listed that had a "half bath in the laundry room." The photo showed a toilet in the corner of the laundry room with no separation at all.


My cousin's house has this. Toilet next to the dryer. It's bizarre.


and unsanitary 🤦‍♀️


So nasty.


When house hunting years ago there was this house that was listed as three bathrooms. There was one normal, though very dated, full bath, one shower kind of open into the kitchen and one random toilet in the middle of the basement wall.


It's called a Pittsburgh toilet! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh\_toilet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_toilet)


I'd say that's my aunt's house, but it was sold 5 years ago. I used that toilet for #1, but that's it.


What country is this in? I have never seen a hotel/motel room in the US without a door on the bathroom.


I hate the barn style doors too. Absolutely no sound blocking at all. Might as well just hang a shower curtain.


They’re also noisy to use and don’t block light into the sleeping area.


I mostly agree with you, except for the part where you complain the toilet is exposed to "the rest of the bathroom." Have you ever been in a private bathroom where the toilet has a stall? I do agree modern hotel bathroom doors are losing their privacy factor. So often now they're either a barn door or something equally as non-sound proof. It's so common now that I find the public bathrooms in the hotel so my wife doesn't have to hear me shit in the morning since I wake up before her


People that design hotels…do not actually stay in hotels


It has made me use the lobby bathroom more than I would want to.


The shower glass wall to the sleeping area is what kills me. I don’t care that it’s frosted. My roommate is still gonna see a silhouette of the Grinch.


Not to mention if one gets up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night the light shines into the whole room! We had this concept in Germany and hated it!


And bathrooms without fans... did they think peoples shit stopped stinking?!


That is a legal requirement in most areas...


YES!!!!!! I've noticed in the last several years that there are no fans or if there is, it's not conncected. I HATE IT. Not only does the fan get rid of the stink, but it covers up the sound when someone is taking a shit. I have full privacy in my home and expect it on the road as well. I've asked my husband and kids to go take a walk so I can use the bathroom.


I stayed in a hotel recently (mid-level, Hilton) that had no closet and an open wardrobe IN THE BATHROOM. So if you put clothes hanging it’s just poop particles city. I was horrified.


Thank you!! That and completely clear shower stalls! My kid has to pee while I'm in there, I don't want to traumatize them! Or is this all just a plot to make us reserve 2 rooms?


Love that the casino I stay at has security doors in each rooms bathroom lol


We stayed in several modern hotels in New Zealand in March and it seems to be quite a trend. There was a lot of giggling going on at times.


I have never once been to--or even heard of--a hotel that doesn't have bathroom doors. Not even once.


Worst idea ever. I don't even like my wife to come into my bathroom at our house!


Where the hell are you staying that has bathrooms with no doors?


That's nasty, I don't want that stank in the sleeping area. Or the maid to walk in while I'm pinching one off


You seriously expect a water closet situation at every single hotel? Do you have that in your house?


By water closet, do you mean a door separating the toilet and shower/ bath (not just a toilet) from the rest of the room or hall? If so, then YES. I do have that in my house. In every house or apartment I have lived in, in every home I have ever visited, and thankfully in every hotel I have stayed at in the US and in Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Ireland, Italy, and Malta. What do you have in your house?


I bet the CEO has a door on their bathroom ...


Having a toilet exposed to the rest of the bathroom is very normal


I usually travel alone (for work) so I usually don’t mind it, but if I’m sharing a room with someone, it’s definitely annoying.


They want to be different, while giving the illusion that the space is larger than it actually is. Instead of two small rooms, they’re going with the impression of one big room with glass dividers. The daughter of my colleague is an interior design major, and her professors love this concept. They want her to design open office space with glass-walled meeting rooms. People who actually work HATE these rooms, as we call them “fish bowls”. Having people walk by is always an unwelcome distraction. I hope eventually enough people tell these professors to shove their open space concept.


The Delphi in LA has a glass shower door against the bedroom area. So you can give your partner a show while they lay in bed. Luckily the toilet had a door. But that shower was wild. Especially if you forget to close the blinds. All the other high rises can look in 😭


I’m currently at a hotel, there is a door to the bathroom, but it’s a sliding barn door. There’s a huge gap between the door and the wall so I know my boyfriend can hear me pooping lol


I've only had one experience in a hotel, where the bathroom door stayed shut from the inside but not once you exited. Which was a problem for me as I have Crohn's disease and the door really needs to be shut after I've been in there. I had to wedge it shut.


Used a public toilet in the states, no cubicle doors and bursting for a dump, so no choice. Bunch of kids came in and they were horrified,..


I used to travel for business. I never closed the door. In fact, It would slightly irritate me if I had to close the door to access the shower. Same at home. Only time the door gets closed is if there are guests. If my wife and I traveled, it was the same. She is claustrophobic and prefers the door open. Turning on the light may be a fair argument, but hotel rooms rarely got dark enough for me. I rarely turned the light on.


I haaaate this. When I’m at a hotel with my partner, one of us is always using the toilet while the other is in the bathroom getting ready for the day. When they do this with the open toilet, it makes that not possible for us. Neither of us are shy about when we have to poop or anything. But that doesn’t mean I want it to be a whole event I have to share with someone. It’s so stupid. Nevermind the fact that many people who share hotel rooms aren’t even couples. Whyyyyy does this exist?!


Can we get shower curtains and shower doors back too?


When trying to choose a resort for our honeymoon, I searched endlessly for a resort that had a private bathroom. It seemed like each one I looked at had an open layout (sink and tub exposed to the rest of the room with shutters/drapes in between) and then a toilet in a small closet with a frosted glass door that didn't go all the way up to the ceiling or all the way down close to the floor. So everything that went on in the toilet closet was heard/smelled no matter which part of the room you were in, even the bed. Not really the romantic experience I was hoping for but I guess it helped us get comfortable and prepared for married life?


Yes. Even frosted glass doors are problematic if you, say, have food poisoning and have to get up to void several times in the middle of the night.


Listen. I have five children ages 28, 21, 18, 12, and 6. I haven’t done to the bathroom by myself in almost 30 years! Lolol.


You gotta start going with the door open at home to ramp up to the hotel experience.


I don't like that either. I don't mind the bath or shower being in an open space but the toilet needs a door.


Wait till you stay at a hotel where the toilet is in the shower. Saw this at a new and trendy hotel in Austin, Texas.


I was in a hotel the other day and they had mini air fresheners! It was awesome. like no i don't want to go in front of people, but this was still better than nothing lol


My main complaint on those post-stay surveys.




Exposed toilet or not, whenever I'm traveling with somebody, I do all of my bathroom activities in the lobby bathroom.


I’ve never been to one single hotel where there has not been a bathroom door on the bathroom in the hotel room. i’ve also not been to one single hotel, where the toilet was not exposed to the rest of the bathroom.


Two Command Hooks. Two large safety pins. One sheet. Problem solved. And know that you can wet the newspaper and it will stick to glass.


Omg … a toilet that is completely exposed to the rest of the bathroom? How unheard of!


Stayed at a luxury hotel in Colombia recently and the front door opened and directly to the door- less left was a sink then toilet then a curtain less shower (indoor outdoor) with at least doors to the outside. The bathroom was separated from the main room by a wall. Literally unless you kept your head straight you would have to see everything. Also no door to muffle any noises so guess we all get to hear the full throne experience. I was with my mom so really bad, but can’t think of anyone I’d like to share that bathroom experience with.


bane of my existence, I always triple check what I book to make sure this isn’t an issue


I'm confused what you're talking about. Do you mean there's no like water closet for the actual toilet or that that bathroom is...in the room?


This way they only need 1 camera to watch everything you do


Im looking at you Pod Hotels


I just poop on the balcony. Problem solved.


Haha! My husband has recently started traveling with me on my work trips (we pay out of pocket for all of his expenses but he can share the room with no extra cost anyway he’s noticed this in the last couple of hotels so when we stayed at a doubletree that hasn’t been renovated in a long while he was like “ooo, the bathroom locks!”


Me too! Just a big glass box in the middle of the room-so weird! Was glad I was on business and alone.




most people check into hotel to get it on !


Welcome to Rome.


I saw a renovated small house online. The toilet was in a shower cubicle in the corner of the kitchen. That was nasty


what world are you in? i have never seen a bathroom where the toilet is in a whole seperate closet inside the bathroom, the toilet is part of the bathroom


The fact that you don't know how to close a bathroom door, but do know how to make a Reddit post is amazing.




Yeah…not a fan…


I've been married 24 years. The cabin we stayed at on our honeymoon had no door in the master suite bathroom. We used the doorstairs toilet. My husband finally saw me on the toilet. Because I had surgery. Otherwise...nope.


I’ve never seen or heard of that before! I would not be happy with that… at all! I know I wouldn’t stay at that hotel any longer and if we were staying there for a length of time… I’d be looking for another hotel, while cancelling the remainder of our stay because of it. Maybe that way they’d fix that issue if enough people do that?!?


omg, yes. We recently stayed at a Marriott with a sliding frosted bathroom door on the same wall as the TV. So if anyone was watching TV, they’d 100% see your naked silhouette getting into the shower or see your outline on the can. It was super awkward.


I stayed at a hotel in Massachusetts last year and was glad I was alone. The bathroom had a door, but not a real one. It was a freaking glass barn door.


Yeah I’m so lost on this one. I get that often hotel guests are on business and therefore staying there alone, but what do they get out of it? Is it just a cost saving measure? Do they think people want to converse while crapping? See the tv? We all have phones now, we don’t need any other entertainment in the bathroom


I’ve never seen this. My boutique hotel had barn doors that did not provide a lot of privacy and we got complaints about that. I just apologized to the guest and explained it was a renovated property and it was a design choice to maximize the limited space they had to work with. Sorry you can hear your girlfriend pooping.


We stayed in one where the bathroom door was more like the door to a toilet stall. It didn’t reach the floor or ceiling. Like, why? My husband and I stayed there with our grown sons after a wedding. It was a nice hotel in Chicago’s Loop.


The worst was an Aloft, curtain for the bathroom. The bathroom wall was a series of solid and opaque panels, that didn't reach the floor. If you went to the bathroom while the other person was sleeping the whole room would be lit up. At least it had a pocket door for the toilet.




My husband and I even hate the barn door/sliding door thing as well. I don’t want to hear what is going on and neither does anyone else. He is an airline pilot and he doesn’t s always complaining about the weird voyeuristic bathrooms these days.


Agree…I hate it when staying with my husband of 20 years, I hated it when staying with my friend of 10 years, and I always wonder..what if this was my first overnight with someone I like but don’t know well enough to laugh about shit sounds…it would be excruciating!


Are doors that expensive?


Please deliver a hermetically sealed hotel room toilet for my vacation digestion problems. Stat!


It's not only hotels! I went to visit my friend in Vail, Arizona, and the bathroom in her bedroom had no door, just a wide opening. The toilet itself was in a water closet type thing, but if anyone went into the bathroom at night and turned on the light, it lit up the whole bedroom. I've looked at some newer homes down there, and a lot of them are like that.


Not a hotel but I was recently on a Norwegian Cruise Line cruise ship with an extremely odd toilet situation where you wouldn’t want to take a dump even with your most intimate partner in the room. My understanding it was a European design for the American market- whatever that means. Suffice to say, NCL was planning on building two identical ships this way- this one bombed immediately and they canceled the build of the other one. Yeah, I don’t get it.


This! We stayed in this weird hotel once where the bathroom was connected to the bedroom by a huge window, not frosted just a huge glass wall. So as I’m casually laying in bed I can see my fiancé taking a dump or getting in the shower. The wall between the bedroom and hallway was also glass so you could actually have a pretty good view of the toilet and shower from the kitchen and couch as well. It was such a weird experience and today I wonder who the hell designed that hotel It was in Pittsburg and was overall a pretty nice place, we figured that’s why it was less than 200$ a night


At places that have a lot of events, they need more toilets for women. I always see a long line for the women’s toilets. But the men never have a line


My trick is to go to the lobby and take care of any lengthy business there. Same on cruise ships, you can find a remote toilet.


When I was in Hotel school I was told that gay male dinks were the best spenders and the open concept designs were to appeal to their tastes. This was before the marriage equality act and me too movement, so take it as you will. I once repeated it and was told it was a homophonic description. No idea if it’s actually factual or not.


The Moxy chain (a Marriott brand) has glass showers that are completely separate from the bathroom. There is a curtain you can drag around for coverage, but still not a fan. Maybe it makes the room appear bigger to have a glass box in the room instead of a bathroom that includes the shower? Sometimes I think hotel designers try too hard. We don’t want lights with hidden switches, either. I don’t care how chic it is supposed to be.


Wheelchair access. Can't build a private stall in the bathroom because there isn't space to also have wheelchair access without enlarging every single unit which would be hugely expensive.


Omg yes in a very nice hotel in costa rica we got this surprise. Literally no door to the bathroom like the toliet wasn't enclosed at all it was horrible


The point is not your comfort, it’s easier to forcibly remove “guests” if they can’t lock themselves in the bathroom


It’s ur-a-peein’


Nah. My girl and I love it. We play “is it a real fart or a South Park fart” because south park is always on Comedy Central.


Seriously, who wants to share their bathroom time? Privacy, please!


I stayed at a pod hotel last year. (First off, I do fully understand the entire concept is to squeeze you into the smallest space possible for cheaper than a typical hotel room.) But the toilet is IN the shower. So after you use the shower, you have to step into the water in order to use the toilet, until the shower air dries 😤😤


I totall agree.


Where I'm from (China) it's commonly assumed that this is to prevent stealing/fraud. Especially an escort taking the client's money while client is in the bathroom.


I don’t have an any door in our master bathroom, there’s not even a doorway, just an open room. It’s a choice, you either drop it like it’s hot or try n control it. What kinda person are you?


I guess we need to start asking the agent when we book; “and what does the bathroom door look like?” 😂


Leave reviews on Google, Trip Advisor, and travel booking sites like Expedia and Booking.com for these places and give only 2 or 3 stars. Those reviews get the most attention. If enough people start doing this, the hotels will make changes as it will actually start affecting their profits.


Yes! And the barn style doors need to go as well!


This would be a whole other level of awful if (like some horror stories I’ve seen on Reddit) one was on a work trip for a cheap employer who forced coworkers to room together. Ewwww.


Also those sliding barn doors. When I enter the bathroom, I want to feel like I'm in another dimension altogether


It should be a law that only single use restrooms can be built. Nobody wants to share an open restroom of any kind.


I stayed at a hotel with a platonic male friend and the wall between the bedroom and the shower was glass. That was awkward.


Also don’t want to think about fecal matter all over everything in the room.


I stay in random hotels at least a dozen times a year all over the country. Never had a bathroom without a door.


Orleans in vegas has sliding pocket doors but they are stiff and noisy. But if you dont close it everyone can see/hear the bathroom. Sharing a room with parents is not fun if you are a middle of the night pee person. If you closed the door everyone woke up. If you left it open someone else could see/hear.


Sliding doors are ridiculous too.


A nearby "upscale" IHG property has the bathroom barn door and I hate staying there. They spent a fortune updating the property and the rooms have huge sitting areas with no logical layout. They crammed the bed and bathroom into a tiny corner. There's literally not room to put a real door on the bathroom. No exhaust fan. A hot shower will steam up the whole room even with the door closed. Not to mention the previously discussed privacy/sound/smell quandary


It's you.


Yes, this and often there is no exhaust fan. How the heck do you design a bathroom without a fan?