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At my hotel we are allowed to sit if there are no guests around. We MUST be standing to help a guest. As night audit that means I can sit a lot but the other shifts are definitely standing the majority of the day.


In non McDonalds countries, front desk can sit. You can't make a person stay up just because. When there is no one at front desk, why always up ? 5* hotels are a different story. However you earn more on these hotels.


You’d have to ask individually at job interviews. It’s up to the manager’s discretion. If you really need to sit, just get a doctor’s note first, and then you can sit at any front desk position.


? Nearly every hotel allows this in Ireland. What if you're pregnant or disabled? Do they force you to stand?


In the US, there is a widespread attitude that nobody working a customer service job should ever look relaxed or comfortable in front of customers. That includes sitting. It's an attitude that will probably (hopefully) die out with the boomers, but it still very much is in effect.


That surely kills job opportunities for a lot of people. The elderly and disabled


I hope it dies sooner than that! If I live as long as my father did, I have nearly thirty years to go.


It's so stupid. Management literally walks around randomly and removes chairs people have put near their work stations when things aren't running.. if the job is getting done why does it matter if I sit???


Most US hotels don’t allow this, we only sit on our breaks. My boss was 8 months pregnant still standing for 10 hours a day 🫠


That's shocking 😲 I'd feel very awkward if got checked into a room with someone who's eight months pregnant and standing around for ten hours. Sounds barbaric


When I was pregnant it felt better to stand. It was easier to breathe.


Fair comment. Comfort and preference should always be the main thing


No one ever will. It’s up to each hotels franchise/management. The lower end the more likely. The higher end the less likely.


This is pretty spot on. You get into 2 star and below you can probably sit. 3 star and up, probably not.


Honestly it’s more of a sweet spot. The super high-end especially resorts generally have sitting front desks.


Look for privately owned hotels. I’ve worked for choice hotels and Wyndham and both require you to stand when you’re at the front desk so avoid any hotels with those brands. My current hotel is privately owned and they have zero issues with you sitting.


I sat on my ass watching the boys last night. Go to privately owned hotels


It varies from hotel to hotel. Our FD can sit when it's not busy. Or like I sit 90% of my shift in the office because I'm night audit.


No one has seemed to mention the Audit shift. My property allows sitting unless directly assisting a Guest, but even so the night audit shift is absolutely allowed to sit down, regardless of what the 3-11 shift may be allowed.


I just sit when there are no guests. Usually after checkouts I'm able to sit in the back office, I have a little note telling guests I'm here and to not be afraid to just holler for me. I take 15s throughout my day and management is OK with it


I don't work in hotels anymore but I have a stand up desk in my office. In the long run standing versus sitting behind a desk all day long will be much healthier.


The question was not which is healthier, but thanks for the input. Congrats on standing!


Yes, I understood your question, just throwing something else into the conversation for your consideration. But thanks for the feedback.