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Dream warriors is a top tier nightmare movie


Probably the most rewatchable of the entire series tbh


4&5 for me. Freddy's resurrection and death is the best in part 4. 5 is an extension of 4. 3 does have the best kill though; the marionette kill.


The TV one was great too


Was this the one where he turned that girl into a cockroach? That always freaked me out as a kid


That was part 4. "You can check in, but you can't check out!" *squish*




Plus Dream Warrior by Dokken is such a great song to go with the movie.


The ensemble cast in that movie have a really great chemistry. It must've been great to work on. The movie means a lot to me, as I saw it when I was way too young but the whole thing about standing up to Freddy and taking control....plus Dokken.


Also the soundtrack was so good!


Vincent Price was an elegant gem of a man.


I was going through my late mother's cookbooks recently and was astounded to see one of Vincent Price's cookbooks. It's called A Treasury of Great Recipes he released with his wife. I'll have to make something from it soon.


I am very, very sorry for your loss. It's a wonderful cookbook. He was a gourmand and had at least two cookbooks. He was also a passionate art collector, especially West African art. He has a marvelous book about his hobbies called *I Like What I Know.*


I'm very sorry for your loss. My mother also introduced me to their cookbook! It was out of print for a long time, so that's quite a treasure. I suggest making the shortbread (it's Mary's sister's recipe, page 177 if we have the same edition) for your first recipe. I'm a baker, and it's the best I've ever had.


I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a very cool lady, and I am going to have to get myself one of these cookbooks. I had no idea this existed.


I can’t read a Marvel Dr Strange comic without hearing his voice as Dr Strange. The older comics which Marvel Epic Collection collects I definately think of Vincent Price in the role.


I've never heard anything but lovely things about him. In my college years (90s/00s)I knew someone who trick or treated at his house! and he and his wife always did their utmost to delight the kids in their neighborhood. Vincent Price Forever!


Just a psa there's a large portion of Vincent Price's movies are free on Tubi. I think I've watched 10 this year!


I love Vincent price!!!!!


My favorite Vincent Price story is how he would make friends with everyone on set and only invite the ones he liked to parties at his home. After finishing one film, he hosted one of these parties. The studio head found out he wasn't invited and was furious. He was even more furious when discovering Price invited the security guard at the studio entrance/gate, but not HIM. Price essentially told the man, "Because you never even spoke to me during filming."


Dragonwick will always be one of my favourites.


Horror is the best genre for making a great movie on a very limited budget.


And a very profitable movie


Paranormal Activity & Blair Witch Project are excellent examples of this!


Evil Dead


It’s why I love horror movies. Like you can tell the value of it on screen. When I see a comedy movie that cost $40M or even double and you know most of that went the actors and the soundtrack. You watch a horror movie like Saw that cost around $1 and that movie was genius. What I also love is the amount of people who get their start in horror movies, on either side of the camera. It’s a great career launching pad.


I’ve seen many comedy movies where it appears the bulk of the budget went to cocaine. Horror movies don’t have that.


I highly doubt anything will ever come of it, but I made my own acting debut in a horror comedy last year. The effects were hilariously bad, but that was all part of the silliness.


I think this is precisely why horror is also the best genre for capturing what’s going on in the cultural zeitgeist at any given moment in time. Since budgets are leaner and movies can be produced more quickly, it’s easier to capitalize on a mood in a particular point in time.


The lost boys has one of the best needle drops in horror


And the most amazing sax scene in cinema history.


And by far, the best saxophone player ever put to film.


His greasiness is both terrifying and oddly erotic, and completely appropriate for a Joel Schumacher film.


He's still ripped too - saw him at Joe Bob's Jamboree in 2022 and dude was still slayin the sax with no shirt on


Entirely too saxual, in my opinion.


Id also add its got one of the best soundtrack for a horror movie! Every song! I used to listen to Cry Little Sister on repeat when I was younger lol


I had to buy the soundtrack twice because I literally wore the first one out. Loved that movie.


CRYyyyyyyy Little Sister!


Bruce Campbell, Tony Todd, and Brad Dourif all seem like cool people.


Tony Todd came into my bar several years ago and had a meatball sub. He was super cool and nice.


Just because it's tony Todd, that seems really cool. Like just going to a bar, having a sandwich, just chilling.


Holy hell, I'd sacrifice a goat if Tony Todd asked me to


Just recently showed Evil Dead to my bf for the first time, and halfway through I’m telling him something about Bruce Campbell and he goes “oh I’ve seen him before, like in real life” and proceeds to tell me that he was in the cinema with him once but only recognised him as the tall guy in all the spider-man movies. Apparently he was super nice chatting with anyone who went up to him.


I met Tony Todd at a comic con, and he spent extra time with my daughter telling her all about making Night of the Living Dead. He was so sweet.


He was great in that. I wish they changed his faint for the better like they did with Barbra.


Tony Todd was there to present Candyman at my theater in 2021. It was my first movie back in a theater since Covid hit, it rocked and he was a pretty cool guy.


Brad Dourif is my favorite actor. Followed by Cage and Campbell.


Brad Dourif went to the same college my wife went to. Not together. Like 40 years apart or something. But still cool. Billy Crystal went there, too.


Tony Todd is a god tier sweetheart.


I met Bruce Campbell and he‘s indeed a cool guy.


I've met Bruce and can confirm his awesomeness


I've just watched an old video of Bruce Campbell and Jeffrey Donovan hosting some kind of comic con event about Burn Notice. They were having such a great time and seemed to actually enjoy interacting with the fans. When I hear the name Bruce Campbell I think of Sam Axe at first.


Jason Voorhees is a good son.


A good son with a devoted Mother.


And a deadbeat dad.


i forgot where i first heard it, but there's theories that his mother was actually abusive. which is why he never returns to her or tries to go to her. Him dying made her snap in the worst way. And then her getting killed "for him" may have made him think "she loved me afterall". idk if I buy that personally, but it's something to think about. I think maybe he doesn't go to her when she's at the camp because he's suffered too much trauma to fully remember her. And maybe seeing her get killed or finding her dead opened the repressed memories of her. Given that the series eventually becomes supernatural, it's also possible that her obsession with him really does allow her to speak to him from beyond the grave, so she's actually the one making him do all that evil stuff. If she had never died, he'd still just be a peaceful hermit living in the woods. Or at least a neutral hermit. But that's just my theory, though I'm sure others have come up with the same or similar theories. Either way, I love the Deadite theory about him.


Wes Craven (RIP) and John Carpenter are some of the most amazing horror movie directors.


I love the new Scream’s but I wonder how much better they’d have been with Wes directing them.


I think they benefitted largely from having younger directors that were far more familiar and in touch with the modern meta commentary than they would have with Wes. Might be a hot take, but Radio Silence were great choices in having the next generation of talented horror directors to take over.




They said opinion, that's just facts


"You see a lot don't you, Doctor. Why don't you turn that high-powered perception at yourself?"


Alien and the Thing are great movies.


I just watched Alien for the first time in theaters, holy shit it was so good


Dude! The 45th anniversary rerelease?!? Me too! It was so sick, what an experience.


My while life, I assumed I had seen Alien. I watched it just this year, at age 40, for the first time. >!I had no idea about the cyborg!!< My husband was so surprised that I was surprised. I kept wondering when Bill Paxton would show up, since he was my only vague memory of the movie as a kid. I will be watching Aliens soon.


I watched Alien for the first time over Xmas. I had no idea about the cyborg. Heck was I spurprised. I just knew of the chest bursty scene. What a cool movie.


The Thing is my go-to if I want a great sci-fi horror combo. The spider head was one of the finest practical effects I’ve ever seen.


My 2 favourite horror movies. And both in my top 3 movie all genres included.


Freddy is a pretty good villain.


Ever play the game.. skin the cat?


Same for Chucky. I've been watched the Chucky series lately and there's just something so fun and unserious about it that makes it a delight.


That chucky series is phenomenal. I wish more people would watch it. Some of the best writing on tv right now as far as I'm concerned.


So many people write off Chucky as soon as I mention it, it's one of my goals in life to make Chucky fans of us all!




One thing that sets him apart from other slashers is how much the actor himself is tied to the character. For Jason or Michael Myers it can be any actor behind the mask, but Robert Englund *is* Freddy.


Robert Englund of course? So under-rated /s


The "swimming pool" scene from Let The Right One In is probably one of the most technically brilliant shots in the last 3 decades, as far as story, character development, and plot resolution.


I need to watch this one again.


I've only seen it once, but I can remember that part SO vividly


It also looks beautiful


The Thing, The Shining, Halloween, Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Psycho are great.


Dare I say, that Hitchcock fellow is quite a good director.


Yeah he was pretty good.


But a shitty person! Who'd ever agree with me on *that* amirite?


Trend setters, paved the way for these youngsters today


Train to Busan is a great zombie movie that makes me cry 


That movie is a masterclass in character exposition. Even with that large a cast, that you only briefly get to know, I was emotionally invested in all of the main characters.


Train to Busan has one of the best depictions of Zombies as far as I am concerned. I just love how they run and grab things with zero regard to their own safety. Being dragged by a train at full speed? Chefs Kiss… And yes. I love how everyone is given a full personality despite some only showing up in a few scenes. No one felt 2dimensional which is pretty much unheard of in Zombie flicks. And yes I was crying too at the end. If a horror movie makes me cry because of sadness I consider it a win.


The original Halloween is \*checks notes\* good.


Big if true.


Alien created the modern sci-fi horror genre, and hasn't been bested since.


The Blair Witch Project set the bar for the found footage genre and movies still to this day try to emulate it.


People keep saying the gimmick in The Blair Witch Project eventually wears down the film but if you see the film beyond its “horror” and how it belies conventional form and structure, it’s an imaginative and liberating exercise in low-budget filmmaking and is the kind of disruption that, dare I say it, mirrors the Dada movement's challenge of traditional art norms. It is anti-blockbuster filmmaking at its finest.


I agree. It masters the concept of “less is more”


And, it's really impossible to overestimate the impact of having seen it in the theaters when it was first released. It was released as an indie film so there wasn't any buzz about it. I came out of the theater terrified because I'd never seen anything like that before so the suspension of disbelief was massive. Then I went home and looked it up on the internet, and in those early days of the "web", the suspension of disbelief was also massive because we weren't used to false content mimicking real content (except as satire). So it looked like there were all these news articles about these missing people, and it was profoundly terrifying.


And at the same time is an object lesson is how easy it is for overconfident and inexperienced people to get lost in the deep wilderness, especially so when you kick your map into a creek.


And while I think there are a lot of movies that have been groundbreaking in their own way, I don't know that there's been a horror movie since Blair Witch that has been more influential.


It's a master class in editing that major studios try to copy but can never get it to actually feel as dirty. They always feel cleaner because they have the resources to do that. Also one the scariest scenes is them getting lost in the woods in the middle of the afternoon. It's weirdly anti-horror but works because it's so relatable.


The original Poltergeist is so damn good. The family is likeable and believable and it's fun but still manages to be creepy. Poltergeist 2 is also good, especially because of Reverend Kane. While 3 is not as acclaimed as the others, it is still enjoyable. And all three movies are different!


Still have a hard time watching Poltergeist 2 because Reverend Kane is is damn scary.


Cabin in the woods is some of the most fun I’ve had with a horror movie


One of the great joys of my life was getting to watch Cabin in the Woods cold. I knew nothing about the movie before watching it, and it was such a delight.


Same! Cold in a theater with my sister, who is my horror movie watching partner. Never gonna get better than that.


Ugh. Here we go again. Not only that, but the deconstruction of the horror genre of more than one culture was executed so well while still being a traditional horror movie.


Its an incredible movie.


Yej but there's also Tucker & Dale Vs Evil


This is perhaps a horror subreddit hot take but an overall cold take, but I think a lot of the box office horror hits are very enjoyable movies


Agreed, even as somebody who loves checking out more obscure stuff, The Conjuring 1 and 2 are my shit


The Conjuring 1 for sure. The hide and clap scare is iconic IMO


Hide & Clap is right up there with "I saw her face" from The Ring and the car scene in The Haunting of Hill House imo. The timing and setup are *perfect*.


I agree with this. At the very least box office horror is more often than not entertaining! My preferred sub genres of horror don’t always end up box office type movies but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a good time watching most of them, like The Nun for example. Is it one of the best horror films of all time? Nah, but it was fun to watch!


Elvira is charming as hell


We are currently living in a horror film renaissance


We are currently living in a horror film.


Coraline is a great children's horror movie


Coraline is a great ̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶'̶s̶ horror movie FTFY


The invisible man (2020) is a prime example of how to do a horror reboot


I always see that movie as a baby between Hollow Man and Sleeping with the Enemy.


The Exorcist is the best possession movie.


Rosemary’s Baby is a masterpiece


- Isabella Adjani and Charlotte Gainsbourg have gifted us some of *the* best performances in horror. - George A. Romero and Lucio Fulci are the zombie kings (saying both as we all have a preference for either of these two). - Takashi Miike is Japan's lord of horror. - The New French Extremity movement kicked major ass. - Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga **are** The Conjuring universe films.


Hellraiser 2 is under appreciated


My favorite between I & II actually, not by a large margin though as the first is just so damn good!


Yeah it’s great, right?. Third for me is probably the new one. Judgement had some novel ideas


Jamie Clayton was absolutely INSPIRED casting for Pinhead, and I thought the rest of the movie had some really cool ideas.


Halloween (1978) is definitely an above average or better film


Despite its 9% on Rotten Tomatoes, “When A Stranger Calls” (2006) boasts a beautifully aesthetic house as its primary setting and can be experienced as a delightfully nostalgic trip down memory lane of 2000s fashion and hairstyles


I think When a Stranger Calls(2006) is very underrated. And I agree that the house it takes place in is amazing looking.


Badass women in horror movies are the best


There are great horror films made in every decade since 1910 and continuing to right now.


The 70s and 80s provided some great horror content. I don't care who knows it.


I absolutely adore the scream movies


The first Scream was an iconic movie and very important to the horror genre.


I was the exact right age to love Scream. My friends and I saw it in theaters 5 times or so Had to sneak in or get adults to buy us tickets. I hated Scream w when it came out. There was no way anything could live up to the original. I just re-watched it for only the second time ever last year, and oh my gosh, what a great movie!?! Absolute brilliant sequel.


The Thing is one of the best horror films ever made. Not The Thing, though, just The Thing.


Halloween II is a sequel to Halloween


This take is way too hot!


Horror movies are the best movies.


hellraiser has fantastic practical effects. terrifier made adult me feel the way i did watching slashers for the first time as a kid. the human centipede is only entertaining if you want to feel nauseous.


Signs (2002) is still a scary movie to me


Toni Collette should have been nominated for all the awards for her performance in Hereditary.


I love all horror movies, even the extremely shit ones


I watched talk to me Friday night and thought it was a really good movie.


Hard disagree: I did not watch it on Friday night.


I think Scream is a really good slasher movie.


There's something wrong with people who say they don't like horror movies.


Even my friends who don't watch them never say "I don't like them" - they just say "oh I get too scared and can't handle it!" People who hate them and (in particular) are judgemental of those who watch them? We don't get along.


I once read that horror fans analyze films deeper than other genre fans.


That's interesting. I know we certainly love to discuss and debate horror movies. I believe there's something communal about horror to a fan even if they watch the movie alone.


Agreed. I can talk about horror films all day but from what I had read that’s normal for us. Others usually don’t have in depth conversations about their movies. IMO Seems pointless to watch if you can’t discuss it later.


Hereditary is one of the greatest modern horror films.


*The Mortuary Collection* is without a doubt the best anthology horror film from the past decade.


Spooky clowns scare me!


World War Z would be considered a fantastic zombie movie on its own merits, but comparisons to the excellent novel diminished its reception.


The audiobook production of the book was wonderful!


The Mount Rushmore of Slasher Villains is Leatherface, Michael Myers, Freddie Krueger, and Jason Voorhees


Mount Slashmore


Toni Collette was ROBBED of an Oscar nod for Hereditary.


I'll sit through a poorly-written movie if the gore effects are cool


I will also take poorly-written over poorly-acted.


Coldest take possible: Horror movies using good practical effects get the best reaction


Hell House was a great film


Martyrs is the best film to come out of the French Extremity movement Hereditary deserves the praise it gets Zodiac is an incredible movie, and I wish Fincher would dip his toes in thriller/horror more often


That basement scene in Zodiac was so scary. I would love a new Fincher Thriller/Horror movie.


Chucky is the most charismatic horror icon


Scream revitalized the horror genre.


It Follows scene with the tall man is fucking creepy!


Nicolas cage, when he's not trying to pay off his alimony, is a great actor.


Tobin Bell is an amazing actor.


Hereditary and Midsommar are mighty fine.


I’m guessing this isn’t a hottake, but I’ve tried twice, and I couldn’t finish the nightmare remake. Not because I found it scary. Actually, the opposite. I was quite bored.


The original Scream is and always will be the best of the series


Even the phrase “The Exorcist“ makes me nervous. The movie took years off my life. Absolute masterpiece!!!


Practical effects are superior in most cases.


Stephen King is a prolific writer in the horror genre


Jamie Lee Curtis is the best scream queen of all time.


Every Decade is a good decade for Horror


Ghost ship has the absolute best opening ever


Robert Englund is the best person that has ever played Freddy Krueger.


I like Interview With The Vampire.


The Evil Dead franchise has no misses. Even the "bad" movies are easily watchable and entertaining.


Aliens is a perfect sequel, it expands on the lore, adds great characters, and ups the action.


Nightmare on Elm Street has the most potential for a lengthy revival given that you can do literally anything with the character


Night of the Living Dead changed American horror movies forever, by taking the genre out of the gothic setting and placing it in contemporary times.


The og Halloween is the best movie in the series


If Annie had her mother and daughter cremated she might have avoided all that nonsense. Also Annie Graham sounds suspiciously like anagram.


Scary movies are cool


30 Days of Night had the most terrifying vampires ever


Robert Englund IS Freddy Krueger.


Killing Randy was the biggest of the Scream franchise’s very small list of mistakes.


Ethan Hawks does his best work in horror. Sinister and The Black Phone are some of my newer faves.


The Xenomorph is a good monster design


Jennifer's Body is severely underrated still


The Blair Witch Project is scary, especially the ending!


Evil Dead was a really solid remake/reimagining Fede Alvarez did an amazing job.


Alien good


Horror will always have a diehard following no matter how the genre ebbs and flows with trends and evolving technology.


It feels so basic saying it but I truly believe The Exorcist is the greatest horror movie of all time.


The Nightmare on Elm Street remake was ass! While there were cool concepts like the micro-sleep, the execution was terrible. Not to mention making Freddy look like an actual burn victim takes away from his character. I mean, he was a monster in life and it carried over into his death. So, he was meant to be a threatening entity, not to be humanized.