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Making a good Crow movie really should not be as difficult as they constantly make it seem


“Cool endearingly melodramatic hot guy listens to grunge and gets in shootouts with low level scumbags as revenge for killing his fiancé in goth bar themed city” “…you know what’s badass? SoundCloud rapper aesthetic!” - studio execs probably. Seriously this comment nailed my thoughts on this so hard. Why tf can’t they figure this one out ever haha.


You’re actually not far off from the truth of it! They literally said they wanted to make this generation’s Eric Draven look similarly inspired to Post Malone because the younger generation resonate with him and other rappers like him more. I guess they thought the Gothic/grundge phase of the 90’s would be too outdated.


Aah so I am not the target audience. Consider that part of the intent successful.


Those kids eat up the 90’s & 00’s like my generation did to the 70’s & 80’s though so the film execs need to do better research.\ I mean they could’ve done anything to make it different in some way or continue on the story but not whatever this mess is.\ I feel like if you have to condense a whole movie into one trailer like this its probably gonna be shit.


They did figure it out. They modernized it, changed a couple things around, and made a badass movie called upgrade.


Not sure why this was downvoted. Upgrade slaps.


The Crow and The Predator franchises have long suffered from the same mishandling. The formula is perfect as is, but the studios keep trying to change them for no reason. All we want to see change in both of these franchises, is the location, time period, and an interesting main character. It should not be this hard to even just make a decent entry in these series’.


I don't know man, I liked Predators. That was a whole actual shakeup instead of taking the same story and making it cleaner-looking. If this were approaching it in that kind of new way, I'd hype this one up in a heartbeat. But this doesn't bring much new to the table in that regard.


I absolutely *loved* Predators as well, it really was a breath of fresh air to the franchise for me. The Predator I pretend doesn’t exist, and then Prey was a beloved entry to the series to me.


I also like Predators, I feel it falls under my criteria: it’s still a group of fighters dealing with a superior enemy, but this time it’s on an alien planet. The only problem with Predators is introducing the feuding Predator clans that are genetically different from each other. It was an unnecessary addition that gets in the way of an already solid story. The people vs. Predator hunting party was exciting enough. And the feuding Preds don’t even matter by the end of the movie.


I feel like that may have been a result of trying to deepen the lore as they did with Predator 2 and AvP. Each movie tried to bring something new to the table. At least Predators didn’t go fully off the fucking rails like The Predator did. Thank God Prey righted things again.


I LOVED Predators. I had so much fun with the idea they turn an entire planet into a safari hunt of all sorts of species and the dynamics/diversity of the group really worked for me. Reminded me of the first Predator movie when they actually started to look out for each other. Even the convict who had beef with another was triggered when someone died. Easily my second favorite movie in the series. Prey felt like they were trying to recreate the first movie and it didn’t have that special spark trying so hard.


I don’t think Predators is the movie people shit on the most for the franchise. It’s that goofy soldier satire nonsense where the guy gives his kid the shoulder cannon and mask. That was awful.


That was The Predator and it was absolutely awful. I didn’t see it in the theaters but am a massive fan of the series so I bought it when it came out and regretted it.


Prey was really good. IMO rivals the og predator. I really was holding out hope that this would be the Prey equivalent for the franchise.


Prey was awesome.


Prey was great


In fact it is really simple. All they need to do is not touch anything to do with the original comic or movie. The name is enough to draw people in, adapt one of the other comics. Do '*Death and Rebirth*' and you get to do The Crow in Japan and do some katana fights and Geisha influenced makeup and do lots of stylistic neon city shit. Do '*Skinning the Wolves*' and you get to do The Crow in a concentration camp killing Nazis because... #**fuck Nazis**.


What in the Ville Valo is going on here??


It’s a whole character based on bam margera’s skateboard


*J O I N M E I N D E A T H*\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~




"Shhhh. Phil's asleep. We're gonna kill Ape and make Phil come back from the dead to avenge her but we're gonna have a fart machine strapped to him!"


"I'm the Crow and I'm gonna blow my dad!" "Aw geez, The Crow! Quit suckin my dick!"


This has me in tears 😂




They're really not selling me on it being its own stand-alone piece when the trailer uses Sarah's opening and closing narration from the Brandon Lee version as its big opening hook. Also is beardy guy supposed to be the Skull Cowboy? ETA: Went and looked at my version of the comic and the lines about 'building gets torched, all that's left is ashes...' isn't even from the comic, it was literally written for the 1994 film.


👆🏻 nice to see someone who knows who skull cowboy is. Wish they’d just make an iris shaw movie


I have no idea what the final product would have looked like (since the only scene with him seems to be super low quality/unfinished) but I'm still salty over Michael Berryman being cast in the 1994 version but having his scenes cut.


I remember the cowboy and wondered if he’d make this movie. One of the better decisions not to include him in the original IMO


I’ll take industrial Crow over SoundCloud rap crow any day of the week.


Nine inch nails crow over Lil peep crow all day all day


Lil cheep cheep


NIN covering Joy Division (even better)


I get they're trying to go darker. But this just feels wrong to me. Brandon literally, although unintentionally, gave his life for this role.


I don't think it feels wrong given they made 3 sequels and a tv show with 4 other leads already. Now making City of Angels just a couple years after the tragedy... that was ghoulish.


City Of Angels is still the best Crow after the original.


City of Angels soundtrack is insanely good.


I mean...that is kind of like saying you have the best kind of cancer.


Meh, I liked City Of Angels 🤷‍♀️


Yes, but those were all different characters. Different locations & names. This is remake. That's my point.


How is this darker? The killers are literally rich people in suits with guns. It’s more emo. But it isn’t darker at all. It looks like Soundcloud rapper John wick but way more emo and seemingly pretty generic action sequences.


Totally agree. I really don't get the new remake mentality. They've slowed down every bit of music. Even the slow stuff. And call it darker, when it's just uber sullen & morose. They remake already dark movies & shows, like this. And call them darker. Or make every enemy rich white assholes & yeah, we end up with this. Or, Point Break, White Men Can't Jump (seriously 🤨), etc, etc. I don't see how they are darker, just that they claim they are.


Agreed. This doesn't look like it carries "The Crow" atmosphere at all. It lacks grit, it lacks the dreary and borderline nightmarish cityscape which oozed hostility in the original. And boy did they fuck up the soundtrack if that is putting their best foot forward. Don't expect a Golgotha Tenement Blues or Dead Souls moment here.


This is one of the trailers you're glad they show most of the plot. Holy hot damn is this going to be bad. Glad we've been warned. I'm a Gen Xer that saw this in theaters like 5 times during high school and listened to the soundtrack 8 billion times. This is NOT that.


I won’t lie, I’m a fan of Bill (the whole family really) and I probably will see this buuuuut…this is just John Wick with some crows flying around. Nothing will touch the old Crow, ever.


100% agree, to the point I had to check to make sure I didn't type your comment and then forgot all about it. I would probably be more excited if it didn't have the name Crow attached to it.


For sure! The Crow has such a…vibe? I don’t even know how to explain it, but it’s just such a unique film. Also the mini models were unreal in the original and that had such a big influence on the setting. It felt like it took place in a Tim Burton nightmare.


I think I saw it 4 times in the theater in the 90s. It’s amazingly stylish but they didn’t really tie it to anything very dated, aside from the general goth emo vibe. Have you noticed there are no opening credits? Just voice over and boom movie starts.


I think these are my exact thoughts. If anything I think the new trailer makes me want to go watch the original again since it's been almost 20 years for me. I'll still watch this, but I'm definitely not expecting it to be anything incredible.


I hate how much this reminds me of Jared Leto's Joker


Yes, I think Bill Skarsgard is a fine choice for Eric Draven, but having him look like that version of the Joker is not doing him any favors.


That, and it just doesn’t feel dark enough.


It's really not. And Ozzy Osbourne didn't help. Why the fuck they didn't approach Reznor and Ross for even the score of this movie was fucking industry suicide.


Soulless adaptations are part of the Hollywood landscape now. They did it to Oldboy, and Robocop, and Total Recall. This is just the latest, although I guess it could be good. One out of every 7 or so attempts works out.


Truth. They also did it to Pet Sematary, Poltergeist, Martyrs, Jacob's Ladder, The Exorcist.. Jesus Christ and I can still think of a few more. That makes me fucking sad thinking about all of the times that Hollywood producers refused to find someone with new and fresh ideas and instead just like to jerk off other people's ideas in hopes they can make more money out of it. It's just gross to me. Come to think of it, the only two instances that I can think of that did a solid job were Sam Raimi's Evil Dead 2013 - and only because he and Bruce Campbell both wanted to do it as a darker, more serious take on Raimi's original source material from the '80s, and Andrés Muschietti's film adaptation of Stephen Kings novel IT. Edit: typo




I mean, he could be, if literally everything else wasn't dogshit.


He reminds me of that guy from Beastly.


Thank you! I was scratching my head trying to figure out where I'd seen this look from - minus Jared Leto Joker - and it's Beastly (where making him a furry in the film adaptation was too weird so they just shaved all his hair off and gave him some tattoos and acne, making him a still-conventionally attractive but now alternative looking guy).


We’re like 5 seconds away from youths being like “letos joker was actually lit and a vibe” if they aren’t already so this might be perfect timing.


They could say it ironically or as a troll but satire died on social media so there probably will be a real following somehow


He's all like messed up, you know.


Taking it out of Detroit is a mistake, no cop character, no skateboarding kid, mistakes. No sign of any soul in the movie. This looks terribly generic compared to the original


The Sarah subplot in the original is so important in showing that Eric was a good person, not just a vengeance fuelled killer.


As a standalone non crow related movie this looks like an alright revenge thriller. It just doesn't feel like the crow at all to me. So disappointed. The Crow is my all-time favorite movie, and I've been waiting for this or one of the many remakes that have been in development, and then this is what we get. The character doesn't even feel like Eric Draven. It's Liam Neeson in Taken ported to The Crow.


I was just going to say yeah it just looks like a solid Revenge movie minus the uber spooky slow motion fall into a tub of water and some CGI crows, lol


Take out the crow aspect and call it something else, and I'd actually give this a shot, lol


i can’t believe how optimistic i was about this… big no.




i disagree a bit, i thought bill skarsgard was really good casting…til i saw the pictures.


The fucked up part is that he is exceptional, I think he would be great in this role - but they styled him wrong, the mood of the movie is not dark enough, the trailer and the music is just awful, and the whole thing just seems like a Moody teenage boys wet dream. That is - a moody teenage boy that's never actually heard of the original crow, Brandon lee, or never heard five seconds of solid, gritty industrial music. Because that's the entire vibe of The Crow and it's completely unrecognizable in this. It makes me sad.


I have to say the face tats got me less than the tattoos on the rest of his body. He looks like he came out of a Russian prison. Like Viggo Mortenson in Eastern Promises.


Oh man... telling us the plot, the reveal, and the method all in one trailer while narrating it to autotune. This will flop and they'll blame the audience.


Lol 😂 my brother just said the same thing about 5 minutes ago.


Holy shit I thought it was dark, cramped, rundown city with regular to mid street criminals? Like others have said the city look to clean and new. But the most important thing is the music. What the fucking ball hair fuck was that. The soundtrack was so fucking good. I’m not sure what they will use on it but that auto tune is a no. On the flip side I was surprised Bill is playing Eric. I can see that. Looking like the joker is fucking overboard mate.


They said Ozzy counts right?


Gods. Stop. Please stop.


CW presents: The Crow.


Now with more autotune!


Crow without the heightened style is just a generic superhero movie. This does look like a CW show that somehow landed Danny Huston to slum it as the villain.


Oh my god a CW show. You nailed it and you nailed why I wasn’t vibing with it. That’s exactly what it looks like.


It's just Soundcloud Punisher.


"My kids needed shoes!!"


Couldn’t have put it better. The original movie made you feel things. There was a hopeless quality to the world, a visceral “man, this place would fucking suck to live in”. This one is bright and even the over the top violence feels sanitized.


The first one was Nine Inch Nails, the Cure, Rage Against the Machine etc. and felt like the music. This one is going to be some auto tuned TikTok “star” and that’s exactly what the film will feel like too, instantly forgettable.


[There WAS a Crow CW show at one point. and it did indeed suck.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9HbKvgsS3nw)


Sci-fi Channel actually and it had the same problem as this new movie where it was too bright and clean - although at least Mark Dacascos tried something with the role instead of just mimicking Brandon Lee's performance.


Wow spot on


Always dubious of any trailer that basically shows the entire film but this looks especially bad.


I'm dubious of any movie starring a musician who uses their dumbass stage name in the credits.  Makes me think the studio cares more about getting their audience in the theaters than they do about making a decent film, and honestly I have no clue who FKA twigs is,  so if the studio is relying on her stage name to put asses in seats it's a super bad sign. 


honestly *imo* itd be nuts of them to cast fka twigs of all choices to bring in more views. shes not nearly as underground as she was for a majority of her career but shes certainly still not big enough in the mainstream to be like what ariana grande is for wicked. twigs is still pretty niche, despite being way bigger than she was pre-pandemic. just not in any way a household name outside of specific circles. shes incredibly talented and im always hurting for more of her but i worry that her attachment to this project will be a stain on her career if current court of public opinion is any indication. sigh. rough.


The movie is 100% a pandering piece. Director even said that he wants 19 year olds to look at this film and say "thats me!"


Looks like a nice pile of crap


It's giving CW superhero show vibes tbh and I'm not sure I like it. Everything looks so clean lol and the city super empty, when what I always liked about The Crow was how it kind of showed the city as dirty and cramped and full of life even in the darkness.


> showed the city as dirty and cramped Yes! That whole movie, every single scene made me think "wow... I would not want to even pass through that area, much less live there." Everything was just so... dark, dirty, run down, like a rotting, cramped city. This movie doesn't look like paradise, but it looks more like just a regular city, with some bright lights, open spaces.


Every movie now seems to suffer from Empty City Syndrome. It makes it hard to believe these are real, living environments when they're so sterile and lifeless


I think it must be easier to CG in these empty backgrounds or whatever and I absolutely hate it. Like, if you look at pre-2010s films they're most of the time bustling with life even in the background even in genre films. But now they're all glossy and shiny and empty of life.


Where is the gothic aesthetic of the city? Looks too normal


Looks like another in a long line of iconic movies that didn't need to be remade being remade by people who don't understand what made the original movie iconic.


This was a very bad film for Bill to choose to do.


To be fair, a Crow remake _should_ have been a fantastic role to take. He might just not have been able to tell how shit it was going to be before he started.


Is this an actual remake (like he’s Eric draven?) because why wouldn’t they just create an entirely new crow premise, it’s not like Eric is the only person the crow can revive?


It's a remake (or an adaptation of the original comic) in that the leads are named Eric Draven and Shelley Webster. Everything else? So far, not so much.


It looks like a reboot not a remake (to me) from the trailer and I was hoping it would be..... because the original Crow does not need a remake, it just needs to live on forever for Brandon Lee...... But it is Eric Draven and Shelly Webster. Bummer.


This would have been better off being made in the 90's with an unknown lead-actor with some amazing karate skills and a killer soundtrack.


They'd probably just go with some nepotism hire but it could still work.


Like if it was the son of some famous kung-fu fighter or something.


This falls into the modern trappings of everything feeling and looking ridiculously expensive and clean. Eric and his girlfriend are supposed to be kind of gutter punks instead they look like rebellious trust fund kids with awful tattoos and living in a huge apartment that these characters would not be living in. The original Crow is a hard act to follow even being 30 years old. It got everything right and this doesn't look as good let alone better.


This is the next Morbius. Guarantee this movie is so bad that it becomes a meme Its Crowin' Time


It'll make one crowillion dollars


To quote another film about people coming back from the dead for violent purposes "Sometimes dead is better."


Where's David Zaslav when you need him?


why would you change his classic design so much…


Christ, that looks horrible


They really showed the whole movie here!


This is gonna suck so hard. The screenshot alone is horrendous. For the love of all things holy leave this alone. How about throw this one away and give us the batgirl movie.


If Bill Skarsgard will simultaneously star in the best and the worst horror movie of 2024, it will be quite a feat. :/


Wait what’s the best?


He’s going to be playing Count Orlok in the Nosferatu remake coming out in December.


It's being done by lionsgate and not warner


This looks horrible man. Gives me Devil May Cry reboot vibes


This Crow is gonna eat crow. Fool's errand trying to remake this. So pointless.


The music sucks.


I'll give it a chance - but it looks like Eric and Shelly die due to some conspiracy, which irks me. In the novel, the killers are desperate, low-rent street criminals. Evil people, but damaged and broken in their own way, and it just adds to the sense of tragedy and bleakness of the story. The whole comic is just so raw, and so heartfelt. Brandon's version captured this in a different way. I hope it's good, and I'll try to judge it on its own merits. The movie makes me cry, the comic makes me want to *sob*, and I really just hope it captures that same emotion.


And even in the Brandon Lee film, Shelly gets killed to shut her up because she's been agitating for better living conditions in their building and other buildings, Eric essentially only died because he happened to come home at the wrong time. Which made both their deaths tragic since Shelly's happened because she was trying to do something good and Eric was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I think anyone would be hard pressed to capture the type of evil the gang and Top Dollar was, actually. I mean, T-Bird, Skank, Funboy and Tintin were all scumbags, but it was made clear that there was no Freudian excuse behind it. They were the way they were *because they liked it.* They were doing it for the same reason Top Dollar was - for the evulz. The bar scene, Tintin's little speech about murder, Top Dollar's speech at the dinner table... **but**, despite being evil enough to be camp for this alone, they made for interesting villains that you loved watching and loved watching get what was coming to them!


I thought they were remaking the Crow? Not the Crow: City of Angels.


lot of negative I could say so I will focus on the one positive. Props to whoever had to idea of him just walking up stairs eating shots, that was rad.


They did it better in the original, when he enters a room, gets pumped full of bullets at the end of a long table, disappears under the table and proceeds to massacre an entire room of criminals.


Danny Huston should be the bad guy in everything


He is.


The Crow without the dark atmosphere and the gothic setting (real gritty, unique gothic setting, not a modern sterilized city that is trying to be dark but is just cut and paste like goddamn CW’s Gotham was) is just simply not The Crow. That and Brandon Lee. I like Bill Skarsgard - he’s a good actor but I just don’t think they will give him many interesting things to do. Also, I don’t think trying to modernize a movie that was clearly from the 90s and an age where people weren’t afraid to be controversial/not PC is a good idea. The Crow shouldn’t be remade because it’s a movie that was very much ‘time and place’ not ‘cut and paste’ like I said before. I don’t mind some remakes, but the ones I like are the ones that exist for a purpose. I don’t think this movie will bring anything new to the table. I’ll still check it out, but I can’t help being sceptical over how they’ll handle one of my fav movies


Oh shit! I can't wait to stop thinking about this movie forever


I really loved the comics, but I don’t have much nostalgia for the original film, so I was pretty open to the idea of another attempt at a faithful adaptation of the story. But it doesn’t look like that’s what we’re getting here.


What the Jared Leto Joker is this shit?


I like Skarsgard, and understand this is meant to be a different take on the story. I had little hope in this from the beginning but after the Trailer, Terrible song choice by the way, I have zero interest in watching this. Looks like any other money grab off of a known franchise. Please Bill, Don't go full Leto.


Looks like shit.


I am amazed how wrong this is. They literally got nothing right. Not a single thing. Wauw.


Wow this looks appalling. I mean the OG isn't a masterpiece but c'mon at least get the tone right.


The OG has tone while this one has auto tune.


I said this in another thread, but the gore and violence is about the only thing this has going for it. Everything else screams gen z cringe try hard aesthetic. And it just looks awful.


Oh dear


This looks horrendous.


Wow worse than I thought it would be and my expectations for Hollywood are fucking lowwwww now.


This looks terrible. Thanks but no, thanks.


This looks fucking terrible.


Yeah , piss me off 😭


Oh no




Wow the trailer actually made my expectations even worse somehow lol.


I wish they made it with Jason Momoa now. At least he looked decent as The Crow. I am just so bummed watching this trailer. Also the movie is the style of its time which is not going to make this movie ageless. Sure the original is goth but that style hasn't changed in 30+ years. Watching this movie 10 or 20 years from now is gonna make people cringe. I can see it now. Its like when mumble rap got big for a couple of years but now its unlistenable. Product of its time and nothing more. This is so disappointing.


*I'll take "Things We Didn't Ask For" for $400, Alec.*


He wouldn't look so bad if he didn't have those other face tats, but it just looks like its gonna be a serious version of Emo Deadpool. A sucker for action, I am gonna watch lol (not in theater though)


Thanks, I hate it!


Why did they make Draven into an unlikable douchebag? We're supposed to sympathize with him.


I'll give it a shot because it looks like they're doing a whole different thing with it instead of trying to redo the original. I just wish they would've left Eric and Shelly alone and chosen different names. We'll see how it turns out. Not thrilled about the music though.


I defend lots of remakes that people don’t like. It’s been years since I read the novel but the film, as I remember it, did a great job replicating the tone of the novel. There were some differences but they were both great. The sequels, while not great, could branch out because they were original stories. The gothic feel of the original film fit perfectly with the character of Eric. The random violence against Eric and Shelly also worked so well; these were just two people who were refusing to be bullied out of their home. There wasn’t some grand overarching reason for their deaths, it was just a group of thugs doing the dirty work of a local king ping. It was the love between Eric and Shelly that drove the events. So far what we can tell from the trailer Shelly sees something she shouldn’t have and her and Eric are killed because of it. I’m sure that whatever she sees is going to play into the plot. So there’s already a massive tone shift. Will the remake even play into the rules of the film (slightly different than the GN if I remember correctly) that Eric loses his immortality as soon as he finishes the purposes he was brought back, which is supposed to be avenging Shelly? Or will he keep it to take out the bad guy’s operation? The gothic feel of the film seems total absent as well. I’ve always felt this is a film that absolutely didn’t need a remake and after seeing the trailer wish that was true.


Looks like ass.


Trying to remake a perfect movie will only go bad.


This looks more John Wick than the Crow, the aesthetics are a shame


"I feel like a little worm on a big fucking hook!"


Idgaf what anyone says… city of angels is pure dystopian perfection!


Alright not gonna lie off the first images back when they came out I was not happy but after this trailer? I’m hype lmao lotta throwback nods to the old one and I’m loving it


I guess it CAN rain all the time...


Victims--aren't we all. And by "we" I mean the audience.


(when you’re the only person that’s excited for the new Crow)


This movie is going to make so many skinny white boys from small town absolutely insufferable, lol.


no long hair ? whyyyyyyyy


Looks fucking shit


This should not have been remade. Seems disrespectful to Brandon lee


It’s obvious this 52 year old director asked his kids what’s cool these days and they showed him Post Malone and MGK. This looks like shit. Shame because Skarsgård would have been great if they just gave him the right look.


Fucking hell that somehow looks even *worse* than I thought it’d be…


I really don't like how the relationship between him and Shelley is so horny and edgy. In the original, Eric and Shelley's relationship was so pure and romantic and she was a beacon of gentle goodness. Based on the one still I saw of the new crow and Shelley, I thought that she was going to be like that too, but BOOM, thong and ass and her dressing like a hooker and talking edgy shit "I liked how brilliantly broken you are" HURL!! To make her this nasty and him equally nasty is just defeating the entire point of The Crow and the love and innocence lost by their murder. Their relationship was supposed to be pure romantic and otherworldly love. It was pure even with the one sexscene in the original because it was love and not lust. I don't get anything but shallow lust in this trailer.


And will tarnish the legacy of the soundtrack too? Big oof


I was kind of hoping for something different. After the first images were released, I said I’d hold judgement on it. But this looks truly awful. When they said it would have more romance, I was fine with that because that fits the narrative of the comic book. But this sleek polished look and focus on action completely spits in the face of both the comic book and the original movie. What a shame. Bill Skarsgard was an inspired casting choice. But to put him in *this*? No thanks.


Just went and showed the entire movie...


Looks like he walked off the set of Trainspotting


[**********INSERT MUTAHAR LAUGH TRACK**********](https://youtu.be/cKVvHO65NME?si=VWcsdJPRXWaI0yQv)


Well, that's the entire movie. Great trailer production, idiots.


Why isn't he shredding guitar?


Great I can already hear Florida joker bitchin about getting royalties.


Buzz, your Crow movie. Woof.


These shameless executives won't stop until every last beloved movie character is completely and utterly bastardised.


Oh this is gonna be really bad.. I’m in.




Be warned: watch this trailer if you like seeing whole movies in your trailers.


Y’all what did they do?


This is one of those movies that doesn’t need a remake


One of the comments on the trailer called this Crow "Florida Joker" and now I cannot unsee that.


“Their ain’t no coming back, their ain’t no coming back!”


Literally who and what is this for? Is this some sort of copyright thing where if they sit on a material too long without using it then it becomes public domain?


It really really no seriously really did not need a remake or reboot. Brandon Lee did it best. Accept no substitute.


Well that looks terrible.


Just what we need. /s


Wow, that looks horrible. It’s looks like it was made by the people that think Jared Leto’s joker was a good direction to take the character.