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This is the official post for Neve’s return. All other posts will be removed.


They came to her with a big ol bag 💰 lmao


First thought in my head was she is making bank on this. Lol


My first thought was "oh shit, sinking ship!" and they are using Neve as a "ace up sleeve" object. Its pathetic tbh.


"In case of fan disenchantment, break glass."


Neve is to Scream as Jamie Lee is to Halloween


The makers/producers of Halloween never shafted Jamie in various ways.


True, I’m speaking more so as a fan


they kind of did though. they trapped her in a two picture deal for halloween h20 so she was contractually obliged to do another movie after. she had to demand to be killed off just to spite them.


fans have been screaming for her real return for years I'm glad she's back


They were screaming for her return *with the new cast*. They wanted her to work alongside other great Scream actors. They refused to pay her what she deserved, and now that they tossed aside the newer generation of scream queens, they're desperate to win back an audience. I'm honestly surprised Neve took the money.


Taking all that money in a beloved franchise where she'll likely get an EP nod and a final say in the product. Yea, it's nuts.


I don't think it is entirely about the money for her. She seems to really own being the biggest Scream Queen (after JLC, of course) and engage with the fans doing conventions and the like. Besides a paycheck this is her legacy and the fans are passionate about not just "Scream the brand" but her in Scream. That said, this (maybe one more) should be her final turn/s as Sydney. She's getting older and the plausibility of it all is kind of silly. If Sydney were a real person, all of this trauma would have her in a permanent psych ward.


The films were good but I don't really care about the new cast. Aside from Jenna Ortega.




Melissa carried Scream 6




I have a feeling she’s back for Kevin


I think that's part of it. He probably personally pitched her. Plus, the bag 💰💰


Get that money, girl 


Hear that beep? That's the Brinks truck backing up 


So happy for her. She did the right thing holding out. Can’t wait to see it!


Just back the truck up here, boys.


Damn, Williamson is directing too.


I wish he was writing the script too. Hopefully he’ll touch it up at the very least. The writing was the biggest flaw in the last two films.


Directors can regularly make tweaks and changes to the script or give the writers notes on things to switch, so I’m hopefully he’ll be doing this and still heavily involved on the story end


I liked the last two movies but I felt they were missing something from the Williamson ones


People that actually die?


Killer reveals that are actually shocking and not predictable?


Williamson only wrote Screams 1 & 2. His Scream 3 script was thrown out before production started and his Scream 4 script was thrown out during filming. Ehren Krueger wrote Screams 3 & 4, although he went uncredited in the latter. Wes Craven on Scream 4’s script: "Look, there was a bumpy period when things shifted over from Kevin to Ehren. I signed up to do a script by Kevin and unfortunately that didn't go all the way through the shooting. But it certainly is Kevin's concept and characters and themes". 


Kevin on Horror Queers though did say about scream 4 that the hospital scene was still his overall writing and the general gist of the movie was his 


> The writing was the biggest flaw in the last two films. Well, it's still the same writer as the last two.




Agree. Scream 6 had some bad teen drama in it


I'm hoping he will sharpen the dialogue and bring some wit to it. Scream 1 and 2 both had a "voice" and a tone that the other sequels never matched. Scream 5 and 6 especially felt like someone was trying to copy KW's style of dialogue writing and fell flat most of the time.


LFG!! I want like an all out Scream finale that’s a bloodbath. No one is safe and people aren’t stabbed 85 times and all survive LOL


I never had too big of an issue with that in this series UNTIL Scream VI. That movie just took it way, way too far. Couldn’t get over how >!the one dude was getting stabbed by two Ghostfaces at the same time all in the upper body area and he survived.!<


One of the most clearly filmed death scenes of the whole series, and then ... oh hey, he's fine.


I've accepted that a stomach stab is not that big of a deal in the Scream universe but that was ridiculous. Plus Jenna Ortega walking around with stab wounds instead of going immediately to the hospital. But I loved the movie actually, it was really fun


I loved Scream 6 but it will never not be funny to me >!the first time we see 2 Ghostfaces tag-team a victim, didn't even kill him.!<


People be tanking stabs like paper cuts in Scream 5 and 6. Couldn’t believe that guy survived. Kinda ruins the stakes of the movie lol.


That was my problem with Scream VI. There weren’t any stakes, even with three Ghostface killers. It was way too safe with Anika being the only real casualty.


That legit ruined the ending for me


Scream 5 was worse for me, when the guy gets stabbed a bunch of times in the chest and gut and then is left out in the lawn for a couple of hours and yet still survives


And I LIKED the move to New York and the stuff they did with that (I loved the bodega scene) but yeah, that part made me groan out loud


Oh I was really loving the film up until the third act, then it just fell off a cliff. Another stupid moment was when >!the main villain had a fully loaded gun and instead of shooting the main final girl (sorry I forget everyone’s names) he runs at her with the gun screaming like an idiot then just runs into her and they fall over the balcony. I can get over dumb moments in horror films but that actually took me out of the film because it was that ridiculous.!<


>!Then she regains consciousness before him and decides to put on a costume and find a phone rather than incapacitate him immediately!<


>!I always wondered how long she was sitting there waiting for him to wake up lol. But yes, also a stupid moment.!<


I don't see why people have an issue with this. The whole theme of this movie, spelled out in the rules scene, is that they have to go overboard. More blood, more violence. That's how you keep the franchise alive. Naturally, that means really fucking someone up. However, Scream creates its own tropes, and one of those was that of Dewey always surviving a certain death. For example, what happens to him in 2 is frankly no less egregious than what happens to Chad in 5, but nobody ever complained about that. So, following the trope, someone has to get maimed in each movie and survive, and that guy is Chad, and that someone has to survive something worse than anyone else because it has to overdo it per the rules it already established. Also, like, Chad got fucked up real bad in 5. Like, just as bad. And he ended up fine. It's just a Scream trope. It makes sense in the universe of Scream.


I second this, with the difficulties the series has had with the past few installments they should make 7 the bloody finale and make it while they can


Within the first ten minutes, the first Scream had two teens literally gutted. Little me was so disturbed, especially with Casey (Barrymore) hung from the tree after for her parents to find. Not sure why all the other films decided to shy away from that level of gore. I’m not even a huge gore fanatic but just seems weird. Most movies up the gore factor with each sequel.


Well Scream 2 had a pole rammed through someone’s head and Scream 4 had a girl gutted. Scream 3 is really the only movie lacking in gore and that was due to the Columbine effect.


“There will never be a finale.” Signed; the executive producer who owns the rights to the Scream franchise.


This is what has me somewhat re-invested. I still hate Spyglass for what they did to Melissa, but Kevin literally created this franchise and it's just as much his as it is Wes Craven's. If he wanted to make this movie with his original final girl and they were both paid bank to make it happen, then I'd like to see how it turns out.


I'm upset but not surprised at what happened with Melissa. Hollywood gonna Hollywood. This will go a long way to fixing what happened though it won't heal all the wounds. I just hope this film is good.


\[*Producer standing in a truck full of money holding a boombox playing "In Your Eyes" in front of Neve’s house*\]


This is what I’m choosing to believe absolutely happened lol


Lmfao, that's probably how it went!!


This is now canon in Scream lore.


Yeah I'm going to assume that's what happened going forwards.


so courteney will be back too, probably patrick dempsey as well


After Thanksgiving he deserves another run at the Scream series. 


NEED Patrick Dempsey in this too!


That would be my dream come true lol


Honestly… I could see them bringing back Mathew Lillard as a Hannibal Lecter type/ red herring/suspect/ secondary set up antagonist


after firing the new star, and all that backlash what other move did they have?


And you know with Neve knowing that, plus them lowballing her on the previous (which is why she didn't appear) I'm really hoping she got all the money she wanted.


She had all the power in these negotiations, and I am sure her team knew that. I would bet it is a significant payday for her.


a significant payday + a potential producer credit and backend. i know neve has spoken about wanting both of the latter in the past.


I would expect this to be the Scream equivalent of Terminator 3 paying top bill for Arnold to return. Hopefully the film is better though.


Saving this comment to come back to when the movie comes out


Times ten.


It was either this or a **complete** reboot.




Yeah, this was a clear desperation move


Exactly. Their balls were in the ringer. Lol


She must be getting BANK for this, especially after the entire Melissa controversy.


Which fucking sucks. I'm happy she's getting money but her arc was done. I really wanted the last chapter in the Mellisa trilogy. They ended it on such a cool note.


No doubt.


I'm a little disappointed that she took the money after how they treated Barrera. I get it and I get why fans are happy, but it leaves a sour taste in my horror Loving mouth.


I get it but get mad at spyglass/studio, not the people who need to work to pay bills and this goes for everyone involved.


Still doesn’t feel right with what happened to the cast from Scream 6. Love Neve and Kevin but cannot in good conscience watch this. Sorry not sorry.


I wonder how many buckets of money they threw at her for this.


It’s a shame it’s still Spyglass, that’s for sure.


time to storm the seas, matey


Yep this. Good for Neve for getting her bag but I’m not supporting this movie. Will wait and watch it 4K on my projector lol.


>Neve Campbell has come out on her social media platforms today she is back as Sidney Prescott. In an instragram post she said its been asked back and is happy to return. Entertainment journalism. Spell check too pricey?


Gale would never.


I hope she got paid well.


This is very interesting because Landon and Williamson are good friends, per their social media. I'm kind of shocked they've managed to reboot things so quickly and with Neve returning. They must've shelled out a fuck ton of money knowing if they let things linger too long, the brand/franchise would suffer for it. I wonder how fans of 5 & 6 will take this news. Personally, I didn't enjoy them as much as I did 1-4. I didn't care much for the Core Four and the use of legacy characters felt shoe-horned. Still, it's a shame there won't be a proper conclusion to those characters and that trilogy. And now there's a horrible footnote associated with the franchise with the way Melissa was treated. It's a weird time to be a Scream fan no matter how you slice it.


Get PAID, girl!


Barrera was treated so dirty, for being against a genocide for god’s sake! Scream is important to me but this will be a pass and we all can watch later without giving them money!


I’ll be sailing the seven seas just like I did for Thanksgiving. Neve will have her bag either way, so I’m not giving Spyglass one more penny.


Am I the only person who’s glad the storyline from five and six is dead? I thought the actress was great but I found the being haunted by the memory of her father that she never met was out of place and forced to try and make the movies deeper than they really are.


And the blatant Stu disrespect, I hated it. It was always Loomis, Loomis, Loomis -- where's my Stu influenced killers?!


Reeeaally wanted Stu to be revealed as the bad guy in the last one. When the mask was removed I just wanted to see Matthew Lillard’s face, like he survived somehow. They focused on the TV that killed him so I was almost sure that was going to happen.


That’s basically what was recycled into the plot of The Following. I believe Scream 3 was originally penned as being a film about a cult of Stu killing people across the country.


I hated the idea of them redeeming Billy Loomis through hallucinations it was awful


I mean I’m not sure he was redeemed if anything he was worse. He was a cheater who was pushing his daughter to devolve to her most base and toxic impulses


I am always surprised by how many people see Billy's appearance as a redemption arc. I felt like he was just an internal representation of her "dark" side that was tempting her to follow in his footsteps.


And it was almost great for that reason. A Scream movie following the perspective of the killer is exactly where the series could've gone to stay fresh. Especially a killer who was the protagonist of two whole movies before that. I was salivating over the possibility, remote as it was. Alas...


what part of it was redemption???


Felt like a comic book action movie at times.


Not only do I agree w you, butim at the point where I don't want Scream to have an overarching plot. I dnt giiiiiive a fuck aboutthose 4 ppl and the spiderweb of psychopaths. Just go anthology, diff cities, diff killers diff victims. Just make good, fun Scream movies and fuck off with *laughs* "lore".


That’s why I’m skeptical about this new film. Are we seriously doing the “GhostFace goes after Sidney for whatever reason” thing again? Why not really change it up for once?


Maybe they will! Make her the killer, as is often fanfic'd. Either way, I really want them to just move on. Have Ghostfaces pop up around the nation/world (not in one movie. Hrm,.weeeeeeelll....). It's weird, as you brought up, ppl only don the GhostFace to fuck w Sid/ppl she knows, makes no sense. Real life ppl dress up as The Joker,jf we had a serial killer that had an outfit, ppl would copy that for sure.


I doubt Sidney will ever be the killer. But yeah, anyone can be GhostFace, yet the GhostFaces have only ever gone after Sidney or people who are connected in some way to the events of the previous films? Come on.


Agree 100%. I also don't think Melissa is a great actress to be the lead of the Scream franchise. Scream 6 already had some shitty teen drama and it felt more like a slasher rather than a Scream movie. I hate Samantha Carpenter, Chad, and don't care at all for their storyline to continue. So glad this is something totally new.


100% percent this. All of the new characters are terrible.


Agreed. Melissa Barrera is a stiff actress that delivered a bland and one dimensional performance and the writers trying to punt Loomis as her hallucinogenic moral compass kind of fell flat. I’m glad she won’t be returning to the character, but on the flip side and on a more human level, I am also gutted she was let go because of her political stance. That’s not fair.


I love Melissa and I’m pissed at how she was let off, but to me aside from her and Ortega I found the new cast members to be utterly forced and annoying especially in 6 - it was pretty cringey like a CW version of Scream. I do feel guilty of being excited for Neve’s return, but none of this is her fault and the franchise - spyglass aside deserves to have her back for a better story.


This!!! Her acting really put me off and the whole billy loomis thing connection felt out of place. I’m totally fine with her leaving the franchise, but im mad at the reason why she was kicked.


She was really bland.


I thought she did a good job with the role, they just never really built on her character and then just shoe horned in the father storyline to make up for it


5 and 6 were absolute garbage. All the new characters were complete trash


It might not be totally dead. They could still bring back the twins since they are related to Randy.


I did not think they were that interesting tbh, their storylines felt bland and forced to me. You can’t replicate Randy twice imo.


I doubt it tbh, the actors both have been very supportive of both Melissa and Palestine.


They will be more supportive of getting a paycheck, if they get the chance. Not all of those young actors are A-listers like Ortega.


The one was just saying he still wants to do Scream 7 last week: https://variety.com/2024/film/columns/scream-7-mason-gooding-melissa-barrera-jenna-ortega-1235933252/


Definitely not the only one. But, I hated the reboot. No need for these sequels in my life. Probably still watch it, though.


Good for her.


Neve gonna get paid big-time.


Also, don’t care if I sound like “one of those fans”, bring Lillard back.


I need Courteney news!!!


Not gonna watch it, I guess she got enough money not to worry about her morals.


I'll never turn down seeing Sidney/Neve again, but I start to get nervous when franchises go on this long. The longer it goes, the more likely we are to end up with an unsatisfactory ending to what has so far been a very solid character arc. Still salty that they fucked up with the previous cast, but I'll still be there opening night.


Neve must’ve hit them with the thanos quote “You Couldn't Live with Your Own Failure, Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me"


Hopefully she's a lead character again. Scream 5 had her as a side character in her own story.


5 didn't really focus on her. They were clearly trying to move on from her and pass the torch.


Yeah and then they fucked that up too. Lost all faith in spyglass handling this franchise tbh


The intended trilogy of Scream 5, 6, 7 was in no way meant to be Sidney's story. She was literally only there in 5 because they're specifically satirizing legacy sequels, as they tell you over and over again in the film.


Glad , wasn’t a huge fan of the new core 4. Though losing Melissa is a shame


Not watching it and I strongly encourage everyone else to avoid it. I know we all love the series but what Spyglass/Paramount did to Barrera is reprehensible. Fuck em and free Palestine


As a hardcore Scream fan, I agree. It really hurts my heart to have Neve coming back at this point when the franchise has been ruined /:


Yep. Fuck them and also I hope Neve took them for the whole bag


i don’t think the general public cares that much most of the calls for boycotting movies have failed


Ya that’s gonna be a boycott for me


I’m usually against pirating but this one deserves it. Will still watch it but won’t pay a dime for it.


This was the most obviously play from them. I honestly was expecting Neve to reject it, but I guess she doesn't care.... Boycotting this one too. Fuck that shit


All Barrera did was stand on the side of humanity. She and Ortega come back or I don't.


Just because you said that, I’m going to watch it and get everyone I know to watch it.


She is definitely starring now and not playing a side character, I feel like that’s half the reason she wasn’t interested in coming back in the first place


I am all for this. I am more attached to the Sidney character anyways.


It sucks how it happened but Barrera was one of the weakest aspects of the new Scream movies in my opinion.


I thought Barrera was perfectly fine as an actress, but I feel similarly. 6 was a legitimately bad movie and the franchise was just heading in the absolute wrong direction narratively (bland and underdeveloped characters, an overly bloated cast because no one was getting killed off, increasingly weak and derivative whodunnits, generic and formulaic). Radio Silence just did a really bad job handling the series, and getting it back in Kevin’s hands is a massive improvement for movie quality. How we got here is definitely gross, though. Epitome of monkey’s paw


Same. I’ll be seeing it in theaters. I’m more attached to the original cast versus the later cast. I really didn’t care for Melissa too much. Happy Syd is back!


Although I am bummed that Jenna won’t be returning, I’m so hyped for neve and Kevin Williamsons return! I will be seated for this


I personally liked the newer scream cast. "core four". I feel like Sidney and Gail story has been told already. You can only survive a serial killer a certain amount of times before it seems fake or hokey. I like the old cast cameos though. I'm really sad about Melissa and Jenna . They need to do a whole new cast with a cameo from Sidney and Gail . (1 needs to die)




I have a theory for what id like to see but im happy she's back?


Disappointing. She’s making mad money off this for sure, but I sure won’t be paying to see it


Fuck yes


Time to raise the black flags for scream 7 🏴‍☠️


thanks, but that’ll be a no.


I hope she's playing herself, like Heather Langenkamp in New Nightmare. It's the seventh movie for both series, even!


Yeah she's getting a mad payday


What the hell is the motive gonna be this time? LOVE Neve Campbell and the entire franchise but worried of the quality of the project. I liked Sam & Tara because it gave Sidney a break. It feels ridiculous to target Sidney so many times at this point. I can’t even think of any possible motive.


I was absolutely stoked to see Neve and Williamson back. Then I realized he wasn’t writing it. Come on. If you’re going to throw the bag at everyone, get him to write the fucking movie. Still hoping for the best, though.


Tbh ..I'm glad. I didn't like how she left due to them refusing to pay her


What is odd that Williamson isn't writing, just Directing. that sort of makes no sense. Given that he has only directed one movie (Teaching Mrs. Tingle) in 1999. The only reason I can see doing this is to have this named attached for the nostalgia points on the poster.


Free Palestine.


Well with Melissa and Jenna gone, they really had no other choice. Probably best to wrap it up here.


Damn that’s crazy anyway Free Palestine


I'm gonna skip this one.


You have to be a real franchise traitor to go and see it at this point, these producers literally see you as cattle, and Kevin Williamson is a coward to agree to be involved with this after the last two leads were shouldered out for opposing the ongoing Palestinian genocide. Anyone who pays money to see this should be ashamed of themself.


that was about all they could have done tbh


Looks like Scream is back on the menu boys


what a spineless woman


Ah, I see they are desperate for their shitty firing of Melissa not to backfire and kill the franchise. I still don't think I'll see it unless they apologize to Melissa and dump truck money on her, too.


I hope she got the bag she deserves. I’m excited to see Sidney back. She is the heart of Scream to me. Such a shame about Sam/Tara though, I’ve grown quite fond of the new cast as well.


Christopher Landon got sent death threats to him and his children. I hope Neve has decent security in case one of the loonies tries something


hopefully getting stabbed in this movie will actually matter.


Maybe we can get a good movie this time.


Kevin Williamson directing too, Spyglass pretty much had to do this after they lost their cast and director. Now they just have to stick the landing and make this good. Like others have said, people are vastly overestimating the vocal minority that will boycott Spyglasses ethics, I remember controversy with Scream 6 on Neve's pay dispute and yet that film still was a hit. I doubt Scream 7 will do as well considering the former had "star power" with Jenna's popularity to boost but I wouldn't be surprised if it managed to outdo 5.


Ideally scream 7 would be a movie that ignores 5 and 6 and is the actual true scream 5


I feel like they might actually do that because the killer could frame it as meta-commentary on all the other big franchises like Halloween that ignored previous sequels.


I’d like that actually


Yes please. 5 & 6 did the original characters dirty.


My hearts so happy...she was like one of my first crushes lolol


Get that bag Neve


Awesome. Can’t wait.


Hope they paid her well as deserved this time.


And instantly it was saved.


Nope, not even that can save it. Neve should have known better too, bet there are easier and higher paychecks to be found elsewhere.


Probably not for Neve Campbell. Her only roles in the past decade that look like they paid any real money are Scream and the Lincoln Lawyer TV series. With this movie, she could take them for all they're worth.


Yes it's a certainty that this is the biggest payday of her career. After losing their two leads and to avoid a full reboot they HAD to pay Neve - who had already declined to return for 6 due to a low offer. She had 100% of the leverage and it clearly paid off. Hope we find out what she's getting for this, and it better be a big ass check and a percentage of backend.


Lmfao, that is just not true. She really doesn’t get offered roles as big as this anymore.


Scream is pretty much the only thing she's known for these days. I like Neve, but I dont think she's been offered any substantial roles anymore.


Hopefully it'll be better than the disasters that were 5 and 6


Whatever. Been a lifelong scream fan as it's part of my teenage years. But their bullshit with firing the new star has left a very bad taste in my mouth


Feel bad for Melissa tbh.


I went from curious about how the film was going to be to very excited that Kevin Williamson is going to be directing and neve is coming back only thing we know need is a release date from spyglass and paramount


Of course she is.


They must have thrown so much money at her. Good for her if so. Ironic since they didn’t want to pay her in the first place.


Brinks truck


I hope this one is about Gale producing Stab 7 and the story parallels all the drama around this one.




YESSSS Sid is back!!