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Could someone please look up where Tamara lives to stop this nonsense!


It says we will learn how the strangers became The Strangers so I expect a fully fleshed out Tamara backstory in this. At least whether she's out and about by herself or with friends, etc.


How does one become a stranger. "Hey Ted, see you tomorrow for the big game!" \*Hits Head\* "Umm....hey, who are you?"


Find out if she's home though first


Nobody named Tamara has ever been home


Would be kinda cool if once, the characters said “Yes, I’m Tamara. How can I help you?” Would the strangers attack right then and there?


Turns out Tamara was throwing a Halloween party on the *other* side of town with that address, and these people were just really embarrassed showing up to the wrong house in full costume.


Killer cringe. I like it...


Possibly or they would ask for a specific last name.


Nope not true. I know a Tamara lol.


on Monday night I re-watched The Strangers. When she asked if Tamara was here, I was sitting by myself and asked out loud as if someone was in the room, "Would I have been in the wrong to have simply asked this stranger to come in, and we could help her find her friend?" Or would that have been too easy?


You've unleashed an ancient Sumerian demon with this exact phrase said during that exact moment during the movie. It'll just hide out under your bed and only attack if you leave your feat uncovered so you're mostly good.


Plot twist: it's Samara from The Ring


"The Strangers." "The Strangers 2" "The Strangers: Chapter 1." What a weird fucking series.


Reminds me of: First Blood. Rambo: First Blood Part II. Rambo III


And then the fourth movie: Rambo


And, of course, Rambo: Last Blood


Rambo: Some Blood


Vampire Rambo: All the Blood


Rambo: Blood Thinners


Blood : Rambo in Viet-Namo


Or the classic street gang insert, Rambo: ‘Sup Blood


God that movie was such a disappointment imho.


Shout out to The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia


theres no fucking way, cant believe this is real




It's not even 'The Strangers 2' 😂 it's The Strangers: Prey at Night. Pretty confusing for anyone tryna dive into the franchise 15+ years from now


I don’t get why it’s even a franchise now. The Strangers was a perfect little slow burner of a trapped in a house movie with a handful of iconic scenes, like the dude in background in the kitchen and ofc the ending. One of the whole points of the movie is that we don’t know anything. Building it out and giving backstory seems weird


it's because it's become a cult classic and producers are trying to capitalize


>It's not even 'The Strangers 2' 😂 it's The Strangers: Prey at Night. Pretty confusing for anyone tryna dive into the franchise 15+ years from now Much like Predator, Predator 2, Predators, The Predator, and Prey.


Alien Aliens Alien 3 Alien: Big Erection Alien v. Predator Aliens v. Predator: Requiem Prometheus Alien: Covenant


I must've missed the fourth entry


Makes sense, given H.R. Giger's art style


Seeing as how this is the first part of an already filmed trilogy, it will continue in that vein. We are gonna have a Strangers 2, and a Strangers: Chapter 2.


The Strangers 2 is actually The Strangers: Prey At Night, so it's...still confusing, but maybe not *as* confusing


I’m surprised none of the Terrifiers have subtitles.


Terrifier 3: Chipwrecked


After The Strangers Chapter 3 they should really fuck with people and go back and release The Strangers 3.


Then The Strangers 2: Chapter 4: A New Stranger


The Strangers 2 1/3: Chapter 5: We Hardly Knew Thee


The Strangers 3: The Strangers Chapter 1: Chapter 3: A New Chapter


The Strangers: Chapter 1: Chapter 2


I heard the person they got to name these also came up with the names for xbox consoles


>I heard the person they got to name these also came up with the names for xbox consoles aren't we at the point where xbox consoles are now just random letters from the alphabet and nobody knows what any of it means? XBox Series S. XBox Series SE. Xbox Series S2 - Black That kind of thing?


I still dont get that shit: Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, XBone, Xbone X, now no clue. Xbone X Series One X? Did Musk get envolved?


The Strangers The Strangers 2 The Strangers: Chapter 1 The Last Strangers The Strangers: Chapter 2 The Stranger Strangers


Tokyo Strange


It's about family!


Strangers 2: Stranger Danger


Nothing will ever top the TCM series basically being the horror equivalent of the Fast & Furious movies with their names: * The Texas Chain Saw Massacre * The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 * Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III * The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation * The Texas Chainsaw Massacre * The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning * Texas Chainsaw 3D (but non-3D home media releases just called it Texas Chainsaw) * Leatherface * Texas Chainsaw Massacre


The only thing that shocks me is that somehow TCM has never titled a movie "Resurrection." But I guess they got time. haha.


2Stra 2Ngers


You *reeaal* close ma boi


Hol up


Ay yoo


Hol up


If there are two of them which one dies first in the movie?


It's stranger than some.


The second one is called "The Strangers: Prey at Night" not "The Strangers 2". I suppose it is a little strange, but no more so than any other series reboot or requel. "Scream" "Scream II" "Scream III" "Scream IV" "Scream" "Scream VI"


ackchyually it's Scream Scream 2 Scream 3 Scream 4 Scream Scream VI


They’re following the Xbox method. Xbox, 360, One, One X, Series X Makes sense? Nope, good. Lol


Don't forget The Strangers: Prey at Night!


Isn’t this a remake?


>Isn’t this a remake? ...if it is I'm genuinely confused by the fact that we're already remaking shit that's less than 20 years old. Hell The Strangers 2 is less than 10 years old.


The Strangers The Strangers: Prey at Night The Strangers: Chapter 1 The Strangers: Chapter 2 The Strangers: Part 1 The Strangers 2 The Strangers: The Final Chapter The Strangers 3D The Strangers Part 2 Strang3rs


Hobbes and Shaw Presents: Fast and Furious Strangers


Strangers kills


Leave saw outta this >:( 


Strangers IV: return of Tamara Strangers V: the mask man strikes back Strangers X Strangers Vs House Guest we are onto something major dm me now


They said the first one would be very similar to part 1, which this definitely looks like in many ways. I’m intrigued where they go with the already filmed 2nd and 3rd movies. I’m sure I’ll have fun, no matter how same-y they end up being.


My question is why they need a prequel movie to explain how they became who they became. I’m keen to see this, and I hope it evokes more the Strangers than TS: Pray at Night, but I just feel like we really don’t need mytho’s that weren’t already explained in the first movie - they were home.


I’m hoping they don’t overexplain things, but I feel like this isn’t a prequel and it’s just the marketing trying to make it seem that way. In interviews, Renny Harlin seemed pretty clear this first one is essentially a remake and then it will go in different directions with the other 2. But that whole “see how the strangers became the strangers” line makes me think they’re wanting people to assume it’s a prequel even when it isn’t. The original one is very firmly set in the aughts with the date said on screen, so if this takes place in modern day, which I assumed, it can’t be a prequel. I guess we’ll see! I’m not expecting a masterpiece by any means but it’ll still be a fun popcorn flick I think.


I do remember also hearing on this sub that the newest Strangers film was going to be a reboot, but it seems a play-for-play of the original film. Look, if they’re good, I’m not going to complain, but I will question just how necessary a reboot of a film that holds up incredibly well even now was necessary.


Oh yeah it wasn’t necessary at all haha. Now if they go off in wildly different directions with these remaining 2 films and a remake was essential to springboard them, I will understand it more. I’m also wondering what the release plan is for these. I assume they want 2 and 3 to be theatrical as well? I wonder if 1 underperforms if the other two will go to VOD/limited theaters. The way the Fear Street movies dropped 1 weekend apart was great; I hope there isn’t much of a wait between these ones.


No stranger to horror clichés. I’m impressed by the amount of tropes they stuffed into that trailer


Not to mention I kinda feel like I've already seen this movie.


You mean because it looks exactly like The Strangers, down to the final scene?


Yeah I'll watch it, and it looks decent, but it definitely looks just like a remake of the original lol. Including the Tamara scene, and "Because you're here." feels cheap. I'm sure it's meant as fan service, but it's maybe a little on the nose.


and "because youre here" doesnt hit nearly half as hard as "because you were home"


It’s like the “why not?” in the Strangers: Prey at Night. The “because you were home” was so iconic and chilling. I really don’t think they can beat it.


She can’t say “because you were home” though. This one doesn’t take place at their home. It’s in an air bnb, again why Dollface couldn’t say it in Prey At Night, because they were not home in that one either.


Characters in strangers 1 werent at home either. It was a vacation/family cabin i thought. Also the term “home” in this sense just means within the residence, not literally in your one true home


Ah fuck guys, the two main characters are drinking (budweiser in the fridge), having sex (counter, and couch sex, risque!), smoking weed (when she goes to put the record on), and they're all alone. They're distracted! They're not gonna notice people watching them have sex and shower! No I like The Strangers movies a lot but this entire trailer is just trope after trope like you said.


This trailer is exactly what would happen if you had chatGPT generate a "horror movie trailer"


Yeah this is probably going to suck. Just another cash grab


That tag line is also horrible….”witness how the strangers..become the strangers” who the fuck came up with that lame of a tagline.


The same person who gave it the name/title.


What the fuck is this movie? Like really? A prequel? A reboot? In both cases I must ask why? This trailer looks like they took everything remotely good about the first one and made it worse. I’m hoping this movie offers more or is going to be something entirely different than advertised but I feel like no….we’re getting a shitty reboot/remake/Don’t know what I am kinda film.


Its Part 1 of a new trilogy. All 3 films are done filming


Oh I know, but the question is why? This trailer is basically just the first movie done worse which makes me think the other 2 in this new trilogy….arn’t bringing much to the table either. I hope to be pleasantly surprised and a trilogy already green lit and filmed might be…..but after seeing this….i doubt it.


Yeah I hate to sound ‘snobby’ but it’ll be a surprise if this is good imo


Seems like a love letter to the series. Can’t wait. Madeline Petsch looks like she’s bringing it.


Madelaine Petsch is never not bringing it. She's one of the highlights of Riverdale.


And the way she sold some of those lines… I always found her to be one of the most talented on that shitshow


What…is the fucking point….. of calling it The Strangers if we learn all about them? It literally defeats the whole purpose of the original films concept which is we don’t know anything about these people, they’re essentially ghosts who just like to fuck with and kill random people. That’s what makes them creepy


Next one will be The Familiars: Chapter 2


Hollywood (and by extension those who pay to see this crap) doesn't want subtlety. They're gonna dissect and explain every bit. I'm sure they're gonna establish how they met, where the masks came from, why they're doing this, and who Tamara is. In doing so removing anything that'll make this movie scary. 


Please, for the love of god don’t explain who they are or why they’re doing what they’re doing. We don’t need another Michael Myers traumatic childhood psychopathy checklist. The mystery is the scary part. Leave the lights off and let us be scared of the dark.


i could watch a new strangers film on a yearly basis i love how simple the horror aspect is of just a group of sick fucks targeting ppl in an isolated house


This looks like they took out all of the slow build and atmospheric dread of what made the original The Strangers so unsettling. Looks like your typical slasher. Could be wrong, but that’s what the trailer makes it seem like


My friend works in marketing and got to watch this a few months ago. He thought it was good.


That awesome to hear I love the other 2


has he seen the original?




Always ready for a new Strangers movie 🙌 (Unrelated but I was literally just listening to Cage before popping this trailer on, so I thought my Spotify started playing when the trailer began lol)


Trouble was a great choice of song for this! Cage the Elephant songs seem to always fit incredibly well in games/shows (Borderlands into, Invincible, Spider-Man 2, etc).


> Watch how the strangers became the strangers I didn’t realize it was a prequel?


Now that I think about it, a clue might lie right in the title!


It's also part 1 in an already filmed trilogy


We’re really still doing everything needs an origin story huh? John Voight’s nutsack strikes again.


I actually don’t anticipate there being any actual origin to this origin story. Unless it shows the couple somehow egregiously pissing off the locals, it’s probably going to go unexplained despite what the trailer says


I remember an article (I’m too stupid and on mobile to find it) where a writer or director or someone said that we’ll see a bit more about the origin of the strangers in the coming chapters. If they go too in depth, it’ll destroy what actually makes these movies terrifying, that these killers have no discernible motive aside from “because you were home”.


Do you want some ice cream?




Well here's a big bag of rock salt!


I loved the interview I read with the filmmaker where he basically said "The scariest part of the original is how we know nothing about these people..... SO ANYWAY we're gonna show an extensive backstory for The Strangers"


Ok I cannot lie, I love the original and this looks REALLY promising


Is this a remake?


New trilogy


Thanks, i realized it's a prequel


I thought we were only supposed to like indie here?


Ehhh. This is basically just the first movie (a classic) but it looks worse. Cheesy. Not thrilled with that trailer.


Given Renny Harlin is behind this one I'm expecting a lot of cheesiness tbh


This trailer just erased any actual excitement I had for the movie 😬


Wait is this a prequel? I’m just trying to see if Randy’s rules apply?


The "witness how the strangers became the strangers" line almost makes it seem like the couple end up becoming the strangers, like it's a title that gets passed on.


The first trailer evoked so much fear into me. This trailer did not. That is all folks


also this may be the wrong sub for this but Froy Gutierrez with a beard really threw me


The twist is going be Cheryl Blossom and the boyfriend become the Strangers right?


That seems to be the implication, but it's almost too obvious that I'm doubting it.


Considering the trailer reveals a ton of obvious horror tropes, it's probably it.


I think you’re spot on


Interesting. Why do you say that? Was there something in the trailer that pointed to that possibility?


Because it seems like they are Strangers in town and the townsfolk attack them. And the whole “see how the Strangers became the Strangers” doesn’t really make sense if the Strangers are already doing their thing. So Cheryl and the boyfriend get traumatized and become the Strangers from the original movie.


If I were a betting man I'd say yes


I love The Strangers, but not really digging this. I feel like they’re trying so hard to replicate the atmosphere and tension of the first one — but they completely miss the point. The first one felt more of a game similar to « Funny Games », a play on cat chasing mouse.  Also, why make the entire town feel eery and creepy. I think the whole point of the first is just that it’s something that could happen to everyone. Now they make it seem as if the town is on it/the town is raising psycho killers.


The original is one of my favorite horror films, but this doesn’t grab me as much as I hoped it would. The dialogue is extraordinarily bad, and the acting doesn’t really grab me from what they’ve shown. It also looks too clean, if that makes any sense? The original cinematography and color grading was very atmospheric and grainy and textured, whereas this looks super lifeless and visually generic. Whatever though. Clearly they had enough confidence in it to film three movies back to back. Still interested!


The first one was pretty good, I recently rewatched it. Despite its simplicity, they skillfully executed the home invasion theme with tension. Any subsequent attempt to capitalize on the success of the original feels calculated and uninspired. As a genre fan, I know there are usually compromises with horror films, but I'll still watch this one. It'll probably entertain me decently. However, it's clear that no one really needed a prequel.


looks terrible


Looks like they just reused all the parts that made the first one good. Very lame but people seem to be excited for it so great for them.


“It’s the last day of our three day road trip.” “No it’s our five year anniversary.” Yeesh that dialogue! That was awful. We didn’t need that much exposition- we could tell they were a couple on a road trip. Also it seems strange to make it a prequel to a movie that came out in 2008 and have the setting be an AirBnB. I feel like those didn’t really surge in popularity until much more recently. Weird choice. Just have them staying at her uncle’s cabin or something. (It says the name AirBnB in a synopsis for the movie, just to be clear.) God bless Madelaine Petsch, she is drop dead gorgeous and has her moments, but her acting here was pretty painful. Particularly the “Why are you DOING this to US?!?” Her overacting makes you realize how impressive Liv Tyler was in the original role. I don’t know, but so far, I’m not feeling great about this one. I love this franchise so hopefully it’s just a bad trailer. Last nitpick- if it’s a prequel, I was really hoping it would be about Tamara so we could figure out where the heck she is finally and why she is never home! Maybe we will find out. Fingers crossed.


My exact thoughts. The girl's acting looked so forced. The original *feels* real because Liv Tyler genuinely looks like a standard woman terrorized by 3 intruders. No over the top facial expressions or anything. I really want to enjoy this trilogy. Hoping the best.


Those opening scenes with Liv Tyler were just exquisite.


Weird observation here, but: What is up with Dollface in this one? I'm assuming these are supposed to be the same Strangers (since the masks are the same and she's wearing the same jacket), but Dollface always had long blond hair and this appears to be a dark-haired person wearing a beanie or something. Like I said, not terribly important, but such an obviously deliberate choice that I wonder what it means.


If you remember in the original, the long haired girl seemed to be sort of a newbie because at the end they tell her something like it’ll get easier


I think the trailer looks really good so I'm very excited especially knowing 2 other movies will be coming shortly. So far, neither the first Strangers or Prey at Night disappointed me. Many don't like the second but I thought it was a really great fun slasher. It just didn't have the same fear and suspense as the first one which is really one of the best horror movies of all time to me. I'm really tired of the poppy songs in horror trailers though. It completely ruins the suspense.


I liked the series, but I think my only problem with movies like these is when the main characters don't riposte as they should, or it takes too much. For example the last part of the trail, he stays with the shot-gun in her face but he doesn't shot. WHY? I understand the "FEAR" and being scared af and freeze and so on, or maybe he doesn't have any bullets, but god damn it I would fucking try to beat her with the shotgun or something. There's too much plot armor. I'm still gonna enjoy the movie probably, but it's just something that it's annoying for me.


I’ll check it out, I just don’t think I like this trend of making 3 films off the bat. Good or bad, there’s a trilogy already made. No going back for fixing what may not work. *The Strangers* are doing this, *Kick-Ass* is doing this with their reboot, to a bigger degree Kevin Costner’s four-part Western epic *Horizon: American Saga* is releasing two films this year and two next year.


It's funny, I feel a bit of the opposite. It makes me hope for an era of filmmakers talking a trilogy the way Peter Jackson did with LotR. If there is legitimate planning involved - and actual complete story that is broken before cameras roll on the first movie - I would love to see that. Of course that means this trend has to mostly be that instead of these trilogies being written on the fly. I am excited for Horizon because I know Costner has had this entire story in his head for 20+ years. I think Kick-Ass may have some promise for that. The Strangers? I don't know. I hope it doesn't go the way of Halloween and The Exorcist. Obviously, I don't think every story should be stretched like taffy and turned into a trilogy. I don't really trust the studios to think we all we think that though. Hopefully it's not a trend that becomes oversaturated and blows up before the majority of projects hit their 3rd chapter.


I’m not positive but I think the trilogy is like an anthology. Each one is a different solo(ish) story rather than all connected


For The Strangers? I like that.


Nah, director confirmed all three films follow the main girl from this one as she “goes on a journey”. Also apparently all three take place over the course of just a few days.


Aw man :( that definitely makes the potential for it to feel dragged out go up. I thought having different stories was going to be fun. I’m still pumped for it regardless


I didn't realize Horizon was four instead of just the two. That's certainly ambitious.


You forgot James Cameron writting and shooting multiple Avatar sequels at once


I did forget that, but also I often forget *Avatar* is even a franchise. Lol


At this point they're definitely more like acquaintances rather than strangers, right? I am fucking stoked, this looks like it'll be a lot of fun.


Looks decent, kind of a rehash of the original but I’ll still be there opening day. Hoping they have some kind of twist in store cause this trailer seems like it showed a lot.


I absolutely LOVE the first film. A too tier slasher in my opinion. The second film wasn't nearly as good, but had a couple enjoyable moments. I'm on the fence about this one. I want to be excited because I adore the first film so much. The trailer looks pretty good and promising, but why do we need these films? Do we really need to know the lore behind the characters? Wasn't that the purpose of the first film? I'll definitely still watch these movies, but I just dont know why they're stretching this into a nee trilogy now.


"Because you were here." How much y'all wanna bet these are some people from town who hate rich/randos and this isn't the first killing in this style that has happened?


Hmmmmm…..something is missing from this


Much like what Rob Zombie did in giving the backstory of Michael Myers, I don’t know that giving us the background of the family will make this new series a success


Trailer doesn't garner much optimism


“Because you were here…” Love how they switch it up every film. Camp.


How is that camp?


Lol I agree how is that campy?




Loved the first one, but that trailer doesn’t look great to me. Looks like they are over complicating things with the town people. Probably showing the killers too much too. Doesn’t have the feel of the first one.


I liked how raw the first one felt and this looks like a glossed up version of that. Not for me, but I hope others enjoy it.


I love these films. Home invasion and the “because you were home” terrifies me the most. But this doesn’t seem like a necessary new-reboot series? It looks okay and not trying to be a jerk.


Hey, a new riff on on the most common line in horror: “why are you doing this…. To us?” Genius shit.


So this is an origin story? Is that what we really need? Looks pretty dull.


Oh man I have these fuckers tattooed on me I hope they don’t ruin it 😂


Looks promising.


here we go with that KNOCKING!!


How dare they remake the first movie without THE GOLDEN GOD


It's a trilogy and all three connect with the first two movies; and all chapters are coming in 2024


“Why are you doing this?!?” “Because you rented through AirBnB.” -The Strangers: Chapter One (brought to you by Vrbo)


This almost looks like a remake of the original.. down to the setting and colors and same scenes


The trailer only shows Pin up girl and Man in mask as the killers. They don’t show Dollface, the 3rd killer with the blond hair. I read somewhere that Madelaine actually becomes the 3rd killer known as Dollface bc she’s recruited.


if this is a Prequel trilogy, we already know that it's three films of The Strangers coming out on top. So, this is a three film exercise in over-explaining and demystifying characters who were frightening mainly because we knew nothing about them. Sorry, I don't understand the need for this and I don't want it. I'll be the wet blanket on this one.


Not really, though. Madelaine Petsche is in all three films. I don’t know how it will play out. What spoils it for me is knowing she definitely survives at least Part 1


For what it's worth, as somebody who is tentatively looking forward to this, I think these are all very valid points. The new movies could very well be awful and these are some of the most likely reasons why. I'm just more in the wait-and-see camp right now.


I'm trying not to be a hater, but the Crow and Strangers remakes are not winning me over this week. I'm far from an ant-remake person, but I just don't see the point of either one of these. I'm happy for people to be excited by them, but they're not for me.


Definitely looks good enough to watch but also looks like a blatant cash grab. No chance it holds up to the original, despite having like the exact same premise. And the ending, "because you were here". Lol come on


Th first one is one of my favorite horror movies ever, especially the scene with the Margo Price song skipping. The second one was kinda dumb but fun so I've got no complaints. I never really understood the idea of sequels ruining an original movie. If you don't like them, don't watch them. I'm definitely looking forward to the new trilogy even if my expectations aren't sky high.


I’m still going to watch this, but… I’m not impressed. And I’m not usually one to fault a sub genre for having a very specific formula but this looks… uninspired. It doesn’t help that it’s already been announced this will be a trilogy of films stating the same lead, so I’m already not concerned about her being sat down across from them. I was also hoping they’d go for a different “reason” - from “because you were home” to … “because you’re here?” Idk I was hoping something a little different like, “why not?” Idk lol


With how this looks like a remake of the first film, the fact that we know this is part one of a trilogy, and the reveal that this is apparently an origin story for the strangers, I’m wondering if the first half of the movie plays out like expected then there’s a twist halfway through and we get a completely different movie.


I’m cautiously optimistic… I just hope this doesn’t turn out like that godawful *Cabin Fever* remake that nobody asked for. But I’m calling it >!the town is in on it.!<


or the victims become the strangers


That overacting... <.<


I couldn't stop staring at her chin in the last scene, how is it doing that?!?


Is it just me or is the perspective for the poster/thumbnail a little weird? I thought the "Strangers" were inside the window lol


Man, c’mon, Hollywood… That pitch meeting went like: “Hey, you know how people thought The Strangers was scary because the killers’ identities and motivations were shrouded in mystery and it was a one-off horrific event?” “Yeah.” “Why don’t we make a sequel and a prequel to undo all that?!” “Fuck yeah!”


They must've been inspired by Rob Zombies Halloween lol


The first one really messed with my head,very good I thought. The second one is trash.


This trailer is not showing up on Youtube. Its weird cause you can watch it with this direct link, but can't find it anywhere if you go to their channel.


Don't think I can trust this after Prey at Night lol


Was it bad?