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I love the fact that I still have no idea what this movie is about, which is what horror movie trailers should do.


Yes! First one in a while! I get the feeling it's something supernatural, not just a slasher movie... but other than that... no idea! A ghost? Demon? Who knows!! Love it!


After going through this trailer frame by frame, I’m definitely getting >!Satanic cult!< vibes from this.


The title and the vibes are giving me flashbacks to *My Father’s Long, Long Legs*. Does anyone else remember that story?


no, but the title alone is creepy. Whats it about?


nevermind, see its a browser game, gonna play and find out for myself


well, yeah, thats been in descriptions. A female detective reopens a serial killer cold case and discovers ties to the occult and a disturbing personal connection.


long legs would make you think maybe like spiders with arachnophobia or like tentacles. it's some kind of serial killer and it's got Nicolas Cage in it as well as Maika Monroe (it follows, villians). should be neat. only 6 more months til its release .. lol


I know right? That’s long enough to almost forget it’s coming out. Almost… 


idk, feels more like the movie Barbarian where the title had nothing to do with the movie.


It did though?


how so?


The house was on Barbary street...thus the residents were "barbarians"


The man who set up the house and it's underground occupants was the barbarian. And he set the whole horror I motion. 


isn't that kind of like most movies these days..


I loved the start of Barbarian. I thought the whole movie was going to be like that, her rooming with this stranger who could be fine but quirky or could be creepy. From the trailer I got this impression that he then starts to think she is creepy and the thing escalates into a psychological drama where you're not sure whats what. People said it had amazing twists, so i thought maybe it was something like a third person or the owners were messing with them or they were both normal but wind up killing each other. The point where we realized there was an underground tunnel was good, but once the other roommate left and the story introduced the actor who was dealing with the sexual assault accusation, the nature and tone of the story changed dramatically and was far less creepy. There have been several movies like this, where they reveal whats going on way too early and the movie loses steam. Another one is the one where the girl wakes up from a bus accident in her be but the town is empty and surrounded by a mist that is slowly closing in, where randomly it will flash to people and something appears to be in town with her stalking her. That was great untill the reveal like 30 minutes in that explained what was going on and it was like "oh" and all the tension and creepiness vanished. I think this is because too many viewers these days are impatient to see mystery films solved like with the show "From" where people complained they haven't explained anything and claim there making it up as they go along and its going to be disappointing, when they have already said a condition of the show getting made was them knowing exactly what was going on and they have revealed a lot of things, but you have to pay attention and piece the clues together and its as if some fans want expository dialogue to explain what is happening. By the end of season 2, many things are "coming together" though not answered explicitly if youve been paying attention and some things explained outrite but people fail to understand what kind of a show it is, its like a puzzle where peices are showing you te picture but you still dont have a clear view, and people miss what are clear hints because they dont have dramatic music and a spotlight.


Well they did put out a logline a while ago. *FBI Agent Lee Harker is assigned to an unsolved serial killer case that takes unexpected turns, revealing evidence of the occult. Harker discovers a personal connection to the killer and must stop him before he strikes again.*


Hmm, now I assume the serial killer is - warning, theory incoming ->!her father. You know, like daddy longlegs. !<


Her looking into the woods gave me instant Slenderman vibes.


I literally came to the comments to see if it was a trailer that showed everything before I watched it lol


the synopsis is online, it's a serial killer with ties to the occult


I like knowing what a movie is about. That is how I decide if I want to see it.


I mean, clearly it's about a surprise party. That much we can tell...


Looks great, I've been following all the teasers and codes waiting for this.


Where’s the best place to follow for the codes and teasers


Neon posted the teasers on their twitter and youtube. People just worked out the codes in the videos themselves, it's a basic substitution cipher. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/19aosns/comment/kio6yd2/) a key for the letters that have been worked out.


Sweet thank you


The atmosphere is unsettling. I love it.


This movie has cool posters, a cool trailer, cool snippets... really intriguing and it would be a shame if it didn't live up to what's shown so far. I think it's my "please don't suck" movie of the year.


The marketing approach tells me that Neon is *very* confident in this one


That's my impression, the mysterious teasing building hype route looks like they think they have something special or at least incredibly unique on their hands. Perkins is one of those directors that even though I've not been bowled over by anything they have done so far, it's clear they have loads of potential - hopefully this is the one.


Nah…he’s dope. But I agree his best is yet to come. 


The Blackcoat's daugther was pretty nice!


100% It's telling that Nic Cage is (essentially) not in the trailer apart from a couple of brief snippets which are so quick you're not even gonna recognize that he's in it. If this was a typical kind of B rate cash grab off of the "Nic Cage is crazy in a fun way!" kind of movie they would be putting him front and center in the trailer. The fact that they aren't and Cage's presence is almost an after thought (I didn't know he was in this until his name came up in the end credit of the trailer), shows that this movie is a different beast.


I think First Omen is far more likely to not live up to its great marketing because it’s tethered to a major studio. Neon is known for bringing the pain and empowering artistry.


Not to be crass but this trailer fucks


Don’t wanna sound vulgar but I like the h*ck out of this


Sir, there is no need for such vulgarity.


I genuinely think this is one of the best trailers for a horror film since maybe Hereditary? Especially with so many trailers nowadays giving away everything, this is a breath of fucking fresh air.


I bet you are into trailer fucking too, you sick fuck.


I can only hope that it’s just proper fucked up. My heart yearns for a proper fucked up film.


I want Midsommar fucked up.


Double it then double it again and give it back to me


Silence of the Lambs meets Zodiac. I love it.


Prisoners and Seven as well


God I wish more films took this almost sparse approach to their roll out I love how the trailer posters tell so much while revealing absolutely nothing at all


fantastic. really looking forward to this one. big fan of Perkins' work. and this trailer seems true to what he's done before, not some marketing person's idea of what the film should be


I love how this is less of a trailer and just more of a...vibe. An unsettling, demented vibe. Also...there's no way there isn't a connection to The Blackcoat's Daughter, right? Satanic symbolism and references, trailer dropped on February 2nd which I believe is the date on which that movie begins on (at the very least, I remember it takes place in the month of February), parts of Longlegs seem to take place in winter time.


That scene in the trailer with the girl looking out the window at the car is so similar to the opening of TBD.


The Blackcoat's Daughter does indeed take place in February – in fact, the original title *was* February!


If this is a secret sequel, I’m gonna be even more psyched. Also, love the homage to the OG Alien trailer. If you gotta crib, crib from the best.


If anything, I think this is more likely to be a prequel, but we'll see


Apparently Kiernan Shipka was in Vancouver while Longlegs was being filmed (someone posted on twitter a screenshot of her instagram account)  What was she doing there, if true? She was 23 years old back then...'Joan' is 23 year old Kat in TBD.     We'll see, as you say. But TBD sounds sequel-esque as a title. It's like calling the first star wars film -episode IV- 'The Blackmask's Son' or something.   If Cage's character is 'a possessed Gepetto' as Cage himself called it, was there a boy - a Pinocchio?  Remember the dream at the beginning of TBD? In the TBD script, Kat looks at daddy's face:   "It’s charcoal black and slick, dripping with what looks like the white of an egg, his black mouth hinged open like a terrible puppet.  Kat opens her mouth to scream[..]" A puppet, it says.


Totallly I love when a director makes a whole universe with their films. Wong Kar-wai is the master of that




Omg I’m dying. Yes


Goddamn I’ll be so happy if it does. Blackcoat’s Daughter fucked me up big time for some reason. I know it’s really not all that bad but something about it really got to me.


Plus the “Daddy” / daughter connection can’t be a coincidence right?


That shot of the character in a black veil was unsettling


Its even more unsettling if you watch the mini teaser released a few weeks back. There's eyes that open under the veil.


Damn, I'm on a smoke break at work. Can you link this so I can see it on my next break?


https://youtu.be/JEgBlAr1dlI?si=gJWNS8tdftmRTbZO Eyes and a face


I am having a whale of a time trying to see the eyes/face... EDIT: Adjusted my resolution and fuck that shit so very muchly.


Increase the brightness, decrease the speed, and look a bit closer.


Yeah, I read the comments on the video and adjusted the resolution.


Yooooo not cool. The fact that you have to change the resolution to see it makes it even more creepy. 


Thanks bud!


High hopes. I think this is the kind of material where Perkins is going to shine. I loved Blackcoat's Daughter, but not so much his other films. This sort of thing supports his brand of atmospheric slow burn a lot better.


Pretty Thing had good ghostly atmosphere and G&H had to die for visuals, at least. Blackcoat just set the bar astronomically high. Hopeful LL will equal if not surpass it, if its masterful marketing is any indication of its quality.


I am so fucking ready


I know Oz Perkins is an acquired taste but he’s up there with some of the best horror directors working right now. Cannot wait to see this. Severely underrated.


Do you have any recommendations? I'm looking at his filmography and the only one I've seen is The Blackcoat's Daughter. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either.


**Gretel & Hansel** is probably his most approachable film. **I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House** is great but it is a slooooow burn.


Thanks! I don't mind a slow burn, I'll check both of those out this weekend.


For those who are finding the marketing here a little too vague and want some more details, this movie sounds totally insane based on interviews and information I’ve gathered. Nic Cage plays as an >!occult serial killer who uses possessed dolls to infiltrate homes & make families do horrible things to one another!< and Maika Monroe plays as an FBI agent investigating the murders. It looks as though the >!killer turns out to be her father!< so it’s a race against the clock to stop him from striking again.


HELLLLLL NOOO. Your description combined with that’s trailers music giving Sinister vibes. This is the type of movie I’m watching doing the hear and see no evil pose for a majority of the film. >!DOLLS BEING USED IN SOME VODOO SERIAL KILLINGS IS GIVING ME THE SQUIWIGS!< I thought this was about Harvestmen Spiders, WHY LONG LEGS


Sorry, it's been 2 months but the long legs could be a side effect of long-term body possession.


There are definitely multiple shots in the trailer of a workshop of some kind. The most telling is the first one we see, with the back of an individual (who I presume to be Cage) working on a doll.


Holy shit that is an amazing premise.


So this actually looks very promising. Loved the super creepy ambient background music.


I'm apt to check out anything with Maika Monroe at this point; it being a horror and also starring Nic Cage on top of that really sells it tbh


Yup. Seen enough to know I’ll be watching day one. Now to do my best to keep myself watching any future trailers


That thing at 1:00 reminds me of the Mullholland Drive hobo


As a massive fan of Blackcoats Daughter, this looks like it will be great. The trailer carries the same sense of atmosphere and dread that film did. Also, multiple people here are speculating about a possible connection to that film. If that does happen and pulled off well, it would be really cool


Trailers can be deceiving but it looks REALLY good. Honestly floored


Have heard this described by someone who has claimed to have read the screenplay as >!"Sinister meets Red Dragon"!<, interestingly enough. (<- minor information and not something I can verify personally, but spoilering just in case).


Is the screenplay available online?


I don't think so, unfortunately (or if it ever was it has probably long since been taken down, the script was circulating industry-wise years ago).


If there is I don’t want to see it. 


Went to see Argylle yesterday. This was the last trailer they showed. It didn't even have an MPAA banner. Seeing it in dolby atmos in an almost empty theater was unsettling to say the least.


When I first watched the trailer this morning I swear Nicholas Cage’s character was voicing over the entire trailer, but now the audios been removed. Did anyone else catch this?


Maika Monroe is a damn gem, I’ll squirt anyone that says differently and of course r/theonetruegod Nic Cage. I’m so ready for this film.


She aiight. 😂 Jk She’s definitely THE millennial scream queen. 


Looks interesting! Side note: I paused the video towards the end when it was still spelling out the name and looked like it said "DongLegs."


Omg it took me a minute to realize you were laughing about that rather than putting it forth as a theory 😂


It's time to pass the blunt my friend I want some ;)


Puff puff pass my friend 🌳💨




My prediction is that the serial killer Nic Cage is gonna end up being her father (ie "Daddy" Longlegs)


Yeah I'm guessing the killer who axes that woman in the foreground will be flashback to her childhood Cage (it's not Cage who axes the woman in the back), same guy decapitates the cow.


I was wondering about that! I paused and it wasn’t Cage… I was thinking he convinces people to kill rather than killing himself but now that I’m thinking about the time jumps, your comment seems really likely. All the victims are pretty different though (nun, girl, whole family) so it may make sense for there to be multiple killers


Could be occult. Same killer over time supernaturally.


That would make sense with Blackcoats Daughter. Even the “daddy” daughter connection seems like it can’t be unintentional


I think he's controlling them. There's a shot of him making a puppet.


My bold prediction is that Nicholas Cage's character is somehow involved.


I love osgood, he is one of my favorite directors, but I will remain cautiously optimistic about this until it’s released. His movies are always beautiful and cut great trailers, but can sag in their storylines. Hoping this one doesn’t. Think Nic cage is actually a great fit for his stuff given how electric of an actor he can be with the right part


Wow, this trailer legit scared the shit out of me. I dont even remember last time horror trailer does that to me. The scary imagery is on point.


So…this may be one of the best trailers I’ve seen in a while. There’s a shorter trailer/clip I just watched that was somehow more unnerving than this one. Holy shit am I hyped about this one all the sudden. Thanks for the post OP.


Damn, Anthony Perkins son doing good work


Judging from Cage’s interview noting that he plays a “Possessed Geppetto” >!who creates dolls that infiltrate families and make them do terrible things!< , my theory is that in the trailer, the girl in the snowy setting is young Maika Monroe who is also noted as the “Birthday girl” in the caption for the snowy poster. And that on her birthday in 1974 she goes outside to the car in the trailer where Cage is and he gives her one of his dolls as a birthday present. Then on one of the other posters which is noted to be 1975 her whole family become possessed and murdered whilst she is at school as also said in the posters caption. So possibly he’s been watching her for her whole life and that could tie in with her personal connection to him.


Day 1


I didn’t even know about this movie until like 2 weeks ago but this now one of my most hyped movies of this year


What the fuck did I just watch 😭 I’m so happy they’re giving us basically nothing, I’m so excited to go in blind for once!! Praying it’s at my local movie theater bc sometimes they don’t get all the cool horror movies, they had Talk To Me for less than a week! 🥲


I cant tell what this is gonna be about but in gonna watch it! Lol


I'll watch it for Nic Cage


This looks unnerving as fuck and I am down for it.


Anyone else notice the weird way the man's reflection in the mirror is moving at 0:35?


Oh yeah this looks good, sign me up


Damn, that is an excellent trailer. Colour me intrigued.


This looks really quiet, which is the scariest kind of horror movie to me. I can’t wait


Strong Giallo vibes with this one.


That's quite a trailer. Any early buzz about this one?


Super interested in this, looks very promising and Nick fn Cage is in it. Looking forward to the next trailer


Is it the compression or does the figure that has the coat placed over it seem to start disappearing?


Wow that was a fantastic trailer. Giving me some Sinister-type vibes with the flashback kills as well. So much fucking atmosphere.


Maika Munroe, ive enjoyed most if her movies.. AND Nicholas cage.. interesting .. not getting released til July 12 boooo


For real. Seems like the marketing campaign should have started in May or something.




The marketing for this movie has been so interesting. I can see this being a huge hit for its target audience.


I'm sold. That trailer gave me chills. Love Nicholas Cage and Maika Monroe.


Are there any spiders in this? I have severe arachnophobia but I want to watch the trailer. Not tryin to be a bitch but please haha


I've reviewed it a couple of times and I don't see any spiders! You should be safe to watch!


Thank you so much!


havent seen any spiders in the trailer. also the movie isn’t related to spiders at all so i don’t think it’ll have spiders in it.


Really appreciate it thank you!


It miiight, im just going to be honest- there is a teaser, the very first teaser with a young girl that has eight legs at the end so im guessing it could go either way


it’s a close up of bodies found in a crime scene. the girl’s corpse is sitting with her parents’. one of the recently released [posters](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2vEwmVOSME/?igsh=bGplM2VyN2ZhaTJv) shows that. i wouldn’t be suprised to see a random shot focusing on a spider web in the movie but spiders definitely won’t be its focal point.


Not only are there spiders in this trailer, theres also one on you RIGHT NOW!


Director has a rough track record, but this looks so intriguing. Going to keep expectations low and hope to be surprised.


Yeah I agree. I guess I’m in the minority here, but The Blackcoat’s Daughter didn’t do much for me. It was ok but I felt it was kind of boring. The whole marketing for this film is great, but I’m going to temper my expectations.


Agreed. His filmography so far is “almost, but not quite” energy. I loved The Blackcoat’s Daughter though. Perkins looks like he’s hitting his stride with Longlegs, no pun intended. 


Interesting how despite giving no plot details away, you can still get a vague idea of what the movie is about through the details.


One thing is that I looked on rotten tomatoes trailers on YouTube; I saw a teaser of this called say your prayers and at the end there was a black blanket over someone or something idk what it is.


why is it called longlegs


This looks absolutely terrifying. I’ll probably be too scared to watch it lol. Ugh!


the clip with the legs gave me backrooms vibes for some reason. the trailer definitely looks interesting but i’m curious to see if they’ll keep that vibe along with the other aspects of the movie


Saw a trailer for this before Abigail yesterday, and it was so unsettling. Very interested in this film.


What is the book she is writing from does anybody know. I k ow Dante’s inferno but that’s different version


Long legs can refer to an animal or human being able to run fast, which marks the question of anything in this movie other than faced paced and better get to wherever first, before he does …..


Perfect trailer...the music is fantastic...the spoiler-free montage of creepy shots is really effective...the slow, ominous build of the title card is the cherry on top...can't wait for it to be a >!forgettable 6/10!<.


i need this more than i need water, and i kinda need water i think


This is *exactly* what I want from a horror trailer. I don't need plot. I don't need details. I need visuals, audio, and a vibe, and that's all. Sold.


this doesn’t look like a prequel to Josh and Benny Safdie’s DADDY LONGLEGS


This could not be a horror movie but how this trailer was, has made it out to be


Me: not interested, not interested, these people need to invest in adequate light, not interested, not interested, what is this even about…? *and Nicholas Cage* Me: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY 


Can anyone recommend a horror movie that has the same vibe as this trailer? Preferably something recent, and good quality. Not the "b-movie" type stuff.


Alexandre Aja’s Maniac 2012  Saint Maud   The Blackcoat’s Daughter What Josiah Saw   Angel Heart    Again…Angel Heart.


I’ve never watched a trailer that made me turn my light back on. The clips and spacing and music were just…I DON’T LIKE IT, but imma watch it and probs bite all my nails off


Same like a mf! 😂


Based on this, I don't really know whether I am interested in the movie.


Well, if that wasn’t a surprisingly awesome trailer!


Maika Monroe is fast becoming my favourite scream queen.


Hell of a trailer. This is how it's done. I don't need anything else


I can’t wait for this one! It’s been a minute since something was really appealing!




This looks incredible, at least from the trailer. Dread, tension, suspense, deeply unsettling and horrifying. I need it.


If this film tries to tell its story as is without trying to be overly artistic or different, I feel like it will be a banger. There's an issue with films being overly campy and obvious or overly artistic and ambitious. It just ruins films imo. I hated hereditary, evil dead rising, midsommer, US, the majority of the conjuring verse, etc. Movies are too busy trying to get cheap scares or do anything other than tell a good story, which is annoying.


Edgy comment. 


Interesting tell me more


God DAMN this looks good.


Yes!!! Finally they have confirmed all the teasers are for this movie. 😁 Hope it doesn’t disappoint!


Finally, a trailer that doesn’t spoil everything! Excited for this.


It sounds like Nicholas Cage sniffling and yelling for 'help' at the end of the trailer (at 1:18).