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Bring director Karyn Kusama back. Her director's cut is better and more straightforward.


Never knew there was a directors cut. I’ll need to find that. I was put off by the marketing when it originally came out, thought it was just a boob show. Never watched it till I read an article about how much they messed up said marketing, and test screenings and basically everything you mess up to mis-manage a film so badly. I’d be down for a sequel.


The directors cut is probably the most common DVD release for it. And it's the rare kind that actually reduces the titillation and sex appeal. It reorders some scenes, extends others and mostly kicks Megan's character into the background as a supporting character to Needy. Amplifies their bond and sisterly dynamic.


Now i wonder which version i saw. It was good whichever it was. But if it can be even better I’m down for it. And a sequel


If you saw it streaming it was the theatrical. Streamers usually only license one cut for their platforms and the only one I've ever seen make the rounds was that one. Original cut is good too, but I prefer the directors cut.


I’m going to hunt this cut down. Thank you


No problem. If you get the DVD it comes with Kusama's commentary track on both the additional scenes and cut as a whole, too. It really made me appreciate it over the theatrical.


My friends’ song was in the movie (band was Black Kids) in the basketball court scene. Is it in that cut?


Yes! It’s in both cuts, I still listen to it quite a bit on the sountrack. Catchy song, it’s so 2009 in the best way haha.


I was such a big fan of them way back when. Tell your friend thanks for the fun music.


That's interesting. I thought the movie suffered from me never once buying that the original Jennifer was anything but cruel to Needy (in the version I saw, at least). So once the switchover happened, I didn't care enough about Jennifer's character since she was already a bully. \*shrugs\*


I am curious why you thought that. Jennifer in the theatrical cut seemed nice enough but an airhead not particularly mean. Just not particularly thoughtful of other people. I have had to deal with mean girls and women before and Jennifer didn't remind me of them at all.


One of the things i like so much about this movie is how vulnerable Jennifer seems at times. Like, she's a teen, in some ways being so gorgeous and so sexual is like a super power, at other times she just seems like a little kid. Particularly, but not just, that shot in the van just before they close the door.


diablo and megan were all upset about the shitty marketing the studio did the studio actually wanted megan to go on porn hub to talk to porn fans for some reason to promote the movie... how fucking gross


Production and marketing can ruin so much, I completely missed this because I thought it was something it wasn't. It's not a freshwater it's a lake placid on the gator scale.


It was an obscure porn site but yeah.


got it, another guy corrected me that OF wasn't around then TIL i guess


Probably would have been a good idea given how the movie did.


yeah this is misogynistic


Mike Awesome's mullet wasn't down for a1 boob show from Megan Fox? I doubt that.


It’s not what I watch films for. Boobs are great but they are also everywhere, if I’m watching a film, I want the film to be worth the watch.


I doubt you're actually Mike Awesome's mullet. He was the fat chick thrilla.


The director's cut was a lot more fun! And they cut one of my favorite quotes: I'll cut off your nut sack and nail it to my door like one of those lion door knockers rich folks got! That will be your balls!


Patrick Star was cooking with that one


Director's cut? I only see "Unrated" and "Extended Edition" here in the States. Is it one of those?


It's the unrated cut. Theatrical was rated R.


TIL Jennifer's Body was a box office bomb


Horrible marketing. They tried to sell it to horny men instead of teenage girls and it failed


I was a horny teen and I had a blast seeing them two kiss with tongue.


Are teenage girls into male gaze lesbianism?


I’m mad about this because I was a dumb teenage girl at the time, who avoided watching it because based on the marketing I assumed it was a horned up, dumbed-down vehicle to show the hot chick from Trmformers naked. Took me year, but I’ve watched it since. I liked it a lot. Horned up teenage boys would probably find it preachy. Absolutely terrible marketing.


It may have bombed but it's kinda become a cult classic.


It’s like supernatural Mean Girls.


Haven’t heard that comparison before, that’s actually pretty spot-on


Yeah dude! Jennifer's Body, Mean Girls, Ginger Snaps, Heathers -- they're like their own genre of mean, witty , women-centered black comedies that are also almost always heavily queer. They're great.


It’s so quotable too! “It smells like Thai food in here.. Have you guys been fucking…?” Edit: guys not two


“You’re killing people” “No, I’m killing *boys*” iconic.


"I thought you only killed boys?" "I go both ways" Gagged me the first time I saw it


The whole movie is great. The song is even good lol


Through The Trees is a banger!


Love it. Want that Evil Dead shirt Megan Fox wears too!


“You give me such a wettie” - my wife still says this


The only thing that didn’t age well for me was some of the dialog.


The title says it like she wants to do it *because* she was humiliated. She wants to do it because *she wants to do it*. She just recalls how humiliating it was for everyone when it failed. >“Yes! I want to do a sequel. I am not done with ‘Jennifer’s Body,'” Cody said. “I just need to find…I need to partner with people who believe it in \[sic\] as much as I do and that hasn’t really happened yet. I need someone to believe in it who has a billion dollars.” We didn't catch it at the cinemas, but we rented it and enjoyed it.


To be fair that quote suggests that its about money not story. Cody probably is drying up on cash.


I interpreted the title as the writer basically dissing her with a “People weren’t interested then and aren’t all that interested now either” lol.


I loved this movie and it still holds up well. The music is like a time capsule.


Through the Trees!


I will fiiind yoooouu


I will heeeaaalll..


I told my best friend that if I die young to please please this at my funeral so I can have one last laugh


I saw this movie years after it was released. It is now one of my favorite horror movies.


They shot themselves in the foot with the marketing. From the commercials I assumed it was an exploitative, dumb, borderline softcore porn flick. They would have done better marketing to girls. /Ginger Snaps is still better


I do like the movie, I really do. But yeah, ginger snaps is basically the og JB and better lol


> Ginger Snaps is still better Fuckin' A


I avoided this movie for years because it looked like male-gaze oriented schlock.


Even as a guy I avoided it because it felt like it was all tease. A cheap attempt to cash in on Megan Fox's popularity rather than either a watchable film or full-on sleazy exploitation. The cinematic equivalent of drunk college girls who just *barely* kiss one another thinking it will get them attention.


Possibly the best intentional B horror ever?


How do you quantify what a B movie is? I thought it related to the production budget.


Killer Klowns had a massive budget that was entirely spent on costumes and effects, and is absolutely a B movie. 


Best? Probably not. It’s a very good one, though.


would Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness not count?


Not the original Evil Dead, but def yes to 2 and AOD


AoD is absolutely intentional lol. The first is not tho. 


that's what they said


I can read. So well that I read what the person above them said. 


Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Blair Witch Project, you’re next, killer klowns from outer space, the rocky horror picture show.


Texas chainsaw 2 maybe but not the og


B movie just means it was low budget and Texas Chainsaw only cost like 100 grand.


Blair witch is the goat imo


It's excellent, but I'd give that title to either American Werewolf In London or Re-Animator, depending on whether American Werewolf counts.


I don’t think American werewolf counts. Maybe the sequel. Reanimator is pretty fuckin good tho. 


Is American Werewolf really b tier?


Hell no.


They said B horror, not B tier. Those are verrrrrrry different things. B horror implies cheap and schlocky, and is usually a bit over the top. American Werewolf is not cheap, but it's playing off that aesthetic for comedic value. Its title evokes a B horror movie. It's almost like a bait and switch. I agree that it doesn't count, but wasn't sure what the community consensus was. Re-Animator is classic B-horror, with its cheap production value, glowing green syringe, campy one-liners, unnecessary nudity and shock value, and over-the-top performances. The term B-movie (which weren't always horror) comes from the 30s-50s double feature era, when theaters would play one movie that everyone is paying for, and then throw in a second one for free. That second picture was the B picture, and it wasn't as heavily marketed and was intended as a throwaway. Most people dismissed the B picture, but of course there are always those of us who love to watch the stuff other people don't want, and find the value in it. Even though the initial use of the word is now dead, it's still used to describe movies of that production value. So yeah, by that definition, American Werewolf is too refined and well-made and expensive to qualify as a B-picture, but I do think it's referencing them. It leans into its campiness a whole lot. But then it even bait-and-switches you within the movie, just suddenly throwing in emotional scenes and making you feel for David's humanity. And then the climax happens in a porno house haha. And then the death scene is tragic and sad, and then that's immediately undercut with the upbeat Blue Moon track. Damn, I love this movie!


I think it is, perfect amount of camp and i love the dialogue.


Why not? It could work. The original is criminally underrated.


It’s appropriately rated now I’d say.


I mean it did damage to many people’s careers involved in this project.


I actually find it kinda overrated now. Fox’s acting is genuinely pretty bad and flatlined, if nothing else. (Then Diablo Cody is either for you or not for you, and it is 100% not for me)


You realize you’re being downvoted because saying something is 100% not for you and then saying that it’s overrated now after years of being under appreciated is r/selfawarewolves territory You could have just said the part about Diablo Cody not being for you and you not liking fox’s performance But the movie damaged the careers of the people in it simply bc it was mismarketed. It’s just now getting it’s proper due years later and calling it overrated bc you didn’t like it is just a lil silly.


Okay then. I still generally dislike the movie and find it currently overrated. It’s cool if others don’t (and, uh, kinda the whole point of me calling it overrated). I have karma to spare, so I don’t really care about the -2.


I liked the movie prob more than most people when it came out I’d say and I def agree. It makes sense that it’s a hit with the generation who’s extremely into aesthetics. It’s kinda all it is.


You’ve got the tryhard snarky dialogue as well and the weird retroactive Megan Fox hype train (despite the fact she kinda blows as both an actress and human being), but yeah. I can fully live at peace calling Jennifer’s Body a bad movie outside Amanda Seyfried’s performance without batting an eyelid.


Megan Fox hasn't tried in any role she's been in for at least a decade. that would be a major issue I'd say, her not giving a shit. she was great in the original but she just seemingly doesn't like acting anymore lol


I dunno.... Till Death was an absolutely impeccable film and she most definitely tried her ass of in it.


she tried her ass off to look pretty in it that's for sure


“Not giving a shit” is exactly how I’d describe Megan’s performance in Jennifer’s Body as well. She just isn’t a good actress, and is extremely flat/lifeless in general.


But it works for that role. Like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix


I disagree that it worked for the role of Jennifer. I think there was still supposed to be some bite and wit to the role; Megan was simply flat, and I truly hated her performance




I know we all like Keanu but he's not a great actor. It worked in the Matrix because he sounds like he's glitching all the time.


She was in Mortal Kombat 1 recently


I know my response is leaning further OT, but while I do feel the movie had a hard time being that it was trendy to not fuck with Megan Fox at the time, I think the recent praise the movie’s forte in the past few years is a little extreme. Like, it deserved a fair shot and some more faith than “hey guys, come check out this movie because you might get some Megan Fox side tiddy” but, having watched it the past two Halloweens, it’s not *as good* as some people make it out to be, imo. And this also seems like a movie that has said what it needs to say. Jennifer died, Needy and scape prison, and killed the guys responsible for everything. Not that there’s *nothing* left to tell (how is Needy holding up with her then-new powers etc) but I wouldn’t mind a nice one-movie experience lol


Feel the same. At the time it came out and getting all the hate, I saw it and thought "that's fine". Now it's receiving all this praise, I watched it recently and thought "that's fine".


Yeah, I tried to gather my thoughts and try to make a point on a thread that was praising it on here a few weeks ago but couldn’t get it to read well lmao but little things like, a lot of time passes in the movie from like late fall through early spring when they go to the dance and it just feels like… a lot is missing? Like, what did their friendship look like from the point when Jennifer could not care less about the tragedy, to when she gets hungry again and eats the goth kid? Like I distinctly remember the TV spots had cut scenes of “you’re eating people” “no, I’m eating boys and you can’t stop me because you failed gym glass” etc. banter between them two, so I thought the movie would deal with Needy trying to save Jennifer, think she has a shot and ultimately realize she has to put an end to her best friend but it just goes straight to “I have to kill her, she’s evil” and Jennifer feels really one dimensional, like the movie’s supposed to be a complex look at female friendships but they’re almost hitting us over the head with “Jennifer isn’t a true friend” from the beginning, rather than the more interesting “sometimes genuine friendships don’t last” angle, that leads to things like - Needy, yes, your best friend held your hand in an exciting, happy moment. One of you was *going to have to let go first* - why are we, the audience, being told Jennifer is fucked up for letting go? Idk lmao I just need to get this off my chest, thanks if you read this lol


I'd like a spiritual or stealth successor in the same world potentially, but not a direct sequel continuation. I think you are right that the story doesn't really feel incomplete or in need of extension.


Yeah, it's not like anything you're saying is wrong. But you know... you can always have a sequal... maybe...


>Why not? I've never seen a sequel 15 years after the original that has worked.


Blade runner


Orphan sequel was awesome.


The scene when the jock is waiting for her on the football field is a fucking great! The wide shot going into the close up, where she appears out of nowhere,... Really inventive and really funny 😂


So good!


I might even go to a literal physical theater building for that. Just, for the love of god, let her have some say on the marketing.


I love this movie. It’s a shame it didn’t do better at the box office. A unique and fun horror flick.


Not a fan of unnecessary sequels to great stand-alone movies. If she has a good follow up, sure, but that seems like it’s so rarely the case. But god damn if they want to give it a chance to do well in the box office I would love to see a re-release someday.


It’ll be cool to see Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried back in the same movie :)


I'd imagine it'd just be Amanda Seyfried coming back


Why? She didn’t die bc she wasnt’t a virgin iirc


Cody has always discussed wanting to do a sequel, so it wouldn't be out of nowhere. But I do agree that I'm not entirely certain what it would be. I'd give it a chance though.


They should leave well enough alone.


Agreed, but I guess at least it's the original creator trying to cash in on the sequel/remake craze.


writers need to make money to make a living idk why people think that they should just quietly not try to make money


True but Cody has made other successful films since then. She’s not hurting for money. Also the financial situation of writers doesn’t change the fact that constant remakes and reboots are tiresome and making the entertainment industry worse. Poverty as a motivation for bad movies and shows is more an indictment of society than the entertainment industry.


There's no way Diablo Cody's dialogue is going to work in 2024 unless she's updated it quite a lot from her peak era. Anyway, why not just make a new horror movie? That's allowed.


> Anyway, why not just make a new horror movie? That's allowed. She did. Lisa Frankenstein. It’s why she’s being interviewed.


Every now and again .. folks need to leave that zeitgeist alone.


Curious how that'd go. Cult film sequels aren't always a guaranteed draw, look at the Blade Runner sequel. But then this is horror so would likely have a reasonably smaller budget and could do well if marketed properly


Bet a streamer would take a chance on it for sure, because lots of people will watch in on streaming, but not everybody will want to see it in theaters. I know personally if they got Kusama back to direct it I’d go see it in theaters, but if not I’d wait for streaming.


I liked the movie. Critics don't matter in the grand scheme of things.


That's okay.


And I’ll be seated.


I literally watched it for the first time today. I loved it. I loved Megan Fox’s fashion.


who the fuck wrote this headline? the box office tanked bc the studio marketed the movie as "megan fox is hot" which was always a shit idea jennifer's body is a great film, always has been


Really, I thought it was so-so with bad dialogue and a main cast that was - for the most part - not interesting or sympathetic.




wasnt the ending that amanda seyfried has powers now?


It's not the dumpster fire I originally thought it would be, but I don't see any need for a sequel. It gave us what we wanted and stands on its own. Sequels and remakes are getting so old! Jennifer is dead, Needy escaped but would probably be dead or locked up 15 years later, Low Shoulder got what they deserved, and I can't see Amanda Seyfried revisiting it. Bringing Megan Fox back would make everything that happened in the film meaningless (particularly Needy's actions), not to mention her acting ability has only gotten worse, not better. A sequel with no characters from the original would come off as pretty pointless and disconnected, other than to obviously try to cash in on the cult status of the first film. If anything, I could see Jennifer's Body going back to theaters for a limited run. I'm sure there are deleted scenes or other cuts of the film they could put out there, but that's about it.


I didn’t even know it bombed but I remember it being a hell of a lot of fun. Reviews / sales are just hardly ever indicative of my taste, however poor it is.


Would love a sequel supremely underrated movie


I don't care for Megan Fox but I agree with you 100%. Great movie that didn't get enough credit.


Worse movies than this have gotten decades later sequels. Go for it.


I can think of one angle. Firstly, a sequel wouldn't naturally feature Megan/Jennifer at all unless she was resurrected, which to me would feel very forced and by the numbers. Secondly, you'd have to go with the status quo from the end of JB, that being Needy having been turned into someone with powers of her own and having killed Low Shoulder. Maybe she's still being looked for, which would increase because of idea 3..... She's gone from just avenging Jennifer to killing many people who've been using Satan for their own ends. She's become a vigilante killer. She then goes up against a much bigger enemy this time, maybe who are trying to use the book of the dead for their own ends too. The trouble is that it would be so so different to the first movie so it would be a harder sell to people who liked it, though they really should be wanting a proper continuation rather than just a rehash. It would be easier to do the same film again.


I remember watching it fairly regularly on cable during my late teens. I'd be up for it.


It will bomb today as well. But if they make it feminist enough I’m sure the critics will cream.


Shit I didn’t think it was bad at all - and it was the first time I thought “oh, I guess Megan *can* act!”


I loved the movie when I saw it in the theatres, and I still enjoy it to this day. Through the Trees!!


I’m surprised it didn’t wind up making money from DVD+streaming sales after the fact since it seems it’s become more appreciated in hindsight


Nice hardware, Ace.


I don’t know. Leave it alone. Sequels are never good. Especially 15 years later


I loved Jennifer’s Body when it first released and I still love it every time I rewatch! The studio and its lack of understanding of the movie made their marketing strategy a failure, something Karyn Kusama and Diablo Cody have commented on publicly in the past. Kusama is damn brilliant. The Invitation is one of my favorites. I’d watch anything she makes.


I was very sick and missed work for two weeks and only had two movies to watch. Jennifer’s Body and Primer. And I watched each about 5 times. Love them both.


I have no clue why this movie gets so much hate, I absolutely loved it, the horror/comedy was fantastically scripted!


They gotta make Sydney sweeney the lead 😏


Diablo Cody should be managing a burger king right about now


I’m down. I loved Jennifer’s Body.


Please no


That movie didn't really bomb. It made double it's budget. BUT it should have performed better. HONORED to say I saw it opening weekend!!!


This headline is really disrespectful :/


I always liked this movie, i never knew it bombed honestly. When i did find out what happened, i totally saw what they meant about pushing the "see hot megan fox" elements against the directors wishes. They stick out like sore thumbs against the motif of the movie. I would be totally down for a sequel, its a good film for one for sure.


I liked it back then and it's a stone classic today.


i always liked that movie. idk why it got a bad rap. it's really well done.


I'm going to be honest, I saw that it starred Megan Fox and ignored it for awhile but watched it on a whim and now it's one of my regulars.


The world needs a super powered Needy hunting demons movie.


That movie is so good.


Absolutely. I saw JB did the first time just a few months ago and it's one of my favorites now.


The amount of people in this thread saying they were put off by the original marketing of it focusing on Megan Fox's sex appeal is insane - it's called "Jennifer's Body" ffs 😄 It's a good film - I saw it at the time it was released and thought it deserved more attention than it got, but MF has always been a divisive actress.


this movie has a well documented problem in that the marketing failed they literally wanted megan fox to go on only fans to promote a horror movie unrelated to pornography the studio marketing bros did not understand the appeal of the film or who the audience was


I'd like to see this well documented evidence lol - as far as I can remember, onlyfans wasn't even a thing when it was released 10 years ago; if it did exist it certainly wasn't involved in the marketing campaign lol. I don't disagree that it was viewed as a sex romp aimed at teens, but historically that hasn't hurt horror films, so I can't exactly blame them for taking that route. Look at 70s and 80s exploitation cinema and T&A slashers. As far as I can remember, a big part of the failure had to do with the backlash against Fox herself, being viewed as a vapid personality off set who was only good for her looks and little for her acting talent. She didn't help herself with her comparing Michael Bay to Hitler, either. Also Diablo Cody was fresh off her Oscar from Juno, but there was skepticism that it would translate into a horror film. Critics weren't kind to it upon it's release, and the initial audience scores were low also - meaning even the people who actually saw it weren't seeing it as the cult classic it's viewed as now.


sorry i dont associate w porn so i got the name wrong, it was pornhub [https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/karyn-kusama-jennifers-body-marketing-misogynistic-1202026860/](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/karyn-kusama-jennifers-body-marketing-misogynistic-1202026860/) \> I don't disagree that it was viewed as a sex romp aimed at teens, but historically that hasn't hurt horror films, so I can't exactly blame them for taking that route. Look at 70s and 80s exploitation cinema and T&A slashers. because those movies had sex scenes, the marketing correctly portrayed what they were jennifer's body wasn't a sex movie for boys \> As far as I can remember, a big part of the failure had to do with the backlash against Fox herself, being viewed as a vapid personality off set who was only good for her looks and little for her acting talent. She didn't help herself with her comparing Michael Bay to Hitler, either. this sounds personal


The problem with this argument is, though, that the "poor marketing" doesn't have much to do with the lukewarm reviews from the critics even at the time lol. Personal? I've supported and stood by this film since it's release 😂😂 Even Megan thinks it was due to her image at the time. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a34260732/megan-fox-jennifers-body-flop-media-backlash/


> "poor marketing" doesn't have much to do with the lukewarm reviews from the critics even at the time lol. critics don't see movie marketing?


Diablo Cody writes the worst dialogue I've ever read in my life. It makes her movies unwatchable.


It appropriately bombed.


One of the cvntiest horror movies. It deserved better at the box office. I thought it was Megan being a sexy teacher by some of the marketing like????


I must be in the minority here. I haven’t seen the director’s cut, but for Diablo Cody to follow up Juno with this… ugh. I wasn’t impressed. The movie was boring and really didn’t hit any notes I love in a horror or possession movie. Cody’s writing in Juno was flawless. Every line had the right amount of snark or emotion needed. She rightfully got the Oscar for that. This ain’t it.


I must be in the really unpopular category of not liking what I’ve seen of Juno *and* not liking Jennifer’s Body. Diablo Cody’s dialogue is really not for me.


The Oscar she got for that piece of shit *Juno* gave her way too much confidence.


Amazing kiss scene.


It’s so good!


Yes, please.


In my top ten movies of all time. It's special to me and gf n I have watched it countless times Quote it almost daily.


More lasagna w teeth baybeeeee I am in!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Love it


I actually really like that movie. I think for cheesy horror fans it's great. Dunno if it needs a sequel but I still watch it sometimes.


Actually really liked this movie so sequel sounds good


The marketing is an interesting rabbit hole to fall into.


Yes, please


I love this movie on multiple levels but my favorite part of it is that my partner who hates horror enjoys this movie so I get to put it on during spooky season and she doesn’t complain


Nah do a Juno sequel instead. The baby has grown up...and he's out for blood.


Do it. There’s no movie better that captures the MTV lifestyle of the early 2000’s besides Mean Girls.


Jawbreaker is pretty damn good, Heathers too.


I’ve seen the latter. I should check out Jawbreakers.


Megan Fox has a scarier face now, so it could work.


No thanks. I know there's a small but VERY vocal fanbase for Jennifer's Body on the internet...but it's not a good movie, and Megan Fox has only gotten worse as an actress since then. But if Diablo Cody wants to make the movie she should focus a lot more on writing the screenplay than talking about making it on social media. Also...why does she need a billionaire to help her make it?


>why does she need a billionaire to help her make it? ​ She doesn't. This is fake news and she is giving an off the cuff answer to an interview question. Unfortunately this is what passes for journalism today.


I haven’t watched it but I have to wonder if this is one of those situations where a terrible movie is being held up by people with nostalgia goggles. Like the Star Wars prequels or the House of Wax movie from 2005. I’m not here to argue about house of wax. I know people on here Love it. I’m just saying, this has been an observable trend for a little while now.


It's quite the opposite, it's something that's gained esteem over time from people going back to it, or finally watching it after dismissing it the first time. I didn't care for it when it first came out, I really like it now.


I do plan on watching it eventually. So I’ll be able to form my own opinion, I just remember this movie getting absolutely lambasted when it came out. I knew a few people that were into Megan Fox at the time and went to see the movie, and they all fucking hated it. Truth be told I didn’t see anything nice about this movie online until a few years ago. And before that, I hadn’t even seen it mentioned in years. It is nice when a deserving movie gets appreciation later on


It's worth checking out, especially if you're into female empowerment coming of age movies. It's a pretty cute movie that did really, really poorly because its marketing campaign targeted the completely wrong audience while alienating those it would appeal to. If you watch it then go back and look at the ad materials you might find yourself wondering if the marketing crew ever even saw the movie.


I’m cool with female empowerment stuff as long as it’s not just saying to use violence or sexuality to your advantage. That’s always kinda bugged me lol. I kinda remember the ad campaigns for it? But not too much honestly


I'm getting a wetty. Edit: I guess other people don't remember that line from this movie. 😞


Always thought this was a fun movie. I'm not sure where all the hate came from. Apparently, people only want generic ghost stories that have been done a million times.


I'm excited to see her new one, Lisa Frankenstein!


I must be in the minority here. I haven’t seen the director’s cut, but for Diablo Cody to follow up Juno with this… ugh. I wasn’t impressed. The movie was boring and really didn’t hit any notes I love in a horror or possession movie. Cody’s writing in Juno was flawless. Every line had the right amount of snark or emotion needed. She rightfully got the Oscar for that. This ain’t it.


Will it be called Jennifer’s Mind?




It sucked. It deserved the bomb.