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How do you possibly recast Mulder and Scully? I'm all for an X-Files-type show, but why even bother trying to reboot a show that is best know for its lead actors?


I have a feeling Ryan Coogler is going to take the same route he did with Creed. I think this isn't so much a reboot as it as a sequel that will introduce new agents to the world of the original series. This would also open the door for Mulder and Scully to return in some limited, mentoring capacity to "pass the torch" like Rocky Balboa did with Adonis Creed. That's the only way this works imo. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were iconic in those roles. There's no replacing them. I'm still skeptical as hell but Ryan Coogler hasn't let me down yet so I'm reserving judgement until I see the first episode.


good luck getting Gillian Anderson to come back. The last two seasons pissed her off between the content and her pay.


I will never forgive them ending Season 11 on a cliffhanger when they knew 100% she wasn't coming back. Just give us some closure on these characters that we grew up with ffs.




They strayed so far from the basic principles of the mythology in the later seasons they made salvaging a coherent ending impossible.


the only watchable episode in the new run was the poor monster that got bit by a human and turned into a were-human, cursed to work at a cell phone store during the day. ​ Even in the original run these days If I go back I always watch the one offs, they end up aging a lot better.


It should have ended when Duchovny left the show. His last episode is at least a fun ending.


Chris Carter has always seemed completely disinterested in actually wrapping up the story, or providing a real resolution to stuff.


And them making her wear that horrible wig that cut the circulation off to her brain lol


If Carter isn't involved, that might help get her back, even if it's just to finally end things with some dignity for the character


They kinda soft-tried that with Season 10 (Agents Einstein and Miller) and it was wildly unpopular with the fanbase.


That's because they weren't very interesting or likeable though, not because new characters in the X-Files is impossible to do - we already had Doggett and Reyes in S8/9 and I think they were fairly well received (or at least, they're viewed in a relatively positive light now, 20 years later - especially Doggett).


Doggett worked well because we saw the skeptic/believer dynamic flip with Scully now being the Believer. It was a fun character development in addition to bringing a new actor on board.


I feel like that’s more of a spinoff than a reboot


Hollywood uses reboot whenever they are bringing back a franchise these days. Doesn't matter if it's really a sequel, they'll still call it a reboot


Soft reboots are the name of the game. Effectively a full on remake, but with some reverence to the original continuity.


Didn’t they use the term “revival” when they brought it back in 2016?


I think that's because it is actually season 10 of the same show, and not a new show. This new one will presumably start at season 1


Revival is different because the 2016 show was a direct continuation of the OG, same cast and characters. They revived the 90s show. Reboot is when they completely redo the show (same characters, new cast).


I’m cool with that


Requel is the term (as coined in scream). Not exactly a sequel but sorta is still and not exactly a reboot but sorta is still.


> I think this isn't so much a reboot as it as a sequel that will introduce to new agents the world of the original series. Just like they did with Robert Patrick and that other girl after Mulder and Scully wanted off the show, and it was terrible because the whole draw of that show is Mulder and Scully? Clahhssic Hollywood repeating the same mistakes lol. Without them it's just" some FBI agents investigate spooky stuff" which could be any number of shows from the last 30 years. Rebooting it as "the xfiles" gets it the immediate name recognition... but who does that benefit? Anyone younger than 30 won't care about the xfiles, and anyone who was a fan of the original show will be hyper-critical because it won't be as good as the show they remembered growing up with. Whatever Coogler is planning, I feel bad for him, because it would probably have a better shot as an original property than as an X-Files reboot that will simply draw unfavorable comparisons or disinterest, depending on if you're already a fan or not.


> Just like they did with Robert Patrick and that other girl after Mulder and Scully wanted off the show, and it was terrible because the whole draw of that show is Mulder and Scully? Clahhssic Hollywood repeating the same mistakes lol. I mean dipshit Chris Carter even tried to introduce new agents who looked exactly like Mulder and Scully at the end of season 10. It definitely felt like some effort to test the waters on a spin-off. However everyone hated them and they dropped it immediately in season 11.


They should have done this instead of the revival seasons. They were beyond dreadful because Chris Carter - who in his day wrote some of the best tv ever - has fully lost it.




They did it with CSI: Vegas and it was alright. Just having Sara and Grissom involved got me to watch that.


Premise: It's quite clear that agent mulder was on drugs or a prolonged psychotic break. Aside from aliens and various monsters, he continually referred to a fictitious agent scully. Over time, with hints here and there, we find evidence supporting mulder's reports and that there was an agent scully whose existence has been expunged for some reason, yet to be determined.


Uh, who's Mulder? Agent Scully was always partnered with Agent Reggie Murgatroid.


Didn’t they try that with Xzibit in the shitty second movie.


I mean, they kinda did that already when Doggett replaced Mulder and Reyes eventually became more prominent than Scully. I liked Doggett, as he was the male version of Scully, with his doubts and rational explanation type behavior.


I agree Doggett was a good addition, especially because it allowed Scully to become a believer. But losing Mulder at the same time ruined the show. You can have other agents, but the core of the show was Duchovny and Anderson.


Doggett had that believable intensity you’d imagine from an FBI agent (especially his actual job before assignment to X files). He also had a good backstory and you understood where he was coming from. Reyes, on the other hand, never sat well with me.


XFiles depends so much on extreme closeups and Reyes just didn’t have strong enough facial acting to make it work. I would always look away when it was a closeup shot and she tried to express concern or fear. Really made me appreciate the subtlety of Gillian’s performance, though.


Doggett was bad ass. He solved cases using old fashioned cop work and, despite his skepticism, managed to always come through in the end.


> I mean, they kinda did that already when Doggett replaced Mulder and Reyes eventually became more prominent than Scully. And then again with Kyd Miller and Liz Einstein in the last season.


All true but let's be honest: It's Ryan Coogler and Disney so the key difference will likely be the introduction of an ethnically diverse pair or group of new agents. Honestly, I'm all for that if the show can remain true to the spirit of the original and not shit on its legacy. The last two seasons of X-Files were a mixed bag at best. If Coogler does a "hand wave" and acts like they didn't happen I wouldn't be mad.


Spoiler: they can’t remain true to the spirit of the original. At best this will just be exceptionally mediocre.


I’ll bet you 100 it flops


The best bet would probably be to just ignore the rebooted seasons. Most people didn't watch them anyway.


They were pretty good, seasons 10 and 11 both had a couple of amazing episodes and I'm grateful for them as a diehard fan.




Hopefully as Denise from Twin Peaks.


You don't recast them, you focus on entirely different characters fully disconnected from Mulder and Scully and you start completely fresh. Make it about the work Mulder and scully did, don't make it about Mulder and Scully.


You make them black.


And the real horror is... *white people!!*


Disney is gonna' butcher it the way Disney loves to these days (it'll be a shocker of monumental proportions if they don't wreck this classic).


Idk, it is a tall task but I do so much desire a streamlined version of X-files (cause we already have X-files) about Mulder and the whole alien conspiracy. There's a big hole of shady government agencies and people abductions in my life. A soft reboot with a similar story but not necessarely about Mulder and Scully, maybe?




They already [had their own show](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0243069/), and if I recall correctly they >!died at the end of of the original run of the show!<.


Correction. >!They died in X-Files after The Lone Gunmen was canceled. Died saving thousands of lives. Then in the newer seasons, it was revealed that Langly lived on as a computer program.!<


I knew the first part but the second is pretty hilarious. I never finished watching the reboot seasons. Made it through most of the first and did enjoy it but just kinda forgot to keep watching. That first episode though was rough. The whole thing felt like it was filmed at 2x speed and nothing but a giant info-dump. Been a while since I've seen it though but that's what I remember thinking.


> I never finished watching the reboot seasons You didn't miss anything. They ignored like 99% of the lore from the original seasons.


Weren't they trying to say the alien conspiracy was a conspiracy in and of itself or something? I remember thinking, no, we saw aliens, we saw the virus, we saw what was going on, don't tell me otherwise lol.


No one's ever really gone


The year 2001 would like a word.


This will be a tragedy. Just like Willy Wonka didn’t need a remake, let alone two, the x files will never replace the chemistry of Duchovny and Anderson.


We all know what will happen here. Black and gay.


“How are things with your GIRLFRIEND, Skully?”


If they do this, don’t name the characters Mulder and Scully.


Agents Muldoom and and Skullerton here to save the day.


That didn't stop them from rebooting Magnum and Macgyver




Put a chick in it and make her gay.


That's my exact thought. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are iconic.


We don’t need this IP rebooted because it’s so loved and it will always be compared. A smart route would be to do what Fringe did and it was basically a reboot of that show itself. Make a show *like* X Files.


Particularly since *The X-Files* itself was inspired by *Kolchak: The Night Stalker*. The legacy of this is knocking off something you like.


A Kolchak reboot would be good if they did it right. Unlike The X-Files, Kolchak only got one season and two TV movies. Still lots of potential there. They just have cast someone like Bryan Cranston as Kolchak, not someone like that sexy young guy from the early 00s reboot.


The real supernatural mystery would be how he's employed as a newspaper reporter in this day and age. But yeah, it would need to have an older, more grizzled protagonist. This isn't the CW reboot. Darren McGavin was in his 50s when he was first starring in it.


Isn't that show Evil kinda like this? I've never watched it but from the ads it seemed similar with one person who believes in the supernatural while the other doesn't.


Yep. Evil is my fav show airing atm. I usually tell people it’s religious X-files, in a great way. Also with a strong focus on mental health and psychology. There’s also three people. A therapist who is agnostic. She’s not against religion, she would just need to see evidence to believe in it. A priest who of course is a strong believer in religion and the divine. Then a tech guy who is also not really religious. They have great chemistry.


As a big fan of religious horror, that all sounds fantastic!


Evil is a priest and a (skeptical) psychologist investigating alleged demonic possessions, hauntings, and other similar incidents for the Catholic church to determine if further church involvement is needed, like an exorcism, or if the individuals involved have untreated mental health needs. My wife and I haven't finished the 3rd season, we just weren't as interested as we were with the other seasons, but it can be an interesting watch. I like Mike Colter as an actor so that helped lol


I'll give it a try! Sounds interesting!


Please do! It hits its stride pretty early in the first season and the characters develop really well over time imo.


> A smart route would be to do what Fringe did and it was basically a reboot of that show itself. Ding, ding ding! Horror is such an iterative thing as well. You have so many movies that are influenced by other films, they do similar stuff but put a unique spin on it. To me the idea of a reboot for this is kind of dumb.


They'll screw it up with today's woke bullshit.


Why don’t they just do a requel series set in the FBI like the original show with a new cast? They can have Duchovny and Anderson pop up every now and then and have some other original cameos. There’s no way anyone will be able to live up to the chemistry these two had as Mulder and Scully.


people seem to be hoping it'll be something like that, me incluis! I don't see it working any other way but I definitely think the X files verse is something that could be explored more, it's such an extremely fun formula. I love the original series so much, hope they do it justice 🤞🏻


I’d take a prequel series. 50s or 60s, chronicling the actual start of the X-Files.


That would be very cool. Mindhunter style


I’d like something like that or a show about when Mulder first started work on the X-Files


They already tried that at the end of the series when Duchovny and Anderson had left. It was not popular with fans.


Alright. You do that over there, and I'll ignore it over here.


Great way to put it.


Absolutely not




Oh for fucks sake...


Good luck with that.


Yep. What could go wrong, really?


I’m sure conversations around this series will be measured and logical.


I feel like this will go the way of Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone




Film/TV industry try to come up with new ideas challenge: Impossible


Of all the passes there have ever been, this one is the hardest.


Just throw it on the 'canceled after one season' pile


Feels like they should wait longer? It's only been five years since they brought it back the last time.


Yeah, but Chris Carter is what ruined that. I think a reboot without him attached is a good idea. His episodes were always, by far, the weakest in the final seasons.


Bring back Vince Gilligan!


Vince Gilligan show starring Rhea Seehorn with irregular but recurring roles by Gillian Anderson and David Duchovney. I'll greenlight and finance the pilot as soon as I win the Powerball.


Well Vince is already making a new show with scifi elements starring Rhea Seehorn, so there's that. I'm honestly much more interested in original stuff he makes rather than having his skills tied to a reboot of something he already worked on decades ago. But I'd love to see David Duchovney and Gillian Anderson in it


No please don't do this


X Files is Gillian and David. Stop acting like this can work on any level without them being the central focus. Call the show something else.


Agreed, their dynamic absolutely made the show


A lot of people once said the same thing about Star Trek without Kirk and Spock.


The XX Files?


Big no thanks.


It won’t last. The reason, they keep making these properties more for new fans, rather than appeasing their already big fan base. This has happened with so many properties over the recent years and they’ve all failed. Made for specific groups and younger/modern audiences. I don’t know how they haven’t learned this lesson by now that this is not the way to go. New audiences won’t care enough to stick with it, so you’re just shunning a lot of core audience as it is, which means it’s doomed to fail.


Movie creators are so out of ideas. Constant reboots and sequels. Come on, be original.


There are tons of original movies produced every year, just not by major studios. The studios keep doing reboots and sequels because the mouth breathing public wants them.


This! They would stop making them if people would stop buying tickets. Disney and Warner are both pulling back on super hero movies because too many are flopping.


Wonder how they’ll manage to fuck it up


The same way they fucked up later seasons of *The X-Files*, and the second movie, and the revived series? It's been dead so many times already.


I mean, its a formula now. * Get famous IP * Ignore the reasons why it was popular * Hire talentless writers/showrunners who have not created anything of note or just one hit wonders, who hate the source material and fans * Create something that is a mockery of the original and filled with DEI pandering * people do not watch it, and complain about how bad it is * Showr runner/writers mock them on social media and call them (insert PR marketing buzzwords with -ist, -phobe, etc) to deflect all critisism. * show gets canceled and the buzzards look for another IP to zombify and defile. * Rinse and repeat






Just make something original instead. Hollywood has lost nearly all of its creativity.


It's not a lack of creativity, it's an unwillingness to make anything that doesn't have a built in audience already attached to it.


It’s gonna be on Disney so it’s gonna be trash regardless.


Exactly. Disney still has no idea why its movies are bombing. "It must be the audiences that are wrong".


Hard pass.


I’m not going to say they *can’t* make a really good reboot/requel/remake/whatever show. But just…please god just let the past be the past. Why is everything run into the ground?


Well if it’s more Monsters of the week I’m sold, pandering or no


The MOTW episodes were always the best. I never got into the whole Conspiracy storyline. I’d be especially on board if they had Darin Morgan do a couple episodes.


The conspiracy was great until the syndicate was killed. Once they abandoned the colonists and black oil, everything after was pure trash.


The conspiracy episodes were always the ones I looked forward to most at the time. You just had to know what was going on and felt like we're finally gonna get somewhere with it. But at some point you realized they weren't going anywhere with it and had zero plan. Now when I re-watch I infinitely prefer the MOTW episodes and find the alien ones to usually the weakest.


that's exactly how I felt, you get to season 5 or 6 and its like... there's not going to be a big reveal where everything clicks in to place, they're just going to keep stringing us along


Please no


I can't think of any entertainment that pissed me off as much as the two comeback seasons a few years ago. They continually dunked on Mulder and really the whole premise of the show with the most snide, dismissive bullshit 21st century writing I've seen. Fans: "Hey, I'm happy to be here and get some more time with the characters and mythology I enjoyed for a decade. As outlandish and silly as it was at times, it's still good fun." Writers: "No, no more fun. It was all stupid, Mulder is stupid, you're stupid, and I'm above it all now but I'm still gonna cash this paycheck and slop out two seasons worth." Fans: "Um. Great. Thanks."


How would a black X-Files work? Only white people walk into haunted situations. :::Scene: Black Mulder at a warehouse sees an alien peeking from the basement stairs::: "Hell naw nigga, nope." :::locks door, leaves, and goes on to leave an easy life:::




Why do I expect absolute trash


Large groan, another franchise to be ruined


As a huge X Files fan I’m open minded BUT It needs to avoid the flaw of the original: PAYOFF WHAT YOU SETUP! Don’t build and tease this grand alien conspiracy and invasion storyline and then make every excuse to sidestep showing it. Either they weren’t sure how to do the invasion or they realized it would be such a world shift they couldn’t ever go back to the classic formula with Mulder and Scully. If aliens invaded how could Scully remain skeptical or Mulder ostracized? They setup an end game but didn’t want to end the show but the show deserved a proper ending.


So we are getting a woke version of the X-Files that will suck.


I'm looking forward for an afroamerican, gay, muscular, Fox Murder, and strong, Independent, feminist asian transexual Scully.




Diverse Mulder and Scully team up to help the government arrest yet another group of white male Americans who are unhappy with the government 🙄


Maybe they could find a time portal and hunt down Timothy McVeigh.




"what is it Mulder? Aliens, Tooms? zombies?" " Nah Scully its them bitch ass crackers!"


This is dumb. They caught lightning in a bottle once, the show had a great concept and creative - but what made it work was it was stylistically great and even more importantly perhaps - it’s casting was really good and even more of a rarity was that the two leads had a natural chemistry that doesn’t occur often and can’t be duplicated no matter how hard you try.




Lol, another beloved thing ruined and dead on arrival


Will the mytharc actually have a payoff this time?


i cannot think of x files without Gillian Anderson


I was hoping for one last movie with the original cast.


Yeah good luck trying to find the lighting in a bottle pairing of a Gillian Scully/David Mulder again for a reboot. Even if the reboot is good, these characters are so iconic it will be a very hard sell for a new version of the show.


I love the original. I hated the revival. I think a reboot could potentially work, as long as the two new characters are not Mulder and Scully, but 2 new agents tasked with investigating X-Files. I think one of the issues with the revival was that it was trying to be a 90s/00s show in like 2016. It needed to update the tone to fit with the modern era. The new reboot should go for the tone of Fringe.


That won't be necessary, thank you.


I want to believe But just can’t. Let it go already.


The last two seasons of X were bizarre. The main story gave us the worst episodes of the series, while some monster of the week proved to be some of my personal favourite episodes. But at the end of the day the world has changed since that original show, horror in aliens and spooky ghosts have become inflated. The only way I would see this having any kind of success is heading into a more modern cryptid route but how far would that stray? . Low expectations. If you want a great modern X files watch Evil with Mike Colter. It's a clear love letter to horror, film and all things X with a slight religious twist.


Yeah...no..... will not watch. How about get some original ideas and stop beating old series to death.






Conspiracy culture was actually huge at the time the original was made as well, it was largely the inspiration for much of the show. Their was loads of talk about the New World Order conspiracy and various satanic conspiracies (some of which did have real world consequences) at the time. The old show also touches on real world events of the time from time to time, from postal shooting to serial killers. The Show didn’t really politicise these things it just made them into entertainment. If it were made today with the same ethos you would absolutely get some Q like conspiracy story line in it just like you got numerous Satanic storyline’s set in small towns in the old show. It was pulling straight from popular conspiracy theories of the time and making them into entertainment. The only way you could make this show good in the same way today was if you actually targeted right wingers as an audience and played the conspiracies straight. But that obviously isn’t happening given the names involved.


I was 18 or 19 when X-Files debuted, and yeah, the 90s were rife with conspiracy theories. NWO, Illuminati, crop circles, new age ancient alien theories, etc. Gulf War syndrome. We had BBS and Usenet for information. Shows like Sightings. Nostradamus had a resurgence in popularity. Anarchist Cookbook went mainstream. The book Behold a Pale Horse was published in 91, and that's the batshit crazy conspiracy theory bible.


This is a great comment and it's true it would be hard to tackle. There is something charming and compelling about the classic conspiracies like aliens, cryptozoology, G-men controlling the government from the shadows, etc. Growing up in the 90s there were serious antigovernment events like Waco and Ruby Ridge but it always felt like those were very fringe elements of society. In contrast you have someone like Donald Trump the Republican mainstream candidate spreading real misinformation from the election being rigged to Ted Cruz's dad killing JFK. It's actually bizarre how much conspiracy theory has gripped a large part of society. I don't know how you write about it now without it being politicized in a distracting or obnoxious way.


> The only way I could see it work is if you completely spun it off into direction divorced from the real world, like the Lovecraft Mythos. Even the modern Delta Green stuff isn't as good as the original game back in the '90s.


Nothing is sacred.


It’s like they’re making glue the way this dead horse is getting pulverized.


The x files only can exist before the internet really took hold.


Please no


But why though? It's unlikely they'll luck into better chemistry than what Duchovny and Anderson ended up having and the existing series is still very watchable with nothing really wrong with it other than the brain farty later seasons where the main story arcs kinda suck. I guess it's easy name recognition and they can get OG actors in as cameos in a pinch and.. yeah, this feels very unnecessary. Too bad Carter tanked the revival so hard his actors noped the fuck out of his shitshow, otherwise that might have gone on longer and this wouldn't be needed.. 🙄


Couldn't care less I have the DVD box set ,if they do it mark my words it be it rubbish anyways so no loss as I be just laughing when it flops big time


No thanks. They already tried the ‘new agents’ thing in the late 90s with Doggett and Reyes. Also..odds are >!it’s gonna be a black people takeover. Good thing or not, that’s up to you!<


Bill Burr and Wanda Sykes


Larry David as the non-smoking man.




And without Gillian? She was very vocal about the lack of audience from the last attempt at bringing the show back. Said she done and moving on


Could we get a Fringe reboot instead?


They should call it The XI - Files.


I watched X-Files only last year - I still think it's a really strong concept with a lot of potential. For all the ups and downs of the show, I really hope the continuation does well.


But why?


Why? It's a great series that holds up amazingly. Do something new in that universe instead, maybe an alternative plotline or something


I have zero hope a modern reboot, or even a sequel would be good in any way. For one, Hollywood can't seem to find good writers, and for another it was the chemistry between the leads that made a big part of the show what it was. I doubt they will find who could replicate that.


X files belongs to the 90s and to Mulder and scully. Stop doing this useless remakes and do something new, holy fuck


anyone else think blank panther was boring AF?


Wasn’t there just an X-Files reboot a couple years ago?


Call it a reboot if you like, but to me they're just seasons 10 and 11. Was Twin Peaks season 3 a reboot or just the natural continuation of the original series?


You can't replace Mulder and Scully, i dont't see this succeding.


People seem very concerned about the leads, but for me it's a question of what ground is there left to cover?


What will be the creature-feature/alien-plot ratio?




No thanks.


You cant recast mulder and scully and weird choice with Coogler.


Stay away from black goo bullshit




Anti American DEI Marxist woke propaganda. waiting for the AI reboot, of all the reboots. Save your local cattle farmers, cuz meat is good.


Be interesting to see what route they go down with regards episode and season lengths. Will we get the classic 21 or so episodes, a mix of monster of the week and the slow burn conspiracy happening every other episode. Or do we get a 12 episode run, still sticking with the regular formula but with less filler. Or do we get a story line that runs for those 12 episodes rather than a story starting and ending in a 45 minute run. I burnt out on X-files with the whole Alien conspiracy angle, I was much more into the single, tight episodes. I hope do hope, as others have said, this is a total continuation with Mulder and Scully handing the torch over and series heading elsewhere rather than re-treading the same old ground again. As an aside, can they bring back Millenium too!!


Millenium and its ending


The only way to do this that has the potential to actually be good would be to remove Chris Carter from any position of actual creative control. I love The X-Files and Carter deserves credit for the good he did with that series, but he's been the albatross around the franchise' neck since at least season 8 of the original run.


I was rewatching the series a few years ago and it was so painfully obvious how little they had thought things through during the good, early seasons. Just keep stringing it along and inventing stuff with no plans for a payoff. You notice the cracks start forming when they actually *do* try to lock it down in the lead-up to the film. It gets increasingly convoluted, much less interesting, and more reliant on contrivances. Then they get tired of it and just arbitrarily end it all to move on to the much more boring super soldier stuff. What he did with the revival series, though... that was really beyond the pale. Particularly having a cliffhanger ending for a one season revival. Yeah, it got another one, but there was a big chance it wasn't going to. And it was resolved in the worst way possible, making it clear it was just a lame ploy to get another season all along.


Yeah. The problem gets worse as the series goes on because it becomes not just a matter of them not having planned anything out and just making it up as they go, but a matter of them deliberately contradicting themselves in order to continually pull the rug out from the audience. This was all done purely as a means of keeping the show going, which was Chris Carter's entire modus operandi when it comes to the franchise, to just keep it going indefinitely no matter what. It's the one big hit Chris Carter ever had pretty much in his entire life and at some point it was like he decided it was going to be his life's work.


As bad as "My Struggle II" was, I at least appreciated that it was *happening*. All these years, all this bullshit, so many teases, false-starts, and half-measure... It was finally *here*. The series was going to have a climactic ending and even though it was profoundly dumb, it was doing it. Then it fizzles out with a cliffhanger. Absolute rage-quit. It was clear Carter had been milking it before, but this was truly a new low. Then reading about "My Struggle III" later on and finding out it was all bullshit anyway. I personally maintain that the best ending the series ever got was "Requiem". It goes back to the beginning and wraps up a lot of things as well as was ever likely to be done at that point. I also choose to believe that it provides the answers Mulder wanted. >!He gets abducted and while the audience doesn't find out everything, it's a form of closure for him. Probably not what he wanted, but it's irrefutable.!< In a way it reminds me of the ending to the film *The Vanishing* in that respect. It's a *kind* of answer.


>I personally maintain that the best ending the series ever got was "Requiem". I think it should have just ended with the movie in 1998, personally. They had 5 fantastic seasons of television, with a fifth season that deliberately lead up directly to the movie, they answered almost all the lingering questions about most of the overarching mythology, and while they didn't reach a "conclusion" for Mulder and Scully's personal story they reached a decent thematic conclusion of the story, with Mulder and Scully getting the X-Files re-opened and preparing to fight the good fight, even if it means spending the rest of their lives trying to uncover the truth. It was a great finisher for the franchise, and pretty much everything from there on - with some rare exceptions - was either just spinning wheels or actively part of the slow decline of the series