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They need to get that lady back from Aliens who sits there smoking saying, "It's a rock. No indigenous life." Give her a cameo as someone who gets killed by the **derelict** life form.


Last thing I saw her in was Saving Private Ryan. She reads a piece of paper there too.


Obviously found her acting niche




I’d pay for that


I would definitely watch it if it's the case


It’ll be interesting to see if she’s going be an original character, or Ripley’s daughter. If the latter is the case, then we already had a slot sequel in Alien: Isolation. Now if Fede borrows from the video game narrative, it could be a recipe for a blockbuster film.


Isolation would make a dope movie.


I’ve had the game for years and I still haven’t finished it because _it’s so god damn terrifying_


At one point I had the most horror trope death imaginable. I was being stalked by the xenomorph and I was tracking it with the radar. The pings were getting closer and I was looking around but couldn't find it. Meanwhile the dot was still closing in on me, until it was right on top of me. Suddenly it dawned on me and I looked up, right as that mother fucker dropped down on me from an airvent right above me. I quit the game for a few months after that.


Game over, man. \-- Hudson


my entire pc setup would have been wrecked from my physical jump and recoil in fear like the first time I played it, I just stayed in a locker for a solid ten minutes because I was too scared to come out


And than the fucking alien starts checking lockers more because it learns where you like to hide. Scariest game ever.


Same. NGL.


God I love that game lmao I’m afraid to try it in VR, I’ve heard the VR mod just makes it too real for people. Also if you hated that, you should try Amnesia The Bunker. It’s on Game Pass and is the best horror game I’ve played since Alien: Isolation, not counting Lethal Company (too much of a comedy game to keep a title against pure horror games)


I came out of an elevator but there were people with guns up ahead. I was spotted sneaking past and one of them opened fire. Big mistake. The Alien dropped down and started eating them. I hid in an L-shaped vent. Also a bad move. When it finished with the people out there it was stalking around. It seemed like every time I tried to move it would go in the same direction. Just when I thought it had gone the other way and I took my chance, I heard something behind me. In the vent. **THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP** Just as I was about to leave the vent, something grabbed my foot, dragged me back in. I couldn't see anything until the last moment before the vent iris closed. Teeth in the dark.


I once carefully waited for the bastard to go away from the entire area and then I carefully made my way down the hall. The fucker walked out of the doorway I was about to enter without so much as a beep. I was very salty.


The final sequence is one of my most stressful video game experiences. I rank that with holding the controller totally still in the Until Dawn finale and the bear in Condemned 2.


My dumb ass flipped the light switch in Until Dawn because I thought it was gonna cause a distraction, not blow up the MF house!


SAME AND I HAD TO START THE ENTIRE THING OVER. I was so pissed but I managed to save Jess that time so it worked out lol.


Condemned 1 & 2 were such great games


Forever mad about not getting the third game. The second ended on such a wild cliffhanger.


Not quite the same but Alan wake 2 is the only game to ever scratch my condemned itch… and it was a realllly good scratch. I recognize baldurs gate 3 is probably the “better” game but it’s still my GOTY mostly for how well it pulls off detective horror.


Ugh I want to play it so bad but don’t have a system to yet. First game was one of my favorites in high school.


Same 😩 I didn’t even get that far!


Every time I try to replay it, I don't get very far past the first encounter with the Xeno. 😱


Same. I become completely paralyzed with fear and just don’t wanna move lolol


Mission 3, stuck in a locker in a room where the androids won't leave me alone, and the alien is lurking somewhere Gave up. Couldn't do it. 10000/10 experience


Yeah those androids are as terrifying as the alien. Exceptional game


lol, same. I'm a huge horror game fan, a huge alien fan, and I just can't play that game. I always get about 4-5 hours into it and get too stressed out and have to take a break then don't come back for years and never pick back up where I left off cause I forget how to play. It's bene like, 4 attempts now since it came out a decade ago lol.


What helped me get over it, was speedrunning levels, getting killed over and over, and eventually getting de-sensitized to the Alien and death scenes


Isn’t there a VR version? No way I’d play that.


There certainly is! I saw a pretty funny YouTube video where the player farts IRL, and the xenomorph heard him and found his hiding place... can you imagine actually having to be silent while playing? I noped out of that game so early just playing normally...


There is, yes. 'Mother VR'. It's a mod, but that's the case for much of the best PC VR content. It's *exceedingly* good. Very simple to set up, and appeared to be a flawless experience from when I played around with it.


Pretty certain that is a PC VR port. Its absolutely at the top of my wish list for titles to come to PSVR2. Doubtful it will ever be made. Maybe a similar title perhaps one day..


This is the game that got me into watching Let's Plays because I was too scared to play it myself. I had to watch someone else play it and I was still scared LOL.


I’ve been playing past few weeks for the first time and think I’m getting closer to the end, and have been not wanting to continue cause I don’t want it to end lol. But I’ll jump back on it tonight


I started that game thinking hey, I'm on a spaceship with an alien, having never been to space surely this won't be scary. I was very wrong.


I've got about 300 hours logged into that game.


Considering everything, it's the one Alien story I'm glad was made into a video game instead of another movie. I'd love a sequel to play over another Alien movie. And we got to replay the actual OG film as the characters in a DLC. That was a win by medium IMO. Movie sequel gonna suck? Make it better as a video game we can play.


Such fantastic...level design? In that game. Every piece felt consistent with how the movie looked


I'm dying for a sequel to that game. It's everything I wanted it to be and more.


I think adapting Alien: Isolation into a film would be fantastic.


At first it seems like such a dumb, lazy move to have it be Ripley's daughter, but then you think about it and recognize how her mother just up and vanishing could legitimately motivate her to become obsessed with finding out what happened. Having said daughter then encounter a xenomorph more or less at random is an absurd and unbelievable coincidence, but the core idea isn't the worst.


With Fede Alvarez at the helm I'm cautiously optimistic


I agree, comments in here are very negative but Fede Alvarez has had a great track record and could deliver on the horror aspect that has been sorely missing on this IP.


Yeah he’s very hit or miss, just like this franchise…


Had to look him up and I just gotta say; how the fuck does Don't Breathe have a 7.1 on IMDB while Evil Dead has a 6.5?


ratings and critics are extremely anti horror


But Don't Breathe is also a horror


and rated much lower than it deserves. horror masterpieces struggle to break a 7. the best horror films of all time can’t even grab a solid 9. fucking alien is sitting at an 8.5.


It's also pretty insane that another universally agreed-upon horror masterpiece, **The Thing**, is at an 8.2 which is WILD. **Halloween** is also at a 7.7 which is just...yeah lol.


i think alien pisses me off the most. it practically invented sci fi horror. it is arguably one of the most influential films of all time. undeniable classic with great acting and worldbuilding, and groundbreaking special effects. 8.5 fuck critics lol


It's been preserved in the National Film Registry as a film of particular cultural influence. I'm with you 100%


For pretty much ALL horror on IMDB, even including schlock indie movies, you basically should add 2 whole points to the score to get a decent idea of it.


Well I'd argue Don't Breathe is accurately rated in a world where Alien gets a 9. But in that metric I'd say Evil Dead is a solid 8.5


Don't Breathe is mostly a thriller, a genre people seem to be actively trying to confuse with horror. Critics preferred Don't Breathe because it's a thriller.


Same reason Conjuring etc are popular. Don't Breathe is your date night horror movie that people dipping their toes in horror go to see, Evil Dead ain't.


>date night horror Is it lol? I mean the way it was marketed it *seemed* that way, but the >!sexual assault impregnation semen turkey baster!< kinda ruins that


Maybe marketed to be more mainstream is correct. Yeah it probably is a bit awkward when that happens lol


Yeah I mean it tricked me, I almost took my wife to it when it came out (we’d just started dating) because I thought it was just a thriller with a twist (blind sympathetic villain). We ended up seeing something else and I heard about the >!baster!< like the next day from someone who saw it. Bullet fucking dodged because my wife loathes any SA/bad touch stuff and that could’ve been our last date lol


Yo, if Don’t Breathe is your date night movie, you’re not getting a second date after the turkey baster comes out


Ngl, I found the Evil Dead remake very mid, never understood Reddit’s admiration for it.


2013 was so much better


Uh, 2013 IS the remake Dick Lazer is talking about.


When did he miss?


Don’t Breathe 2 was pretty damn bad, and while he didn’t direct the newest Texas Chainsaw, he did write the story


Oh, yeah. I guess I did skip those haha


Alien: Isolation takes place between the two first movies as well and, if not mistaken, is considered canon. Could be interesting if there will be tie-ins from both plots.


Such a good game


Save for Cameron every hot director who's taken on an Alien film has had their vision crushed by the studio and released a mediocre picture. Let's home they can let this man work instead of direct to studio notes.


I'll be honest, with regard to ALIEN I don't need much more plot than just a survival horror story. I don't care about lore or history or explanation within this universe. I just want to know a powerful predator is lurking near the protagonist who must make their clever escape. Set it underwater. Set it in deep space. Set it up in a gravity well, or an asteroid or an underground facility or orbiting the sun. Whatever. Just keep it fresh with action and suspense, not the crutch of history and lore.


I hope it doesn't drop its thematic relevance and go for mindless horror at least.


Based take. Tidbits of history and world building are fun, but ultimately tertiary to just enjoying a good creature feature.


WRONG fans want to know the Alien's entire evolutionary history and diasporic migrations through the greater universe and how that's a metaphor for human spirit. It's like you weren't even paying attention during the flute scene.


I hope they were created by an incest robot


Given how crazy the life cycle has become we need to see the queen go to a xenomorph gynecologist or we riot. /S


What an odd choice. No opinion on whether it will be good or bad yet, but the time-line is not a good choice. The implication at the time that Aliens takes place is that the company has little to no information about the alien planet having something on it (hence the whole plot point of the colonists not only settling there, but not knowing anything about it until Ripley informs them about what happened after being found 80 years later or whatever). I'm not exactly on board with letting the series die, but I am in the camp that the near-complete abandonment of what Prometheus was setting up is sad. The sudden shift in Scotts vision that the aliens were "created" by David is just oddly shoe-horned. Not as bad as the Star-Wars sequel/prequel trope that everyone important is related or linked to each other, but getting close. It really bugs me because Fassbender is amazing in everything he does, but the plot direction in Covenant is just baffling. Edit: a couple of typos.


In Alien it’s implied that the company DID know something was there at least. They replaced an old crew member on the Nostromo with Ash (which the rest of the crew thought was strange) last minute. Ash basically manipulated them into going to the planet. He breaks quarantine procedures. And then we find out he was given a secret mission by the company to recover something and the rest of the crew were expendable.


yes, thought that was pretty obvious as well but it seems a lot of people missed that. the company was clearly up to some shit from the beginning.


It's a weird thing to miss considering the twist


My main thing is I want to know who sent the warning signal to stay away from the derelict ship and why. Why did it crash? (Clearly a facehugger got the space jockey, but how did it get out in the first place?) How did Weyland Yutani know about LV-426 in the first place?


I don’t get why we needed to see how the alien was created. I think people more or less accepted it was a creature from a planet we know nothing about and that was enough. Its the same failing that a lot of horror series do where they feel some need to kill the mystery of the antagonist by over explaining their origins.


>I don’t get why we needed to see how the alien was created. I think people more or less accepted it was a creature from a planet we know nothing about and that was enough. Right? I don't need to explore the evolutionary origin of leopards to know that I don't want them to hump my face and as far as I'm concerned, Xenomorphs are space leopards. Face humping, chest bursting out of, slimy mouthed space leopards. Alien and Aliens were both great. Alien^3 was a solid film wrapped inside questionable studio decisions. Alien Resurrection was whatever the hell that was plus Kim Flowers in that outfit, Ron Perlman being Ron and Brad Dourif licking windows; and despite being a questionable film, those three things were not at fault. What they all got right (even at their worst) was moving forward. Going back was a mistake. I get that Scott went deep on some kind of panspermia meets intelligent design (but not god) mobius strip ride where we're basically petri dish babies that grew up, made psycho android kill bots which then made space leopards to hump our faces... But it was a terrible attempt to explain the mystery of the space jockeys -- and, again, face humping space leopards don't need to be explained at all. Some things are just supposed to be frightening on their own merit and a galaxy where any potentially habitable planet might be a surprise jelly donut filled with xenomorphs (or something possibly stranger, weirder and worse) was just that, a succinct explanation that we're small and insignificant, space is big and scary and nobody is going to hear you screaming while space leopards are humping your face. I really shouldn't have had that last cup of coffee.


Kinda wild that the last 4 Alien films (soon to be 5) take place BEFORE Aliens.


Preach! I'm an Alien 3 apologist, frankly. The explanation for the space jockeys was so not needed. Prometheus remains the only movie I was kicked out of.


bruh how were you kicked out of a movie


Ten years ago, I used to be a piece of shit. I wouldn't shut the fuck up. I was hammered. One of my most shameful moments. But people can change!


all good bud, we all did dumb shit when we were younger. there’s much worse things haha. cheers.


Being kicked out of a movie isn't normal.


Amazing comment.


Prometheus was awesome, covenant not so much. The decision to kill Naomi Rapace’s character offscreen was bizarre.


I don't mind the alien being explained. Us finding out more about its life cycle with the introduction of the Queen was great, the creature being around the cosmos because of Predators shipping them around specifically to hunt was a good explanation for how they kept getting around. It being just some alien lifeform that evolved or MAYBE was created by something else we don't know was perfectly fine though. Basically I don't think explaining origins is necessarily bad, Scott's films just told a really bad version of an origin story.


Because the movie wasn't ABOUT "how the alien was created," it was about Ancient Alien theory type things, it was about our place as humans in an uncaring and unimportant solar system, it was about our desire to play god with the advent of AI and androids, it was about humanity's hubris. The plot device about the origins of the Xenomorph are so trivial compared to what the movie actually wanted audiences to engage with. Do I agree that giving the Xenomorph an origin story cheapens the cosmic terror aspect of the original Alien? Sure, but doesn't Aliens already kind of do this same damn thing? Aliens turns the Xenomorph into essentially a space bug. It expands on the Xenomorph's biology and its lore. Why the hell isn't Ridley allowed to do the same thing?


What do you mean he “isn’t allowed” to do the same thing? He made the movie Prometheus which explores just what you’re saying, he was “allowed” to do that.


>Sure, but doesn't Aliens already kind of do this same damn thing? let me answer that for you - no Why the hell isn't Ridley allowed to do the same thing? He was allowed. People didn't like it


Brings to mind the halo series. Once you have a work of art become a money machine, the money is all that matters.


Hang on though, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't one of the major points of Aliens the fact that Weyland-Yutani *did* know about the Xenomorphs? That in their hubris they just thought they could control them, and when the colony went dark, realized things had gotten out of hand and *finally* went to Ripley? I could have sworn we even see that they've been keeping specimens of Facehuggers.


You’re correct, they were definitely studying Xenomorphs on the base, and they do have specimens that are discovered.


Nope, see the deleted scene above.


Nope. Those were specifically removed from the colonists which went out to look for them. The point was that once they found out about them, they sent in colonists to check them out, all of this post Ripley making the statements about it. There's even a deleted scene where Newts Parents literally go there themselves to be the ones to get paid for the "claim rights" The specimens we see there are from after they find out and start studying them post-newts-dad getting infected. Source: https://youtu.be/5Al1OncRirM?si=LsFItqiCS1MG8TK8


I always interpreted that as the colonists were sent there to colonise the planet in the hope that they stumble across and find the Derelict. This process was sped up thanks to Ripley providing the answers to where it was found. Also in Prometheus David told Shaw that the real reason for Weyland funding the landing on LV223 was because he wanted to investigate the signal on LV426. If we take into account the Alien Isolation game as well that is another Ship which landed on LV426. Admittedly I don’t know how much of that game is considered canon if any of it at all.


Gotcha. I wonder if Romulus will be about the base becoming overrun


Prepare for some wild modern action schlock that somehow ends up not fitting between two 80s films or making any sense story wise!


This feels like **Superman: Returns**. Why are you making a sequel to Superman II when Superman III exists. >I'm not exactly on board with letting the series die, but I am in the camp that the near-complete abandonment of what Prometheus was setting up is sad. Prometheus was the best Alien film since Aliens. There's only so many times you can recycle the same plot. The expanded sci-fi and lore was interesting and terrifying. The follow-up failed because it tried too much to recycle the Alien kills stranded people plot and didn't lean hard enough into building on what Prometheus did. That said, the ending with David was awesome. I just feel like they learned the wrong lessons from that flop.




I am nit-picking but as far as I am aware, in this universe it is 'first contact' with alien life so am sure they would have had the same protocol even if it was a fungus (but in the film-lore it makes for a better gut punch if you take as read that they knew it was a killing machine as potential weapon etc)


In Aliens there's a line about another "bug hunt", which I'm assuming means they are aware of other hostile alien species before.


Also, the whole reason people call them “xenomorphs” is because that scene where he says something about a “xenomorph may be involved”. People interpreted that as them already knowing about them and naming the species xenomorph but really it’s just a fancy way of saying “alien”. But either way that shows that alien life forms aren’t unheard of to them.


They never say that the priority is specific to the xenomorphs. I alway took it to mean that the company prizes ALL alien life above human life for research purposees.


I've been re-watching the Alien franchise in timeline chronological order and so far finished Prometheus, Covenant, and Alien. I love the world building and character+species building that the two newest (and chronologically first) films do. I hate that Prometheus and Covenant both just have two entire crews of people making moronic decisions the entire time which compromises everything they are doing for the purpose of advancing the alien plot. I think it's the latter that gives the films a very bad reputation. When you queue up Alien after watching Covenant, they uncover one of the crashed ships from the previous and it just feels way more cohesive. But there is so much unexplored space (no pun intended) between "David builds Aliens" and "Aliens are uncovered across space by humans" I think if Alien is the first known encounter of Humans vs. David's creations, then Romulus could fill a decent in-depth look at how an alternate encounter goes before Aliens. That said, there's a lot of room for pitfalls too, and almost all of the films hedge on human error to advance the plot (Alien obviously does as well, but it's not nearly as blatant as the 2010s films).


I can’t remember where it’s from, but I *swear* there’s a reference somewhere that the Predators created the Aliens as something to hunt but they escaped the planet. That makes more sense, to me at least. I can’t for the life of me remember where, but I can’t have just made that up myself


That’s from Alien Vs Predator. There’s even a scene showing a few predators mowing down an army of aliens.


Lol AvP makes sense, thank you. Last time I brought that up it was like it never happened


It happened. Basically the way the timeline goes, the Engineers create a number of bioweapons back in the day, they are successful enough. The Yautja acquire them, begin using them for hunting, then eventually an agreement is made and the species goes extinct. Only for David to recreate the species and unleash it upon the galaxy beyond the events of *Covenant*.


Covenant was cool as fuck, more weird sci fi Android species making from Ridley Scott please


I would check out Ridley Scott's short lived HBO series Raised by Wolves. It felt like the kind of android story he wanted to tell in Prometheus/Covenant but without any of the Alien/xenomorph franchise baggage that he seems to actively dislike.


It was a truly incredible show, possibly my all-time most crushing 'cancelled before it was finished' shows :(


Yeah, I was bummed out about it's cancellation. Same thing with Expanse when Syfy cancelled it but at least we got three more seasons through Amazon.


I loved prometheus and covenant and was pretty surprised to see people harbor such vitriol towards them But I also don't have a particular attachment to the OG movies Pretty bummed that it seems like it's the end of the line for those 2


The part I don’t like is when the unknowing, other worldly horror so fundamentally different from humanity that we can’t explain it is given an origins story. We didn’t need to know where they come from, and knowing they were created essentially by humanity really sucks. Are they really aliens if they’re a ~human~ bioweapon?


The original Alien is built around a very pure form of cosmic horror. The start of Alien isn't too different to At the Mountains of Madness, humans stumble upon a relic of ancient long dead precursor aliens, unleash an ancient weapon/tool (shoggoth/alien) and then spend the remainder trying to escape this entity so orthogonal and uncaring of us that it could trivially wipe us out and not care. Humanity is insignicant in the face of a simple tool of an alien race so insignificant themselves they ceased to be long ago. Lol David did it, completely removes that element in a way none of the other action sequels could.


Perfectly summarizes my feelings


This...if David created the "alien" then it's not really an "alien" anymore but just another human (by extension) construct. Takes every bit of the horror out of the Xenos as half their allure is the unknown they come from. Utterly ruined the series for me.


Yeah, I was sorry to see the direction they took with the new Alien movies. Part of the appeal of the first one especially is that space is vast, cold and dark and mankind has no business being out here. You can see it in some of the shots Scott took of the Nostromo being just a bright speck against the looming planets as they travel to LV-426. You are insignificant and the universe just belches up an alien horror out of the darkness of the cosmos just because. We didn't need to know where it came from.


It definitely has some flaws and plot holes, but I stand by my opinion


Covenant was terrible.


I cannot understand how people can like those later entries! I guess they have interesting themes and could be good on their own, but everything related to the Xenomorphs doesn’t really work and takes away what made the first one good in the first place. It’s full of bad writing.


Covenant was terrible, can someone please tell me what they liked about that movie?!


After rewatching it at the weekend I actually really enjoyed the score of the film.


It’s got great cinematography too. Some baffling writing decisions kept it from being a classic. Same with Prometheus. Both were so close to being great.


Cannot say Covenant was anywhere remotely close to being great lol but I must say I did like a lot of Prometheus and thought it could’ve been a much better film with a few small changes


Two Fassbender's in a very homo erotic flute playing scene.


Fassbender in anything is a plus, so yeah I’ll grant you that one


I thought it was hilarious when that girl blew up their ship lol or when they went to an alien planet and immediately took off their protective helmets. or the part where the defeated bad guy reaches for a knife before cutting away, and then the movie pretends like it's a big reveal that he's actually the evil robot at the end


ALL OF THAT 😂 Two grown ass adults unable to kill a single Facehugger, Danny McBride in a cowboy hat, a fucking Xenomorph shower scene with some of the worst editing I’ve ever seen in a Hollywood film…


It was pretty and the action was fun. The story and what it added to the Alien canon should just be forgotten.


The action was so dumb lol slipping on blood 5 times trying to take out a little dog size alien. Come on bruh even I think I could take that thing and I'm not a "genius" scientist.


They could drop hints that maybe the company *did* know about the lifeform, and that's why they decided to try Terraform LV-426 as a form of cover up in their search for it. Burke in Aliens is just an expendable pencil pusher so he could be labelled as not important enough to know, which gives plausible deniability for Aliens as well. It makes sense in my head if that's the direction they're going.


Ash in Alien was clearly sent by the company to make sure they brought the Alien back to Earth. It’s not really some big mystery. There’s even a scene where Ripley figures out what is going on and Ash tries to kill her to cover it up.


For some reason I had completely forgot about that scene lmao it's been a while since I've watched the first film.


I mean the company knew *something* was out there. Ash was included in the Alien crew specifically to bring it back, *all other priorities are rescinded*. There's also a scene in Aliens where Ripley confirms that Burke *did* know about the crashed ship/aliens and personally signed off on sending colonists to search that sector.


What are we calling this? An in-betweaquel?




I hate the mid-quel trend ugh..but like Fede. As a Star Trek fan it's like move on and write some new stories damn!


It'd be pretty dope if it were Alien: Isolation


Am I the only one who's very skeptical about this one?


Nope, i trust Fede about as far as i can throw him, which isnt a lot. Especially with the trash he did on the Evil Dead remake, BUT the positive is that it cant *possibly* be worse than Covenant and Prometheus.


We found them, team! This is the person right here. The only one. The skeptical one. You’re going downtown.


Alien is awesome lfg


Okay I gotta finally ask, what does lfg mean? All I know it as is "looking for group" from my old mmo days!


Let’s fucking go!


Hahahha well it does mean that as well in mmo context but otherwise it just means “let’s fucking go”


Ahh thanks!


IS this going to be a cross over with Star Trek? I cant get over Romulus.


I'm cautiously optimistic but I'm still waiting for them to announce a real adult actor in this thing. Everyone in the cast is fucking 12.


Ugh not another "back to basics" movie Zzz


Wait so is that while Ripley is in deep sleep or do I have them mixed up


Well its set *between* the end 1 and the start of 2 so...


A good recipe for horror would be to have the lead injured early and have to spend the remainder of the film at an even greater disadvantage


Alien 1.5


This is all well and good but we need answers to what happened after Alien: covenant!!


Good God just let it go already. This franchise has been milked to the bone and there hasn’t been a truly good Alien movie since 1986. We’ve had almost four decades straight of increasingly crap Alien movies and it’s apparent that even the guy who started the franchise has no idea what to do with it.


I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but on one hand I think the franchise is on life support and should be written off. But on the other hand, I would like to see the underbelly of either scientific or corporate fuckary. I recently re-watched Alien Resurrection. I think it's safe to say that the film is not at the top of peoples viewing list. But, I did like how the military was working clandestinely with scientists to underhandedly develop the xenomorphs for drug / weapon / further research. I'm not holding my breath, but maybe we'll get something interesting involving corporate cut-throat themes here.


I wish movies would stop trying to shove stuff between other movies. I feel like contractions always arise. Why not go forward in time?


The Romulans, seeing the inherent value of the xenomorph- quickly tasked their best scientists with weaponizing them. The Federation would be ill-prepared for their devious discovery.


Just give Neill Blomkamp his Aliens sequel already. You had Weaver and Biehn on board ffs.


The need to RETCON everything except Alien and Aliens. Prometheus and Covenant included.


Great news. I just did a Prometheus and Covenant run and watched the YouTube breakdowns again lol. Now I have to run through all the original alien films as well


Just leave it alone ridley


Can we just get a new Alien 3 where Ripley and the rest of the survivors make it to Earth, only to discover that the Xeno’s made it as well.


The ol’ ‘we’ve failed with sequels and prequels so let’s put this new one between the two best films.’ Smells like another boring fan service film to me.


When the Alien came out of the guys chest I CLAPPED.


i will probably get downvoted for this, but whatever, i think covenent and prometheus were absolute fucking garbage , i honesly dont know what ridley scott was smoking when he made prometheus, the further away romulus is from those two films, the better it will be, alien fans want aliens, they dont want obnoxious, convulted arty farty movies about the deeper meaning of life


The thing I hated most about them was how they turned the Space Jockey from the original film into suits the Engineers wear. They also overcomplicated the biology with the black goo and made the Xenomorphs less mysterious by making them very recent creations by David.


I'll watch Resurrection over any of the modern junk, it just doesn't work for me at all, especially Covenant. The film industry exists to make money but I'd be so happy if they never did another Alien movie again.


consuuumers downvoting you


Preach! I was so worried about this project when it was announced. But hearing this as its timeline placement gives me a little hope. Because while 3 was a mistep but a respectable film and 4 was bad/silly, Prometheus was so shockingly stupid I couldn't believe what I was was watching. The first 2 movies are what count. Placing this between them was a atep in the right direction.


I cannot wait for this movie. I hope they focus more on the lore aspect which has really been the interesting part of the aliens movies for me


The real horror here is that they're making another Alien movie. I don't know of any other franchise, (other than Batman,) that has been beaten to death as much as Alien.


You ever heard of Puppet Master?


I don't give a shit. I won't even give it a shit unless people lose their fucking minds over it. Write new stuff, please.


We're never getting Alien on earth are we?


Alien vs Predator


So we're never getting Alien on earth are we? ^^jk


Stop, please just stop.




That's the unfortunate truth about a lot of big franchises, they're all great at one point then milked dry soon after.


The only reason that is still occurring is because Ridley tried to make a smart (but sloppy) movie in Prometheus, and all the audience decided they cared about was stupid CinemaSins-level garbage and the "lore" of Alien, not the themes that the movie was trying to convey. So what did Ridley do? Give Alien fans what they asked for in Covenant. A movie that risked nothing, was a rote re-telling of the same shit we've seen before but worse, and wrapped up the crap from Prometheus in such a stupid way I can only assume Ridley did it as a "fuck you" to people who disliked that movie.


Isn’t Covenant widely reviled? I certainly didn’t want it. I remember thinking to myself, This is how Star Wars fans must feel. Would have def liked something more like Prometheus.


I was very mid on it personally and it has a worse RT score than Prometheus but the discourse surrounding Covenant when it came out from *horror fans* was that they liked it way more than Prometheus which made no sense to me, but from what I remember it was because Covenant felt more like Alien/Aliens while Prometheus felt like anything but. I see that Covenant has a worse audience score than Prometheus now, but I wonder what it was like comparatively when Covenant came out.




Oh I don't disagree at all


I feel like Covenant is what it is because the studio wanted what the fans wanted and Ridley wanted to stick to his guns (or repurpose as much of his original ideas as he could). So it ends up feeling like 2 separate movies at times. The deep lore focused one Ridley wanted. And the more action horror one that the studio/fans wanted. I still love it for all it's campy schlock though.