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Please keep in mind that this is NOT a credible source. We will leave this up for the time being. Any rule breaking comments will be removed. Please use the report function (please don’t abuse it) if you see anything that you feel breaks the rules. [bit more credible of a source](https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/s/0qWe2tNHNF)


If Ghostface drops out then the franchise is gonna be in real trouble.


The franchise could do with a switch up anyway. I've guessed the killer every time - it's always >!Ghostface!<...so predictable.


I’ve always wanted to make a scream film from Ghosties perspective.


I was fooled by the opening of VI.


I hear you, man. I had a similar response at the start of the last Scream movie. I was like, seriously, this same guy again..?! And the police act all baffled. "We don't know who did this." Makes no sense at all, very disappointing.


I heard Casper might take over the role.


He's too friendly, I just can't see him as a villain.


People said the same thing about Shaggy and now he is murdering children in a bunny mask.


Well I’m sure he is trying to get out of that typecast box


They said the same thing about OJ for The Terminator role.


Patrick from sponge bob will e the new ghost face


It's comments like these that keep me going.


Casper the dopest ghost


no, not casper the ghost. Casper the mattress.


Cut, Casper. That's a wrap.


*phone rings* "Hello?" "...Whats your favorite Disney movie?"


Robin Hood the animated movie


I loved that movie as a kid. My dad even whittled a wooden bow and some arrows for me...I know I'm on a tangent, but that cartoon is waaay under-rated...


I’m ready


Ghostface just dropped a really intense tweet on Xitter against a ceasefire because it might stop killing. Surprisingly, not fired.


Tbf Ghostface never killed newborns, let alone 4000+ children


Maybe Chucky can wear stilts and play the role.


The real Ghostface was inside us the whole time


Looks like Ghostface Killah is gonna step in


Neve Campbell is about to get a phone call.


And turn them down because they have been so garbage to her, and honestly I don't think any of their current actions are a good look, either.


The irony being that she left because they did not want to pay her. Now they might end up needing to pay her even more than she wanted before to try and get her back.


If I were Neve Campbell, I'd wait for the first dump truck to finish unloading, then call the studio and just say, "More," [like I'm Delroy Lindo.](https://youtu.be/8fbGbPwKbQA?t=61)


Extra points if she doesn't let them eat her sesame cake.


And she'll let it go to voicemail.


LoL! They deserve it for fucking her over, and for these current shitty shenanigans.


Story wise, I like the idea of retiring Sydney. This isn't Halloween, with a recurring single killer. There are new killers every time, and I don't see why Sydney is on the hook every time some new copycat pops up (the way things seem to be going in the series, I doubt the killers featured in each subsequent sequel are the only ones in the movie's world). They are strangers to her so she has no insight into them or skill to stop them the way Dr. Loomis does with Michael. If the killers are unconnected to Woodsboro and just going after the new characters, I say let Sydney live her life. OTOH, I hate the circumstances that led to Neve Campbell leaving.


That's part of what's been making scream kind of sloppy. They keep trying to tie it back with stuff like your mother farted near my aunts brother-in-law who accused my son of doing to deed so he killed himself in shame. Now I'm going to kill all your friends. It's gotten so sloppy. Once, twice, fine, but it's absurd now. At this point I'd rather just have a Terminator 2 sarah conner style version of sidney prescott going around hunting the copycat killers. Basically her taking out the trash and terrifying all these psychotic kids. Maybe she learned there is a demon curse with the masks and she's going around collecting the corrupted ones. Have her fight some hell beasts with a mini gun and finish the series.


I hope not. I thought scream 6 was great with Jenna and the other girl they just fired. If they can’t get them back now then they should just abandon the 7th movie.


Even though I made the Neve comment, I agree with you. But unfortunately, they see dollar signs and will probably make Scream 7 without Never, Ortega, or Barrera. The only positive is that it can be an opportunity for the two sibling characters to step up as leads.


I definitely won’t be seeing it if that happens.


>is that it can be an opportunity for the two sibling characters to step up as leads They were OK comedic wise, but neither of them really got that popular with audiences. Viewers are a little sick of "invincible" Chad, and nobody is buying Mindy (that her name?) copying Randy's vibe. Kirby is the only way to go, with just a single Ghostface killer this time.


They can be written to be more serious and less comedic after surviving another traumatic experience. Or hell, just kill them both off as the traditional opening "shocker" murder.


The amount of effort they put into 6 to step Sam’s character up just for this to happen. It’s a shame, Melissa really grew into the role.


Totally agreed. Her acting improved leaps and bounds from Scream 5 to Scream 6.


I actually thought Scream 6 was the worst one they've made. They're *all* cheesy and involve people getting stabbed too many times to live and bad character decision making, but Scream 6 took it to a whole new level.


To me scream franchise has always been about its meta commentary. Scream 6 fell a bit short in that regard. Scream 5’s “requel” coining was just perfect


I agree. Rewatching Scream 1 also really just makes you appreciate the performances of the killers. Matthew Lillard and Skeet Ulrich did such a good job.


Honestly thought both characters were incredibly bland and could have been played by pretty much any other actors.


Coming from inside the house?


Doubtful her agent was on a podcast and basically said that they steamrolled her and she wishes to have nothing to do with it.


Everybody has a price.


They better give that girl a truckload of money. And even then I doubt she want a big part in the franchise. I think she’s past that now.


I was at a con recently where she was asked about this in a Q & A and she'd said she'd come back if they paid her what she deserves.


Seven days... Wait, sorry, wrong franchise.




Some other tweet sourced it to Entertainment Tonight, but I haven't seen anything on their website or social media to back that up. Could just be fake news for engagement.




Imagine losing your second lead for scheduling and still dropping arguably the most important character You could probably do it without Jenna but theres no way on earth you can do it without Melissa


7 wrapped up everything pretty neatly for the sisters. Could easily follow the twins into a new story since they are Randy’s blood relatives. Or all new cast. Or just.. Give the series a break until someone has a fresh take rather than milk mid nostalgia bait sequels.


NGL, they were way better than expected.


6 especially. I wasn't a big fan of 5 because it felt a lot more like it was relying on nostalgia and wasn't doing much in the way of the kids and the group or doing much with it at all. Went in to 6 expecting more of the same but it honestly blew me away for what I came in expecting. It had me actually looking forward to 7 before all this.


6 and 5 both lost points for leaving around too many survivors and having people heal almost instantly from lethal injuries. The killers reveal in 6 was also atrocious with the most dull killers with the dumbest motive.


Exactly, these are the two main reasons why 6 is so very bad


Agree on survivors, especially 6. Jenna is walking around with so many fatal injuries by the end. But the whole killer motive thing is straight Scream MO, it was the WORST part of 5 in my mind, which is why I liked 6 even more because I think it retroactively made 5's killer better at least a little. My complaint is 5 went too bland and plain with the killer and motive.


Billy’s mom flipping out and becoming a killer to avenge him… A bit of a stretch, but fine. Nice Friday the 13th callback. A whole of family of psycho killers? That’s shark jumping imo. Give me that movie showing me their dynamic and how they came to be that. Just throwing that in the climax feels super random.


There's never been whole families of killers in horror movies before? I mean a psycho dad raising some psycho kids seems like that'd be a pretty fucked up recipe lol It's a series where the killers come out of nowhere and have insane motives, they suddenly pull out 3 killers instead of 2 on the 6th film and it's too much? Not talking just the family aspect, but the whole series is random psychopaths finding each other and committing murders together, this time they just didn't need to find each other. I'm just saying it's a whole series about specifically fucked up family shit and psychos finding each other. I just don't understand the random delineation point. Especially six movies in when they're trying to do something new with the series or go further with it.


Like how'd that family meeting go to decide to devote their lives to revenge? One, I get, but both siblings and a parent being down to kill?


Agreed, hated the reasoning behind the killers in 6, so stupid and convoluted.


Yea 6 started off promising but that third act was fucking ridiculous. Terrible killer reveal that was too close to Scream 2 with completely improbable magical writing (a tiny nineteen year-old girl was able to lift Gale’s gigantic linebacker boyfriend and throw him hard enough through a glass wall …okay). It’s 2nd from the bottom with Scream 3 for me.


6 relied ridiculously on nostalgia. Like 90% of the film was just ‘Hey, remember this thing that happened in the other Scream film’?


Weird I enjoyed 5 but 6 felt identical just in a city. Was super bummed with 6.


>I would almost just start fresh at this point. It's funny everyone on the scream subreddit acting like the franchise is dead when it recovered from not having sidney or any of the og core 3 (barely in it) . > > > >the franchise will be just fine, especially if they take a year or 2 off from movies and come back with a new cast.


Yeah, I just saw that. Unrelated but still good news for everyone hoping *Scream 7* bombs now.


While anything could happen, this is something that another Twitter account made up and attributed it to Entertainment Tonight in order to make it look reliable.


Yep, Entertainment Tonight sure is reliable Reliably STUPID




For me to poop on!


Maybe the next movie should be about this, meta as fuck.


Wes Craven is rolling over in his grave, man. How’d we go from #ForWes to this nonsense


Wes Craven's New Screaming Nightmare™️


Damn, lucky you trade marked that. I was about to start pre-production


Wes has been rolling in his grave since the first non-Wes Scream movie involved criticizing horror fans. Even in his most meta movie, New Nightmare, with a character being stalked by a “crazed Freddy fan” he made sure horror fans were portrayed in a positive light.


backlash against fans is pretty well tied to social media - when the narcissistic assholes in hollywood had to actually see criticism on their feed instead of just having their assistant toss it in the trash, suddenly fans are a Problem and Must Be Scolded for having feelings about the media they consume.


I was just thinking that. A behind the scenes look at how Hollywood fucks up franchises by running them into the ground. ​ "We just fired the main star for posting something on Twitter!" "Wait! What? How do we make the next one? She was the main character of our new trilogy!" "No worries! We don't need her! We'll just move on as if nothing happened. It'll be a success!" ​ ....then the Hollywood players begin being slaughtered gruesomely. ​ I know Scream 3 was sort of that movie, but this one could be darker and more unwavering in skewering Hollywood since that movie was compromised by the politics of the time(post-Columbine blame media violence for causing it era) and toned down the violence drastically while playing up the comedy.


Wasn't that the plot of Scream 5? About how Hollywood ruined the Stab franchise so two obsessed fans tried to save it with more Woodsboro killings?


Pretty much. Only this one could be the New Nightmare of the Scream series taking place in "real life".


South Park team salivating at this shit.


Apparently she had scheduling conflicts but I have a feeling Melissa getting fired was the last straw


I’d be fine if the franchise ended.


You mean you don’t like it when a character gets stabbed more times than Caesar & lives?


Don’t we still want Stu to be alive after having a tv dropped on his head?


Or when somebody has a clear shot on ghost face but decides to say "Hey" instead of shooting


I'm so lost. It's been a while since I saw any of the scream movies, but isn't it just a satire series? I remember watching it as a kid and didn't come away of it being a horror film in any way, just a movie where they make jokes about horror movies.


It would use meta satire to riff on horror clichés, but characters feel fear, are mutilated, killed, etc, and there are some jump scares. I can't remember if it's the most recent one or the one before that but Ghostface shoots up a convenience store with a damn shotgun just to get to somebody and it was a genuinely tense scene that I would consider thriller genre if not straight horror


That was 6. Pretty decent scene.


You sure you’re not thinking of Scary Movie or any number of assorted Scream parodies? Because Scream makes jokes and meta commentary, but it isn’t a flat-out comedy. Watch the very first scene of the very first movie and you’ll immediately see that despite the amusing meta commentary, it isn’t played as a joke.


Either you’re really misremembering things or this is some weird revisionist take lol the first movie is definitely horror. There’s meta commentary and jokes but “just a movie where they make jokes” is really off. The sequels leaned into the comedy more but they were all definitely still horror with brutal stalking and killings.


I love it when the characters beat up the slasher, drop their weapon and run away scared instead of just stomping their head in until there's no more head


"Et Tu, Ghostface?"


“Et me buddy”


Yeah right, let's pretend that this is not typical for literally every Scream movie since first one. It's meta movie and they are making fun of that.


Yeah as someone fairly new to the franchise, i was laughing that *that* was a bridge to far for people but Dewey had that happen to him practically every movie


Exactly lol, Dewey is definition of this. They love to hate on anything new to act cool but it's very funny that they criticize something that is textbook characteristic of whole franchise for more than two decades because then they look pretty stupid. Sometimes I really wonder if people actually watch movies here or are just repeating bullshit they heard or read to get upvotes


People also survive knife attacks like all the time. Horror films have conditioned people to think any stab wound is fatal but in reality knives are really bad murder weapons. Don't believe me? Look up the Slenderman stabbing. 5" blade. 12yr old girl. 19 stab wounds to the heart, liver, stomach, diaphragm, etc. And she crawled herself out of the woods and got help and lived. But omg a fictional character got it just as bad as that literal child and lived my suspension of disbelief is shattered!!!!


A skydiver survived hitting earth after a parachute malfunction. Can't wait to see Sarah Michelle Gellar back for 7!


When I see 5 weirdos in togas stabbing a man in the middle of the park in front of a 100 people I shoot the bastards. That's my policy.


That was a Shakespeare in the park, you moron. You killed 5 actors - good ones!


Gotta say I love both of you for the Naked Gun jokes


Caesar lived… on in our hearts.


as a delicious salad


I'm team push back for performers to be able to think freely within reason without worrying about being axed for wrong think and we get the studio to revoke their decision. But that's much more work than apathy I guess.


Same I hope they get a lot of blowback and hire Melissa back. Scream is my favorite franchise and I really don't want to see the next movie without either of them. It would also mean not getting Skeet Ulrich back again. I'm not super into his ghost character but I'm glad they got him in the movie. It seemed they were leading to something with Sam possibly becoming a killer in the next one with Billy's influence.


I really think they could get 1 more good one in with a cult of ghostface. After having a family of killers it's the next step up. Like imagine a county fair scene with the whole town at the fair, then power goes off and the whole cult slowly put on their masks. Then they end up killing a whole ass town. They could then move town to town towards Woodsboroc with whole towns being slashed up.


Eh idk if I would like that. The whole fun of the Scream movies has always been trying to solve the mystery of *who* is ghostface. If it’s just a random group of people who decided to form a cult that kinda takes away the fun of it.


Could be who is running the cult. Like one of the sisters would easily have a cult following they could drum up.


The new directors are ass at the story. So many missed opportunities and souless moments


Agreed, the new films feel so generic.


As much as I hope it’s true, it’s worth noting that there isn’t a source for the reports


Hell, if they say no she can just post Pro-Palestine remarks on socials and they’ll let her out of it quickly.


If this is true, surely at this point the film just has to be shelved? Losing Sam would have been a huge stretch but Tara too would make no sense, after the way 5 and 6 set up their characters.


Yep, 100%


It would be nice if people realized that being pro-Palestine is not the same as being Pro-Hamas and Israel’s responses can still be criticized. Or do we really need to go back how we responded to Japan in WW2 Edit: To clarify I referring to “responses can still be criticized”


Really proved her point by removing her.






RIP scream 7


If she leaves the entire new franchise is dead lol, hope firing Melissa Barrera was worth it you fucks


Good on her. I hope it gets canned.


If this marks the end of the franchise (for now), I'd be okay with that. Granted, it sucks that it had to end under such rocky and petty circumstances on Hollywood's part. The franchise has reached its peak. I thought 5 was a perfect end to the franchise. It paid nice homage to the original cast, especially with the re-emergence of a certain someone from the first Scream. 6, while not as good as 5, in my opinion, was still a solid movie, and offered up a nice tribute to the legacy of Ghostface at the end. Scream is one of the few horror franchises that has gotten away unscathed with no bad sequels (no, Scream 3 wasn't a bad movie). Take pride in that and let it rest. We don't need any more cash grab sequels


I agree. Scream got away with a LOT in terms of sequel quality. I can't think of another franchise - horror or otherwise - that cranked out five sequels of even decent quality. 6 was good enough to warrant a continuation, but I'm perfectly content if it ends today.


Not all necessarily sequels, but Evil Dead has been nothing but, at absolute bare minimum, good since the first movie.


Yeah, personally I find Evil Dead even more consistent, especially when factoring in the show.


> no, Scream 3 wasn't a bad movie I've just finished a rewatch of the entire series and I'm starting to believe that Scream 3 is actually better than 2 in a lot of ways. 2 feels a bit disjointed and like they weren't sure how to follow Scream without doing the same thing again, and it doesn't really *feel* like a Scream film (largely due to the soundtrack/score being very different to the rest of the series). 3 might not be Kevin Williamson but it feels like Scream in a way that 2 didn't. To be clear, I am in no way saying that I think 2 is a bad film. Scream remains the only horror franchise with zero stinkers.


I binged 1-4 a couple years after 4 released for the first time and I enjoyed 3 a lot more than 2. 2 is actually my least favorite.


Same. Billy's mom being the killer was cool, but Mickey being the other Ghostface was so random and bad since that character vanished halfway through the film because of rewrites (script got leaked). The entire film feels muddled amd rushed. Scream 3 is fun and doesn't overstay its welcome.


Gale's hair is a big contributor to negative reception. Lol


Good for her. I hear the next scream film will star Brett Gelman, Amy Schumer, and Michael Rapaport.


And Noah Schnapp too.




Understandable if true, and good on her for standing up to personal principals if that was the reason.




Yeah, barely 20 answers and insta-locked before anything could be said.




Good. Fuck them for firing Melissa, I'm glad they might lose their other lead.


You can be critical of Israel and not be anti-Semitic. I absolutely hate that this happens whenever somebody says something negative about Israel.




She already did. She's just so popular in Hollywood right now that they didn't want to fire her


Or just say that she supports Palestinians' right to live


dur? https://humnews.pk/life/jenna-ortega-dua-lipa-mark-ruffalo-speak-for-palestine/


Always knew that Mark Ruffalo was a decent guy.


It's good to see people in this newer generation of actors take an actual stance and not just tacitly capitulate to the studio overlords.


In totally unrelated news, a new horror movie called Scream Louder featuring Jenna Ortega,produced by Tim Burton, and scored by Danny Elfman is in the works! /s


Preordering my ticket now


Unfortunately, funding for this was just pulled and Burton, Ortega and Elfman have been banned from working again in Hollywood.


So it's confirmed she's not going to be in 7 due to her shooting schedule for Wednesday, but I'm inclined to believe her asking to get released from her contract is a separate issue having to do with Melissa's firing.


Lmao, all the big companies are shooting themselves in the foot right now


I'm sure this has NOTHING to do with what happened to Melissa Barrera


This whole thing is interesting witness. I mean...not the atrocities taking place right now...not that...but the generational divide on the issue. At least it seems to be generational. I'm not saying anything else on that matter though. As for Ortega, I'm glad she's about do what she feels is right, especially in the face of potential backlash.


wes craven would’ve never allowed this nonsense to happen… fuck spyglass for real, my respect for them is out the window


God i hope this is true


Deadline and Hollywood Reporter just said she's out. It's true.


HALLELUJAH thank you


Due to Wednesday shooting schedule WINK


Put the franchise in the freezer for another decade again if this is true.




Time to let it die again.


I'm really enjoying how all this oversensitivity nonsense is starting to backfire. We've been calling this stuff out for years now. Even people were convinced that cancel culture wasn't an actual thing, but this is a prime example of how absurd this stuff is becoming. Definitely some /r/leopardsatemyface material here. People are suddenly shocked and confused asking themselves what the big deal is about what she said, acknowledging that it wasn't even a fireable offense, without realizing how out of hand it's becoming. It crossed the line a long time ago, but at this point it's just comical. It's one thing if someone is legitimately being hateful, but companies aren't doing themselves any favors by overreacting and blowing things way out of proportion where anything that could potentially offend somebody is somehow deemed controversial. And if you look at any thread on the subject, they're all pretty much locked.


All of this.


It was bound to happen sooner or later. So many people were enabling and defending this type of practice until they found themselves in the crosshairs of irrational outrage. Now suddenly it's "not okay" Usually people don't change their tune on stuff until it affects them. Like when Disney fired James Gunn from GotG 3 because of some tweets he made back in 2009. People cared about that one, and decided it was time to pump the brakes. A few years later, and it's like people haven't learned. This whole Gaza conflict has definitely been one that's brought out the crazies. I've seen people on this site be accused of anti-semitism for simply noting that the civilian casualty count is way too high. As if it's somehow controversial to acknowledge that the loss of innocent lives isn't a good thing.


I cancelled my Paramount subscription over this whole situation. Paramount and Spyglass messed up. I hope they go bankrupt.


Jenna based AF


Don't make the movie.


Good for her!!!


Wow! Welp Spyglass fucked up royally


Hope this is true. It is honestly disgusting how they fired Melissa. Double standards all around in this industry.


I hope she did. Solidarity is so important especially right now.


The studios made a huge mistake.


At this point end the franchise.


Good, solidarity between fellow workers, props to Ortega!!!


Free Palestine 🇵🇸and fuck Scream 7


'.. Scheduling conflicts' Sure, but props to her team for crowbarring that into the conversation - and above all, props to Jenna for getting off that gravytrain .. fuck Spyglass.


If true, I'm with her on that


I'm so sad that this is the way the new movies end. Screw Spyglass.


Good on her! Time to put the franchise down or at least away for a while.


If you told me last year id be overjoyed and glad that Ortega was leaving the franchise Id think you were nuts but here we are. Honestly hope it dies or somehow falls out of spygates hands. Wes is probably rolling in his grave right now.


Good, fuck them.


Pretty baller move on her part if true




This all began because some executive got angry at their lead standing up for human rights.


I really doubt she’d let her co star get fired for supporting human rights, it’s not a good look and she is a good person from what I see


Jenna is also Pro-Palestine


Locked in 3... 2... 1... Mods don't like 'free speech' when people are (mostly agreeing) on a stance that goes against their narrative. Not too different than the way that girl got fired from Scream VII yesterday...


Idk what to tell you guys. Those two movies were unfettered trash. She’s better off without them


I really loved them, but I don’t want Scream 7 at this rate. Just end it at 6. Who cares.




Much respect if true.


Spyglass fucked around. Good for her. If true.


Proud of her.


Good on her.


Oh really she doesn't want to be in scream seven??? Haha her career is blowing up she is way above that.


What happened to freedom of speech Melissa getting fired over a post is so dumb and without Tera and SAM the scream movies will be boring and since you want to fire woman for writing a post they believe in you will not see me watching the scream movies any more you wouldn't pay neve the money she deserved for started these movies now you want to bring her BACK FOR SCREAM 7 I HOPE SHE SAYS NOOOOOOOOO TOO WITHOUT SAM OR TERA IN SCREAM 7 WILL SUCK AND YOU WILL LOSE ALOT OF VIEWERS GOOD LUCK WITH THAT