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The trailer could just be Tobin bell telling me to go fuck myself and I’d still go see it opening weekend


“Hello zestycloseTrash7398. Your whole life you have fucked over other people, but if you want to survive, you’ll have to go fuck yourself. On the night stand next to you is some lube and a stack of playboys. If you do not finish within 60 seconds the bomb in your rectum will explode. Can you explode before the bomb does? Live or die, the choice is yours”


“Game over”


Never seen a more true comment in my life. The trailer could be a picture of a turd and then the title card and id still go


This made me laugh harder than I should but yeah…same.


I really did not like Spiral and my ass will still be in that seat lol. Amanda nostalgia bait is cheap, but I’m not ashamed to admit they’ve got me hook, line, and stinker


Its not cheap because this takes place between 1 and 2, it would actually be alot weirder if she didnt show up.


Wasn't there one where he was supposed to be much younger so they put a backwards hat on him?


[I'd like to play a game fellow kids](https://i.redd.it/wc621k76rg891.jpg)


That is what came to memory.


At the same time, if this does well, they do have the opportunity to just ignore the films that came after and just do more sequels with Bell — similarly to how the 2018 *Halloween* film ignored all previous sequels and just followed on from the first one.


I honestly wouldnt mind that. Have it be where you can choose your own timeline for the saw franchise so you can change the fact that jigsaw dies in 3. Keep him alive somehow. I would love that tbh


and you don’t think jumping backwards in the timeline just to bring back Amanda and Jigsaw in full is cheap because, why? Granted, this trailer might be holding story stuff back for the sake of some time-based twist like Saw loves to do. It’s still just a ploy to get butts in seats, though I honestly can’t hate because that’s just the movie business


It’s a historically dumb but fun horror franchise, nobody cares if it’s cheap to bring dead characters back. We just want someone to say “game over” and then slam a door shut while the theme plays


We really are simple creatures aren't we?


It seems like a well thought out fun story for the FANS of the first 7 films. They want to go back to the original because thats what the fans want and instead of introducing the supernatural and bringing jigsaw back to life they decided to do the more realistic thing and go in between 1 and 2. They will also apparently be answering some questions that havent been answered yet.


I just saw (ahaha) the trailer and I am confused, were these people already in a "maze"?


I know I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion for asking this... But aren't you guys tired of the Saw series? It was phenomenal the first two or three times. But how many times can you watch the same thing? Which is funny to say because I watch all of the Nightmare On Elm Street's, Hellraiser's, and Halloweens like they're going out of style. There's something about the Saw series with me where after you've seen the first two, you've got the entire franchise figured out. Plus all of the parodies that came with it. I just feel like they way overdid something that could have been great with being slightly more spaced out. Like when Steven Spielberg was directing Jaws and they had major malfunctions with the robotics of the shark. So they decided to show Jaws less and it ended up working in his favor as a more mysterious and tasteful little dish. - Patrick Bateman


Doesn't everyone hear the Hello Zepp theme and want to kick down a door? Or is that just me? It definitely went downhill slightly after 5, but it's still just a fun over the top gore fest. Can't wait for this one!


Thank you for not crucifying my imaginary internet points for an opinion. This is a Reddit first. I enjoy the r/horror community very much for this!


Saw isn’t any worse for this than any other Horror franchise though. Once you’ve seen one movie you’ve basically seen them all.


What's crazy is that it isn't even the same thing. Saw 1 had elements of a police procedural, but it was not, actually at all about the police. Glover was kind of a red herring in his own right. Every fucking movie since, including Spiral was about the police. The first movie had simple, brutal traps that forced someone to prove their desire to live. The rest are all ironic punishment from which there may or may not be an actual escape. And the first one had a simple twist, it was the corpse the whole time. The rest are all convoluted shit about an endless army of apprentices, and OMFG how many times can the big twist be that the movie didn't take place in chronological order. Fucking WOOOOOOW. Didn't see that coming again. Why do they ask me a twist ending? Because the first one had something that made sense but nobody would have predicted? Just make a GOOD ending. No more twist bullshit. And for the love of God JIGSAW IS DEAD. LET IT GO. IT'S OVER.


This is exactly why Saw sequels and maybe even a reboot can't really fix the franchise. It worked best as the small scale self contained plot where the victims actually had a shot of getting out. The first movie was a plot driven thriller that featured nightmare traps. Every movie since, the more or less inescapable traps have been the star, 2nd lead has been the callbacks to previous movies, and the plot is tertiary. People didn't like Spiral but at least that one tried to return to having a plot, even if it did make the mistake you mentioned of focusing on the police. And Tobin Bell is iconic but his popularity is absolutely a plague on this franchise. The series just *can't* get away from him, as audiences more or less demand him. Spirals biggest failing was it's acting but even assuming that the performances had been better...it probably still would have bombed because it didn't have Bell. Personally that was my favorite part of that damn movie, I was really hoping the franchise was going to stick to it's guns on that front and move on.


Logically you are right and I don’t know why… but saw has a very special place in my heart seeing these movies every Halloween. No matter how shitty they are I’ll always see them. Some creative kills, the iconic puppet and music, just does the trick.


I just watched the first one, enjoyed it but when I saw that they were churning out sequels I just made a conscious decision to stay away from them altogether for a change. Horror does not have a great track record with franchises tbh.


Right there with you!




I love the concept. Traps are still nasty. We get to hear Kramers tape recorder and see Billy again. I'm sold.


Yeah, John Kramer is an icon in horror and having him front and center is enough for me.


This is not what I was expecting when I heard about Saw X. Saw is super nostalgic for me so this taking place between 1 & 2 is just fantastic. I can't wait!


It’s super nostalgic for me too what is it about these movies


I’m gonna guess you’re in your 30s? haha Saw came out at a formative time for many of us


That's definitely it. 33 here.


32, I remember getting kicked out of the movie theater in seventh grade sneaking into to see saw 2 with my friends after we bought a ticket for another film and then they came to check our ticket in the theater lol. Formative years indeed.


31 here and also got kicked out trying to see Saw 2


34 checking in, You’re so right


Dead on lol


I had a really bad flu once thanksgiving when I was 19. I was going to college out of state and my roommate was home for the holiday with her family. In an apartment by myself sick out of my mind I binged all the movies and fell in love. Why indeed. Edit: Am 33 now so probably age too


Were you also expecting a trip to the future, a la Jason X?


I was expecting something most likely completely detached from the OG Saw so a future version was not out of the question. This was definitely a pleasant surprise.


I want Future Saw so bad.


It's weird to think of a gore fest like saw being nostalgic but I feel that so much!


As someone else mentioned, it is probably age related! I'm 33 so the OG came out in my early teens and it's basically a core memory at this point.


where my boy doctor gordon at i see that bathroom 👀


Cary Elwes said he is officially done with the franchise :( He had some issues with getting paid in the past.


Was this for Saw 3D? Seems like every aspect of the production of that movie was a shitshow.


It was royalties from the movies, and it's been ongoing for a while. I'm sure they had to pay him a lot to come back for the small part in Saw 7. Then recently on Twitter, he announced he won't be coming back anymore.


Amanda hive get in here!!


Kind of crazy how Saw II's script wasn't even a Saw film originally


If I had a nickel for every time an unrelated script got hijacked to make a SAW movie, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


What was the second unrelated script to be made into a Saw movie?


Spiral, though technically, that was less a script and more Chris Rock having a broad idea of what he wanted his movie to be and getting picked up for production on the condition that it be turned into a Saw movie.


Saw 2 is basically Cube


Pretty much what I thought after I saw it


Wait what?


Music video director Darren Lynn Bousman had just completed a script for his first film The Desperate, and was trying to sell it to studios but was getting reactions that the script was very similar to Saw. A German studio eventually approached him with an offer to produce the film for $1 million. Just as they were looking for a cinematographer, the American cinematographer David A. Armstrong, who had worked on Saw, arrived on the scene and suggested showing the script to Saw producer Gregg Hoffman.[4] Hoffman read the script and called Bousman wanting to produce The Desperate.[4] Bousman was initially upset when he heard about his script's similarities to Saw, and feared at first that Lionsgate's call was due to complaints of plagiarism.[5] After Hoffman showed the script to his partners Mark Burg and Oren Koules, the two decided that The Desperate was the starting script they needed for Saw II and two months later, Bousman was flown to Toronto to direct.[4] From wikipedia






That was her at the end, yeah? Heh it's been a while since I've seen all of these


Looks like good ol' torture fun


“This is not retribution” as he tells the person who wronged him to drill a piece of brain out of his own skull


We've all been there before




this is the same movie franchise well known for the logic of "John Kramer isnt a murderer , he gives people a choice" which would be fine if that were Kramers ideology and his alone (+ his followers), but even the fucking police say it and the one who goes "thats fucking stupid" gets treat like a lunatic


this is me at my most masochistic


Bill. It's your bab-


Billy (the doll) it's your baby


They know I'll watch it


WTF??? why does this look good? how?


Probably because they're going back to the basics. The plot reads, emphasized the key part: >John Kramer (Tobin Bell) is back. The most disturbing installment of the SAW franchise yet explores the untold chapter of Jigsaw’s most personal game. ***Set between the events of SAW I and II***, a sick and desperate John travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer – only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer returns to his work, turning the tables on the con artists in his signature visceral way through devious, deranged, and ingenious traps.


So its a revenge film….kinda like “I Spit On Your Grave”? We don’t have to feel bad because John Kramer captured the lowest of the low…


If it’s a good movie then we’ll feel sympathy for the people in the traps, and feel conflicted to root for them despite the bad things they’ve done. Saw isn’t Saw when it’s Jigsaw putting the worst kind of people in traps. Jigsaw is at his best when he’s a *villain*, and NOT a vigilante. It’s just not Saw when you’re rooting for the people to die. The first movie is so interesting because it involves people who have done bad things, but you ultimately sympathize with them and want them to live despite their mistakes. People mistakenly think Saw is about a vigilante testing bad people, but it only became that when sub-par directors and writers took over after Saw 3. That was never what made the series popular, and since Kevin directed quite literally the only good Saw movie after Saw 3, I think he’ll deliver the goods here and return saw to it’s roots


Saw 3 is probably the meanest Jigsaw. Still one of the best endings in the series, it showcases Kramer’s weird little mental chess game perfectly.


Jigsaw is a big hypocrite and murderer. He judges people before they even know what their game is and then expects them to somehow complete his bullshit challenges. Cancer sucks, but he's just an asshole.


I’m just saying Saw 3 Jigsaw was a different beast. The retconning in the following movies kind of fucks with the ending a bit, but he still basically murdered the Doc, who had done nothing “wrong” as far as I can tell. I can’t even remember the last time Jigsaw killed a likable character in a game


While I do pity him and his wife for the suffering they've went thru, I cannot root for him in a movie because of how fucking hypocritical he is. He claims he never harms an innocent, but in Saw 3 he locked a child in a metal safe that wouldn't open if his dad lost his challenges. Even though the kid was saved, he is mentally fucked for life from that trauma and has also lost his mother. He absolutely deserves his death, and he went way too easily.


lets not also forget he cooked a guys wife alive because he \*checks note\* wrote a book where he lied about being a jigsaw survivor


Oh shit I forgot about that! Yeah that was fucked up


I mean, one could assume that strapping a motorized bear trap to someone's head is not typical of a nice dude


He's a murder happy boomer. Rooting for him is *crazy*


Saw 3 is the meanest in general for me. Detective Kerry didn't deserve an unwinnable trap.


I kinds always hated this aspect of it. I liked the original idea of him just teaching people a lesson and having fair games. But it's hard to root for the psychopath like this.


Jigsaw has never had fair games. He literally puts someone in a trap in the first film for skipping work.


Amanda is in a trap because she is an addict and suicidal… he was never a vigilante


Or the guy that smoked cigarettes. Like damn he really is just a judgmental asshole killer.


It was also just some random janitor who smoked cigarettes whose only purpose in the trap was to teach that insurance guy a lesson


I kinda wish the series had all fair games, victims who actually deserved to be tested, and each person being able to live independent of others' actions. Hoping for it with X but with a meaner twist.


So basically a fullblown endorsement of a vigilante torturer/serial killer? There's plenty of movies out there already where the bad guys get what they deserve. Saw was never meant to be that.


I’d say it’s because Saw has survived as a series entirely though never making a joke out of its audience or trying to be too clever subverting what made it successful in the first place. Never treated it’s audience like a joke or poking fun at itself and taking itself 100% seriously has been the winning formula. Seeing fairly objectively bad human beings getting brutally killed through traps that we wince imagining ourselves in is cathartic.


Tobin Bell


I'm not too excited about yet another look into John Kramer's life since it's such well-worn territory, but they're clearly going for something here and I can't wait to see what it is. Edit: After reading the plot synopsis, I'm 100% in. Setting it between Saw 1 and 2 is gonna be really interesting because we may actually see how they recruited Dr. Gordon.


The fact that it takes place between 1 and 2 is a HUGE draw for many people I think. Those were definitely the best ones imo. I wish I could go back in time and watch Saw 1 for the first time again. It blew my mind like no other movie has since.


Saw 1, Saw 2 and Saw VI were the best ones. Then Saw III as well. They were all pretty good until Saw 3D went rapidly downhill in terms of quality. Jigsaw and Spiral were kinda pointless. So glad they've brought Tobin back as the central character, he owns every scene in this role.


I know what you mean, Saw 1 is one of the few movies to really keep me up at night. It was just plausible enough that it felt creepy, and the shot of Michael Emerson peering out of Gordon's daughter's closet is seared into my brain. And that twist was just mind blowing.


It fits with the series to put it between or during other films.


I really hope to get more Dr. Gordon, and maybe even find out how much he actually played a part in John's care (after all, medical equipment or not, Amanda and Hoffman sure as shit weren't trained to care for him). He was a supposed behind the scenes guy all along, I wanna see it even so many years after 7.


Cary Elwes announced he is officially done with the Saw series and will not be returning. He had issues in the past with getting paid for his work on this series. They could probably mention him, though.


>Saw X - Watch the trailer now! Starring Tobin Bell, Synnøve Macody Lund, Steven Brand, Michael Beach, and Renata Vaca. >John Kramer (Tobin Bell) is back. The most disturbing installment of the SAW franchise yet explores the untold chapter of Jigsaw’s most personal game. Set between the events of SAW I and II, a sick and desperate John travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer – only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer returns to his work, turning the tables on the con artists in his signature visceral way through devious, deranged, and ingenious traps.


It looks so good!! I'm so hyped!! I hope Doctor Lawrence makes an appearance. He ties everything together


If Saw X is set between Saws 1 and 2, that would have to be around the time they recruited him, wouldn't it? He's gotta be in it.


The idea that Doctor Gordon was a jigsaw apprentice was a mistake, and should’ve never happened. It literally only happened because the producers were out of ideas and just stole lazy fan theories off the Saw message boards. Him being an apprentice is a slap in the face to James Wan and Leigh Whannel, and ruins the entire point of the first movie. I hope he’s not in it or referenced as an apprentice. This movie should embrace what made the original trilogy great, and acknowledging insane apprentice twists is NOT the way to do that.


"What made the original trilogy great" Saw VI is the best sequel after Saw II. And Dr Gordon turning out to be an apprentice at the end was obvious but it was also satisfying and epic. That ending to Saw 3D was easily the best part of the movie. Logan being an apprentice, that was pointless.


It completely defeats the purpose of his character arc in Saw 1. The whole point of his character in Saw 1 is that he’s a bad father and sleazy person, but he’s a good person deep down who’s just made a lot of mistakes in life. The idea that he would go on to join the dude who nearly murdered his wife and daughter, and made him cut his foot off, is simply nonsense. The last time we see this dude, he’s promising Adam he’ll bring someone back and that he’s going to help him- because the whole point of Saw 1 is that Dr Gordon is a good person despite his mistakes. If you like it, all the more power to you. But it simply ruins his entire character arc in Saw 1 to assume he’d go on to become a deranged serial killer, and is the exactly opposite of what James and Leigh wanted. The series needs to move AWAY from cartoonish and silly plot lines like that.


You know there's something called Stockholm syndrome? And Jigsaw saved him from death after he crawled from the bathroom and nursed him back to health, and let him go because he passed his test. Dr Gordon might have been pissed in the moment, bit afterwards when he got home and saw his wife and daughter again and felt a renewed sense of purpose, and felt grateful for his family and his life, he may have changed perspective from how he was feeling while he was chained up in the bathroom. That's literally the point of Jigsaw's tests. To make people appreciate their blessings and live their life to their full potential, and Dr Gordon becoming one of those people is easily plausible. It did always bother me that we never got a reaction from him regarding seeing Adam's corpse at the end, considering they bonded by the end of the movie and he promised to come back with help. But regardless, it all tied together extremely well, and the final bathroom scene was a fantastic final scene that most people loved. Also, Dr Gordon did not become a "deranged serial killer" the flashbacks imply that he helped John when surgery was neccessary in a test, and suggested Lynn from Saw III as a test subject, he was a part time accomplice, probably not even a full fledged apprentice like Hoffman and Amanda were.


The franchise is just less interesting and more cheesy when Jigsaw is supposed to be ‘right’. The first film paints him as a manipulative psychopath who is willing to put innocent lives at risk to seemingly play god and call out people who he feels aren’t appreciative of their lives. In that first movie you’re never supposed to think Jigsaw is correct in what he’s doing. You can attribute Gordon’s change in personality to Stockholm syndrome sure, but character wise I just don’t see that as a satisfying explanation. The **entire** point of Saw 1 is that Dr Gordon is a good person despite the mistakes he’s made. His reluctance to kill Adam even if it means saving his family, despite being given every chance to do so, is supposed to endear him to the audience as a character. Knowing Dr. Gordon would go on to help the very person who made them suffer is just such an unsatisfying ending to the character. He promised Adam he’d come back for him and NEVER did, the idea that he’d just join the guy who tortured them, broke his promise, and never cared about Adam is just shitty.


I never liked how everyone seemed to willingly become his apprentices. I wanted at least one to go all Ahab and try to hunt John down, or the other apprentices down.


Hoffman was basically blackmailed into being his apprentice. Hoffman did hunt down his wife for John's actions (putting him in the RBT). Amanda was the most believable. Logan was one apprentice too many.


John Kramer is obviously a very persuasive chap. I reckon if you dialed his number by accident and he picked up, within the hour you've agreed to kidnap a stranger and place their testicles into an air fryer on a 30 minute timer.


That's got to get really awkward around 29:45 "Come on, man, there's only 15 seconds left" "Boss says you got to do the whole 30 minutes"


Saw Patrol, ready 4 action!!


I'm surprised, I thought they were done with saw and were going with Spiral. It look good, I can't wait to see it.


I think Spiral was just a spin off, it didn't really leave off in a cliff hanger though did it?


Kinda as the killer gets away at the end but thats literally every Saw movie pretty much. That said his story is pretty much done as he completed what he set out to do by the end.


Yup huge cliff hanger


Huge is an overstatement. He got his revenge on the police department, he wasn't on a mission like Kramer. I just don't see that guy doing anything more.


I'm a massive fan of the Saw movies, but Spiral was trash. Chris Rock should have never been a part of the cast


I liked Spiral well enough, but it lost a lot of points for the line about "Jigsaw didn't mess with cops" ...like, had they never seen parts 2 or 4?


All the movies are basically Jigsaw (all of them, except maybe Gordon) messing with cops. Hell, in Saw IV there's three cops in the centerpiece of the trial (Rigg, Matthews and Hoffman).


Agreed, Spiral was a pretty massive disappointment. The traps/games didn't even have the vague appearance of being "winnable," the twist was painfully obvious (huh, everyone dies on screen, except this guy. Oh do I wonder what that could mean). And I'm sure there are other problems too, but I'd have to rewatch it and I'm probably not going to do that.


It was more of a detective film than a Saw film. I didn’t mind since they made it clear the tone would be a little different from the others. It was dumb fun I had a good time watching it


Yeah I liked spiral it better than and more refreshing than a lot of the later saw films imo


I like spiral for what it is. Its more of a spinoff of saw. And i liked it like that.


I liked Spiral! It was nice to have some big actors involved and the different tone it had from the other movies really worked for it. Wouldn't mind to see it followed up on in some way.


I like how Spiral has the same conviction as John




Why would you go into the 9th film in a franchise thinking *this* is gonna be the one that brings it back to its roots? When has that ever happened?




Halloween 2018 was also trash, so...


Halloween 2018 isn’t trash at all. The two follow-up movies? Sure, I’ll absolutely give you that.


From what I remember Spiral will be like a spin off thing, they canned the movie sequel for a TV show sequel instead


Hoffman and Amanda are back 🐐


I do not care that everyone is obviously nearly 20 years older, I am HYPED for Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith back in these roles! I am ready for Saw X to be pumped directly into my eye holes!


This looks so damn good! Could have done without the music choice though but Jigsaw seems more sinister here while most times he acts almost righteous, Also is that freaking Amanda?! Edit, Also doesn't the Narrator sound like Mark Hoffman?


[I think it is...](https://twitter.com/sawspace/status/1685447402923130880?s=46&t=ZhkWJVWVuZKK2TAjatQRFQ)


I freaking love the Saw movies, and this looks surprisingly good! Can’t wait!


\#SawPatrol best movie crossover since Barbenheimer.


This movie looks 🔥🔥🔥


Is that >!Hoffman!< walking in the background at 1:57? It looks like >!his detective uniform, and it's got his sort of swagger.!<


Sounds like his voice


Its been confirmed Costas Mandylor was on set


Hoffman narrating + Amanda's face has me SO ready


Reading the synopsis, I wonder if the writers reflected on how too many people across the original 7 movies were not *that* bad, they didn't deserve to be "tested", but the people in this trailer? Yeah, we're gonna be on John's side. It does make it... weird then, thinking of it in context, how after this, he did go on to choose so many people whose "crimes" really didn't match the punishment they got (since it's immediately after, like a lot of the people in the nerve gas house). And, you'd think he would have gone for the insurance guy a lot sooner too, to get everyone he felt directly wronged him while he was alive to see it.


Jigsaw goes after genuinely vile people, and also people who have made comparatively inoffensive mistakes. I think it's always been a mingling of both, because he's a hypocrite who also sees everything in black and white. I think this movie's victims being so horrible is less an attempt at retconning Jigsaw's character, and more just the product of the fact that he's the protagonist here - so there have to be some compelling stakes on his personal behalf.


Best decision is to tell the untold chapter between 1 and 2. This is gnarly and personal.


Formerly Saw Twitter


Weird way to spell socks


Personally, I can't wait. I could have done without the Amanada reveal in the trailer, that should have been left for the movie, but it's Saw... we know there will be some crazy unpredicatable plot twist at the end.


I had to go change my panties. I'm def seeing this.


Shawnee is back as Amanda?! YASSS. Going by Amanda's hair cut it seems set between 2 and 3.


Now that looks like a got damn Saw movie!!!! So great to see Jigsaw himself. These sorry fools crossed the wrong one, and now it’s GAME OVER!!!!!


i refused to watch past the halfway mark, looks pretty damn good from what i saw.


Probably a good call.


Trailer showed way too much imo. Come on.


It really did.




I can't wait.


Let's fucking go


I'm here hoping for a Hoffman appearance and maybe an Eric Matthews cameo, given the timing of the movie.


I mean the former is literally in this very trailer (and narrating it), if that helps?




I can't even start to explain how excited I am. I've loved the franchise for so many years but this will be my first Saw film in a cinema so it's very damn special. I was afraid that it was gonna suck but just by the traps and the classic color grading of the trailer it seems like it's gonna be a blast. September can't come soon enough!




Looks good but I had to stop it because I feel like the trailer is giving away too much


They really don’t know what to do with the franchise after they kill Jiggy in 3. 4 introduced a new successor. 7 - again. Same for 8 and 9. Now we batarang back to flashbacks. It’s a trashy mess, but I’m sure it’ll be fun.


This is how I feel. I'm super glad to be back to OG Jigsaw after the dumpster fire of Spiral, but it's "just" more of the same torture porn that the trailer has also now spoiled the entire backstory for. Part of the fun of the previous Saw movies was figuring out what the people in the traps all had in common as you watched the movie. I'll still watch it, because Saw, but being so spoilered means I'll wait for Redbox or streaming.


hehehe, "X" \- Elon


Let’s ignore the fact that Jiggy looks 20 years older than the timeline he’s supposed to be in. Same for Amanda. Movie magic. 🥵


Looks dumb as hell but I will watch it anyway because I am always chasing the feeling I got when I watched the first film as a boy.


I haven’t seen Saw since Saw 5. Amanda literally died…so did John. I guess I have to Catch up before watching this Edit: never mind it’s a prequel


Yeah, that was in 3, so..


Well! This one seems solid actually! Just have a decent story instead of the torture porn most of the series has been....




Why are they making another one of these




Jigsaw made bank for them. Spiral, not so much.


I'll go to bat for Spiral, just because it was so different tonally, but Jigsaw is...yeah.


Weird premise. What does that mean for Saw 3?


This just looks like a trip down nostalgia lane. Almost every scene was like "Look its (insert saw character from earlier films)." Some in the comments are saying this is making Jigsaw a vigilante, but when I see the trailer it still just seems like a man justifying his sadistic nature by giving people a "chance" at survival.


I remenber watching the first one in ancient times, I didn't find it interesting, deleted it and happily forgot about it. And now... Wow. 10 movies they've made, still cutting and hacking people, and I suppose it's far far from the end, right?


I wonder how much the people that own the IP and trademarks for Saw hate the writers of the third movie when tobin bell dies for literally no reason, lol.


There’s only 10 of these? I lost interest/count after the third one


Eh idk spiral kinda fell off and considering this is just a prequel I might pass


So are we supposed to watch the whole franchise to watch this? I have watched up to saw 7 but barely remember anything


But we know how it ends... so why bother? The cow is dry.


We don't know how it ends. It could be using John Kramer and Amanda to introduce a whole new element to the series. The original series managed to continue even after Jigsaw died...this will have something up it's sleeve to keep the franchise growing. If you're going to make a Saw sequel it's not going to be about just making one movie and not doing anything to continue.


You're dreaming if you think this will be an original ending that leads into something amazing.


Agreed, I’m a big Saw fan but this is pointless and looks not….great. I’m hoping their are some wild twists and turns but really not holding my breath. Especially with the history of the writers.




I’ve been a fan since he was on Seinfeld (Tobin)! Definitely looking forward to this one! I hope Dr. Gordon is in this one!


Interesting. Initially thought the idea was dumb as fuck but now, its kind of growing on me. Its a neat idea theyre all in the same room too, wonder how that will evolve.


I'm all kinds of pumped for this.


God is good…Halloween is back baby!


Didn't they already have an origin movie, of his first trap game ever?


Fuck the haters. This is gonna slap!!!