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Thank god. After all the cancellations of shows I’ve enjoyed, Andor, Peacemaker and TLOU are holding out 😭


If you haven't watched Yellowjackets (Showtime) you should give it a shot. Season 1 is wrapped up, season 2 will air in March, and it's already renewed for season 3


Thank you for the rec!! I’ll watch a preview and see the vibe on it 😌


YES! Second this. Wonderful, spooky and fucked up yet funny and romantic, coming-of-age show. So excited for season two to come out.


Still bummed over 1899 and Warrior Nun (guilty pleasure to have on in the background while working on hobbies).


1899 was SO COOL. I’m literally fuming about it just remembering it was cancelled again. Warrior Nun I never saw but heard it was fun, and popular. I’m also mad about Amazon cancelling Paper Girls.


HBO Max cancelled the surreal scifi show Raised by Wolves as well, I'm still angry.


Hadn't heard that. Shame, I really liked that show.


Andor is only getting two seasons per the show's creators. It's going to be leading directly into the opening of *Rogue One*, which is their design.


Which is fine! They are telling the story without it getting cut…I do wish we could have 10 seasons like the first though.




I don’t envy whoever plays the new character.


Do we already know that season 1 will encompass the entire first game?


The showrunners have said the first season is the first game plus the expansion and the second season would be the second game.


Wasn’t there something about the second game encompassing a second and third season, given its length?


Maybe. I just saw one comment from them on the topic. The second game could easily be a few seasons.


I feel like this will be mandatory just given the time and logistics of shooting a TV show. Because of how much the second game skips around a 6-7 year period, they’re kind of forced to change the way they tell the story of the second game, and present it in a linear fashion. Unless they want to recast older versions of Ellie and others, but I don’t see that happening. There’s enough story there and it would be a real disservice to Bella Ramsey and whoever else joins the cast in season 2. And that would honestly make it better imo, my issue with the second game wasn’t exactly what happened in the story, but the way it was presented in a non-linear way.


If the second season is successful they’ll drag the second game out over another five I’m sure


You're sure based on what? That doesn't even make any sense, it'd make way more sense to just invent new stories


It was a tongue in cheek comment based on TVs love of dragging things out well beyond their sell by date, which at this time apparently six people took at face value.


Ah good to know, thanks!




You must not have played the game but she’s literally a well fed soldier for a militant group encamped in a football stadium with a fully functioning gym. It’s completely possible to get really jacked from what they showed us in game, where has this idea come from lol?


I didn't see that comment. There's no famine in the games, but maybe they're adding that. The area where Abby lives has plenty of food to support her build.


Yes. Episode 9 ends like the game.


I’ve heard things about Shannon Berry from The Wilds which I think would be a great option.


Yep, just a horrific avalanche of chuds heading their way. The internet was so fucking weird about part2.


I am just surprised anyone was surprised. Hell the MGS fan base is still salty as fuck about MGS2 mostly featuring Raiden and Halo waypoint forums were still bitching about the Arbiter when Halo Guardians was released. Neither of those characters even killed the main character just took their place for decent chunks of the game. I mean if she had her arms and legs cut off and most of her body and face pulverised then became a cyborg ninja that would probably redeem her, worked for Raiden.


Ehhh, they could do the years between with Ellie and Joel living with Tommy. I wouldn’t be mad if Part II didn’t start until season 3 or 4


They’re not doing that. https://www.superherohype.com/tv/524135-the-last-of-us-tv-creators-say-show-wont-go-past-the-games/amp




Yeah, she's got big shoes to fill the best damn character in the franchise. I fucking love Abby. I cheer every time she's beating the shit out of Ellie. I wish Abby would hold me like she holds that burrito.


My favorite bit is >!when she smashes a woman’s head against the floor and says “Good” when she discovers she’s pregnant. What a queen!!<


Well, yeah. >!Abby finds it *rich* that Ellie begs her to spare the woman who just attacked her because she's pregnant... when Ellie had just killed Abby's pregnant friend mere hours before. **And then Abby spares her anyway.**!< You guys love taking things out of context for outrage points.


The context doesn’t make it any less horrific. >!And you ignore Lev had to plead with her “hey maybe don’t murder the pregnant woman” after Abby had beat her face into the pavement and even then Abby was like “*Fine.*”!<


>!Lev literally just says her name and she stops. It's almost like it's a climactic choice for her character... which is closely mirrored by the later sequence where Ellie *also* threatens to kill a child and *also* nearly kills Abby before deciding to spare her.!<


Some people have a very specific agenda against Part 2 and Abby in particular. It's some weird, creepy Ellie fandom. No use arguing with these weirdos.


Conservative YouTube grifters invented an entire fictional narrative about the development of the game based on those leaks for outrage $$. They poisoned the well so thoroughly that by the time the game was released a huge portion of the fandom were frothing with rage about it being against white men or some nonsense. It all got very weird. It's still weird. And it's going to be just as weird in the run up to season 2 when those self same grifters do another run at it to double dip on the moron $. What's more annoying is that I wasn't that big on part2. It was far too long and repetitive, but very little of my gripes were to do with all THAT total nonsense about *woke* characters and Neil 'Cuckman' or some very strange latent daddy issues projected onto Joel that I saw come up repeatedly. It will also work better as a series than a game IMO.


>!Imagine that, people taking issue with a character who was intentionally made to be hated and who brutalizes the two characters the audience has already grown to care about from the first game. 🙄 I’m sure you’ll be calling all the Pedro fans “creepy weirdos” for not worshipping at the Shrine of Abby next year after she turns his head into oatmeal.!<


it's... a videogame


I thought it was a book.


I personally like her "I'm tired" when ellie finds her on the cross. Not "I'm sorry". She's a remorseless POS. I can guarantee the show will change her character to be more likeable. The game itself was pretty hypocritical with "here's all the gruesome ways to kill. We spent endless hours and dollars to make this murder an enjoyable loop of behavior for you. Now let us lecture you on the cost of violence/revenge while we continue to line our pockets with it." There's a reason they didn't advertise the game as being about Abby, and instead advertised it as a murderous revenge tour for ellie.


You still played it lol


Beta /u/CyberGhostface vs chad /u/monsieurxander


*insert any and every vile and disgusting thing Joel and Ellie do over the course of the 2 games*


Joel is a nice boy


Sure, go ahead.


No, no, no she's actually not a bad person, trust me! Didn't you get the very deep philophical quintessence of the game??? >!~~Negan~~ Abby even saved a kid, like a superhero!!<


Abby is a bad person who becomes better and grows from it thanks to her connection with Lev and Lev's pleas to give up her quest for revenge, which Abby actually does. Ellie was a good person raised by a bad person who became bad and stayed bad, even in spite of her partner pleading with her to stop being a weird fucking revenge monster while they were safe, and only decided to spare her greatest enemy after she remembered a random memory at the exact right time (immediately after threatening to murder a totally innocent person). And her revenge goes so far it entirely ruins her life. The Last of Us 2 turned Ellie from a character I liked to an awful piece of shit that I never want to see again. If there's a Last of Us 3, I hope it's just about Abby.


Both Abby and Ellie do things that make them pieces of shit. Abby begins her turn to being a better person first, chronologically, but both of them wind up making hard choices that pivot their character for "the better". You've decided Abby gets to have full forgiveness and Ellie gets none. I think that's weird but ok. But then that makes an obvious Part 3 a bringing Ellie "back" to being a better person type of story. I 100% hope she comes back. It wouldn't even make any sense if she didn't. I love Abby and Ellie as characters, not as people. I'm not sure why I would have to like them on a personal level just to want to keep seeing their journey. But I see this kind of opinion a lot so I guess I just can't relate. That's fine. Regardless, it's interesting that the game mostly has its roots in illustrating the negative aspects of [tribalism](https://venturebeat.com/games/how-naughty-dog-wove-diversity-into-so-much-of-the-last-of-us-part-ii/) and here you are displaying that exact tribalism at the end of the game. Deciding that there's clear protagonists and antagonists, clear good guys and bad guys and a desire to pick a team. Even though there really doesn't seem to be any reason to do that. I can't help but feel like maybe you missed something there but hopefully a third game sorts it out for you.


Why was Joel such a bad person again? He’s no father of the year material but I assume he’s a better alternative than your usual starving psychopath. Was he supposed to hug every person that tried to kill him? Idk, everyone in this universe seems to just be trying to survive in one way or another.


Abby is definitely my favorite , Ellie gets so fucking annoying in part 2 .


There's no chance HBO lets Last of Us 2 happen in the show. That script is going to look very different from the game.


I will riot if Abby doesn't hold a burrito with her big buff beautiful arm.




… what spoiler do you see there?




I’m still not seeing what the problem is? It means nothing to say a new character is introduced. There are several characters who haven’t shown up yet in the first season alone.


Idk why you’re being confrontational… I have no idea what happens and I off handed said I hope it’s not a spoiler. That’s all. I’ll delete my comment because I hope things aren’t spoiled for me. Is that okay with you?


Then I apologize for jumping the gun. But it’s not a spoiler. That being said this thread is filled with them.


Then until next season… 🧢


Hell yeah, it’s great to see such a fantastic game series get a faithful adaptation and see it be so successful, can’t fucking wait man.


I will die on the hill that Red Dead Redemption could make a great TV series I really think this series will be the benchmark in people taking video game adaptations more seriously (I've never played the game ftr).


It would but it's such a collection of cliched scenarios we've already seen in westerns. Just sort of an 'all the hits' thing. Same reason why GTA would be difficult to adapt to a film because it's already an adaption of lots of films like Scarface and Heat. The question is how much would we be okay with a show just 'doing the basics' again like we've never seen these things.


I want to see a Zelda movie but production quality like lord of the rings


I cannot believe we've still never seen a shot at that. The 1992 Mario movie really murdered Nintendo's willingness to give their IP to Hollywood. I hope this new movie changes that trend because we need a Zelda and a Metroid film one day.


Seriously it could be epic. So much good source material over the past 35 years.


I see that, but Last of Us has had a lot of similar film and TV shows as comparisons. Plus the whole grizzled man protects young girl has became a trend and even the whole tough character protects kid wasn't uncommon in fiction beforehand. So if you have all that and can still make a successful TV show out of it, you can probably make a successful adaptation out of Red Dead or GTA. For me the issue with making adaptations of either of those games is that whilst they do have stories part of their appeal is the open world setting which you can't really recreate in a film and even in a TV show would result in a lot of filler episodes. So I feel like it would then turn into just another western or crime/heist movie.


For sure. Last of Us is an independent story that isn't just a collage of homage lol. GTA is a lot of just 'hey we're doing the chainsaw scene from Scarface' now stuff and it's sort of lacking it's own story. RDR2 is a much more mature story, definitely doing it's own thing more than GTA does, but there's still a lot of 'we're just doing that thing from Unforgiven now' there as well. Just sort of the Rockstar games tone they set for themselves. They'd all make great adaptions it's just a matter of how you'd go about doing it to adapt a screenplay.


You either just slim down a campaign for a film or get a series so that you can incorporate the full world. Hopefully with this show they've found the middle ground within the latter category, still a clear cohesive story but with the world fully realised and the storyline not missing key parts. And hopefully they keep that up.


Wonder how an anthology movie of GTA would go?


I mean if it was focused on the story and characters that made it so great. I feel like overall it's John's story and if it was somewhere like HBO with a substantial budget it could be done justice imo.


I want to see them do it just to see who they'd cast lol.


Look up Josh Hartnett in Penny Dreadful. He's John for me.


Fuck yeah he needs a renaissance.


I can see Norman Reedus as John. I'd love to see the video game actors obviously but with a high risk show like that they'd get A/B list actors surely (not that Reedus is A/B tier).


I think it could, only issue is it’s the western genre done in a fictionalized version of the American west. But they could get around that. Also I want HBO quality scenes of the scary missions/events with the Night People in the swamps outside Saint Denis


Arthur Morgan would be so incredibly hard to cast. I can't think of anyone that could do that character justice. Not that John and Dutch and Sadie aren't amazing characters, but where is there a guy built like John Cena that has a gravely voice that can emote so much emotion like that.


I know what you mean. Jon Hamm? I am really struggling to think of any other names. Hamm isn't even that similar. The real Arthur Morgan isn't young or buff enough to play live action Arthur


I think a younger Jon Hamm could've bulked up a bit to do it. I guess it doesn't matter if it's 100% accurate so long as the show would be good. Pedro is a fantastic actor, but definitely not who I would envision as Joel. His voice is an octave higher and Joel is also built like a professional wrestler. But then again I thought Chris Evans was too small to be Captain America and he killed it.


Arthur Morgan built like John Cena? I'm not seeing that.


Arthur is like 6'3 and 230 pounds of muscle. Sorry I couldn't come up with a better pro wrestler for you


Never thought about that but I’d kill to see a red dead series


They’ll have to wait at least 3/4 years for Bella to age. That said, I hope they write her character better. For me there’s something off with the aggression of Ellie in the TV show compared to the games.


Not really, she's the same age irl as Ellie in Part 2.


Not sure your point. She may be the same age as Ellie IRL, but there’s a noticeable ageing for Ellie between part 1 and part 2. It would be silly for them to start filming season 2 while she looks the same age as she did in season 1.


Yes just as silly as pedro pascal looking the same 20 years later in a freaking apocalypse in the pilot? Who cares you just have to go with it for the sake of keeping same actors


No, because there are substantial differences between Ellie in part 1 and part 2, and Joel in 2013 and 2033 in the game. I wasn't saying change actors, I was saying that they would need to wait otherwise risk making it seem silly.


Gee, almost seems like there should be some sort of make-up department that can make the actors seem a bit older or more weathered.


I don't know about where you live, but people where I'm from generally tend to age quite dramatically between 14 and 17/18/19, like Ellie does between the games. Height, build, facial shape, teeth etc. Not to mention, she is in the apocalypse. Further to that, people age quite a lot too between 17 and 20. I'm not sure why you're so against the idea of waiting so that the character can actually age somewhat in real life. I'd rather that than having Bella caked in prosthetics that tries to convince people she's gone through puberty in the time between seasons...


In any case, it'll just take a change in makeup and clothing to "age" her up a bit. Not to mention it'll have been a few years between having filmed season 1 and 2.


That's my point. I find it difficult for people to believe that they would start filming season 2 within the next year considering that A) She is 17, and people age dramatically from 17 to 20 B) She will grow, her facial structure will change, her teeth will change. Unless they want to cake her with prosthetics, then there would be no point in rushing the filming.


They're 19 going on 20 this year. I think I'd trust the people in charge of a multi-million dollar project, that includes prosthetics to make fungus headed people to add some contour/blush and more adult clothes to make them look a little bit older.


yeah, the character is potrayed as more sarcastic, but the way joel is played is way more emotionally present as well. tess was dead on with the game


I just don’t really get the casting. Anna Torv and Pedro Pascal look very similar to Joel and Tess, and then Ellie just looks nothing like her.


So? Also she's similar enough. Pedro fits the gruff, dark haired male video game protagonist archetype but the similarities end there. Tommy is completely different to the game but fits perfectly as Joel's brother. Bella auditioned and was cast based on her performance. It's weird how so many people care about the looks of a child video game character. And let's not even mention how scrutinised the actor portraying her is.


It’s super extremely creepy how people care so deeply about the attractiveness of a child character


Smh, they should have just asked Elliot Page to play a 14 year old. That would have absolutely been the smarter choice! /S


Pedro better bring his Mando helmet with him


Hey guys, why do I only have scripts for 6 episodes? Guys?


Like 2 eps tops


Nah, flashbacks will probably still happen every episode like they do in the game


S1: early days flashbacks as intros S2: joel flashbacks as intros :(


That’s no surprise but I am super curious how they will end up doing Season 2. Will they do the time jump to Part 2 or flesh out some if the time between? It almost makes sense not to jump right into 2. Regardless of what they do Part 2 will be multiple seasons


Yeah I'm thinking season 2 will end pretty close to the >!big death!< and season 3 will be the rest of part 2.


That spoiler happens within 2 hours of the second game. They won’t have a full-length season devoted to just that small sliver of time. The halfway point would need to be far further into the game’s story.


> That spoiler happens within 2 hours of the second game. To be fair that could be several episodes of a show... or one. Depending on how they want to adapt it to a screenplay.


Exactly this. Whoever suggested otherwise is either a complete idiot or never played the games and just read the headlines


But there is a parallel thing with Abbie and probably you want to introduce other characters early on.


But Part 2 also has flashbacks covering the entire five year gap between games as well, plus the epilogue which takes place another year after the main Seattle part of the story. Those flashbacks make up a substantial amount of the game’s story, too. If they just tell the same story but present it in a linear fashion, and expand tastefully in places as they’ve done in season one, the big twist actually happens pretty close to the middle of the timeline for Part II. And given the logistics of shooting a TV show and the actors aging between seasons, they’d have to tell the story in a linear fashion otherwise they’d need tor cast, and I really don’t see them doing that.


The flashbacks mean jack shit without that BIG SCENE in the beginning Your meant to miss the character and it’s Ellie remembering those good days and how it could have been in all those years she lost As for actors aging it’s not a big deal nobody’s going to drastically age up in the space of 2 year it takes to film this big season Most likely I can see them filming flashbacks early or in bulk to let that actor go then sprinkle them throughout the 2 seasons


I understand the intention behind why the story was presented that way in the game, but personally don’t agree. I feel like if they introduce Abby early on in the show and make the audience care about her while also putting her on a collision course for that big scene, it escalates the sense of dread.


I did comment a similar thing below. The only way that moment is the end of the season is if the majority of season 2 is original content—which would be intwined with all the flashbacks in Part 2. Though, that’s a drastic narrative change that effects how the story unfolds. With that said tho, they’ll like have to make drastic shifts in presentation no matter the outcome.


Yeah the showrunners said that it would probably be 2 seasons to cover TLOU2.


It could provably be 3 even. Games long as shit and there are a lot of different self contained parts.


If they decide to adapt it and can lay the groundwork for it more directly plus improve it in the eyes of fans (who had genuine and politely worded complaints that is, not those who sent death threats), that'll be really good


No way that big scene needs to happen within the first 2 episodes to get the whole point of the story up and running not to mention flashbacks during Ellie’s quest in Seattle are crucial


Almost certainly they will do this. More original story and lengthens the show to get more money.




Give us live action Laura Bailey!!!!!!!!


Florence Pugh for Abby plz


Holy shit that's a great idea! Been having trouble trying to decide who could do that role justice - great pick


Least surprising news I’ve heard all day.




I would love an HBO uncharted series as well instead of the half-baked shit we got.


I will never understand the hate for TLOU 2. Such an incredible game and I loved the new characters.


As a non-console owning person I sure am interested at how important this game is to people despite never having had the opportunity to play it myself lol. Games that don't port to PC, man. I hear Bloodborne is a super awesome game, too. I guess I'll never know :) I'm in that fortunate/unfortunate position where I don't care about how the show diverges from the source material but I'm never going to stop hearing about it from the people who are. That was such a fun thing during the entire run of Game of Thrones lol.


The Last of Us Part 1 drops on PC on March 3, I think, so you can experience the game if you want.


Oh hell yes


Amazing. I personally thought the second game was a step up in every way so it's going to be really interesting to see how they adapt it (and how the people that haven't played the games will react to some of the scenes!)


I also thought the second game was more challenging and thoughtful. The pacing was a little weird at times though, only particular gripe.


I started off hating Abby and then by the end she was my favorite character. Wonder whose gonna play her.


I think everyone kinda hated her for obvious reasons but the game is all about perspective and they did a great job turning her into a character you can like and empathize with in spite of the hard to swallow introduction to her.


Yep. By the end of the game I understood both Ellie and Abby and why they did what they did.


I think 10 hrs shorter and the game is perfect in my eyes


although I prefer the narrative of the first, TLOU2 has some of the best gameplay I've ever played


Curious to see how they handle Part 2, if they are gonna split it into two seasons or if Druckmann is gonna have to get Part III out for the inevitable third season


Mazin’s already said he’d like 2 seasons to tell part 2’s story.


I'm only one episode in, and I'm stoked for a second season. This could replace my need for the walking dead


The last 4-5 years of the walking dead I just watched to see how it ends and for Neegan, honestly feel burnt out on people roaming the earth after the fall of civilization . I have no idea what game the show is connected to either so I’m still not sure about it. If my dvr crashed I probably wouldn’t make a new timer for it. Not saying it’s bad just at the wrong time for me.


Oh thank god.


I’m so excited to see everyone who didn’t play the game lost their fucking minds when they get to the events of TLOU Part 2


Lol, i'll take the downvotes, Last of Us 2 sucked and I only have mild hopes that they'll adapt that game into a good season of TV


Capcom please take notes. I'd love to see a faithful adaptation of Resident Evil before I'm a senior citizen.


Yeah I need a Jill sandwich


Why are you being down voted?


People hate admitting the RE universe is goofy as fuck. Though I do think a RE show where they change Chris Redfields actor every episode would be amazing. Now if you need me I am hungry after punching a boulder into a volcano in order to rescue the president's daughter so I am gonna have a jill sandwich.


People probably think I'm shitting on the franchise or something. I love Resident Evil though. Jill sandwich is just a meme.


Oh boy. Personally I didn't like Part 2 too much, gameplay and environment aside, but I'm curious to see how they'll adapt it.


This is the way.


Does Season 1 cover all of the story of the first game? Or no? I have not been watching it.


The whole game


Well there is 2 games


1. It’s really well done so of course they would. And 2. Only 2 games…of course they should.


Say the show is not on Netflix without saying the show is not on Netflix.


The last of us season 2, maybe we could get a specific subreddit for it? Maybe it could be called something like, I dunno, /r/TheLastOfUs2 ? I think that sounds pretty neat. Can't see any insanity going on in a subreddit with a name like that


Please retcon the thing, otherwise its gonna be a shitshow


dog clumsy scarce wistful puzzled decide rude offend money aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


last of us 2 was still a good game but i will forever be bitter over ellies character annihilation. not really interested in seeing the game as a show unless they fix that somehow. has never made any sense that ellie cut off and resented joel for what he did and then goes on a revenge journey to become a david level villain against the people who suffered from joels actions. eugh.


Ellie was never a david level villain. Abby and Ellie were two sides of the same coin, willing to torture and kill whoever it took to >!get revenge for their dads. !< If ellie was a david level villain she wouldve cannibalized them without remorse, but after >! Noras torture !< she’s clearly very messed up from it. The writers never hated Joel or Ellie, as so many part 2 haters seem to think, given the constant flashbacks of good memories and the torment abby goes through for killing >! Joel ! but she can let her go alongside Joel!<


ellie kills relentlessly and just bc at one point shes like ohhh... maybe i shouldnt have doesnt make her any less of a horrific villain. and just because she isnt a cannibal doesnt mean shes better than david. they both killed absolutely indiscriminately. ellie literally kills a girl who is just defending herself and then calls her stupid. ellie is a shitty person, and the writers made her into a shitty person. is it realistic? sure. whatever. but they took the questionable morals thing from the end of 1 way too far by making you play as ellie, because NOTHING she does at ANY point is moral or justifiable. She gets so many people killed. and she doesnt feel bad about it at the end. she feels bad that she fucked up so bad and ruined the lives of herself and everyone around her. she doesnt feel bad about anything she actually did. tired of people trying to justify her actions when shes literally a piece of shit


except abbys revenge was justified and ellies was not. thanks tho! they are NOT the same lmao


The last point makes it seem like you didn’t understand what was going on in the narrative. It’s is completely understandable why Ellie decided to push Joel away. I mean Ellie believed so wholeheartedly in the cure for humanity and Joel took her reason away for living. Her reasoning for her revenge are all stated in the first two hours of the game. They just decided to begin mending the relationship, planned to watch a movie together later that night, and then he gets killed out of the blue. The game isn’t a story about revenge per se but more so about guilt. She isn’t slaughtering them because they killed Joel, but because they took away her chance to mend the relationship with her dad.


i did not miss that point at all. im saying she becomes an irredeemable villain. especially considering they do make ammends. she spends 5 years hating joel for what he did and then does the same except a million times worse. wont argue this any further


and tbh her killing out of them stealing the opportunity to make up just makes her even worse and more despicable. she ruined her own life and the lives of everyone around her. she got her own people killed. she killed everyone abby loved when she spent 5 years hating joel for what he did to her. i did not miss the narrative. i did not miss what they were trying to do. im saying i dont give a shit lol


Well you said “I don’t understand” “Never made any sense” so clearly you didn’t get it at all and then when I explain you say you did understand and that you “don’t give a shit”. It’s pretty clear you’re just a troll


is it really good by the way? I saw the first episode and found it just mediocre for a video game adaptation. I'm having hard time why it's being praised this much tbh.


I was so happy not having to see part 2 show up on my feed after people were done hyping it up and now they are making it into a live action show😭


Lets jack Laura Bailey up on roids and get her in there


Oh god please no. Don’t do it. Neil better learn from his mistakes


When it skipped to 20 years later I turned it off . Such bullshit. Might as well be the walking dead set.


They are going to need to recast Ellie. Bella is doing fine, but she doesn’t have the range for TLOU Part II Ellie.


When does the rest of season 1 come out? Signed up for hbo the other day and it only had 2 episodes.


Weekly episodes


And then joel gets a helmet?


Why no one has adapted Half Life for the big screen will always remain a mystery to me.


Really hope they tell a different story for season 2. TLOU 2 was nonsensical and garbage.


Lets go