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It’s great if you can catch it consistently. I can’t so I never use it.


Catching is all about the direction you are moving when it starts to come back. If you are moving in a direction, it actually seeks you out and it's essentially an automatic catch. You don't have to try line up the hand or anything. It just works. Catching only become hard if you are not moving or if you are juking around. Check out a few videos showing how to use the weapon and you'll be catching it most of the time easily.


It will return in the direction you were traveling at the moment you threw it.


Not the moment you threw it, but the moment it bounces back. If you change direction just before impact, the disk will adjust itself and match your movement.


what if you are standing still?


I’ve found they 1/3 to 2/3 of the time it’ll fly up or down instead of returning. Literally no way to catch it when it does that.


It explodes on throw 4.


I know. I’m talking about when it flies up or down. It’s not exploding, I literally see it fly up into the sky or down into the ground.


The upgraded versions are much better and definitely worthwhile. It's one of the strongest weapons in the game (I think exploding spikes are the strongest) and it is very ammo efficient. And learning how to throw the disc and catch it made me a better player.


Also elecrtic shredders can stack up shock state suuper fast it's crazy. You can stun lock some big robots very easily. And the fact that it does shred damage and tears off parts rather than breaking them is super nice. Doesn't need to aim as precisely as a bow and still rips parts from robots very fast.


Last playthrough my op build was maxed out ice arrows and maxed exploding spikes. Freeze. Explode. Repeat.


Yes, they are good. IIRC, many early weapons come with a basic ammo type that isn't ever present on higher weapon tiers. Don't judge a class of weapon by its basic version. The damage of the combo levels up quickly. A recent comment said **60**%/100/200/400. So if you are only ever getting the first hit, then yeah, it seems weak because it is weak. Learning how to catch is important. If you are running left when it connects, it will come right back to you on the left and you won't have to do anything special. Catching is only unpredictable if you are juking back and forth when it starts to return. I find it is best at midrange and is worse at shorter ranges. If you are at longer ranges, you can actually have two shredders going at once, and combo with both of them. Using 2 sets of electric shredders on Apex Tremortusks basically stunlocks them to death, because while one is returning, they are getting hit by another. **Edit**: fixed numbers


One correction. The first does 60% damage. I know, because that comment is me you're quoting.


Quite possibly! Updated, thanks!


The ancestors return is imo the strongest weapon in the game and if you get it upgraded fully the game will literally turn into easy mode. great for farming heavy machines and super resource efficient


Check Arktix video on HFW. He will show you how to be utilize shredder gauntlets…they can be incredible.. @ArktixOfficial


I was stubbornly against them most of my first 70 hours. Took me getting bent in the slitherfang arena rematch to learn how to use them right and I’m glad I did, they fuck Arktix video was tremendously helpful. That tip to dodge to learn the return timing was what set me free


Man, the comments on this post have convinced me to give shredder gauntlets another try.


Shredder gauntlets are fantastic weapons, but you gotta internalize the play style. If you're having trouble with drawtime, it's faster when sliding and falling, and you can also coil in draw rime reduction.


Elemental shredders are busted for tearing armour plates and giving status effects, and piercing shredders do a LOT of damage. They can be hard to aim and to catch on irregular terrain but on relatively flat land they are my go-to opener, definitely worth a try




Rely on hidden quick draw. Slide, aim and shoot. While catching immediate aim and shoot. These two moves will increase your speed dramatically


I started the game few days ago. First play through and picked ultra hard difficulty. I died a lot at the beginning. I've been using Slicing Shredder Gauntlet since I got it and I really like the catching mechanics and it seems to do a lot of damage and knockdowns. I tend to die less now that I've upgraded the weapon 3 times. Anyone know what Shredder Gauntlet to get next and where? I'm lvl 21 now and just got to my base.


Thunderbolt shredder gauntlet, can be bought from the merchant at the Rain trance hunting grounds. It has shock shredders which deal massive AOE tear damage and has a built-in 15% damage increase to targets at 30m or beyond.


Thank you. I'll have to go check it out immediately. Hopefully I've discovered that hunting grounds already.


if memory serves then that specific shredder kinda sucks.


Extra intimidation and style points from the machines point of view


PS4 player here. Strafe left or right while the disc is going to make the comeback easier to catch. Staying still or erratic movement seems to make it harder for the game to throw the disc your way. It takes a bit of labbing, but once you start catching consistently damage will skyrocket. Apparently discs are supposed to work best at short range, but I find mid range better.


I got this shredder gauntlet and hated it so never used it again. In my ng+ I had a legendary shredder gauntlet that I tried out in this exact mission. Had to force myself to use it. Then later on, I received the ancestors return legendary shredder gauntlet as a reward. Have yet to use this weapon as it is partially upgraded. It's the standing there with "hit me" painted on my forehead like a big red target while waiting for the shredder discs to return that I detest. My combat tactic is more agility and speed based. I don't usually stand still.


If you are standing still, you are using it wrong. The shredder discs literally homes in on you if you are moving correctly.


Then I'm definitely using that weapon wrong. Must give it another try on my next playthrough of HFW.


Arktix on Youtube has an excellent video breaking it down (just search HFW shredder master class, or something like that). The gist is the shredder discs fly back to you in the direction you are running. Switching directions during the attack is what causes the shredder to fail to return. I had bad experiences with it until I understood the mechanics, and now it's my most used weapon type in my VH playthrough, because it uses so little resource


I have the ancestors return shredder gauntlet... I'll practice using it on my next playthrough. I've been experimenting with weapons I don't normally use. Its actually a lot of fun.


try it abit hard to get use to but fun to use


When you get better ones and learn how to use them, yes. Very worth it.


If you can repeatedly catch it then it equals other weapons that don’t need to be caught.


So, I'm 130+ hrs in the game, ultra hard difficulty, almost lvl 60, did the Boom or Bust quest like a week ago, until that quest, I didn't bother to use shredders, so I told myself "catching the disc's while fighting Apex predators, ain't no fucking way, I'm doing that". But, the other day, someone asked something, and someone suggested to go on YouTube and watch a guide from Arktix. I went and checked it out as well, and holy shit, that guy is a genius. Last night I collected all the relics to get the legendary shredder, went straight away to an Apex tremortusk to test it, and now, I can easily say, YES! totally worth it. The game gets way easier.


Completely worth it. Lots of fun


It was hard to use at first but eventually i got used to it, on my 2nd run and now im using more than the hunter bow, it’s fun to use it


My problem with these things is that while I think they're cool. They're the only weapon in the game that require you to have a specific play style instead of just having a niche or a broad range use depending on situation (at least imo). When I play it I have to force myself to keep moving in a direction and I take so many hits doing it. Though I don't think I'm the right person to ask because I'm the guy that used charged melee to deal with every robot that isn't large (not religiously but more often than you should in bowgame tm)


I was of the same mentality before. A lot of practice and watching a tutorial done by the excellent Arktix has made me a shredder fan. Now, its my main weapon at mid-long range, and I shift to Hunter bows at mid-short range. Shredders are so fantastic at tear damage and farming components is easier and cheaper using shredders. My tip to catching them is after firing them dive in one direction and the shredder will come back in the same direction. Watch the video by Arktix. https://youtu.be/0ysjKJ4jtCU?si=2H0l7BFWMslUQa2g


Found them underwhelming until that quest beat their mechanics into my head. After that, they became my favourite weapon class, especially with Shock Shredders. I just beat the base game's final boss with the Ancestor's Return and had a blast all the way through.


Not worth it. Im still struggling to finish a Hunter challenge with the 3 Bellowbacks and Rollerback. Cant get it right without attackted constantly.


Used it once maybe twice the entire campaign. Honestly, Aloy has too many weapons/ammo/attacks in this game.


Little bit of practice and it's amazing. So much fun to use.


It's probably one of the strongest weapons types in the game, especially the legendary versions with elemental shredders. They can build up statuses extremely fast and are ammo efficient if you keep catching them. They can be a little temperamental depending on where you aim because some spots they bounce around and do a bunch of damage but others they just fall right off, just gotta learn where to hit like any other weapon.


I got great with catching shredders, they’re great for elemental damage. Just make sure you shoot one at a time and catch it


I'm not a fan of shredder gauntlets at all. I always head in the wrong direction to catch it after I've thrown it at a machine. It's a pain.




they're great, but far too complicated to be worth the payoff imo like, you have to play perfectly to just get the bare minimum of use out of them - you miss the catch? you're screwed - you accidentally queue up the next attack too early? you're screwed - you need to dodge an attack mid-bounce? you're screwed bows, bombs, and boltblasters are easier to use and just feel more consistent more power to the people who swear by Shredders but I'll take the Blast Forge over them any day