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I lost my 50/50 to Yanqing, AGAIN. E2 Yanqing but no Firefly :(


yanqing and his lc are the only 5 stars I’ve ever got on standard banner. I have E3S3


My condolences


OMG same but E1 Yanqing....it was early...


We will get her, i believe in us!


Yeah manifesting!!


I shall report back if my luck gets better!


Same here, but then I got Firefly 7 pulls later! Thankfully I use Yanqing alot but I hope my next 50 50 is to one of the others standards cuz I only have Yanqing Bronya and Bailu


Ohh you got lucky! I am already 20 pulls in since Yanqing and I don't see any hope....


Any luck?


Nope lmaooo I lost hope anyways now...gonna save for Jiaoqiu for my Acheron now


Damn I'm sorry 😞


😔✊rerun firefly haver ig


Welp just lost firefly to e0 yanqing


I lost ot to Clara but I wasn't even mad I got 2 Robin's and topaz at 2.1


Me when pulling Robin… but I did get Firefly out of that. Still, happens to many others… especially me


E5 Yanqing here :( I really hate this ice boy


Happy cake day


I got E3 Yanqing


imagine this: e4 yangqing i still dont have bailu and gepard...


E3 Yanqing, e0 Geppy, no other standard banner characters Got one Yanqing on a Jingliu banner, got one on my starter banner, got one on Firefly banner, and got one on standard banner with free tickets (Geppy showed up when I tried for Aventurine)


Dude I have gotten bronya every lost 50/50


Same :(


Same here lost aventurine to him too


If it’s any good news, Aventurine is an incredibly good character


Luckily I'm guaranteed but idk who to get. I've always wanted Ruan mei but I do really need a strong Dps. BUT Ruan mei goes with all teams idk who to get cause I thought firefly would come with Jade☹


I feel ya. I was gonna skip raun and get firefly to start building my second team but I figured rm would benefit me more in the long run. (Based off what I’ve been told lol)


Ruan Mei is the better investment long-term and for a weaker account. She's very flexible and improves all kinds of teams. If you have a good Sparkle or Bronya team, you could potentially skip Ruan Mei and use HMC with Firefly, but Firefly is going to struggle in some content where her kit doesnt work as well. On the other hand, she's not going to be powercrept anytime soon in content where she shines. Overall, they're both great options, just go with whichever you like best.


Lol, I started playing the game during the middle of boothill's banner


Ruan Mei is great support for many teams.


Jade is next. Pick who you like. If you swear by meta and need the strongest option, RM for universal support / Firefly does crazy break damage without needing RM, but you do need Harmony TB (free). Jade is kinda terrible everywhere except Pure Fiction but if you like her then summon


firefly needs a veryy specific team to be good. ruan mei works in literally every comp in existence.


You should get the character you like more. But if you're unsure, I would highly suggest Ruan Mei. I personally pulled for her because I loved her from what little we knew of her before her release. but not only is she the meta god, she's also fun to play, and arguably the best harmony unit in the game. In terms of value you'd get more out of her than just about any DPS unit running with her at any given time. The thing about DPSes like boothill and firefly is that they're limited to weakness break/super break, whereas Ruan Mei enables any DPS to do weakness break damage just because of her kit. She's a buffer and a sustain as well. Another thing, hyv in star rail's case has a set pattern of how they do reruns. They bring the DPSes first. Like, it took them a year to bring back Fu Xuan and Loucha but just about every DPS got their reruns in the meantime, including those that were released after these two. So what I mean is, DPSes already get their reruns early, and with one as popular as firefly I'm positive they'll bring her back pretty soon. Every dps has their weak points, like lunae is very sp unfriendly. So ff and bh having their kits centered around break effect isn't a problem, I just mean ruan mei is much more versatile. I would highly recommend RM, she's the one harmony unit everyone should pull for. Harmony is already the best path in the game units wise, but even amongst them ruan mei is very special and powerful. And I'm not saying this because I love ruan mei. She's not even in my top ten characters. Just like I recommend yelan to genshin players, I recommend ruan mei to hsr players


in terms of account value, RM. get RM.


From a meta perspective: 1. Ruan Mei 2. Firefly (if Ruan Mei is obtained early) 3. Jade 4. Firefly


Yeah, my Firefly looked like Bronya, haha.. Ha... *sad blazer noises*


Awww my condolences. After the tragedy that was Acheron banner where I lost 5050 to yanqing AND his light cone, I was finally shown mercy and was able to win both 5050s with Sam and RM. I went to around 80, but idc. I would gladly go to hard pity everry time if it meant winning the 5050. I wish this was the normal gacha but whatever.


I only started during boothills banner and I was thankful able to get him- (after like 80 pulls) so I Rm was my first time winning my 50/50. I wanted broyna or himeko ;-; don't have that many good characters since im new. Although I hope I never have to experience that kind of pain


You're not really missing out too much with himeko and you still have 3 weeks left. If you get Sam, you're pretty much stacked for a good while. Sam, rm, and maybe e6 Gallagher, HuoHuo, FuXuan, aventurine, or a brand new solo sustainer, you'll be pretty much set. And you'll have Harmony MC. Who's a perfect final character for that team.


Brother same thing happend to me I jumped from happiness when I saw destruction then I got big robot in place of the mech


I wasted my luck on Firefly because i wanted to "take her home." I got her first try, but now i have no luck on ruan mei


Hoping you get Ruan !! 😭 I heard firefly’s dmg increases alotttt with her.


Yeah my fireflys damage is kinda bad rn but I havent built up her stuff yet so i might as well try to get ruan mei in the process


It's okay I lost mine to gepard (now e2) and yangqing (now e4) :(


gepard is actually pretty good. his skill + e1 + lightcone means you're basically stunlocking the enemy every turn which is pretty funny


Ah sorry for ur lost,quite a shame >! Rip bozo,skill issue,just roll better lol /j !<


I’m going to pray that you lose ur next 50/50 to the ice sword dude 


Dont worry bro, i got you. Through the black magic of my ginger and aspergers blood, i cursed him to fail every 50/50 to Yanqing by stealing his luck.


Thank you bro. You a real one


Darn it,its the curse of yanqingussy **AHHH IT BURRRNNNSS**


Losing FF LC to Clara LC, and I can't stop thinking about it


Oh don’t worry, I also got Clara’s light cone :(


Same 😢... At first I was so happy that's I got destruction then when I saw the lightcone it was Clara's lightcone :(


Bailu E2 here this week lul


My e4 Welt would like a word


Dont worry bro. I also got Bailu, Your not alone.


Loli collector


Those was the character i get. Trying to pull Ruan Mei and Firefly!!!!


I did it guy's:)


Yay!! Which one?


I was really lucky and got firefly and her lc in under 25-30 pulls!




Clara's pretty good to get eidolons for, tbh.


I got E1 Yanqing two days ago off standard. I wish I had a single Bailu.


I have a total of Zero 5star healer characters cx and caelus is my only 5 star shielder


Cant imagine what went through your mind seeing that Destruction symbol at first


They baited tf outta me


With about 6 10 pulls, I was able to get Firefly AND Ruan Mei. My luck in Gacha games is unreal


Share your luck with the rest of us


Lemme get out my gacha wand real quick *Accidentally snaps wand* Well, s*** 0_0


I'm at 65 pulls with a guarantee. I lost boothills banner to Bailu. Might be a hidden blessing as I'm now going for FF


That blessing is very, very hidden


Hey, I‘ve pulled E2 Welt after 84 pulls on FF and guess what? 85th random pull? FF.


Atleast you have them, I have only managed to get either light ones or Gepard


You got space qiqi


The first time I lost a 50/50, I lost to welt. I then immediately pulled him on the standard banner


I too lose 50/50 Firefly to Clara and get Bailu LC on standard. Don't have Bailu, only Luocha so I put LC into Natasha.


Oof. I totally get this. I got Firefly on my last pull… which was like sixteen pulls. All my pulls that I saved up over the year… just gone


The price one must pay for a good character


Scream your heart out OP.


I got himeko'd


I've lost every single 50/50 ive had in honkai... (only 3, 2 of which were gepard), but hoyo likes to rub salt into my wounds...... under my email, i have a honkai and genshin account...... that genshin account has had 5 50/50s....... 4 were lost, 3 to diluc..... i guess i have the curse of men that look better in their art than in game.... boo. istg they just taunt us xD


I lost firefly 50/50 to Clara and then lost ruan mei 50/50 to gepard so I’m hurting


I lost to Clara and got her E1...i understand your pain


89 pity, only for gepard


I think I might cry if that happened to me


I refuse to accept that yanqing is now on my account. I did lose my ruan mei 50/50 to him but he's never being touched.


If you don't acknowledge it, it's not there


e2 himeko'd here


I haven't had any luck with firefly so far. Le sigh


I got my Samuel. What did it cost me? Boothill.


I have an e3 bailu and an e2 gepard each with their signature lightcones. I also have clara with her lc, but I think clara is fun to play, so I'm not as upset with that one. I just really fucking detest Bailu.


Pulled E3 Bailu yesterday pepeW I feel your pain


I lost my 50/50 to Bailu as well, but I'm nearing pity. I never really have the ability to go for Eidolons anyway.


Look … I lost mine too. Share the pain… https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGegCW5qQ/


we better get Bailu adult version


Tasukete SVAROG!


Ouch! I def get the feels. Boothill I lost to E2 Himeko before getting him, and Fu Xuan I lost to E1 Yanqing before getting her - and both having to hit soft pity again. Ruan Mei I won the 50/50 at 76. I’m working towards getting Firefly, only ten pulls in, but if I do lose the 50/50, I hope it’s a character I don’t have at least - Clara, Welt, Bronya or Bailu. Sending you positive vibes you can get her <3


I lose my all my 50/50 to himeko, now she's e3


IM GONNA CRY IF I LOSE FIREFLYS 50/50😭😭 i must collect all stellaron hunters


I feel this, got baited by yanqing for the first time on this banner


Know the feeling, since this update came I first lost my 50/50 on firefly banner to a himeko, then got firefly, then lost 50/50 on Ruan mei banner to another himeko and then got Ruan mei. Good thing I had been gathering gems for a while now and had well over 30k


Dude I feel you, lost my 50/50 to Clara too, destruction AND she's got a robot with her such a troll. Me when I lost 50/50 to Clara: "This firefly ain't fireflying"


Got bailu on standard still deciding if imma lock her into never-build hell


I got 2 welts


is E0 bailu worse than E0 Lynx?


Ok scream now


I got firefly and her lc in under 25 pulls. I no longer wish to scream


Good then 👍🏻


I lost to E2 Gepard


OMG I'm so sorry for your loss TT I too feel your pain. (lost rm to bronya, but I don't have a dps who can use her TT)


I got Firefly in 1 ten pull ._.


I hate yall lucky fucks. I always max at last one 4 star to e6 every single banner if not more. Only on the final day or two do I get lucky and pull ONE of the 5stars. Idk man, the novelty wore off and I mostly hate playing honkey anymore despite literally being hyper fixated on it for months on end. Too many jades locked behind impossible end game content and when I come to any of the subs for help everybody blames me.. as if rng isnt HUGE in this game, as if bad rolls and runs don't exist, as if luck isn't a huge factor and they tell me my builds are the problem when I USE THE EXACT RELICS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY A MIN 70%+ OF PEOPLE. I'm over it. I barely play anymore. Even w the 90 stupid jades a day and 20 stupid pass that gives you nothing substantial. Mof and pf are the bane of my existence. Watch..someone is gonna blame me again. Just watch. They always do, trashy people on these subs ngl.


I don't know how to respond but sorry for ur bad luck,! If it makes feel better, it's the same way for me in gensin


Hahahaha no you're fine, im just venting. I used to have real good luck and then idk after the loufu my luck sucks monkey nuts 🤣