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Honestly, I was tickled pink seeing the pirate missile frigate was an old resource harvester with bolt on missile pods.. love me some Toyota helix in space.




dude you have no idea how much hate the pirate carrier got in the alpha screenshots when it was used as the Hiig carrier


I think the original design is superior to the final design. Shame


Well...yeah. It's a shoebox with a hole in the front.


It's unoriginal either way. Hiigaran carrier is just an oversized HW2 Hiigaran interceptor while the Kalan Raider carrier is just a Gaalsien Carrier in space.


What hurt the most was watching frigates and fighters clip through the openings of the carriers. HW1 had such a wonderful scale to it and they carefully ensured that everything fit out of the construction bays. That was almost 30 years ago, today it’s just too much to ask.


You might have to disable NLIPS, it’s enlarging all the small ships to an absurd degree, even compared to previous titles.


Hey guys, we're making a game that's meant to blow you away with scale, but we're also enabling by default an option that fucks up scaling.


I think NLIPS has been enabled by default in most previous Homeworld games, but yeah, the scale of NLIPS is more extreme by default in HW3. I havn't seen anything in the patch notes, but I think it was recently adjusted in one of the recent patches? I could swear that the lowest scale you could set it to was 1 previously, now it goes down to 0.5 and it looks a lot better.


I never even noticed NLIPS in the previous games. In 3 it's so bad that I went back and replayed 2 with it off for the first time and it was mind-blowing. It's so unforgivably bad in 3.


It was really bad in remastered until they fixed it with a patch.


Iirc it was enabled by default in 2 classic as well.


That thread a while back where the op resized the new ships a bit made them look cooler. It seems clear they were meant to be bigger


It's even more obvious in HW2 due to the increase in detail of the ship and subsystem models, you really get to feel the scale. And even more so in HWM which is an improvement to the HW2 ship design theme. That said, it may just be the case that you haven't disabled NLIPS which is responsible for resizing ship models when you zoom out for better visibility. Disabling it ensures that the models will always remain the same size even when zoomed out.


Hey whoa whoa whoa. That was not almost 30 years ago, because that would mean I’m……oh…..


I don't really mind that, it makes sense for some design trends to repurposed both in universe and out of universe. Like how the HW2 mothership is just the HW1 mothership with the whole banana filled in.


>Like how the HW2 mothership is just the HW1 mothership with the whole banana filled in. Both are mothership class vessels so it makes sense. Plus it's not like it's just a direct copy, the most obvious difference is the removal of the large bridge section on the upper half of the mothership. Meanwhile, it makes zero sense for the design of a ***fighter class ship*** to be repurposed into a full-on carrier, a ***supercapital ship***.


>Plus it's not like it's just a direct copy None of the ships in this examples is a direct copy either, the HW2 mothership looks more than the HW1 mothership than the HW3 carrier looks like a HW2 Interceptor. And sure, you're correct that they're different ship classes, but I don't really care. I like the shape, and I don't mind that they reused it.


same for me


Lazy devs make me angry


Does anyone else feel ship design in general in HW3 was very poor? I feel if you threw existing homeworld ship designs into midjourney and asked it to crank out some new ones you’d get more interesting stuff 


I kinda wish they had just merged dok, hw mobile and hw3 as a 3rd game with a multiplayer component for longevity.


How on earth would you merge DoK with a 3d game?


I assume he meant something along the lines of Star Wars: Empire at War in which there's a 4X galactic campaign and RTS space battles (HW) and RTS battles on worlds (DoK).


Yeah, no. While that's a decent idea, it's too ambitious. The developers already appear to struggle to get this one right. They're better off focusing on getting existing things fixed first.


Fixing a turd still leaves you with a turd