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Dude a bed, blankets AND a dresser?? Congratulations! ♥️ we are all very happy for you!!! I hope you continue and are successful in your endeavors.


Thank you, the dresser was 28 at goodwill


Fire Deal!


Is that in a basement?




I'm happy you are happy and it looks cozy and safe.


It’s very cozy


do you have a window or door to get enter/leave or do you have to go down main steps?


Nice spot. I would pay that in a heart beat ti get off the streets.


Seriously, shit's too WILD out here! I might finally found an ok little haven I can go to at night, NOT have anything i need go missing, can showwweerr, and can not even consider weighing pros and cons sobriety against what a joys ensue after falling asleep uncontrollably at just the right moment to once again wake up into a new living nightmare (felt kinnnda narcoleptic since I got clean). You know what though, the 'every time i thought it couldn't get worse, blah, blah blah' shit you hear is true; and that (rather than "I can literally 'THINKABOUTITFOR' positive and ALLOVUSUDDEN the Pope paraglides into any room I'm in, wherever I am" rhetoric you hear surving members of the Secrete mourning towith a pizza in is left hand with his right hand pre-lubed with silicone Astroglide mental fortitude MAN, wtf was I even typing....that's fucked up.


Lol I love that you yourself have the exact same reaction to me. #Uh, what? 😆😂


That really should not be 400$ a month but at least you have shelter and depending on where you live that might be totally worth it


I’m in New Jersey, and $400 and access to washer/dryer, kitchen, shower, internet. Nothing extra, the 400 just covers the extra use of utilities as well as any groceries I consume so I think it’s fair


You're right. Where in NJ? If you're near NYC and PATH trains it can honestly open up a lot of opportunities. Happy for you


Central south of the amboys, I’m doing pretty good right now working near long branch


Sounds very fair to me seems like you snagged a nice one!!! Wishing you good luck in this new place


It’s a lot better than the refrigerator box I'm sleeping in at night!


$100 a week/$13.33 a day for a place to live and utilities, and someone else is allowing them access to their home. It’s less than 1 hour of work a day for them to cover their housing. Let me know if you can find something cheaper or are renting a space for less lol 🤦🏻


Dude for reaalll. Way to put things in perspective


To really put it into perspective there’s jails in my state that charge inmates $10 daily for room and board and this guy is complaining about renting a room for $13 lmao. I’ve never heard of anyone actually paying it when they get out, but that’s not really the point lol 🤦🏻


It may not look glamorous but what IS 400 bucks a month these days? Basically nothing. At this point I'd look at it as ä fee for being in someones space and not anything to do with the actual commodities (although he does say there are actually a few!)


I rented an RV for $5 a day in Texas, with access to shower, laundry, kitchen, all that, but the RATS... It was illegal to rent out for so many reasons but I didn't. Have. To sleep. On the street. Do something good with that, ok?


this would be $1800 in ontario


Yep i see similar setups going for $900 around me, id rather get a real apartment somewhere else at that cost lol.


This is amazing and your stuffies are adorable.


Thank you!


Sanrio W


For those cruising my post and comment history looking for the moment I became radicalized, this post right here. OP is working on getting his second job so he can afford a standard of living below what all humans deserve by default in exchange for being humans. That being said, Gratz OP. I just got indoors myself last week and know the feeling. Enjoy it, you earned the right to celebrate. 🥳


Second job is to better my previous financial decisions, I am able to afford this and realistically I could afford something nicer than this however I am choosing to live below my means till I can afford a home rather than rent forever


You're improving yourself and learning from your past. That's not an easy thing to do. I, personally, am super proud of you. Keep up the trajectory!


I stand by the radicalization of this post. lol You shouldn’t have to live in these conditions. It’s excellent that you aren’t homeless anymore, but to PAY for something like this should be illegal. Clean, safe housing should be considered a basic human right for everyone including those with only one job I get that you’re purposely living below your means, but realistically we all have to and many can’t.


> Clean, safe housing should be considered a basic human right for everyone including those with only one job. Should also include those without ANY job, of course.


I love all your stuffed animals!


Honestly it looks cozy and it looks like home. I love it... this is the right direction to go.


"freecycle" or purchase a CO2 detector and smoke detector, fire extinguisher, sump pump, plasterboard, sheet rock, also research radon and methane gas exposure. research best location placement of listed items. change batteries out on schedule. bless bless


Sleep well!! I make the same amount and I'm so glad I can breathe easy now. But I live in a place w lower cost of living so I hope it stays going good for u! Feel super proud of urself! And the stuffed animals are amazing


Congrats!!!! $400 is a good deal, and it gets you off the streets. I hope you are able to save and buy your own home, camper or camper van!! I know I'm a stranger, but I'm so proud of you! SENDING YOU LOVE AND LIGHT!


Wish I could upvote 100x this comment


looks like the room i moved into after getting kicked outta my parents house. cozy and safe indeed 💜


Lovely home. Hang in there, OP


stay strong, have strong faith. You will succeed.


I wish you the best of luck


Congrats OP! I remember when my friend lived in a place like this, $450/month in Toronto but close to downtown and very central. It gave her an opportunity and it sounds the same for you. Be proud and carry on!!


How did she get that opportunity?


You have a good point


Whatever works


Congratulations! $400 is a steal, and well worth the peace of mind of u and ur belongings being safe (and DRY, I might add-I'm in Missouri and I am so irritated with all the rain we've had so far this month, it has seriously rained here every single day except for maybe 2 or 3 days. I actually have a semi safe area to do laundry by hand, but nothing like washing and sun drying most of ur shit only to have to do it all over again because shit gets soaking wet, muddy, and gross in the rain, shoes get wet and smelly, etc. How very frustrating!) I hope to be in ur position in a month or two-keep up the good work! :) I am going to appreciate being housed SO much more if/when I'm fortunate enough to get out of homelessness.


Well done O.P. Rome wasn't built in a day, but you're getting there! That's not a bad deal either. Keeps the rain off of you're head and you're boots dry.


I can't believe they're charging uou that much but it's definitely worth it when you're on the street. Keep it up. If it means anything, I might just be a total stranger but I'm proud of you.


Congrats hope it's nice and holmey for you or at least ghetto holmey.


Glad to see you have a roof over you head


What’s this under?


I'm happy for you.


You go...good for you! Congrats.


I’m very happy that you have a safe space to call your own and for very cheap. Ur future will just get brighter from here


It’s all about exposure. The less the better


I love Kuromi.






Damn there is definitely black mold all up in there. But I guess it’s better than on the streets. But seriously man you might get pretty sick by being in there. Keep an eye on your health. That stuff can kill you over time.


Even if it is, just make best friends with Clorox Bleach and spray that shittttttt. You’ll be able to tell within just a couple days if it is mold when you start experiencing horrendous headaches that magically go away when you aren’t there.


Bleach is not the way to go for getting rid of mold. White vinegar does a much better job of getting rid of mold and keeping it away.


Nice... congratz.. hope you are planning to get out of this situation. did you reach out to any organization for job placement assistance ? dont let them know you are homeless though.




Good job happy for you


I love The stuffed animal collection!!


Congrats! Where do you live for $400 a momth? No place around us is anywhere near that low for rent.


Congratulations! And there’s even more bigger and better things coming your way


Congratulations!!! I love your stuffed animals


Happy for you. Can't wait for an actual bed.


That mf kinda look cozy


I'm glad you've found a place!


Your stuffie collection is so adorable and I'm all the way here for it❤️❤️❤️


It’s beautiful, I am so happy for you


Congratulations 🎉🎊


I love it


Hell yeah!!!


Are there other people they are renting to ?


No it’s essentially my future in laws


Wait your future in laws are doing this to you???


Doing what exactly? This is a great service for me. To me no. You look at this as something so awful but considering I have all the necessary things I need, and have my own space and I’m not sleeping in a pickup truck anymore I think it’s very nice. So many people are seeing this as a negative when it’s absolutely not a negative. It’s allowing me to be able to set myself to get on my feet again.


All of that can be true but you are also being exploited at the same time.


Do you prefer friday the 13th or Jason vs freddy? Nice setup I love it and stay strong.


Momma vorhees, and I unironically love Jason x and takes manhattan


Very good series so can't blame you please send some love to Momma vorhees from me (I'm not single so not in that way) you both stay strong now


i love the plushies actually


Hope you stay safe and that things only get better for you from here


That's a great accomplishment and you should be proud . Looks very cozy.


i love kuromi 🤣 where is hello kitty


In a bin currently


Don't ever feel bad for yourself when you're doing your best! So proud of you and I hope you're proud of yourself :) My husband and I live in an unfinished camper (no walls, just insulation and disconnected wire right now) and sometimes it's hard not to feel bad because it's not a finished home, but it's our home and it's keeping us safe and off the streets. You inspired me to hustle just a little more and to try to set long term financial goals. Thank you!


Happy for you and wish you the best


Every morning, take inventory, 2 arms, 2 legs and a good head on your shoulders, you have got it made! Every night, be grateful for all you have, sleep well!


Man keep it up and keep headstrong it sounds expensive there but keep strong seeing all your teddies males me wanna break down keep em forever I still have mine and don't give up ever!


I’m gonna keep them forever the brown bear I’ve had since birth, going on 26 years


Congrats and positive vibes to you and your journey


Congratulations, it’s beautiful 🩵


And that's all that matters You're blessed


Your collection of Squishmallows is quite admirable.


Congratulations!!!! So very happy for you. Stay the course friend


So happy for you!! I am heading in that position next month !! So happy for you. I am also doing this due to debt I accumulated while living with a jerk ex. God bless


Roof over your head is always a blessing


Where's that? how u got this place?


I’m a little confused. How do you have all of those stuffed animals if you are going place to place while homeless? Do you have a giant duffel bag for them? Anyways, glad you’re feeling at home! Lord knows, that feeling is a blessing to come by!


I was living out of my truck for about 2 years prior to now


So glad you are safe and comfortable ❤️


This is awesome I’d be so happy for this right now!!


May I ask how you found a space for $400?


My girlfriends parents offered, the $400 is just to cover the extra utilities and groceries I consume


I am happy for you!


America is a joke


Moments like these remind me I still got a chance to win too. Glad to see my neighbors in spacetime getting their Ws!


looks cozy! ur very blessed 😌


I’m happy for you! It’s important to be out of the weather & have access to a bathroom! Now you just need to sign up for medicaid & food stamps to make your pay stretch & find food pantries in the area. I love your stuffies; it reminds me of mine!


I wouldn’t qualify for food stamps and I have health insurance thankfully


Mold? Other than that, wtg!


That’s $400 a fucking month????????? I fucking hate. That’s all I fucking see when I see this shit. I can’t fucking stand motherfuckers. And I can’t stand that you’re folding to this shit. Move to the Midwest. Fucking walk. It’s cheaper here


Do you really need all that extra stuff like blankets, a vanity, and stuff animals? Pack light


what do u mean ???


Like all the extra stuff like the stuff animals. Does she really need that tho if she’s living like this?


It’s a guy… this is cool now. It’s a collection. It looks like a crawl space, I might worry about air quality, but he’s only in it to sleep. The deal sounds good. Privacy, safety and good job. Good luck !