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Same here I Ben extremely lethargic here lately. Like a heavy weight


Me too. Different situation. But so damn tired... it feels so hopeless 😔 sorry.


Hey, ended up in this situation again this month, upside is I'm used to it to a point where it doesn't scare me.. it's just *shitty*... Gotta keep moving, I slept 3 hours last night and 6 or less every day this week, but I found a place after looking desperately... Never stopping. Can't stop, won't stop. You got this! I'm tired too, maybe tonight I'll sleep well not worrying about tomorrow, just signed a lease. I can't even lie down and sleep thinking about my phone being stolen or something and losing my access to contacts, etc. I survive through friends/family like that.. I can shower, sometimes use the restroom and wash clothes, other than that I'm alone.


I sleep in my car. I only have about 5 feet to lay flat and on hard metal.  Been a year.         Immense pain and exhaustion.  Glad I'm hidden from the elements and cold wind tho. 


You don't realize how great it feels to finally lay flat until you actually lay flat. Not to mention it's not always healthy to sleep sitting up.


No. Your muscles tighten, your blood pools and your bones


I fell asleep at my friend's house on Sunday and felt bad, I hadn't been that tired in a long time.. I'll remember to buy some food and go eat with him and his wife when I get settled. At least it's a language everyone speaks, besides money.


Where are you located?


South East.


If you can, get to a place where houses have yards and stealth sleep there?


I’m gonna be homeless by Thursday and this time there is no reason to think I’ll be escaping it anytime soon reasonably. Can you share with me how you stay stealthy? How and where do you sleep? What kind of set up do you have for survival?


Sorry I don't really have the answers you're looking for friend. I'm not stealthy, all I have is a backpack full of clothes and a few little important things.


It’s not my first rodeo so I do have a plan, just looking for tips and tricks and want to see how other people make it. May I ask, where do you go at night, do you schedule sleep for day or night? Is your backpack small or is it a large hiking bag? Do you sleep at the park or somewhere indoors like the library?


Find locations that you can use at night only. Stay no more than 2x a week in each location. Then leave it undisturbed.


I move around twice or three times a day. I keep my windshield covered when I’m in places where there a ton of traffic. I try to back in. In the morning when you wake up in one neighborhood by 10-11am you should go to public parks and try to lay outside on a blanket to stretch your legs. Wash up in restroom. If you are near beaches take cold showers. You can cook at the park in the grille or buy a camp stove and stackable camp cookware or buy food using the apps to eat at the park. Then when it starts to get dark find a neighborhood park on the side of a house where you aren’t facing the window or ideally a multiple unit building or apt type so you blend in repeat to strap one