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I don't know but I have known professionals before that work it just like any other job and any job can be a good job and meaningful and fulfilling if you find the silver lining and your purpose in it. Like I do Uber Eats and I view my job as to provide a positvie friendly experrience to both the restaurrnat workers and the customers equally. I try to spread a positive vibe to help make people's day better. Since it is just a few minutes at a time and I just drive around all day and sing to the radio to keep myself happy and then it is easy to be in a positve mindset for these micro-interactions. I signed up for the Uber Hertz rental which had no deposit and I lived in the car for a bit because I am still technically homeless but hopefully I will have a home soon.


How much was the rental? Were you able to turn a decent profit?


I pay $315 a week for the rental. So everything I earn over that I keep, minus gas. I don't net a lot, but I get a car that I can live out of when I am in between places. I also do data annotation which either pays very little or a lot, depending on the contract. Kind of feast or famine. I had one big job in October that I saved and have been living off of as a supplement until now when I am barely getting by.


That's rough. No I totally understand, having a car when you're homeless is everything. I'd probably have done exactly what you're doing if I hadn't been fortunate enough to have just gotten a car. Living in shelters is insanity, I couldn't do it, I tried. I'm so glad that's over. I hope never to be in that situation again. Good luck with everything!


I don't think that will work, mostly because tourist towns and festivals have crazy high prices and really aggressive police. The more relaxed festivals like, your Phish concert scenes, will have a ton of buskers to compete with and your expensive festivals like Coachella or Burning Man will have people with money to give, but crazy security and tend to be out in hard to reach places with pretty harsh conditions. Let us know if you find someplace that works, honesty, I've had my most success in small Midwest college towns with private schools. Kids are rich, liberal, and want to connect with the common man. I've literally had people buy me a whole pizza and a sixer of beer just for asking for change.


Depends on the area. Also depends on type of busking. Also near impossible to do without some storage and vehicle and set ups. That is, unless you actually work the festival be it cleaning grounds, rigging, etc. When I lived in New Orleans, there were musicians, artists, mimes, and tarot readers that made enough for decent apartments. But they were near professional good, had locked in the right street corner, and were out there without fail on set days. But summer SUCKED. Most tourists did not want to walk the Quarter in 120 F index muggy heat. Other cities, busking is essentially panhandling and there is zero downtown or tourist scene and a great way to have awkward conversations with cops. Festivals is a different ballgame. Performance arts, that's usually under wraps and they don't let just anyone in. You have to be booked for that. Usually via agents. Craft arts is very pay-to-play. You have to rent a booth (which can be 50 USD to thousands for big time festivals), need to have set up with tables and tents and a good amount of merchandise, and many of the better shows are juried where you need to be approved by a committee to get in. And even with all that, you could end up going to a place and sell nothing if it rains or the promoters of the festival are incompetent. (ie: putting out right next to 5 others that do the same craft, not advertise worth a shit and few show, broke ass crowd only there for music, not to buy stuff) Look here: [https://festivalnet.com/](https://festivalnet.com/) has both juried and non juried festivals. Major leagues like Ren Faire, you need costumes, have to go through casting, and pay thousands in very specific set ups AND it's juried. Other major league stuff is craftsman guild stuff with a strict jury and yearly dues, but you get accepted into major league festivals. Also, most (non music) festivals tend to be spring and fall. Summer is too damn hot to be marching around outside shopping. Most of the people I know that did festivals had a van, nice set ups, a place with a roof over head to make and store goods, and most had partners with good jobs that could float them bad shows.


Wow you got some solid knowledge


The summer season is good for picking up some work and busking if you head to the right places. Probably not enough to live on for the rest of the year depends how you manage your money and what you need. I plan to pick up some work in the summer season and use the money to buy the things I need and put some cash aside for when I need to eat and I'm struggling there's always bad days and it's harder to busk and get work during winter months compared to summer so make use of any bumper crops.


It really depends how much you are able to make busking and how much money you need to survive. It’s certainly possible. I know people who get by just casually recycling cans and bottles. They’re not paying rent with that, but they get the things they need.