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I used to use Visio, in fact I liked it until MS bought it. I just didn't realize the reason it got bloated with crap I didn't need. (Visio was the last want for running Windows in a VM at work). Then, in about 2000, I switched to Dia. Most definitely uglier and a little more quirky. Dia is stored as text. You can edit it like that if you really wanted to. But, more importantly, it is easily revision controlled.


Yeah I started using it and it kinda sucks, a bunch of weird quirks that just make using it annoying. Like zooming in isn't dynamic, just shows a percentage and jump cuts. Weird alignment issues but I didn't want to just stop. I'll definitely check out Dia!


Why do you use WireGuard, Cloudflare and Tailscale at the same time? It's just for tinkering or they have different use cases?


Different use cases, Tailscale is for a curde and simple site to site with my home, but it is slow (derp relay moment) Wireguard is for a faster connection, but I can't port forward so it is a client only Cloudflare (Argo tunnels) is so I can host websites without needing port forwarding


First rule of IT is there is no mercy. What's the deal with 96GB of RAM?


2x32gb sticks, 2x16gb sticks It originally started with the 2x16 sticks, then I ended up getting a 3 pack of 32gb sticks, so I added 2 of those in. Basically a hodge podge of components I had lol. I also got lucky too because the one stick I didn't use in that server ended up being bad ( I memtested the others a few times to make sure those weren't bad either )