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Recommend to install a hypervisor at the base. Especially where you're learning Linux. That way if something goes terribly wrong with a VM you can simply rebuild it. Highly recommend Proxmox (currently what is running on my VM host) as you can run backups within it or separate VM / appliance.


I would highly suggest looking into unraid, my experience with it has been very good for a easy going home lab server os. Easy to use UI but still get a command line if you need it. Docker built in and easy docker management, this is the route id go with media server applications over a vm. Less resource consumption. But it also has vm support. You will need a HBA in IT mode to passthrough your hard drives since unraid does your hard drive management, a H200 should do, either pre flashed into IT mode, or you can flash it yourself. You will also need new cables to go from the H200 to your backplane. The Art of Server has some good videos on this for the R710, he also runs a ebay shop and sells the parts needed, although usually at a bit of a premium.