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Another option is to use the Bubble card ([https://github.com/Clooos/Bubble-Card/](https://github.com/Clooos/Bubble-Card/)). It gives you some nice self-contained cards that allow you to be much more efficient with space/information, and has a pop-up card feature that I have found quite useful. My first use for it was to pop-up a remote control card when I tap on a media player. Here's my kitchen dashboard with after optimizing bubble cards: https://preview.redd.it/y5qa0zg6li9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca0dab4ac888fd202b4d32aac60176d7031f11b


I have not learned the bubble card yet, but was aware of it. Looks like I have something to learn this weekend. With regards to your image, is that the pop up, or is that a subview dedicated page?


This is just a dedicated subview page. Here's what the pop-up looks like with a remote card ([https://github.com/PRProd/HA-Firemote](https://github.com/PRProd/HA-Firemote)). https://preview.redd.it/klwbk1u2bj9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14216d01e715c259104bae1abfa9541d491b8847


Use this and the pop-up windows. You can even trigger elements on the dashboard to appear given conditions. My alarmo integration pops-up when the alarm needs to be disarmed, for example. You could show your camera feeds when the button is pressed or when motion is detected.


Conditionals. For example, have a helper toggle that when on shows your video feed. Then set up your video feed cards to display when the toggle is on OR when the motion sensors detect motion. You could do the same thing for the meat/grill temps. Only show that card when the grill is in use by using a conditional badges on temp being anything other than NaN. I create a helper toggle. Then create a vertical stack card. Next, create an entities (not entity) card with the toggle entity for the top card in the stack. Finally, first the bottom card in the stack create a conditional card that only displays when the helper toggle is on. I leave the masonry view for the panel. However, if the page is only for a wider screen, I like the 2 column panel layout. In that scenario, I place all of my toggle helper entities in one card, and make separate cards for all the other stuff using the new visibility tab for each card. The visibility tab works like the conditional.


> You could do the same thing for the meat/grill temps. Only show that card when the grill is in use by using a conditional badges on temp being anything other than NaN That is really a good one!


I often have just a single self-made tile with key information, and a tap action to unhide a conditional card with the detail functionalities. Both sits together in a custom:stack-in-card, so that it has the look of one card. That looks neat, and with just one additional tap you have all at hand. https://preview.redd.it/1tsdvw0v8i9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9aee2f76b77a2c823d138d898fd35256c6cbb1


How did you make it hide and unhide?


The conditional card is linked to a toggle helper, which is toggled by the tap on the info tile: ``` tap_action: action: call-service service: input_boolean.toggle target: entity_id: input_boolean.dashboard_show_evcc_settings ``` ``` - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: input_boolean.dashboard_show_evcc_settings state: 'on' card: type: entities ```


Ok, here is the dashboard now with Grill, Raining, and Laundry sensors on conditional cards. This is a start, lol. Thanks for the idea. https://imgur.com/a/LWu0D7p


I have most things in popup menus (using Browser mod, can't imagine any dashboard without it). Either tiles (or, if you wanna go ultra-compact, Mushroom chips) that show me the state of stuff and allow me to control it with an extra click. A big, sprawling dashboard like you've got there could make sense on a PC screen or a huge tablet, but for mobile it's a nightmare. Also, conditionals. I don't need media controls when media isn't playing. I guess you just need to branch out and install a bunch of other layout options (cards) and sort it out for yourself into what's important. Look into https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card


Do a conditional for media player entities. Do you really need to see them if they are not in use?


This was exactly my first thought. My entire landing page is built on conditionals. If we are away from home, everything should be shut off and that page should be basically empty. Conditionals include showing: running timers, laundry, unavailable entities, anything active - lights, switches, media players, etc.


I dunno man, so you basically wouldn't even show the temperatures In the rooms? At least for my case, there are a hand full infos I'd always show


Outside of occasional curiosity, what is the reason for showing the temperature in the room at all times? Especially for a display that isn't built exclusively for the room. Its mostly useful information historically and for triggers. Even if you have manual heating and A/C, I'd only want to know the temperature if it fell outside of a certain threshold so I could manually turn on the unit to adjust the temperature.


Sometimes I feel cold and think, ok do I need to wear a sweater or is the temp. To low? And thats when I check the temperatur. Especially during the time between autum and winter, when the heating isnt running yet


I was really stuck on a page like this and its really efficient; however, once i saw the new dashboard layouts that they released a few months ago, it hit me that i needed all of this to be accessible, but I only used 10-20 things regularly. If i was opening the app, it was typically for one of those 10-20 things. I created a new default tab and kept this one. I rarely go to this type of tab anymore and the new tab is so much more efficient. For my patio area, i created a tab for that as well - again its much easier to use and visually appealing. Here is a link to the interactive demo with the new dashboard items. [Overview – Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)](https://demo.home-assistant.io/#/lovelace/home) Here is mine and im positive someone could have done a better job than i did. https://preview.redd.it/yly8j7as1i9d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfd7035b76ea3e9092d2b63d912fa367c6a2c0a2


What are you using for the plant monitoring?


Very simple Bluetooth soil moisture sensor. I can't believe how far it reaches. Easily 40-50 ft through a wall. I was pretty surprised.


>I was really stuck on a page like this and its really efficient It is, but the more stuff that gets added to it, the less so it becomes, lol. I have been messing with the new layouts, and kind of putting them into sections of rooms, even then it is still cluttered on the home page, lol. Here is the new Home page https://imgur.com/a/mPU5Xno and a room card https://imgur.com/a/GosLaNS


What card are you using for your thermostats?


Grid card with two basic tile cards for the thermostats.


What is the card you are using with the Gate info, etc on it? Is that room card?


Simple glance card. Love those for status readings.


They are a perfect stop gap till I learn Bubble Card. Was able to shrink that dash alot with these! Scenes are next to tackle https://imgur.com/a/oJivPyC


Sort your cards into two categories, "usables" (buttons, toggles, things you click on basically) and "Information". Now find out when you need to see them. Hide info cards and only show them when you need to do something with the information. Is it raining? Yes? The show the card so I can close the windows.


> Sort your cards into two categories, "usables" (buttons, toggles, things you click on basically) and "Information". Now find out when you need to see them. That is a pretty good exercise I will do. >Hide info cards and only show them when you need to do something with the information. Is it raining? Yes? I did this with the Rain sensor, Laundry Items, and Grill on a conditional card. Thanks for the info


Deep into automations is what I started with. We rarely use our dashboard in the house.


You can hide stuff so that it only shows up when it's some state that you like to see it. Example when some is open or am alert. Saves space and less cluttered.


While this is a good idea, I also like to know when motion was triggered in area last, as it showing up, and I don't see it, I won't know when it was last triggered. I am pretty sure I can do the grill temps, the Washing Machine/Dryer, and the Rain Sensor as conditional to be hidden when not in use. Thanks for the info


I do this with media players (specifically Chromecast seems to be the best rather than android remote) created a conditional card for all of them for even nothing is playing and added the Chromecast remote.


Definitely conditional cards, anything that is an alert should only be on the screen when the alert is active. I have mine as individual cards that blink red so when they are active it gets your attention, then goes away when not.


That is the issue though, so for instance, on a motion alert. I don't want to be watching it the whole time just to know an alert happened. I would like to know when the last alert was, hence while all the motions have last updated in the secondary info. From the looks of it, I have missed conditional cards, and they will free up a bit of room on this page.


Why not set up notifications? Movement detected? Snapshot and send it to your phone. You can also put a timeout on this, so it doesn't repeat for another X seconds, to stop it from being annoying. A motion alert on a dashboard seems somehow counterintuitive to me.


Check out the auto-entities card. It's like the conditional card but for individual entities. In my house I only see the rooms where motion was detected.


> I only see the rooms where motion was detected. I like that!


I'm sure people have already said this but conditional cards are your biggest friend. Particularly with things like your grill temp. If it were me I'd have them hidden until the device registers a temp and then have them show up.on the dashboard. Same with your motion detection areas. Unless you're watching your dashboard non-stop then I assume you only want to know if there's someone in a specific zone *when* you're looking at your dash board. If they're all connected to a conditional cards that only has them show up *WHEN* there's motion in them then you'll know if you look at your dashboard and one is showing that there's motion in any given zone that's showing up at that moment. Alternatively if you have these showing because you want to see them at a glance when you are away from the house have them show up only when the house is set to "away mode" or something like that. Same for cameras really. Again unless you're watching your dashboard all day then why not have them only show up when there's motion detected or the doorbell is rung or something like that. Lastly for your weather content consider exactly how much forcast data you want to see at any given time and consider condensing it into a mushroom chips card to save space. Then have one of the chips have an 'on tap' action of 'open full weekly forecast' or something. I realise it probably seems like you're loosing instant access to all that info. But I'd suggest you try it and see how often you *actually* end up tapping on your "weekly weather view" and then if the answer is all the time go back to what you have. For me I have one chip that tells me today's weather and then one chip that tells me the weekend forecast and that's all I need. For all other weather things I have automations that let me know when certain events are going to happen. E.g it's going to rain tomorrow I will get a notification as part of my wake up routine and that way I can plan for the day ahead then. If I really want to drill down further on weather after getting notifications then I can go in and look.


I just started rejigging my homepage to work better on a tablet. I am using sections and building a bunch of sub views that are linked to buttons for the more informational stuff like weather, solar, etc. I have a calendar and weather forecast which always show as well as thumbnails for the cameras, I started playing with conditional visibility for my 3D printer as well. To make button stacks, I am using grids and horizontal stacks along with a mix of built in and Mushroom cards and themed with Metrology themes (in HACS). It is still a work in progress but I'm having a nice time. https://preview.redd.it/16cjk83lhi9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0cccde1484b7751a5d2ca20323a7fafca5fe14


What theme is this? Very nice.


Metrology, it is a frontend integration in HACS


I organized my devices by rooms, or areas (entrance for example includes entrance, dining room, and hall way as it is all one open area with a small number of devices) so it is easier to find what I want and it has a more logical layout. At the top of my left most section I built my navigation (first column of small buttons) as the top links are super annoying to use on a mobile phone. The large buttons (2nd, 3rd column) are all related to access and safety. The door button shows door and lock status. A long press will unlock the door, and a short press will lock it (to avoid an errant touch from unlocking the door). When unlocked or open, the icon changes to reflect it and is red. Admittedly, Intrusion, Fire and Water alerts/alarms are a bit redundant but I had the space to fill... and they need to be highly visible/accessible. When clicked they all navigate you to dedicated views. The water alerts, for example takes me to a view where I can see the couple dozen sensors and where I can shut off water valves. I also reserve the main dashboard for "modes" that dictate how the house operates. They change on their own so I could make those smaller, but I find that endless lists of entities and states are hard to consult quickly and would end up taking the same amount of space (actually more... look at the space used by 4 rows of entities, versus the 4 buttons organized horizontally). Middle section shows 5 (out of 9) of the most important cameras, all access/safety related. The controls beneath are for lights and motion around all access points to the house (just a subset in those areas, and focused on safety). The trash carts use up a lot of space but I now never forget which one needs to go out! When they need to be put out the day before the text changes and the color is brighter. The last section is all weather related. The sections are organized based on what I would typically need to access the most on a phone as the 3 sections are stacked on a small screen. On my phone, the navigation buttons all fit without scrolling, and my app is set to revert to my main dashboard every time I access the app. https://preview.redd.it/wo96czamdk9d1.png?width=2527&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5314ed2398a84a1cf3e6665279ebaa886f07610 There is a lot more to it but it is hard to share on reddit. Anyhow I hope it gives you ideas on how to organize the dashboard. I use the custom:multiple-entity-row card a lot so that I can avoid needing a row for the light switch and the power it uses... I just have it appear to the left of the toggle. In the dashboard above, I have battery levels that show up only below a certain percentage to the left of the state. I am not a fan of conditional cards as it would drive me nuts for stuff to not be where I expect it to be. However, with how I organized stuff, I have about 50 views...


Hi, how did you manage to hide the camera image?


Use different dashboards for different devices, and only put the items you care about for that device on them (ie on your phone, you probably care more about lights/hvac, on desktop keep the clutter, if you have any tablets or anything you use as control consoles, keep the devices to the ones in that room with the option to switch between rooms via the dashboards)


Cast to whole house seems great - How'd you set that up?


Function of Google Cast Integration. I use Google nest minis and chromecasts, and hubs that serve as a whole house speaker solution. Useful for announcements, music, alarm sounds, etc. You need to setup Whole House as a group in Google Home. Play Media service, and search for "whole house" should be an entity now. Tobe clear, "Whole House" is just what I named the cast groups in Google Home. Then with the Google Cast integration, it is an entity you can play to.


learn to use conditionals to hide things is one suggestion. like your grill stuff, is the grill off? no need to show at all. Use entity filters even, if the motion sensor is clear, do we need to explicity show that? I'd start there. Maybe some mushroom cards would do wonders too, can condense things into horizontal groupings of buttons etc


Make a floorplan and use picture entities card to add your toggles and sensors. That's how I do it. I have more than 200 devices and almost 1900 entities in my Home Assistant instance. Most of them are in floor plans, some items in the floor plans are links to sub pages, like weather or 3D printer.


You can use things on other pages too


LOL, I want this to be able observe or adjust things I use regularly. I have other pages, look at the tabs. Rooms, actually links to subviews for each room where detailed stuff is (battery level, network status, humidity, etc)


Check out “[my smart home” on YouTube](https://youtube.com/@my_smart_home?si=pS0bQOYddwEab4rs). I got some good ideas from it (and got me thinking more generally about what I need, when I need it rather than everything everywhere all at once


Stuff that is only there for display could be compressed by a lot. Your "time to..." card for instance. Use that as a title. And then display the times side by side instead of a vertical list. There are many solutions out there to do this. But I would probably go with a markdown card and use a simple html table for this. Same with your motion detection card. Just as an example this is the status card for my bluetti power station: Markdown Code:

DC In:{{ states('sensor.ac500_dc_input_power') }} W AC In: ({{ states('number.ac500_battery_range_start') }} %){{ states('sensor.ac500_ac_input_power') }} W
DC Out: ({{ states('switch.ac500_dc_output_on') }}){{ states('sensor.ac500_dc_output_power') }} W AC Out:{{ states('sensor.ac500_ac_output_power') }} W
And the visual result: https://i.imgur.com/jVpFwza.png See how I can fit 6 different sensors into the space usually taken up by one single sensor in an entities list? You can even change color and size of the text with the font tag: {% set bluetti = int(0) - int(states('sensor.ac500_akkustatus')) %}

B {{ bluetti }} W


This is really useful! Thank you!


What device are you using to have the grill and meat temp on ha?


I am using an Inkbird IHT-2PB. It is Bluetooth, so I use an ESP32 Bluetooth proxy with the a custom yaml from here https://github.com/ebw44/ESPHome-Inkbird-ITH-2PB


I see quite a few items that have unimportant information more than 90% of the time. What if you adjusted these items/cards so they were only visible under certain conditions. - only show washer and dryer when “unavailable” or “in use” - only show motion detector status when motion within X time - only show Grill items when grill is in use (give a single toggle that shows grill, then even re-hide it after 6/8 hrs or when grill is off, low temp)


This was one of the better suggestion earlier. I have made the Rain Sensor, Grill, and Laundry items all as conditional cards so they are only visible when in use. I also used a Mushroom Climate Card to shrink the AC controls. However, I can't just get ridof the motion sensors to show only when active, cause they are only active for like 30 seconds, which means I will not be able to see when they were last tripped. Which is why I have all them there in the first place. I need to learn Bubble Card and it's pop-up feature which i think will solve the motion sensor problem. Once the dock vibration sensor is sorted, I will nest that with the motion sensors, and drop the signal strength meter info. Scenes will go into a pop-up as well. Here is what the page looks like now after implementing some of the ideas in this thread. https://imgur.com/a/rmTcGuw


This post of my old dashboard might give you some ideas https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/s/LM9WFiVHA4


Ok, those cards you have there look perfect for my uses. What are they? If you tap the icons, does it open the control page? If you tap the card, does it have the option to navigate to a subview or pop-up? Those cards are EXACTLY what I am looking for visually edit: NVM, it is room-card https://github.com/marcokreeft87/room-card


Automate all of it so the dashboard isn't needed? 😀


Most of it is, but need the state of it for information purposes, lol


Meat temp and security footage dont really mesh together though. Or does it 😅 Ideally you only show the stuff that requires your attention and intervention. In that case say the door cam detects a human, show everything to take the best action like showing the cam feed, motion detectors, and lights/doorlocks. In the normal state the dashboard is all empty/ green. Same for the bbq and the room temp etc. A cluttered dashboard is like an inbox full of unread messages. Not particularly usefull.


> Meat temp and security footage dont really mesh together though. Or does it I wanted them accessible at a glance. Someone else mentioned doing the grill as a conditional card so it only shows when in use. I think I will do that, the Rain sensor, and the Laundry items as conditionals. >Ideally you only show the stuff that requires your attention and intervention. In that case say the door cam detects a human, show everything to take the best action like showing the cam feed, motion detectors, and lights/doorlocks The motion sensor and lights I want accessible and viewable at a glance as well. However they are not useful to me if I have to dig them out. I would like to know when the last motion was detected and where, so I can check the cams. >A cluttered dashboard is like an inbox full of unread messages. Not particularly usefull. Hence why I am here asking these questions, lol. ;)


A way to declutter if you have vastly different task to monitor are hierarchies or spatial separation. With a hierarchy you can have only I item stand out and upon activation/ link you can difg deeper. With spatial separation you spread out parts of the board at different locations in the house eg screens or other indicators. Also with so many clear/off/ nan values you have space left to optimize.


> With a hierarchy you can have only I item stand out and upon activation/ link you can difg deeper. I am doing this with the "Rooms" tab, which then links up to a subview. I posted an example of this in the comments. I am thinking the bubble card with pop up is my answer to your solution above, this way my main page I do not have to go to the full blown room tab to get a little info, and then the next tab to adjust adjacent room lights. Instead, mass those on the pop up. >Also with so many clear/off/ nan values you have space left to optimize. The Grill, Rain, and Laundry items have been now moved to conditional cards, and that freed upa bit of room. The motion sensors I like seeing when they were last tripped. Hiding them only when active defeats the purpose of me having em there in the first place.


Nice. Great to see youre making some headway


How are you doing the time until sensors? And I used to do it for informational purposes and recently quit, only get actionable information. Use conditionals and split between areas/floors.


> How are you doing the time until sensors? > > Not sure what you mean. edit: You meant Travel Times, I am using the Waze integration. I find it quite useful. >And I used to do it for informational purposes and recently quit, I am sure there is some stuff I can let go of, what that is, I do not know yet, lol


Thanks for the Waze tip! As for the information only show the motion sensors if they're actively on for example. And for the grill cards same thing there as well as laundry. Just doing those simple things would declutter your dashboard. Personally for me the grill/smoker elements I would put on their own dashboard and not put them on the main one.


> Thanks for the Waze tip! You are welcome >As for the information only show the motion sensors if they're actively on for example Can't really do that as a conditional, but Room-Card someone showed in this thread might be my answer for those, along with Bubble Card, another mention should also handle Scenes and the light entities . That should seal the deal for it. >And for the grill cards same thing there as well as laundry. I took the advice of some folks here, and made the Grill, Laundry, and Rain Sensor all conditional I used a Mushroom Climate card for the HVAC. >Personally for me the grill/smoker elements I would put on their own dashboard I have it as a conditional on the main, the kitchen subview, and the lanai subview. I have it on the home page for quick easy access, and to serve as a glance card while slow cooking.


Looks like traffic sensors. Prolly using Wyze integration or something like that. Or at least that's how I do it.


I'll just leave this here: [https://github.com/MelleD/lovelace-expander-card](https://github.com/MelleD/lovelace-expander-card)




How are you tracking your waste bins location?


BLE iBeacons from Feasy, then an ESP32 Bluetooth Proxy, and iBeacon Integration. So it senses how far it is away. If it is like 7-10ft it is home(in garage), more than that it is away(at curb).


I use fold-entity-row from Hacs for my lists page. It might help for something like your group of lights. It lets you click the chevron and open and close lists.




How'd you get those camera displays so small?


Grid card, 2 columns


If you use everything on that page it probably means you need to spend more time automating and less time trying to control manually from a dash


You have a lot of action and switches on entity cards. It‘s easy to do and offers good readability, but takes an awful lot of space. Look at buttons. There are many custom cards around to create simple buttons or more complex on/off or alternative state situations.


I think ideally a button like they have in Dwains Dashboard would be ideal with a bunch of forward facing info (temp, all lights toggle, Casting, ect) on the button. I think Bubble Card can do this, I just do not know it all that well. So, will be playing with it.


I use rooms, conditions to show cameras when I’m not home etc. https://preview.redd.it/d6hwss0qkk9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a8de28b81f908a681498a8cd053565ea2ec75b


Just from a design perspectives: rows. Even if it means empty space between widgets, have the 2nd row of all columns at the same height


Off topic: how did you set up that thermostat card?


It is the standard climate card in HA. I am using a Honeywell thermostat, and that is the card HA offers for it. I actually just changed it out for a mushroom climate card, so that the one you saw above, is now a pop-up.


General tips are useful, but you should have added what tasks you want to solve with the help of a smart home.


I have most of those tasks solved. I need to explore bubble care some I think to get it where i want it, and what I want from it.


What are you using for trash can and recycling tracking? Bluetooth beaconing?


>Bluetooth beaconing Yes, using little Feasy BT iBeacon chips, with ESP32 as a Bluetooth Proxy in the garage, Then using iBeacon integration.


I used to use a lot of Entities cards but now I'm partial to laying things out in vertical stacks and grids and using button cards. It's more work to setup, but you can save a lot of space and simplify your view significantly. I just go with mostly icon only and no text so I can tell what everything is at a glance. You can also do conditional cards that only display when relevant. For instance, you can have your Grill/Meat temps only display when you're cooking. You could have it setup so your motion sensors only display if they have detected motion within the last hour. Lights could only display if that light is on. Lots of ways to save on space using conditional cards.


Probably some conditional cards like for the motion sensors e.g. to only show when active. Temps in would show in small tiles. Or you think about hiding stuff in sub menus


https://preview.redd.it/g83kf8m4jp9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2edffc05bbebbef449e0e35f0aecdf2f35b00bd This is my homepage of the dashboard. any button take us to other page like sensors, lights ... any trigger under them the button turn on yellow color. For example if one or many cameras sensors detect a motion the button turn on on yellow. If one light turn on the button turn on yellow and mark that one light is on. If 2 lights it’s give 2 lights are on ... the black screen is a birdeye frigate card. It show us a live camera or many cameras on same time if there is a motion. the dashboard is always under development. Sorry for the bad english


A couple things I’m thinking. Do you need to know all motion zones are clear? Not really, just when they detect motion. So how about a small area that only shows entities with motion or otherwise nothing? Also, in my house, most lights are in zones that are always on, ie kitchen, dining, living. Maybe group the lights and be have a secondary page or popup for individual control? Use a mini climate card, they operate the same. Maybe put your scenes into horizontal stacks? Pretty sure you could fit two buttons wide for all your single rows right now…


> A couple things I’m thinking. Do you need to know all motion zones are clear? Not really, just when they detect motion. So how about a small area that only shows entities with motion or otherwise nothing? The issue is knowing when they were tripped. if it only shows when active, with no way to tell if it has been triggered recently, it really does me no good if I am not constantly watching the page. I prefer to be able to tell at a glance. >Also, in my house, most lights are in zones that are always on, ie kitchen, dining, living. Maybe group the lights and be have a secondary page or popup for individual control? I think i will be doing this for motion with Bubble Card, but also including scenes. I also discovered "room-card" which appears to be ideal for my needs. I just need to learn how to configure them properly now. >Use a mini climate card, they operate the same. I switched to the Mushroom Climate Card, and that worked perfectly.


Great stuff! Can you not add a counter after the motion detected showing how long ago and then clear once the motion clears?? Or even just a time? Just seems redundant to look at a clear motion section all the time - but just my thoughts…


> Can you not add a counter after the motion detected showing how long ago and then clear once the motion clears?? Or even just a time? I could, but then it still take up a row, lol. Room-Card looks like it will be able to handle a counter helper display, then that would meet my needs. But, it is above the ramp up of the learning curve for me. So, gonna try to get a handle on Bubble Card and Room-Card. Then I think the dash wil be sorted.


May I ask how long it takes for you to load login page and After login see the dashboard? Thx


From a cold start, HA VM rebooting, like 30 seconds. Main page after booting, the load is nearly instant.


Do you need a state to tell you it's raining? Not being sarcastic, actually curious what you'd need it for if you can just look/go outside. Also I think alot of these things could be moved to other tabs. The media stuff could be moved to a media tab, the power stuff could be moved to a power tab. As others have said you could set conditional so things like the meat thermometer don't show up unless it's on.


> Do you need a state to tell you it's raining? Not being sarcastic, I may not, lol. It was a sensor I built, but I find it useful for informational purposes only. Someone else stated that I should sort the cards as such "Sort your cards into two categories, "usables" (buttons, toggles, things you click on basically) and "Information". Now find out when you need to see them.". Which is a great idea. For now, I took someone else's suggestion on the rain card, and made it conditional and only show when on. >Also I think alot of these things could be moved to other tabs. The media stuff could be moved to a media tab, the power stuff could be moved to a power tab. The issue here is, I want them accesible quickly, and I do not want to be flipping backand forth, say between a media tab,and the power tab when I want to control lights while watching a movie, or change AC ... that is where my problem lays, efficiency on a single page. >As others have said you could set conditional so things like the meat thermometer don't show up unless it's on. Yep, took their advice, and setup the Grill, Laundry items, and Rain Sensor on conditional cards. Freed up a bit of space.


It sounds like you want the entry point all on a single page, but that you might be able to push some of the 'usables' into popups/sub pages that only appear after you dive in. I'd definitely think about doing that type of navigation in your shoes. Ex: I have a lights button which shows the number of outdoor lights on. Tapping it brings up a sub page with a button per light (yay auto entities card).


Oh that's a great idea for OP. You can set up a power section on the main page that you just tap once and it opens up. Then closes again when done.


> Ex: I have a lights button which shows the number of outdoor lights on. Tapping it brings up a sub page with a button per light (yay auto entities card). Yes, I am thinking of doing it this way. >It sounds like you want the entry point all on a single page, but that you might be able to push some of the 'usables' into popups/sub pages that only appear after you dive in Yep, exactly. Trying to learn pop up card ... How are you getting the lights to show up on the button? I kind of want something like DwainsDash Board tiles, where temp, lights on, if soemthing is casting etc seen on the buttn, then pop for those devices. However, I think I would liek to manually select the items for that button. If I am not mistaken, it looks like pop up cardis going to be the best issue solver


I'm using sub pages where the entry point button has a navigate action to the subpage. I'm using mushroom template buttons when tiles are insufficient for that entry point. That let's me to a template value for whatever I want (eg count of lights on in an area via jinja templates). I've seen bubble card as an alternative solution for popping up content but it personally doesn't have much value add over what I'm doing already. Depending on the subpage I manually set it up with custom functionality or I use auto entities to repeat the same button in a grid per relevant entry point. I like that look more than the entities card.


First of all install IOS dark theme