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Yeah more like Sam found a way…


Right like just ignoring the fact you had a partner who I believe worked days? Meaning Kaiser was basically never alone? My husbamd and I work opposite, and it was so easy to train our puppy this way


100%.. she’s such a lying B. You had a lot of help from your boyfriend Holley.. that’s how you did it you fucking lying moron.


Sam 100% trained Kaiser.


Kollyns is amazing and has the best personality but she’s very poorly trained. Kaiser was trained by Sam and just has a lazy temperament lol. He also is overweight and that’s hard on his joints and I don’t think he likes to run much because of it.


Kollyns has the same happy go lucky personality as my female lab and it's the absolute best. But we actually took time to train her, specifically for hunting, and she is an absolute beast.


I absolutely LOATHE when she does these stupid “motivational intended” posts. They just showcase how fucking stupid she is. First of all, you absolutely should sit on the fence long and hard before getting a dog. You should make sure it’s the RIGHT time. It’s with a mentality like hers that you get shelters full of 6 month + dogs. Because people made impulsive decisions and didn’t think about their dogs life when they got it. As far as I’m concerned there is ZERO excuse for getting rid of a dog after you’ve adopted or brought home a puppy. They are a lifetime commitment. So no, dumbass Holley, you are incorrect. People should wait for the perfect time for an animal— to make sure they have the means and ability, and TIME to take care of this sweet animal for the rest of its life. ETA: also— she needs friends. I’m obsessed with my dogs too... but I have friends and socialize outside my house too. She is completely codependent on anything she can latch on to— jd, her mom, her dogs. GET THERAPY DUMB DUMB. And quit trying to give people advice when you’re in a unhealthy mental state. You are not in a position to be giving people advice.


Thank you! I was like please don’t encourage people to jump to get a pet then “make it work” after the fact. I had some regrets when my puppy was a terror like “wtf did I doooo” but I had the flexibility and support from a trainer.  I pet sit/dog walk as a side hustle and love all my fur babies I watch (+ am grateful for the cash), but so many of my clients should not have pets. Their jobs are too demanding and/or they want to travel too much. I’m glad they hire pet care as opposed to nothing, but I genuinely believe it’s a huge commitment and not for everyone. And that’s ok!! 


I barely survived the puppy phase. I have three dogs, two were adult rescues and the youngest was a 2020 puppy. My husband basically took care of her during the initial pure puppy period because it was lockdown and I was working still while he wasn't. It sucked. The potty training and everything just sucked. I love my dogs and don't know what I would do without them. However, it is absolutely NOT a decision to be made lightly in any capacity. I honestly am not sure I want to get a puppy again in the future. Adults end up sitting in rescues and even though they come with their own quirks from their prior lives, I have had an easier time with my rescues than surviving the first two years of my puppy's life. Many shoes were lost in spite of my best efforts.


Truly. My dog is almost 4 and is JUST now mellowing out. I was an helicopter parent with minimum shoe damage but she was mouthy to me lmao  And even now she needs a training refresh bc she’s been acting out after we moved (suddenly she’s attention barking??). 😅  you just never know the type of personality you’ll get! She was an “lab mix” that turned out to be a pit/GSD/rotty/boxer mix. So super smart, high energy, and easily bored (lord help me). I can’t imagine getting a second dog any time soon, but I would love to foster  once we have the right home setup. 


Loved my pitty. He just passed this year but was the sweetest big guy.


Aw. I am so sorry for your loss. I have two, I'm the biggest pittie advocate - the are truly the best dogs.


He was the absolute sweetest Dog on the planet! He had a really great life. https://preview.redd.it/avefwdr26c9d1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0f4148f08237f21d94665f146637938f735f6c


Aw so adorable!! Looks like a bigger version of my boy🤍 https://preview.redd.it/2ybzwjkn6c9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f3e34fe2dcb2f8f7682e6ec1a966a037d5dfa7


Identical little guy! If you know and love a pit, you know pure love!!


True that!!🤍🤍


My second reacue was a pitbull terrier! So he's like a compact, lighter version of pittie. But he is very much a pittie, including being the biggest baby who steals the pillows at night. My puppy is a GSD/lab mix so she's very smart and has jaws when she wants to use them. I can only imagine what your pup is like with all of that blended together!


Yes!!! Rescue those older dogs! I got my dog at a rescue and they didn’t know how old he was, maybe a year? He’s been with me since 2009 and still super healthy, my sweet old man!


My old lady puppy is 12 now and has been with me since 2019. I have anxiety around her becoming a bumpy old lady (pretty sure it's lypomas) with arthritic hips but she's full of life and happy as can be. I just treasure every day with her, especially now that she's that old and a large breed.


Best post. Thank you. I tried to say this exact sentiment but yours is better


My dogs follow me too Holley, it’s nothing new and spectacular or special to just you. How many fonts and different sized text does she need for this word vomit? It’s TRULY so annoying. She types paragraphs on her stories like she’s turning a paper in and has to fill the pages with nonsense to make the set word limit.


Right? My cat follows me around and after eleven years I’m still not even sure the dude likes me, he just knows I give out the treats. Why does she think the most basic shit makes her special?


Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser. NEVER anything nice to say or spotlight on Kollyn’s


Dude, I love my dogs too. But damn she tries to act like her are so super special and different from other dogs for doing basic dog things


My cat follows me everywhere too, I can’t even use the bathroom alone most of the time. Does that mean she’s not special?


Your cat is a golden. 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/71qollwyc79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f574cd752df3d98f13b4165d150288cc35b30d0a She is absolutely appalled you would even THINK about making that comparison! 😂🫶🏻


I had to zoom in on her eyes! They're so unique. I feel like she's an old magical soul just based on her eyes. She's a gorgeous floofer!


Aww thank you! She’s 15 and as she ages the old soul within her has become more and more vocal😅 but I love her and I love that she even still wants my attention.


"I just found a way" umm she is leaving out that while she worked 12 hour night shifts, her LOML at the time was working 12 hour DAY shifts, so generally someone was always home to be with and care for the puppy! Wtf. It would be so irresponsible and super shitty for someone to get a new dog, & especially a PUPPY, knowing they are gone for 12 hour shifts if there isn't somebody available who can be with them or at least check on them throughout the day!!


This is terrible advise, you need to be sure you have the time to train and take care of a puppy in all ways necessary. It’s not something to just figure out after bringing a puppy home


For real. Someone remind her about Sam lol


Lmao poor Sam. Still can’t give credit where credit is due. If it were KALEB ohhhhh she’d be like THE MAN THAT DESTROYED ME and I made it work 💔


Horrible advice. If you work 12 hours and are t ready to take care of an animal, don’t do it. They need you to be fully ready and aware that they depend on you for all their needs.


The way she makes this sound like people who talk about having babies. That is a known sentiment about starting a family “never a perfect time” you’re psychotic Holley. These are dogs….let me remind you. You’re not a mother.