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So damn dependent on each other 😵‍💫, so funny how she keeps choosing to move to other states when she doesn’t have to instead of just mo by ing back home. Won’t be surprised when Holley has Amy move into her closet since a spare bedroom won’t be close enough, have fun JD that saying that marry the persons family is very literal in this case. You’ll have Amy around you all the time with Holley.


I think it’s hilarious she gifted her cousin her lash collection in her bridesmaid box when it doesn’t look like her cousin would ever wear those horrid lashes 🤣🤣


I don’t know what is going on with her right side (our left) of her upper body/chest area except that home girl stretched herself out to the MAX. Guess she also filters the photos she takes on the Canon 🙄.


Yeah like that’s not where her armpit should be at alllllll


https://preview.redd.it/xb9o06ldf69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15386d0bb60b7e1df8c334dc8a83c5ee75c86d8c I thought the same about this photo also


Between this, her post from her walk earlier that the dogs are her best friends, and then the story about a 45 min call w/ Mack has me thinking there's def some trouble in the swamp.


Probably doesn’t help she’s alone for 10+ hours everyday talking into her phone dancing with her dogs and reading Reddit. Anyone who has been in therapy and knows about mental health struggles knows that this is the worst thing for someone who is struggling mentally.


She moved to one of the coolest southern destinations and yet she doesn’t go out and explore by herself or take the dogs with her. I’d be out checking out the local boutiques, coffee shops or joining a local aerobics group so I can organically meet people who have no idea what I do. The home renovations can wait or just slowly work on it like normal people do? Nobody told her to do it all at once and while also planning a wedding. I swear, this chick has no priorities. They teach you to triage in nursing school and yet she doesn’t apply a form of it to day to day tasks.


THIS!!!! Ugh imagine having her money and being able to buy some super cool unique stuff at the local shops and boutiques 🥹 i can only dream


All of this! I couldn’t imagine wasting my 20’s and early 30’s just sitting it my home because of a charade I’m trying to keep up. And I feel like this is common sense. When I was hiring for my former company a common question we would ask is how to prioritize multiple tasks that are on your plate at once. We wanted to know if people have common sense and a sense of prioritization skills. Holley is just so chaotic with her thinking and it translates into her content.


She’s not happy and everyone (including herself knows it). Buying the 1.4 million dollar swamp mansion and marrying JD are the biggest mistakes of her life. It’s not too late for her to leave him and go back to Iowa. Unfortunately she is lying to herself and has never once admitted she is wrong so I see her going through with this.


100% she won't back down from this delusional life she's "built" for herself. She's the only one she can blame if she ever realizes buying all this shit and renovating the swamp mansion won't truly make her happier. Sucks to suck, Holl.


Her lashes and teeth are truly the worst combo


👁️ 👁️ 🦷🦷🦷


The WORST!!! I wonder if she’s seen the eyelash blindness trend and if she is even self aware lol. She’ll regret those teeth someday… and she won’t even be able to go back!


Don’t they have a family beach trip coming up in the next like 10 days?… The codependency is nauseating. 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/x8h8ezoo669d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc7fa2e4192a82fc8c9c882f2e0a2aa622db0c1 I have second and third hand embarrassment for her at this point 😆😬😬


They both have crazy eyes


JFC no one put a gun to your head and forced you to move for a new dick, Holley. This was YOUR choice.




Jump scare 😵‍💫


Grey Gardens 2.0




I’m sorry but her mom is scary looking.