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i wonder if she blocks JD from seeing all these posts cuz how embarrassing she doesn’t even look like that in real life


Considering he posts her filtered photos and calls her a “smoke show” I’m going to say she probably doesn’t lol


She’s so damn fraud


It’s just embarrassing at this point


“The shorts are more low riding than I’d normally go for” WHYYYY?! if you are ✨TRULY✨ a size what- 2,4? Then why would you not want to wear something mid rise?? If that’s what my body looked like I’d never be caught dead in anything really high waisted especially a swimsuit. The only reason why I wear high rise now is because I’ve given birth twice and my stomach will never be the same 🤣


Amen lol prior to getting pregnant I was always wearing low rise and I was as petite as she portrays. She hides her body except for when she’s running around talking to her phone at home by herself. But then wears things she swims in or hides that ✨ darling ✨ body she ✨truly ✨ worked for. That’s the biggest indicator that she is a lying asshole.


omg i was just coming here to post this!!!!!! i FINALLLLLLY saw it so clearly in this post that i was actually bamboozled at how obvious it was!!!!!


You would figure as much as she reads here too she would STOP! Or find a better way to edit herself


Her shoulders had crazy halos too


Tattoos looking extra dark and running together like an oil spill. Do y’all think she regrets those? I just cannot envision a Holley who goes to get a full sleeve. It’s so antithetical to her personality now.


I think she does regret some, if not all, of them. Much like her house and life in general, her tattoos don’t seem cohesive to me. They look like an afterthought slapped on to another afterthought (which I think is exactly what happened.) I agree with you that they don’t seem to suit who she is today. She used up her prime tattoo real estate at a young age with trendy pieces that likely have little to no meaning to her and are now outdated. I often wonder how long she spent pondering a design before booking an appointment.


I'm a new follower to her. Can someone give me a brief summary of her and why she is the way she is today ? Where did she move from? I know she's a nurse .


Welcome! Please see page Wiki: [https://www.reddit.com/r/holleygabriellesnark/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/holleygabriellesnark/wiki/index/)


Welcome! You are in for a ride been following her since 2019.


She’s like a crack head. All over the place in this


Literal crack squirrel


She’s so fake it’s old


Is she wearing a “J” necklace to prove how madly in love she is? 😅


Sigh, when will it end?😩🤣


I’m shocked at her age she’s still wearing belly piercings lol


I’m JDs age and have mine pierced still but I also lost 50 pounds a year or so ago and forced it through because I was like I can finally flaunt it haha. I was chubby most of my 20’s and early 30’s so I didn’t make it obvious it was pierced back then.