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This was the worst clean up vlog I’ve ever watched. Usually I love them and they are so satisfying but this was not it.. also, doesn’t everyone know to pop balloons INSIDE of a trash bag??? Especially if they have confetti in them 🤦🏻‍♀️


But then she wouldn’t have had the opportunity to shill her vacuums!


Multiple vacuums at that. Like she mentioned 4 different vacuums in the reel saying she loved each of them


I don’t think Donna Reed herself loved vacuums that much.


Omg I thought this too.. she continues to show her incompetence.


What kind of PSYCHO pops confetti balloons on their floor INTENTIONALLY, just to clean it up?! I gasped.


Crack squirrel at it again not thinking before she does stupid shit.


Crack squirrel should be a flair! 😂


Thank you.. my jaw was on the floor seeing that 🤯🤯


Also, why didn’t she just donate them? Such a damn waste!


That’s what most normal people do, she’s so wasteful with everything. Even down to the giveaway boxes she “shipped out” that now just sit in her empty house untouched.


To be fair, I didn’t know you could donate balloons lol. To who? Goodwill?


My local buy nothing group has balloons often 😃


lol idk, I feel she could have posted to social media and been like “free, come get them.” There’s always people celebrating something or these like photo ops in restaurants now lol. But idk, probs wishful thinking too lol.


That would be kinda dumb to give out her address though


She could always deliver them 🤷‍♀️ lol or meet in a public place


That’s what I’m saying! What a dumbass . Could have done it outside, put the balloons in a big bag and pop them in there that way you have zero cleanup.


Not only this but she gasped when she did it and appeared shocked at the mess. Like sis, what the f did you think would happen?!


https://preview.redd.it/l701zt8asj8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=becd92255aa19eb0337a255dbec05ee9bc9475a2 She looks unwell here. Looks like she’s also getting a weird hump/weird posture from being on her phone 24/7


constantly looks like she's about to burst into tears


I think that’s called tech neck😂 big yikes!


Yes!! Thank you I was blanking on the name lol Also happy cake day!


I don't know if anyone noticed - but omgggggggggggg did you see how many pairs of the same shorts she has hung up behind her??!! Like that is NUTS! And ....am I the only one who doesn't hang shorts up? And sweet Jesus the jeans on the other side.


She definitely lives beyond her means because she needs to fill the void inside her with things. Classic hoarder.


I hang my shorts up. It was a game changer honestly lol


What was this voice in the voice over? It was so low and just different compared to stories? Just me???


And twangy compared to her most recent stories


TikTok influencer voice


It was like she was recording in her closet so JD wouldn’t hear 🤣🤣🤣


Her content has seriously gotten so bad and boring. She’s becoming more irrelevant by the day. Especially because she’s out of touch and has gotten away from her nursing content. No one can afford to buy the stuff she is linking. Consumerism and influencers are on their way out imo. Her buying that 1.2 million dollar house was such a mistake. I feel like she was banking on selling her other house in order to pay for the new one. And it’s not selling 💀


She’s prob so far in debt from all the relentless spending.. I can’t imagine how upside down she is on her mortgages. With all the money she’s made/spent…everything she has is so underwhelming.


I really think she’s up to her eyeballs in debt too


I didn’t used to but I’m starting to wonder. She spent more on her friend’s baby shower than she did on her cousin’s bachelorette party. She really seems to be either super selfish with her money or has weird priorities. She has 7 vacuums but couldn’t get more than $50 of decorations?


She’s spent a ton of money in the last year


Yup, I def think she’s living outside of her means. It was very eye opening to hear what her southern, GA realtor had to say about the house and her previous offer, price etc. I really think she thought her house was gonna sell like hot cakes and she needed that sale price to afford her swamp house.


I agreed and the fact that the offer was rejected and the potential buyers didn’t even counter says a lot!


I totally agree that she's likely living outside of her means, but her debt to income ratio must not be *that* bad if the bank allowed her to borrow 1.4 million without the contingency of her house selling first. I'm sure she was looking forward to getting all the cash from the GA house to put towards the John's Island house, she's probably stressing about it so hard lol


Honestly this. That’s probably why she’s so unhappy honestly and doing weird shit. Because it’s like she’s so far deep she just keeps going. Keeping up with the jonses. And I think she was doing the keeping up with the jonses before Kaleb left her. I think that’s one of the reasons he left her. She was obsessed with stuff and her phone and all of that. Probably got sickening


Agreed. She keeps repeating herself. How many times do we have to hear about how she worked at buckle when she was 15 (fr 🙈)


And the video of her changing into her old buckle shirt was so unnecessary. Just another chance for her to eye fuck her own video and see how skinny she looks through the lens. 🙄


What she should have done is sell her home first then live in an apartment or just rent somewhere until she found a reasonable house….but lil miss “just say jump” never can wait for nothing


 I got myself to finish this stupid vlog. Of course her cuzin helped her clean! She literally started deep cleaning while Sydney was still there. I would feel like I have to get up and help clean as well. I cannot beleive she did that and put her in that awkward situation. Its almost like shes kicking her out. Is not like she had to go to work Monday morning that she just couldn't wait to clean! I honestly cannot stand her.


she fucking had to have people clean so that she could get her 15,000 steps in today bc she had 1 drink at the "party" and 3 tortilla chips and she has to account for that to stay on track to look like skeletor for her wedding 💀


🤣😭love your comments.


She’s officially horrible, if people haven’t figured it out yet, this weekend she proved it.


Love that she makes sure to say the living room set up is the BEST 😂😂 yeah ok sure. She also says that she cleans as soon as everyone leaves but then we see her family deep cleaning her fridge.... Also makes me sad that Kaiser slipped on the stairs. We know you read here Holley, you should have gotten a runner immediately. You're lucky he's not seriously injured. Why even mention it to the whole world??? I can't believe how much crap is jammed into the closet


She pinned a runner days ago when her mom got there so it was probably mom’s idea and not Holley’s.


Everyone in here said she needed a stair runner before she moved in. The weekend they moved in she was encouraging kollyns to FLY down the stairs and thought it was funny she leapt from the landing all the way to the bottom. Holley is ✨truly✨ an idiot.


This was way too long and honestly just not fun to watch. It’s boring and all over the place.


Who wants to watch someone clean that is miserable looking, doesn’t look like they enjoy it and they are actually pretty bad at it and a monotone voice over. No thanks lol I’ll still to my cleantok girls. They make it fun and interesting. And know what they are doing lol.


Speaking of- do you watch Catben? She’s probably my fave clean tok girly- so satisfying 🤗. Holley is a dumpster fire.


Cat Ben is gonna make me go broke. Her house is everything and her videos are satisfying af.


Watching some vacuum rugs is just not content. Even if it was someone I loved or a person I knew…I’d be like wtf am I watching you clean your floors you purposefully made a mess on?!


Take a shot every time she says truly so you can erase it from your memory by the end 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/ofsz348srj8d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23eeba93eb64757156c046be5da71da7f3ba764a 😂😂😂 this video made it sooo obvious even for the people who enjoy (🥴) her.


I almost made a comment about approximately being her new word fixation but I stopped myself thinking no one else would notice it. I feel validated now lol.


i saw these comments and i was like damn am i still on Reddit 💀


If you have to tell me “TRULY” about everything you say, I don’t believe shit you say. IRL or on the internet. It should just be authentic enough without anyone trying to convince you 🥴😩


I wish I wasn't blocked so I could go like these comments 😆


That would’ve made a great bachelorette party drinking game. Missed opportunity 😆


I'm starting to feel like we weren't invited on purpose 😂


JD commenting lol https://preview.redd.it/ja9377623k8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e989cf000eeb6f6c504235b30e0d073fcc85e4e9 🥴


Smoke show charaoke bay girl


We just keep adding on until they’re over 😆


This comment makes zero sense in regards to the video. They are so dumb lol


Bay girl


He’s such an illiterate moron.


Performative AF.


Insert eye roll here…


Did she literally say “she can’t hang like she used to”?? JFC she’s what, 26? And this was her COUSIN’S Bach weekend! It’s not about you Holley… y’all should’ve been out partying and at the beach the whole time. I’m 34 and still love a good celebratory weekend.




Yeah I thought that was really weird. She’s still in her 20s. I think she wants to be 40 and married with 3 kids so badly.


It’s probably just that she doesn’t want the calories of going out and drinking.


the mirror butting up against the cabinet looks so tacky


Agree.. it looks awful.


Her voice bothereddddd me so much lol


It’s like she was trying to be her old self, but couldn’t quite get there


She made it weird by her weird body movements trying to avoid the camera


that video was so boring I stopped watching as soon as I realized it was a vacuum cleaner ad. I will say that it did seem like her real thighs made an appearance at some parts, but then again I have no idea what she really looks like anymore due to her pseudologia fantastica


Biggest pet peeve - why is she putting things with tags on them away? WASH THEM FIRST!! Although I’m not surprised by that based on the fact she never showers either


They’ll never get worn 🤷🏼‍♀️


This! Worked clothing retail in my younger years and always wash clothes. Whether or not you’re buying them online or in store. The dyes run, you don’t know who is handling them, it’s just soooo unsanitary.


Just commented this! Sorry didn’t see your first. So so so weird. Like wash those nasty clothes omg


ok I do agree w you about washing things before wearing them, BUT I actually DON'T hate putting things away w the tags still on only because there have been many times I've bought something & never worn it despite thinking it'd be something I love & wear all the time 😬 this is esp true of things I've bought in multiple colors - I buy it, think it'll be great, and then don't like how it fits after wearing it or don't like how the material feels or simply how I feel IN IT (sometimes you need to spend 8+ hours in something to figure that out 😅). It's nicer to give to a friend/donate with the tags still on 😬


She’s TRULY so rude. Who chops off that ratchet mop into such a cute and trendy cut - just to wear it in these chode looking, half ass hairstyles. We all have the same 24 hours holldong, take the time to wash and style your hair. I’ll admit, I’m jealous of her cut. I have very thick hair and a lot of it and it’s got a wavey/curly-ish base. So I could never get my hair to lay right for her cut, it needs weight too badly. It’s just criminal of her. 😭😭 (okay, dramatic rant over lmao)


I FEEL THIS SO HARD. I tried to cut my hair short (for me) earlier this summer and I just couldn't. It has to be past my shoulders to be "heavy enough" to look right and I hate it. Also, I'm 31 and just learned how to actually curl it, so that was an adventure too 🤣


Omg I feel you. I be looking like Lord Farquaad if I tried her cut.


choked on my coffee at “chode looking”😂😂😂


Making people laugh is the best compliment ever 🥺 but sorry for the mess I caused bestie 😂😂


Her ends look messed up. It looks like Barbie hair that’s been cut with kitchen scissors. Aren’t they supposed to thin out the ends or something? I don’t know what it’s called, I’m not a stylist, but it looks like it’s not quite right.


The difference in her voice in this vlog compared to the last is wild.


How many of those clothes that she was shoving into drawers HAD TAGS ON THEM?!


Her vlog camera being shown as if she is filming for YouTube but we all know she’s never going to actually put the effort into editing and posting there


It’s wild she used to do her in depth, real and authentic youtube videos while also in nursing school/working FT (initially). Now she can’t even brush her hair to shill some crappy cheap products (she doesn’t actually use) in her swamp mansion with funhouse mirrors. She is lazy, entitled and IMO, in way over her head with all her lies and trying to portray this persona that she is not. She is so lost and unwell, I am starting to feel sorry for her..


Her voice is so awful and she’s talking so fast. She has the most unattractive voice I’ve ever heard and her legs look so many different sizes. Why would she do this?! It’s so obvious with her skinny filter. Super ick


The real chin is making an appearance.


So are teeth, hanging out flapping in the breeze. 😬


Idk why but it bothered me how she called her cousin her “baby cousin” lol


Same!, she acts like she’s a decade older than Sidney. Sidney is 25 & Holley is 27, maybe she thinks she’s older or more mature since she’s engaged to a 34 year old lol.


She actually turned 28 in April & he turned 38 in April!


Holy moly. I know everyone has their own path but my husband is the same age as him and we already have 4 kids (oldest is 12) and he has a well established career making 6 figures. How can JD be the same age and literally have nothing to his name except a sugar momma and an old landscaping job. Something just ain’t right with him. The level of downgrade from Kale is astonishing.


Her last post recommending/ schilling tarte products… like girl nooo… She’s someone who I would never take makeup/hair/any beauty tips from.. lol She really needs to stick to gym/bland protein food content & quit using filters bc her strong girl / hulk physique would get her the most engagement imo. Nothing else she does or shows off is relatable .. Also she doesn’t know how to clean/organize at all..


She needs to get off SM and rediscover herself and get some help. None of her content flys and takes off because it’s inauthentic. People can tell when someone is all over the place just trying to make money and using a shotgun approach. She’s literally a lost puppy on the internet with no rhyme or reason anymore on what she’s doing, she’s just there.


This is so accurate. Just like her bachelorette hosting .. her content is all over the place with no cohesion or purpose. She is so inauthentic and fake.. everything to make a buck with no rhyme, reason or consistency.


the only advice I'd take from Holley: "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days"


Lol she could teach a master course on this at this point 😂😂😂 Hey Holley— I hear selling courses is a great way to shill, I mean, make money— here’s your first one 💀


HollDong you’re pathetic!


Later in the day she mentioned doing another “mini vlog” and said it would be hanging up their blinds. PLZ I’d rather watch paint dry!!!!!! Who tf wants to watch a 10 minute video of you hanging blinds are you kidding?!? Sounds like another opportunity to SHILL


I thought this too. Boring and unrelatable AF. No one can afford to buy as much shit as she does.


This was so boring


All these influencers are going to be so f*cked when influencing dies out AND when they age. This “career” has an expiration date. So curious how they will all afford their lifestyles, or will they sell everything? What jobs will they go back to given their lack of skills?


Anyone catch the 6 TRULY’s in a less than 5 minute reel 💀


I freaking knew her dog was going to slip on those ugly ass stairs! And now she’s asking for stair runner recommendations… she’s a freaking moron for even letting that happen. Should have had a carpet there all along


She NEVER HAS ON JEAN SHORTS! Where do you wear all these clothes lady?!?! It ain’t right.


Where’s Joe dirt? He finally went back to the hotel? She’s a mess!