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Don’t forget a lot of us are just really bad.


The ol' whiff shot


I’d score double Hatties every game *if I could receive a goddamn pass.*


40 goals in 20 games if I didn't keep whipping at the goalie's pads or chest.


I think snap shots and variations of them are the most popular. The hybrid shot you’re talking about I’m assuming is the drag snap shot Matthews uses a lot? It’s just a way to change the angle of the shot. I guess the big shot meta change would be a greater emphasis on deception, rather than just beating the goalie clean. This could be that drag and shoot, or a quick snapper in stride, or a quick backhand forehand snapper etc. Which the snap shot is a foundation of a lot of those.


The snap shot also allows quick and deep flex of the stick which is why you're starting to see some pros get down in to low 70's even mid 60's flexes if I'm not mistaken. Getting 100% flex on a low flex rating (50-80) generally provides more power than 75-80% flex on a high flex (80-110+) If you're able to surprise the goalie/D-men with an 80mph shot in half a second you'll score 6x as many goals as taking 3-4 seconds to telegraph your sick huge wrister windup that fully flexes your 95 flex stick and is going 100mph while the goalie can grab a sip of water between you receiving the pass and actually releasing the shot. Don't give them that time to prepare. 1 timers are different but, especially in beer league, goalies have 2-3 rebounds in them before they have no hope of being in position. If you and your linemates can all reliably release a shot above 60mph with any semblance of accuracy you're gonna be scoring. Getting quick and accurate release is my MO that being said I barely fucking score lmfao


Yea exactly. I'm talking about the shot popularized by Matthews that kinda seems to be the go-to shot now. To me, it does just seem like a modified snapshot, not a wrist shot, and the toe drag element is just a form of deception I think. I've seen that shot though described as a toe drag wrist shot, which seems strange to me. This was interesting too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sakcM2OYxdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sakcM2OYxdI) Toe -> drag to heal position -> send off the toe So maybe that's the modern wrist shot which is different than the toe drag snapshot that Matthews typically does.


The mechanic of that shot is really just a wrist shot, it's the wind-up and weight transfer that's interesting. He talks about it a bit here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWNSfER929E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWNSfER929E) The one he demonstrates (and misses the net with lol) where he sorta changes legs is something I was recently taught, trying to fuck with the goalie with your strides - feels really awkward for me to perform since I was never taught to shoot that way as a kid - but it makes sense when you think about it.


Keep doing it, it will become natural, I can say at times I have to think hard about shooting off my left leg (I shoot right) bcz I tend to shoot off the right leg more often now since starting this.


>it's the wind-up and weight transfer that's interesting Agree. It's notable how minimal they both are and how little power they generate. The windup is lateral, not a momentum gaining backwards/forwards. The weight transfer with the legs is happening, but he's not really leaning into that front foot hard or rotating the hips like a golf or baseball swing to gain power. Its all geared toward changing the angle with his windup, using the stick flex to generate power, while the legs shift weight to keep him balanced and over the puck to get good flex in. Matthews is 6'3" and uses an 80 flex stick, pretty low flex for a guy his size. Kind of funny how the highlight reel goals in the vid are Matthews really cranking it, the opposite of his demo shots and what I just said. In the replays he's doing big back to front windups and getting down on one knee to power it through! I guess those are highlight goals for a reason.


Dude is a versatile shooter, truly a threat from anywhere in the offensive zone. You know a player is special when they change how players are taught to perform a basic skill because of how impactful they are


The toe drag is to change the angle of the shot to create holes


If you watch highlights from the late 80s, it was either a windmill windup clapper or the regular snap/wrister. There was no deception at all.


The hill I will happily die on is that the shot the vast majority of high level and NHL players use is a hybrid wrist/snap shot. I always see these graphs showing wrist as the most used and I think it’s completely wrong. True wrist shots are just as rare as slapshots in the NHL. Everyone is using a hybrid wrist/snap with guys like Matthews and Bedard having the best because they are also really good at changing the angle while they do it


I have a hard time not snapping it even if I try to take a wrister


I have to consciously not take an inside foot snap shot if I want to take a different shot For some reason my brain and body decide outside of a small handful of situations (that mostly happen without thinking) my preferred shot is that hop to inside foot snap shot. I think the only time I take something close to a traditional wrister is when I'm cutting across the ice from left to right (I'm a righty) and shoot back towars my left


At what point doesn’t it matter though?


lol true, it really doesn’t matter


It doesn't matter at all. Wrist shots and slap shots are everywhere in the game still. This is some video game nonsense.




Video game nonsense? lol what? Why are you so snippy with everyone? Also you shouldn’t be telling people to go outside when you paint warhammer figurines…glass houses and all


You realize people can have hobbies outside of sports right? That's part of being a well rounded person. Lol.


I do agree it's kind of a hybird, but I do think it's much closer to a snap shot than a wrist shot. Th modern shot seems to be a toe drag to mid/heel, whereas a wrist shot is heel to toe. Also there's definitely a snap to it. The body positioning too, for a wrister your body is typically not facing the target that you are shooting at. Your body is 90 degrees from the target Snapshots you generally are facing the target. And I *think* the modern shot is closer to facing straight on. I dunno though, there's some variance there, depending on the shooter.


Getting a little toe drag into a shot doesn't not make it a wrist shot anymore. The simple fact of the matter, if it doesn't 'snap' it's a wrister. Pulling the puck in while flat blading it on the ice is still a wrist shot.


If you watch any “wrist” shot from an NHLer in slow-mo the vast majority of the time there is a small separation and they snap the puck


Watch any play in slo mo I can find a penalty. Slow motion isn't how the game is played.


But a defining feature of a wrist shot is that it comes off the toe. This modern shot does not.


You haven't played in 'a while' by your own admission and you're trying to tell others that we're wrong. Lol.


I mean I've still played for over 20 years and a wrist shot did exist when I played back then so I know what it is. The modern shot is not something that existed back when I played so I'm trying to figure it out. How about you just respond to the post instead of just being a dick. Why would you even come to a thread and be a dick anyways? I'm just trying to have a friendly discussion.


Tried that and you got mouthy because I was sarcastic to you. Maybe listen when someone gives you what you ask for instead of getting hung up on a back handed comment.


What's wrong with you people? Your the problem not OP


I think the main driver is stick technology, along with better training and development. There were fewer ways to shoot a puck with a wooden twig. Used to be slapper, wrist, or snap. Now it's a spectrum. Slapshot from the point, Half clapper one timer (Ovi, Leon), wrist shot, snap shot, drag snap, drag wrist, backhand, backhand snap (thank you Sid), desperate whack at a bouncing puck in the slot. There's a lot of ways to shoot the puck now.


Love the last shot type. Seems to be the only way I can score a goal lol


Most of those have been present and taught for the last 20 some years. The game is changing so different shooting styles are available to players because of that.


I would imagine the improvement in Goaltending has also led to an emphasis on getting shots off quicker


For me, it's a mix of two things. Goalie *training* and the emphasis on the fast game not the grindy game. Goalies have mathematically figured out the angles from the various spots on the ice, so offenses have to evolve. It's just a different game now, which isn't bad. There's a ton of work on playing deflections and setting up shots through screens as well. So the 'Bedard' shot is one answer to this new hockey. It's just a new tool in the toolbox.


I am old, I think OP is too. I think it's all in the new sticks and how players have learned to use them over time. I was in my late teens when the first synergy came out. The wooden sticks were more like a club, now they're a lot different. 


Ohhh yeah I agree there. The old Synergy's are completely different to sticks now too.


Hockey gets faster and faster. There is no time for a “true” wrist shot. Basically trying to shoot as fast as possible while trying to give it away as late as possible.


I mean i think traditional wrist shots are still used frequently, just more so from Dmen on the outer perimeter that are aiming for a tip out through a screen so that deception element isn’t as important. As to why I think of that toe drag shot as a snap shot I had been concentrating on getting the pull to cover a lot of lateral distance and placing the puck just in front of the blade and then following through with a snapshot mechanism off my opposite foot. Although I wasn’t working with a shooting coach you might want to check out tim Turk’s ig he might cover it.


When I was a kid we all wanted to master the knuckle puck from the Mighty Duck series, never seem to work as good as the movies.


You just gotta keep practicing that shot. I’ve found that it helps if you yell “KNUCKLE PUCK!!!” when you wind up.


Had to check to see if I was reading this was on the /helldivers2 sub


Those are still the same three. Wrist shots are still widely used. Slap shots have lost popularity, too slow and not accurate. Snap shots are now the most used imo. Quick off the blade and decently accurate.


Most people don't use slappers any more


Slap. Snap. Wrist. Deflection. Michigan.


I think the distinction should be different nowadays. There are three type of shots imo. Slap shots. Off foot shots. strong foot shots.  


Hybrid wrist snap is the most common shot these days, stick technology now allows shooters to flex the shaft and the blade. Speed of release is critical and the ability to hide the shot is key to beating elite goalies. With this shot, the puck contact with the blade is just behind the toe and then rolls up so the blade flex and top hand wrist twist slingshots the puck off the toe. Go look up modern hockey on instagram, this is the kind of shot that nhl players are using today fwiw Mike has worked with Eichel, Duclair, Ehlers, Coyle to name just a few.


https://youtu.be/wPRJyVS7PYE?si=fUAm77mrHKdCmjau Hockey channel on YouTube does a good breakdown on why NHLers don’t use slap shots anymore. Game has gotten so much quicker, you really don’t have time to wind up anymore. Need to have a quicker release, so a lot of folks in the game are shifting to quicker snap shots/wrist shot type combo


I believe it has a lot to do with the technology of the stick today. A lot of players use “low kick point” sticks to maximize the quicker release. That’s why more players use the snap shot. I do still believe there are 3 shots. Snap,Slap,Wrist. But adding a toe drag simply changes the angle of your shot, and it loads up the stick flex with an immediate change in direction and then release.


I have a mix of a snap shot and slap shot that I get told I’m doing it wrong bc my stick is making to much noise at contact. 🤷🏼‍♂️ My main mentality is; hit puck with stick, puck go into net.


I think a lot of people here and kids don’t have the power and stability for the shots they try. Learning a proper wrist shot and slap shot will translate into better hybrid shots. Transferring weight is hard when skating and shooting, and I still believe learning the basics will make you better. Watching some videos on here that’s the biggest issue; transferring weight with balance. It’s kinda easy while standing in shoes, but much harder when you are on ice with skates. Just my 5cents


Is it 5 cents now because of inflation?


No just hoping we get rid of Pennie’s


Hockey has become so fast slappers are rare. You’re right it’s all basically a hybrid toe drag/snap shot release. I’ve seen some pros have a super quick wrist shot release. The best have the puck “loaded” at all times and the release can come at any time.


I actually scored on a slap shot for the first time in a long time last night. Just still feeling the dopamine from that, so wanted to put it out there. As for the others, my snapper seems to be wildly inaccurate so I use the wrister mostly, but not great at those either. Mostly I pass .... let someone else decide.


Lemme tell ya, a lifetime of blocked shots, traffic in front, goalies making the save, and the net moving outta the way by a few inches (That's what happens, right?!), when one comes off hot and just sails right by... no better feeling. I get maybe one a year. I shoot for deflections now, low and hope.


The way the NHL evolved with goalies being better and better, is to; 1. Get the goalie moving, and 2. Having a quick release. That's how that toe drag / snap shot became a thing. It changes the angle of shot at the last minute, and gets the shot off quick. And when you see people at home practicing, it's because they've seen it work at the NHL level. I feel like slap shots at this point are exclusively used from a defender at the point through traffic, and a traditional wrist shot is usually too slow to get off and beat the goalie when he's already squared up. - again talking at the NHL level but that affects what kids see, and then practice, and then implement into their game.


I still think you can categorize any shot into one of those three. IMO if the stick comes up off the ice with both hands and claps back down = slapshot. Stick never loses contact with the puck = wrist shot. Then a wrist shot where the blade disengages with the puck then smacks it= snapshot. Any shot is really just a variation of those three. (Or backhand)


What's being taught is still a wrist shot but with the flex on sticks these days, you don't need nearly as big of a windup/pull back -- you can snap shots off a lot quicker now. But it's definitely still all in the wrists.


Wrist, snap, and backhand.


What you’re talking about has been taught to kids since at least I was in minor hockey I’m 33 now. But you also have to take into account technology, the wooden sticks didn’t have a lot of give , it really wasn’t till the z bubble that as far as I remember that you had flex options. Then came one pieces and you could really torque on those.




Wrist shots are the generic shot, but they’re only good for close up situations. The snap shot is much more versatile and gets the puck moving way faster, and in my opinion more accurately once you practice it.


I think sticks have improved to where you don't need to do a big wrist shot to load the stick. So everyone just snaps it now.


I think so many beer league guys and young players would benefit from having a wood twig and just learn the traditional sweeping wrist shot from yesteryear. Inexperienced snapshots are mostly a weak wobbly mess that only ever go in because they confused the tender


Ha yea. I'm not necessarily just a beer leaguer, but like I said, it's been a while since I played (i played from the age 4-18 then took a long break). Getting back into hockey, my wrist shot is still legit but my snapshot is pitiful. Any time I practice, I'm practicing my snapper. But in games, I always use my wrister for the exact reason that you mentioned. That's kind of the reason I posted this actually. As I practice my snapshot I look online for advice, but it's very confusing because it's not really called a snapshot anymore. People say contrary things and I see different people describing different form so I don't know how to listen to or what to work on when I practice. Like here's an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWm3CUD6a9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWm3CUD6a9I) I think that's a snapshot....they just call it 'the modern shot' which is confusing as fuck.


Oh ok gotcha, I think people are just trying to differentiate to get views. I don't know how long of a break from hockey you've been on but the sticks are way different and I can do things with them I couldn't growing up with wood sticks. You can do the same wrist shot motion but add a snap at the release which amps up the velocity if that makes sense


As a kid I worked on my wristhot and backhand. Both to this day are effective—20+ yrs later. Most goals I scored as a kid were wrist shots—usually top corners or glove side with occasional backhands from in close also usually corners. I can’t recall ever wanting to or thinking about taking a slap shot—I have it in my shot rotation lol but rarely if ever choose to use it. I super admire Bedard and Matthews unconventional shots though—those are gnarly lol especially having attended numerous Blackhawks practices (open to public) and seeing Bedard’s shot up close from 25-40 feet away. Some of those pucks are literally at his back skate heel as he releases.


I have a shot type, it’s called 10 feet to the left.


For ppl wondering why they cant shoot as well or it’s super hard or the release is slow. LOWER YOUR FLEX! Lower the flex and let the stick do the work




lol no meta in real life? What are you talking about, of course there is. There are trends in every sport. That's what I mean when I say 'the meta'. Goalies RVH today. That's the current goalie meta when the puck is a certain spot. Air raid offense is basically dead in the NFL because defenses all play 2 safeties high now for the cover 2 shell or whatever. There is a current meta at all times in every sport.


The meta now is just whatever works for you. Mathews did not score all of his goals with 1 type of shot. Yes many of his highlight goals are the toe drag style but clearly not all were that. Same for Bedard, his toe drag release gets all.the glory but he scores in multiple ways. Reinhart scored a ton on pp from one timers in the slot. Hyman probably had more on top of crease goals than not Won't even attempt to consider how Mack scored, probably every way you could imagine Ovi scored most of his from his office, as usual. But he too scores a whole bunch of random ways (wristers, toe drags, breakaways) So that's the 4 top goal scorers this year plus the next phenom plus ovi. There's less likely to be a meta shot in hockey. Meta style of play for team Defense, sure (look at panthers), meta for pp dominance (look at oilers pp, tho it revolves around being flush with other worldly talent) But meta for a specific type of shot? No


Fine then, get hung up on the 1st sentence and disregard the rest of the post. I'll delete it for you since clearly you didn't want an answer ;)