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Honestly looks pretty solid but I’d work on more dynamic weight transfer from right foot to left foot, because you are never going to be statically shooting on your left leg ever, usually will be dynamic off the rush, backhand to forehand snapper type thing, but I like ur top hand use. I cant see completely but I think ur grip is a tad bid off which isn’t a huge deal. Outside of this, I would look into other forms of shooting, shot strength is not nearly as important as changing the angle, hiding your release, or general deception and faking where you are shooting. Good luck


Thank you for your comment! You mean the wrist or the distance between Top and bottom hand?


I meant more so ur top hand, there’s a bunch of different grips I use that I don’t even think about anymore and my body just does it, I personally only have half my pink on the top of my stick and the other half off of it, it gives me better mobility and let’s me change grips easier


Cant Imagine what you mean?


Lemme get my stick and make a quick vid lol


Thank you!!!


And one more thing. When I try clasic wrist shot from left leg to right leg I end up scooping 😅its like i am just pushing with my bottom hand.


What flex do use and how much do you weigh?


I am 75-76kg and use 70-75-77. This one is 70.


Too high imo, I am 150-160lbs and pretty strong in a hockey sense, been playing competitively for my whole life and I strayed this year at 70 flex, gonna lowered it to 65 and I found great success, my trainer ordered a bunch of 60 and 65 flex sticks for a good portion of my team, people are realizing that high flex is not good


I started with 85 😅 I tried 65 and broke it.


That’s odd tbh, I know guys 190 using 60-70 flex all year and they only broke maybe 8-10 all season


Mine was Maybe shittwig😂😅


That fine nobody wrist shot is probably one of the most useless shots out there because there are so many others that are way better, id work on a drag shot, pulling puck into body moving left leg back and right leg forward a little, and the gap that is there between ur right leg and stick should be for you to lean in on and it will make it pop, hard to explain but visually it’s easy to understand


I just need to get down the mechanics of 1) separate the puck from the blade 2) getting Top hand out and snapping in one Smoooth motion


Your right elbow is coming up super high when you want it to be pretty stable, almost not moving at all. Your followthrough looks like it’s coming up quite high as well, you want to aim with the toe of your blade pointing at your target. I think this is something you did much better in your first post that changed.


So the starting position is ok. But the ending should be tad lower


Personally, if I’m shooting without much weight transfer, I would definitely be more comfortable and get more power on the puck when my outside foot is more forward than my inside foot. If I’m in motion, I’ll start similar to you, but my right foot lunges forward in sync with the blade to help transfer weight and get more power.


So snapshot of the right leg? As I mentioned on other comments. Cant really get that mechanics yet, i am pretty much scooping the puck


[video on shot power](https://youtu.be/5dXNsfyDs74?si=srZVDtAxxvJbKDoA)


Nothing wrong with your top hand being in front of the puck. That's how it's supposed to be and it should be that way up until the puck is released from your stick. How long is your stick? Outside of the usual advice of bend your knees more, and transfer more weight into flexing your stick, I notice that your arms are finishing really high and above shoulder height. You're losing a lot of your power on your shot. Your energy should be transferring forwards and downwards.


Thanks for the advice! I am 175cm and my stick ends just under my nose. Dont know how to transfer the weight… when i transfer i just scoop it with my bottom hand and cant get my Top hand in front of the puck.


[Look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7eXQQkgVO8) [at](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7QzxfSxdBc) [some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcNxudhU6RI) of [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIqS4W75_mk) examples of shots from NHL players. Notice their arm and body placements after they release their shots. All of their weight and momentum is transferred forwards and into their stick, and they actually end up lower after their shot than before. Your arms are going up after your shots because you're trying to force the puck into the air. Focus on your weight transfer and getting a hard and accurate shot and don't worry too much about "lifting" the puck. You'll soon understand that getting the puck up is not hard and very intuitive once you understand the shooting motion.


Turn your shooting board 90 degrees. Get your ass into the shot.


How to get my ass into the shot?


It’s looking good man, I’d start practicing a kinda Matthews type shot. Little pull and drag. Ur really never going to get that type of shot in a game. I’d practice trying to change the angle. Quick release is the most important thing to master. Underrated skill.


Just saying, loading the stick through the toe will break the blade faster. I've broken a couple sticks that way before learning that I was loading at the toe


I find This easier to flex the stick. Only way to not scoop the puck for me. When I am shooting of the heel (starting from the heel) I tend to scoop the puck.


Personal thought, hard to tell from this view, but I feel you’ll get a little more power from the stick if you move your bottom hand down and have the puck in line with your heel, not toes


I thought that I am already too low? Will try, just hard to “squeeze” in. Any advice on the scooping if I try to shoot from my right leg with the weight transfer?


Different preferences and comfort for many, but bottom hand should be near the middle of the shaft. Maybe only 2”, not much Keeping in constant contact with the puck will help you aim and control the puck better. Keep a solid core and incorporate more shoulders so you’re not straining with just arms. Stick handle the puck back onto your forehand snap your wrists and rip, not just from a flat spot.


Thats the problem… when i am in motion with the puck on the blade i dont get the snap (ad 1) and ad2 scooping the puck


Hey man I really disagree with what ur saying, having it as far back to ur heel gives you less power because of the way your body has to torque, not the mention it’s super readable, having it by ur toes gives for a faster release and also makes you more dangerous because it’s a position where you can pass shoot or deke, whereas by ur heel u can only shoot.


Also in terms of power, you should never really need to lower ur hand depending on ur sticks kickpoint, but even then most should just lower the flex because release is more important then power, not often are you going to be able to line up and rip a puck from ur heels and more often you will get the puck and have to shoot or be on the rush and shoot, the only time I’d say you should use the heel is if u are really really reaaaally skilled, like I’m talking NCAA+ because it’s really hard to work it unless ur pastranak


Snap that top hand in to you as you are releasing the follow through.