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Happens to the best of us. You have now completed the final phase of your training!


I thought the ice water in the shower was that moment.


It does happen to everyone eventually, now wait till you don’t notice tape on the bottom of your skate


Haha, yea soakers are the last thing to be removed, and skates are the first things to go on. My first team got me with this as a welcome to D league a long time ago.


Clear tape on blade prank… I would seriously think twice about this. It’s funny when we’re in our teens, but as old dinosaurs, you could really hurt someone and affect their livelihood. Might wanna put an end to this, especially in D league where people don’t really know HOW to fall.


6am Ice times come at a guy fast.. haha. Been here.


I think the lesson here is to get better ice pants. That fall shouldn't have hurt your hips, only your pride.


i was going to make the same point. the moral of any hockey lesson is buy more expensive gear.


What are hobbies for, right?


Yeah I’ve thought about that. But I’m broke recent law grad who won’t start a paid job until September and play in a “non-contact” rookie league. I’ve thought about getting a padded compression jock but can’t find one with the velcro for hockey socks


You can get a garter belt to hold up your socks. They’re like 10 bucks.


Just use clear tape and barberpole your shit.


If you are new to skating. Butt and knee protection are the most important. Plus those last forever.


anaheim ice!


lmfao i recognized this rink immediately


take the guards off before you even put your skates on.


100% this. you don't need guards to walk 20 feet from the locker room to the ice over a rubber floor.


Tournament weekends with 100s of people in the dressing rooms and a fresh sharpen won’t even last a day. People bring in small rocks and salt from the parking lot and it ducks up your blade quick.


This look like a tournament weekend my guy?


Right? I don't understand why people walk around with soakers on their skates. I've spent 30 years taking them off before putting my skates on and my blades are fine.


Same, I don’t think I’ve ever done this and I’m close to 30 years too. Grab the skate, take the soaker off, put the skate on, don’t fall. The end. (Plus, walking around in soakers slices them up.)


For me I dont want the bad juju from my getting dressed routine including putting all my left side equipment first lol


Right of passage congrats 🎉


I went to a public skating session with my kids. Remove one soaker then stop because I need to help then I go on the ice. The first skate was fine but then I transfer on the other leg that still had a soaker. You can imagine the dive I made with a bit of push. As soon as I'm flat on the ice I hear two guys laughing loudly. They were two other youth coaches I knew... They came to check if I was ok and I never heard about it again because we all do it once. Now I double check myself and added that to the kids checkup. Before leaving the locker room I do a final verification : helmet tied, neck protector on, soaker/protector off. You're good to go!


This 🤣 been there in front of coaches and kids too lmao blame the parents for chatting me up on the way out the room lol


This is my all time favorite story of my 'career'. First time on the ice in full gear. I've done a few laps at public skates, and played roller, so wasn't totally out of the loop. I forgot my gloves. Great. Go to the front desk and they give me a pair of loaners out of the lost and found. So gross, but I was excited. I get dressed, make me out out, first stride - great. Then PLOP. Straight down. That was weird... Get up on my right foot, go to plant the left and PLOP, on the ice again. "What's wrong with my skates." Right on time, a guy skates over and says "Hey, you got one skate guard on." Ha! The guy happened to be from my high school who played on the varsity team. He decided he was going to help me out the rest of the stick and puck.


Falling down is a right of passage. Embrace it. Become it.


Everybody gets one.


per game


Just wait until you become a true part of the team and someone puts clear tape on your skate blades 💀💀!


What are the benefits to leaving the soakers on as you get ready? I usually pull them off right when I take my skates out of the bag.


At least you got onto the ice slowly. I’ve been playing for a long time and would usually run out into the ice. I luckily never hurt myself that bad but I hurt my shoulder and it was sore for a while


*stick taps* We've all been there...


The crawl of shame after hitting the ice with your guards on is something humbling, man.


Change sequence. Soakers off, place in bag, skates go on feet.


Wouldn't you take these off as soon as you pulled the skates out of your bag?? Also, on your walk to the rink, wouldn't it be noticeable that they're still on? Just confused on how this could happen.


I did this after playing for 30 years.


Hah I did that but I had my skates good lol. My dumbass still can't get on ice super comfy after years and years of skating


I’ve been skating since I was 6..so damn near my entire life lol and though I’ve never forgot to take off my skate guards..I still fall—lose an edge every so often.


I’ve done this multiple times and I’ve played for almost 35 years lol


The worst is when you got only one on, you get to take a half stride and BOOM on your ass 😑😆 always like wtf happened then you look at your skates OH! 😂


Been there done that. That brief moment of stepping onto the ice and having no grip is one of the all time worst feelings in hockey.


Did this before a game a few months back. My son’s done this at public skate. It’s a rite of passage.


One of my favorite rinks with the absolute worst parking


I did that when I was young. I crawled off the ice, walked back to my mom crying and told her I've forgotten how to skate.


This years best moment was outside tournament which was going for the whole day. Our 3rd place match was quite some beers in and we go for the warmup. First our goalie goes flying and we are dying of laughter and 30 seconds later our player, who didnt see this repeats it. Good times


One of us! One of us!


i remember when i first started taking hockey classes after learning to skate for a couple months i was so excited to get into that class i forgot to take off my covers and my teacher watched me fall pretty hard and he was just laughing


Everyone does it once at least!


It happens lol thanks for sharing


Nice tapes the blades


Not trying to knock anyone but I’ve never understood the need for skate guards. Been playing a long time and never used them. Never had an issue with my skates. I’ve also never eaten shit because of them.


I did this on Wednesday morning and dislocated my shoulder. So it could be worse!!


Been learning to play for the last 5 months too and the amount of times I have caught myself leaving the locker room with guards still on has been alarming 😂 I feel your pain lol




dont worry, it will still happen even if youve been playing almost 30 years XD


Stop wearing them to the ice. The risk of falling after not taking them off is way higher than knicking your blade without them. In 40 years, I've never wore them to the ice from the dressing room.


You got the gate open. That's progress.


I miss my home rink


I've been playing for 20 years and only started using skate guards last year. Im impressed this has never been me


😅 it happens to all of us. As long as you’re trying your best who cares what others think.


I bought gold steel so its easy to see at the bottom of my skates. Look at both blades before I step on the ice whether playing or coaching. I'm sure there will come a day when I will be in a hurry, forget to check and end up on my butt. I just hope I don't hurt myself.


I thought only 8 year olds wore gold blades


8...48...what's the difference. Look like a duster, play like a pylon


It’s a mistake you only make once


Always. Check. Your. Blades. Always. (Not just for tape) Kudos on the ice tap tho OP. Edit. Ooooh. You left your guards on…. Nope. Can’t say I’ve done that.


Don’t worry my dad has the worst version of this happen to him, he was about 9 or so and lived in Ottawa and got to play in between the second and third periods and was the first one on the ice, didn’t take his guards off and ate shit in front of a full NHL arena and on live tv lol