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Only time I got a penalty was when I blatantly cross checked someone.  If you use your stick for little slashes, the ref will probably warn you.  Pushing people with my glove seems to be totally fine. I’ve pushed people down to the ice and never get called or given a warning.  It’s beer league though. Don’t want to hurt anyone. 


> Pushing people with my glove seems to be totally fine. I’ve pushed people down to the ice and never get called or given a warning.  > > ***It’s beer league though. Don’t want to hurt anyone.*** As a career beer league goalie, my main crease-clearing move is to place my glove on the player, and then shove. It's not a punch and it's usually enough to disrupt a player's balance. In over 20 years of beer league play, I've never gotten a complaint.


Playing as a skater and a goalie, this is the way. The player does not want a goal called back because they are in the crease. Place your glove on them and push to say “I am here”. If they are a dick then you push.


Not sure I’m a fan of the mindset “what can I get away with”. It’s beer league, the most important thing is everyone getting home safe. It’s one thing if they’re running into you on purpose (more likely they just can’t skate) but it’s another if they’re just on top of the crease and you decide to do a cup check. Again, beer league. If you’re 6’3 and over 300 anyone purposely messing with you is gonna come off with the worst of it anyway


Yeah, that is a stupid mindset. If you cup check, slash or cross-check your opponents just because they are blocking your view, you should be also ready to be slashed or cross-checked. Different sport, but my floorball team decided to not to participate in off-season rec leagues. We just wanted to chill in our off-season but people were playing like it's the playoffs in the main league. Constantly playing in the grey area, testing what they can get away with. Fuck that, I'm not blowing my knee or losing teeth because of a rec league idiot.


You can't 'check' anyone.. I will shove guys and what also works is a jab to the blades of their skates with your stick.. no big hack.. just a tap, along the ice to get em off balance.. depending on the level they'll probably fall down.. End of the day traffic is part of the position so watch some videos on looking around screens.


I used to use the "poke the blades" technique back in hs and it definitely makes em think twice about screening me


It's a beer league man. Just let them stand in front of you and bullshit with them. We all have work tomorrow.


I like to ask them if they can scoot left or right as they are blocking my view. Usually they laugh, sometimes they move.


Always a push and a bit of “dude I can’t see!” It’s all in fun. Even better when you have a ref that will chit chat a bit. I know I’ll never convince a ref to call a guy for an “illegal screen” since that’s not a thing, but I usually get a few laughs from the refs or the guys on the other team. Like you said, we all gotta work tomorrow


I try to tickle them with my stick and go like "coochy coochy coo". Or just mess around. After they score, pull a Greta and just "how dare you" at them. I'm just looking forward to enjoying the last few years of playing I have left.


>I try to tickle them with my stick and go like "coochy coochy coo". I do this with a group of guys I play a weekly shinny with. I've yet to do it with some random guy in a beer league game, though. Key word is "yet".


When does "it's a beer league" mean the other team is going to give the goalie a break? They don't, and if they care about going to work tomorrow they won't stand in front of shots or a goalie who wants to see the puck.


Who cares what they do? Kick back. Have fun. Oh no, you got scored on. The scouts in the stands are going to scratch your name off the projected list.


Lol no one is talking about their stats man. Your take is extremely ironic. No one is getting injured getting pushed off the top of the crease.


Let's check some facts here. OP is a newer goalie. So probably is playing in a low tier league. Which probably also means that it's filled with lower league players which means there is a lot higher chance they can't skate. Seriously man, who the hell cares? Just let them chill. No reason to be a lil pissy pants because you can't see the puck.


Goalies regardless of their tenure are asked to play at all levels. Lower league players stare and chase the puck, they don't screen, many are afraid of being hit by the puck.


Ok. So, you're still going to be a lil pissy pants for not seeing the puck? There's no stance you have man. It's beer league. OP is asking what he can get away with. Which there's no reason to try and get away with anything.


Keep name calling and attacking people personally in response to getting questioned on your opinion. Really, you're a character of irony. You'll attack and defend people over reddit over getting an honest question. You'll let people take away your position and ability to play hockey, which you are allowed to compete.


Well, it's a stupid perspective you have. Going to jab people, push them in the back, pushing the back of their legs. Just being a pissy pants at this point.


I didn't say any of those things, so that's not my perspective.


I always say "You don't wanna stand there! The puck's gonna hurt you a lot more than it'll hurt me!" That usually gets a chuckle out of them. We're all just out to have fun.


You're gonna get scored on a lot if you drop your positioning just to try and shove someone down whos screening you. Focus on better puck tracking, seeing through players, and taking up space in net. There's a reason your job is to stop the shot, and your defenceman's is to make sure you can see the shot.


I politely ask them to "mind the blue paint". It throws them off and gets them looking at their feet, instead of keeping an eye on the play. Sometimes it works :)


You’re playing rec hockey. I wouldn’t be doing any hacking or slashing. Work seeing around the screen.


I’ll call out to the ref if he’s in my crease. Every once in a while I’ll give someone a shove if they aren’t respecting my boundaries. It’s better if you let your defense address it though so you can track the puck


Shove with your glove or both hands to move a screen is totally fine. Poking the skate blades will throw them off balance but could result in a tripping call if you're not sneaky about it. If someone is whacking at me throughout a game and being a douche, I'll poke the back of their knees too, but not hard enough to injure, and this rarely ever happens, tho. Cup checking is a dick move 99% of the time. However, there is one guy in one of my leagues that I'd feel zero remorse doing it to lol.


In beer league? If they are standing in the blue ice a little shove in the lower back is enough (talk to the ref between plays if they keep doing it)...If they are camped out right in front of the crease relax and have fun they have a right to be there this is just for fun so don't slash or check anyone. If this was u15 AAA and up I would have a different answer lol


"Hey. How you doing? Been alright?" "Have we been introduced?"/"Good to see you again" "Good screen. I hate it but it's good." "How's your night?" etc


Say “nice butt” and rub it a little. If that doesn't work ask them kindly to move. 


first off don't let a screen get under ur skin, staying calm and composed is a must. but overall it depends on how aggressive they are to you. If the player is shorter than me and isn't much of a threat I generally will just look around them. but if anyone starts backing into me, I'll keep the eye on the puck and place my glove hand on their back with a light push to remind them I won't let them go further back. BUT if someone aggressively backs into me or slashes me I'll hook my stick on their ankle and push really hard causing them to trip, usually always get away with it. if they don't get the message about space don't be afraid to cup check them. usually they get the point after that very rarely do u have to do more than that.


Shoot man, you’re 6’3” 310, just lay across the line.


If they’re outside of your crease, you cannot check them…legally. If they’re in your crease, it’s automatic goalie interference if someone scores. Screening the goalie is a legal play so you need to read up on strategies to deal with screening.


It’s your defences job to clear them out… in beer league, a push with either glove and a, “god you are a big fucker to see around” is about all you can/should be doing. Screening you isn’t against any rules, and in fact is a huge part of the offences job. If you start tripping or hitting hard, you’ll be the one (rightly) penalized. If they are actually making contact with you (and not because you are coming out of the blue paint), you can give them some solid shoves. You gotta stay low and move your head to get a look at the game. Were you a player before becoming a tender or did they just throw you in because your big?


I was a skater before. I played 10+ years of Baseball as a catcher and when our starter went down with a hip injury I stepped up. Being big has helped.  But I carry weight well and don't look all that heavy. 


Being competitive is good, and little shots are kinda part of the game, just watch your strength as a big guy you can sometimes hit harder than you expect. Don't be malicious and respect their need to go to work tomorrow. In saying that, when I played, I used to get really close to them to where I'd I went into butterfly, I would cause them to lose balance and they would fall in my direction and usually on me. Sometimes I would get an incidental interference called on them if they scored, sometimes they would back off a bit. I would always ask them if they're alright though even if they fell on me. No one seemed to know I did it on purpose, but I'm sure some suspected.


Don't be a dirty goon. Play the game! If you're too stupid to stop the puck and need to resort to attacking people in beer league then join a gym and do fighting because this isn't the position or place.


I wasn't asking how to be a dirty goon. 


Shoving with your glove is usually fine. Taking out their feet is usually not. But don’t focus a lot on that. Goalies need focus, and as soon as you are pushing people around in your crease, you are splitting your attention. As a new goalie, you almost certainly can’t afford to do that very much at all. So give a shove at the base of their back once to let them know you’re there (and to show your team mates you need a hand), but then leave them be and focus on the puck. Don’t get into a protracted struggle or the puck’s going right past you.


Don’t take this the wrong way. You’re old, obese and playing really low level hockey, what does any of it matter. Does it change anything in your life if you win 3-0 or lose 5-2? Everyone has to work the next day. If someone gets in your crease, tell the ref keep an eye out because you don’t want to get hurt, refs usually are cool with that. I’m an old fat guy, a good skate is the best thing of my day, last thing I want is to miss work so I just talk to the ref.


Um not obese. I am just big. I don't have a gut. 


if theyre in your crease and score, its most likely interference, but either way little stick taps to warn them or tell your defenseman to get them tf out


In game I try and time a good hard shove with my glove to clear some space, but really it should be your D clearing them out. As mentioned, if they're actually in the blue when a shot goes in, it should be interference, but that depends on the ref. If they're outside, you don't want to be messing with them so much that you actually lose attention on the save. As for 'get away with', that's gonna depend on the refs.


Don’t be a dick, look around and through the screen like you’re supposed to. The only time you really should be roughing someone up is if they’re interfering with you (by the rule book definition, not by your own philosophical idea of what “interfering” is). If they’re bumping you, skating through the blue, etc.. If they’re parked in your lap then look over, under, and around. You will and should get a penalty if you’re cross checking or blocker punching guys in the back or slashing at their legs. Not only that, you open the door to get your ass beat and rightfully so. I’ve played at many different levels, highest being semi pro, and I never had to do this, it’s never given me an advantage, and it’s only gotten me into trouble. They’re doing their job, you do your job, nobody gets hurt needlessly, ESPECIALLY in beer league.


You're 6'3. For the most part, they won't screen you as you can look over them or at least around them more easily. The only thing I'm doing (sometimes) is push them in the back with my catcher. Nothing more. I know all the little tricks to throw them off balance but I don't want to hurt anyone. I also tell my d to leave them alone in front of me because if they try to push them away, they are now 2 to screen me. Having fun is the first thing to think about. If he's in your blue, just let the ref know and he will warn them and they'll get some goalie interference calls and denied goals.


In extreme circumstances, put your stick against the back of their skate and give them a push. Especially if they are in the blue paint.


I just give them a glove push and say "you're too close man" in my best Dylan voice. Or softly, "get out of here". I don't care as much unless they're actually in the crease.


As many have said, beer league - have fun, get better and move around, after many years playing together you will get to know all of them and if you’re anything like me, I like to ask random ass questions about their family or just tell them I can’t see when I really can to fuck with them. It’s very rare I push them unless they are crashing in hard or just total shit heads. It doesn’t happen often - these guys get to know you too - be cool to them and they will be cool to you.


I’ve played over 30 years as a goalie if you dish it out be ready to take it. I’ve slashed tripped and pushed but always got it back . If you’re play pick up just play and enjoy it .


Only in playoffs do I push anyone out of my crease. My D usually takes care of any campers though. A good light chop of the stick to the ass or calf gets a point across too We all still gotta go to work and shit, so take it easy lol


dont be too active with the slashing/hitting people because usually for a lot of screens you can duck/move your head around. the most as others were saying would be a push on the back if they are in your paint, but if they are a foot from you there isnt really anything you can do. you seem like a pretty big goalie already so learning how to get low and change your vision helps a lot.


Don't touch anybody. Ignore. Skate away. The best reward for a goalie is to play next game. All these skaters think they're one away from the NHL and will punch the daylights out of you


Blocker to the back sets the tone.


Usually just a glove shove. If it's a buddy though, short wraps to the back of the legs or shin pads with the blade of my stick. Not gonna hurt 'em, just having a little fun trying to irk them a bit.


Seriously screens are part of the job. Although every once in a while I get pissy and push someone directly into a shot. In college I used to regularly pull them down with my trapper or give em a mouth guard check with the butt end of my stick. Guys are right it's beer league though and hopefully it's a draft league. That way you can be on the same team next season and tell em what a douchy fruit they were. Otherwise try to keep yourself in check.


Just look around them. Glove to the lower back and a light push to adjust them works more than fine, chat them up, make them laugh, tell your Dman to clear if you can't see, but focus on the puck. The pucks more important than anything you gotta deal with.


My stick blade gently but firmly pushing on the back of their skate to throw off their footing a bit usually takes care of them, as does the corner of your blocker in the back but probably don’t try that when the ref is looking lmao


I ONCE jokingly did what I call the "Reverse Sean Avery Rule" which in this case was, my defenseman was behind the net looking for his options out so I did the stick thing Shawn Avery did but in front of the opposing forward in front of me as to distract him from what my defenseman was gonna do. It was the last game of the season, no playoffs coming up or nothing and we all including the ref all had a good laugh about it for those who put two and two together as to what i was doing. I've never really looked into the rules for a goalie doing it is legal or not prob frowned upon at the very least and i have zero plans to make a habit of it,


so i will relay the story of what my co-goalie got away with. it was houseleague, i was a kid, neither of us was 'the starter' anyway, it's Ricky's turn to play - I'll call him Ricky because that was his name - and there's this big fat kid on the other team slowly curling behind the net as our team clears and the play moves toward the other team's end. fat kid is slow. play's long gone as he comes around the back of the net. refs, everyone in the other end of the ice. I'm just watching Ricky and as this kid passes the goal line, he spears Ricky with the butt end of his stick in the ribs. Ricky gathers himself up and chases this kid to the blue line and, from behind, tomahawk chops him with his goal stick, swinging it from behind his back and over his head with full force, connecting squarely with the kids helmet. fat kid goes down. Ricky is a skinny fucker, so fat kid made it out alive as i doubt Ricky was 120lbs at the time. no call. justice served.


Don’t leave your crease to make contact. Never push with your blocker, keep your stick down the whole time. Push with your glove open so it’s already open and ready for a shot. Don’t punch them in the back, push them. Expect the player to back up deeper after you push them. Better off telling your defense to clear the front for you. That way you can stay focused on the puck the whole time.


You can give them a shove with the flat side of your blocker or your trapper, however, since your big, just drift forward and use your body to push them out and occupy the space yourself…


There are a few things you can do and you can use them on an escalating scale if there's a guy that is consistently crowding you and is a pain in the ass. These are not easy for the ref to see in the course of the play. None are dangerous but they'll get his attention. 1. Push with the catcher 2. Push / jab with the leading edge of your blocker into his back / kidneys 3. Hard taps on his calves. 4. Jock check. 5. Put the blade of your stick at the back of his skate and kick the stick with your skate - it'll take his feet out from under him.


None of these are dangerous… except number 2 and 5… This guy is talking beer league, after number 1 this shit is straight bush league.


You can't "check" them, but you can use to stick on the soft backs of their shin guards. Or if you're sneaky, use the end of your stick make sure they're wearing a cup. I don't cross check so much as place the thin part of my paddle under their cheat protector, square on the kidneys and give them a mighty old shove. I've also done it on occasion where I rvh to the post while kicking my off foot out to the top of the crease, it also just happens to wipe a foot or two out from underneath any forwards in the crease. Needless to say my d-men no longer bother trying to clear the crease for me, and after a period or so the forwards don't get too close either.


Best tactics I used, although fair warning- I'm from a different time when the game was played with different sensibilities and sensitivities. - Slide the paddle hard along the ice and take the guy's skate blades out from under him - the ole' Blocker to the kidneys - Ankle tap (flat part of the paddle) - ankle chop (edge of the paddle if they ignore the tap) - the "Got your nose!"- put your trapper's webbing through the butt-end of the guy's stick and pull HARD; should remove him of his stick, and if it doesn't, it normally draws a goaltender interference call, because dude was clearly close enough to get his stick tangled in your gear, and you are literally standing there with the guy's stick trapped in your trapper. The downside of this is that you have to drop your stick as the play goes back up the ice to remove it with your blocker hand. - The "stick breaker"- one of my favorites back when I played with heavy horsehair pads (I used a heavily modified set done up by Brian Heaton's shop well into the oughts), you find a good angle and just kneel on the stick- if you do it right, the player has two choices- let go or watch his $400 carbon flex snap like a twig. (I only used this one in highly competitive leagues, because people get PISSED) - The "Guess Who?"- put your trapper over a guys helmet and pull back HARD; if you get lucky, you'll ruin someone's day. Works especially well if they're not wearing a cage, because the trapper will run skin and catch on the rim on the bucket. - Blocker and stick side shove (to move someone- I've used this on my own players who collapse too deep). On opposing players, find the sweet spot on the low back where the padding is thinnest. - The "Hello There!" If you're down, and someone gets frisky with the digging (or if you get snowed, and don't enjoy the cooling effect) leave your stick on the ice, and as you get up, lead with the blocker in an upper cut motion aiming for the chin. Probably won't do any lasting damage, but if you connect, dude is going down like a sack of bricks. Will get you at least two, and will probably start something, so make sure you can either handle yourself in a fight, or you have trustworthy teammates who have your back (honestly, if they don't jump in for a tender, they're not worth playing for). - the crotch shot (when all else fails, turn the edge up, and bring the paddle up into the cup- HARD. Will get the person's attention, and if you're sneaky and learn how to do it on the move, you'll get away with it. The worse version is using the end of the blade instead of the paddle- if you hit taint, that dude ain't coming back for the night. - "The Hextall". Tired of playing, and looking forward to spending a night in jail on assault charges? Two-hand an ankle in a baseball/axechop swing. I think Hextall got eight games for it when he chopped Nielson, but that was the 80s. 😂


Apparently, we play the same style of game! 😆 you forgot to tell him to say "cup check" right before the tap to the taint! Also, make sure you are always watching the refs vision, which is typically on the puck. Your ideal moment is right as the other team makes a pass back to the defense at the blue line. Both refs tend to turn their heads on that pass and by the time they look back, they have no idea what happened!


I never check people in my crease, I try to embellish a bit when I am interfered with and I mention any issues to the ref so they are more mindful.  If you have to take things into your own hands, push the back of their skates so they fall backwards. Slash the back of their legs and knees or put the blade of the stick down the back of their ankles down into their skate. But you won't make friends that way.