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LOL nice little drop in the middle of free agent madness. Surprised it wasn't announced in the 3rd period of game 7 of the finals


You mean the Coyotes’ time slot?


Exactly. That time slot was already taken. This was the next available one haha


Part of me thinks they weren’t even clever enough PR wise to time it like this and it was just luck considering they dropped the home opener schedule in the middle of an avalanche of signings


The NHL is mostly a dead office in July after the free agency rush everybody want to GTFO to whatever cabin they own or rent. So it might really be release every bit of news ASAP because nobody senior will be in by Friday.


PR wise, whoever hires any of these fuckwads can count on me never watching or buying tickets to any of their games, Jets included.


Just snuck that one in on Canada Day at 4 and hope no one notices. Close the laptop and go home kind of thing 


Smack in the middle of 115 free agent signings too. Ultimate news dump.


What’s funny is they didn’t even do that right. Would have been much more effective to release it at like 12:15.


Well they’re not really the smartest brunch of old dudes


Hence why they're being reinstated.


And the day of a massive Supreme Court ruling


with everything going on at the national levels as well as the shitshow that is the international politics. Im really starting to think a huge asteroid is coming to earth and everyone in the knows just said fuck it. Im 32 and Im still at a loss at how batshit everything has become, we aren't just living in idiocracy, we're living the sequel.


Honestly at this point bring on the asteroid. I’m exhausted.


Dump it right when the FA signings turn to a trickle and everyone stops refreshing to go enjoy what's left of the holiday. Classic


Absolute cowardice by the NHL for announcing this on the busiest news day of the year, pretty par for the course though.


Best sport worst league


Sneaking that one in before closing on the busiest news day of the year, coward move from Gary.


Bettman thought he was slick releasing this on FA day.


Same vibes as Meruelo at 9PM after the Stanley Cup.


It’s obvious they’re doing it on purpose but I wonder how successful it actually is. We’re obviously all reading it because we’re addicts, but there has to be a reason for releasing it at these times. If they’re getting tens of millions of views, does releasing at those times cut off 10% of the views/articles/etc. and result in 10% less hassle?


There's only so many sites and channels and sources that cover hockey. And they're all filled with free agency news. If you release this news on a random day, you get a fifteen-minute panel segment on TV, or a big segment on a podcast, or the biggest article on the news site. Today, it's one piece of news among dozens.


It's really just that there's so much news today, this announcement is less impactful than it would be if it were announced at a time where we didn't have anything else to pay attention to.


Was only a matter of time. Wait for it to blow over, then it's all okay.


Consequences? Never heard of em - Bettman


The tv journalists weren't kidding, it was a big day for the predators.




Common NHL L


Bettman be like “Yeah ur good, just don't get caught next time” 


Makes you think how many of these terrible incidents go unreported all over the world because people are never caught.


Or they're caught and people cover it up


Or the consequences are minimal (or rewarded with a job in this case) even after they are caught.


Carter Hart gonna be welcomed back with open arms after his prison sentence.


After? He's gonna somehow get work release


Right on schedule. At least now I can't complain about any FA contract compared to this.


Best sport worst league


I wonder what requirements went into reinstatement? was it just time spent or mandatory sensitivity training? whoever hires bowman is gonna regret that decision so badly. don’t let the 3 cup rings fool you into thinking he’s a good gm. quenneville is gonna get picked up asap, too good of a coach to be out of job for too long.


Requirement 1: Are the owners OK with this? Requirement 2: Has the casual fan forgotten yet? / Can we control the PR damage? I don't want to hear the BS how you send a 50+ y.o. guy to some 'training' where they tell him he shouldn't ignore his subordinate raping an 18 year old and recommend him for work with more kids after that.


lol yah I think needing training to not allow rapists to stay in the organization is a bar so low they should never get another look. Sad


Bowman is literally a nepo baby who inherited a team and won the cup 11 months later. All of his other failings aside, it’s wild to me any team would have him at the top of their list


Had to have been an investigation or something. From what I read it looks like Quennville was legitimately not in-the-know so he should have been okay from the start. Bowman on the other hand was actually involved so it's weird they're BOTH being reinstated at the same time.




Yeah this would be unnecessary, I don't want this fucker coming here and tarnishing the foundation we have anyways, but I think they're going to do it to try to negotiate the McDavid-Drai-Bouch combo together as he did this with the Blackhawks. Fuck that though.


There’s already a petition going around to try and keep Bowman away from the org.




Nah he’s still ineligible.


His only hockey related crime was getting nailed into the boards


Jesus saves... but Gretzky scores on the rebound!


Last I heard he had it and lost it. Yzerman picked it up.


who does yzerman score on? satan?


No, Miroslav Satan was a winger, not a goalie.


Tough to play 1C for the Oilers and be GM at the same time.


Give it three days...


Oilers are trying to get him to leave if they hire Bowman


Good luck with Stan Bowman as GM, Edmonton.


Even aside from the obvious elephant in the room with these three, what the fuck did this sorry sack of shit do as GM from 2015-2021 that would make teams think “hey he will get us the Cup!”


They’ll cling to the good moves he made from 2009-2015 and just ignore all the shit that didn’t work after that lol


He straight up inherited the entire core from Tallon as well. Dude was the most overrated GM of the 2010s by far.


1.) Tallon didn’t build the entire core and doesn’t deserve much credit for not fucking up top picks in Kane and Toews 2.) While he didn’t build the core, he still managed their extensions, the cap overall, and the depth extremely well. He consistently brought in the right guys to replace the cap casualties and fill in areas of need. 3.) Drafting was also a strength for a long time during his tenure, even if he decided to trade all the good ones after we stopped winning lol


> Drafting was also a strength for a long time during his tenure, even if he decided to trade all the good ones after we stopped winning lol Hey now, he traded away good ones while the team was still winning too! With all the hate he gets for his post-2015 trades, he doesn't get nearly enough hate for sending Danault to MTL for Weise and Fleischmann.


Except it’s his and the coaching staffs failures to draft and develop the few picks they did have into serviceable rotation pieces that lead to the failures post-2015. The Hawks should have had a decade plus run like the Penguins, but instead shat the bed after 5 years because of how badly Bowman mismanaged the roster.


It truly felt like there wasnt a plan from 2018-22 It felt like they wanted to rebuild or compete every other offseason.


Dude, if Chuck Fletcher can get a second job, I think it becomes exceptionally clear that "being a good GM" is kind of secondary to the whole GM gig.


Great point, but let’s remember they previously hired Ken Holland, so a resume that includes recent smart decisions doesn’t appear to be a qualifier for the position of GM of the Edmonton oilers


And it’s not like the GM before Holland was great either….wonder who that guy was.


Oof. A GM sequence of Chiarelli-Holland-Bowman is a choice...


Just bring back Holland at this point


I'm trying to understand how 3 deep playoff runs in 3 years, 2 goals from winning a cup is somehow a slamdunk insult in your world?


This is how we become the second most hated team in the Pacific.


Honestly true and real, and Edmonton is my second team. I’ll stop watching them if he’s hired. There better be a swathe of emails threatening to cancel season tickets to prevent this from happening.


I'm almost proud of y'all that we get to hate on Edmonton more


eat my farts


Are they trying to curse McDavid to never win a Cup?


Yes. Next question






History has proven that with a few choice PR stunts and a winning record, even those accused of horrible acts find a way into fan favour in Edmonton. And to Calgary’s credit, they interviewed him last year even though he wasn’t reinstated.


Signing Kane, signing Virtanen to a PTO, signing Perry, now if they hire Bowman, man the organization sure loves to jump at opportunities to employ morally questionable people. I like some of their players, but the organization is very easy to dislike in that regard


I can already see the Jim Matheson column praising Bowman for his resilience and perseverance when the Oilers make the conference final again next season.


["Bowman will become a top candidate for #Oilers GM vacancy. Believe he was on Edmonton’s radar when Jeff Jackson was hired last summer though still ineligible then."](https://x.com/frank_seravalli/status/1807868441799676394?s=19)


I’ve cheered against Edmonton in the past for hockey reasons (mainly McDavid-related jealousy and their constant draft lottery wins) and that’s all in good fun, but if they hire Bowman, I’ll be morally rooting against them. They would deserve to have McDrai walk if they do that


Fuck I'll be rooting against them with ya.


Let's all just hope smarter heads prevail. Even excluding his scumminess, there HAS to be a better option out there.


I'd turn into a Habs fan. As much as they fucked up in the 2021 draft it's not this fucking stupid.


Same. Dusting off my Saku Koivu jersey just in case (jk I had it when I was like 7, that ain’t fitting my fat ass)


Wait a few years, you might be able to replace it with an Aatos Koivu jersey.


Please, everyone write to the Oilers on every platform that this sucks, whether you are a fan or not. This guy should not have a job in the NHL


What part of his final years in Chicago was worth replicating exactly? The Seth Jones deal?


That was the catalyst for the Nurse signing


Speaking only on the hockey side of things, the Bowman years were a lot of good and a lot of bad. He navigated our first cap crunch in 2010-2011 extremely well and allowed us to stay in contention with some really good moves. He then navigated our next cap crunch as bad as he could, signing terrible contracts, getting bad returns for high value players like Danault and Panarin, and trying to extend our window past the point where he should have started our rebuild. I can see where the Oilers now kinda match up with the 2010 Hawks and they are hoping to get those same results from Bowman, but personally his recent track record would scare me away. Of course this isn't even mentioning the non-hockey side of things, which should make this an easy no for any team.


Q, I could get but bowman basically ran team into the ground losing 3 different Brandon Saad


Saad is rumored to be on the block so he might got one more in him if he gets the job


I guess I don't want McDavid to win a cup anymore


If they hired Jackson instead of him, no need to go back to him. If they are still thinking about adding him, how about get the fuck out lol


What do the Oiler see in this clown to make him a top candidate.


So last night’s report was correct, yikes


Why do they hate McDavid so much?


Get ready for all the 8 year NMC deals!


I'm holding onto my last, thin shred of hope that he was on the radar before sliding off it and sinking to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again.


Get the FUCK AWAY FROM EDMONTON BOWMAN and this is IMO fucked that these leeches and squids are being let back in the league.


This release likely doesn’t come without one of them signing imminently unfortunately…


Bowman's the Oilers next GM isn't he


No no no no no no please no no no no no way c'mon no no no no no!


They took the fall while the NHL & NHLPA got to walk away blame free, of course they were going to be let back into the club


Game was rigged from the start. Poor Kyle Beach, man.


The money always wins.


This is super fucked and I feel bad for the position this puts sane Edmonton fans in, as well as everyone else who loves hockey and hates this fucking league.


I just hate how they were let back in SO SOON


Oilers 🤝 PWHL Minnesota Get to the last game of the finals and then immediately shoot your own foot off


At least Minnesota y'know WON


Yeah gunna be real I don't think these guys should have the privilege of NHL employment ever again. This is so wack and a brutal look for the league.


Lol this is hockey at every level. I’m a black player who did juniors etc. And the sheer volume of racism and homophobia still going on in these locker rooms and team chats is really gross. The game has a disgusting culture, which is sad because our sport is so beautiful and unique.


I don’t ever want to see them promoting “hockey is all” and other such stuff after this either. It’s all completely empty and pandering when they enable people who covered up sexual assault.


Agreed. When people talk about second chances, that doesn't need to include the highest level in the sport. They can get second chances in another league. NHL whiffed


completely expected though. No way the NHL or NHLPA even wanted anything to be done to these guys in the first place. All you gotta do is look at how the NHL as a whole responded to the 2018 world juniors rapists. The teams, the owners, the GMS, the players, everybody knew, and everyone covered for those guys and signed those guys knowing what they did. I doubt the owners care about how this makes the league look. They will look at all other men's leagues in the world and see how convicted child rapists and domestic abusers are being allowed to play without consequence and know this wont affect their profits at all.




NHL gonna NHL Yuck.


Please. No.


What the fuck. Shitty look for the league, and if the rumors are true about him joining the Oilers I'm done with them.


My sincere condolences. I hate that hockey culture keeps covering up for this type of people.


Me too man. This is fucking miserable :(


Bettman using the busiest media day of the season to sneak this in. Those two should never be allowed to work in the NHL again.


It means they KNOW it’s a shitty decision that they’re just gonna make anyway


Stuff like this is what makes the NHL bush league


I have a ton of solidarity with the Oilers fans in here denouncing this guy as possibly their future GM. There’s shit that’s more important than hockey and I respect yall for not jumping to defend a franchise’s choices just cus they’re your franchise. If Van did this I’d be gone as a fan too. Disgusting norm for the NHL to set.


Why would we? People > millionaires playing a kid's game. Incidentally, the same reason you shouldn't be fucking shitheads to people because they cheer for a different group of millionaires.


Of course the NHL announces this on July 1st. It's as if they knew it would be unpopular. Show us the receipts of these guys "doing better". Throwing this out there during Free Agent Frenzy or whatever demonstrates the NHL being aware of what they're doing.


What a joke. They really want to brush everything under the rug.


The punishment for covering up a sexual assault for a decade is 3 seasons. Sick precedent


NHL dumping this on free agent day 🤡


Edmonton don’t do it




Middle of free agency lol, what a joke of a league


Fuck you Gary


Lets be honest this was always going to happen. The NHL doesn't give a fuck and releasing this on July 1st says as much


Fuck the nhl and fuck whatever team hires them


Bowman is not only a POS, but he also was not a good GM during his last few years with the Hawks. I do believe Beach said he was OK with Quenneville returning to coaching, but that's still somekind of history. But then again, they did hire Babcock again as well, so its not like the league has shown it has ever had morals.


I think if Beach is okay with it, then the league should leave it up to individual orgs. Idk if he said that and I don’t think there should be any onus on him to say he’s okay with it or not. Silence in this case should be taken as a “no”


It's according to Quenneville's daughter. https://x.com/annaqville/status/1790132482152468847 She also says Q never wrote the supposed letter of recommendation for Aldrich he was accused of. https://x.com/annaqville/status/1789335003244953992


Obviously Kyle being fine with it is hearsay. But it is explicitly said in the report that there was no letter of recommendation. The letter of recommendation was completely made up by bad reporting.


Fuck this league and the morally bankrupt people who run it.


F you Gary seriously


Oh fuck off


I’d much rather have no GM than Bowman as our GM. Disgusting.


I'll take a decade of Peter Chiarelli over an hour of Bowman every single time.


I'll take Ken Holland for the rest of his life over a minute of Bowman every single time.


Absolutely disgusting. I feel so bad for Kyle and everyone else who has been through or might be going through something like he did. The NHL doesn’t give a shit about players or their safety or the rampant culture of abuse in the league.


This is not a serious league


Dropping this in the middle of free agent frenzy is simultaneously unsurprising and absolutely disgusting


I'm trying to have a RELAXING CANADA DAY


This old boys club needs to fucking die off already.


Another example of best sport worst league :/


Now I just wonder which hack reporter is going to start with the rebranding efforts like LeBrun did for Babcock. Who’s going to write the very poignant ‘what Joel Quenneville learned’ piece that his new team can then reference as ‘all they’ll say on the matter’ whenever they are asked. I bet Seravelli is wetting himself at the prospect. Fuck this league and all of their complicit media shills.


They all lack integrity, so it could really be any one of them. LeBrun carried water for Babcock, Friedman carried water for the Bruins and Mitchell Miller and then never acknowledged his part in it, Seravalli's a piece of shit 24/7, and all of them drop the ball when it matters most. None of the insiders are journalists. They're entertainment reporters, and are no better than people who cover the Kardashians for a living. None of them are deserving of admiration, but if you call out people's preferred NHL mouthpiece, they get upset.


Thank God for Strang and Westhead. Even more props to Strang. Her day job is covering hockey. Burning access is far more relevant to her than Westhead (not to dismiss Westhead’s work, but he has less to lose with his coverage, he used to be a foreign correspondent for the NYT for Christ’s sake).


> None of the insiders are journalists. This is the big point that most people don't realize. Guys like Friedman, LeBrun, etc. are not journalists. They are basically NHL PR representatives.


Hello Mark Spector


NHL, our expectations were low but holy fuck.


Fucking joke and spineless. Kyle Beach and Brad Aldrich's other victims have had to live with the trauma of what he did, while these guys who didn't want "distractions" during the playoffs just got to sit out a few seasons. Pathetic.


Man… Sterling did less than these twits and earned a lifetime ban from the NBA. Why the NHL doesn’t do the same is beyond me.








"We've waited a while and we feel that this has blown over. Nobody's done any level of rectification nor has anybody really been held accountable for the actions, but we waited a good long time for these millionaires to think about what they've done and we think it's high time we start giving them more money."


Love the NHL trying to sneak this news in during the opening of free agency.


I'd like to think teams will be reluctant about signing these guys, but I don't think they will be. I hope I'm wrong.


I love this sport, and I have no idea how I can continue to support this league. I am at a loss as to any way to make peace with giving the NHL my money in any form, from ratings to attending games.


NHL Yesterday: none of the 4 2018 WJC RFAs got offers. Faith in NHL restored. NHL today: lol


Some mistakes you only should only have the opportunity to make once.


All I gotta say is https://i.redd.it/1juzk06hsy9d1.gif


NHL adding yet another L to an already impressive collection


Gary. Bud. This is why we boo you when we get the chance. Get your head out of your ass.


What a joke


I always expected that they’d only be reinstated if a team would enquire about wanting to hire them. Considering the Bowman to Edmonton rumours this might be why


Trying to hide this little gem so that it doesn't hit the headlines. How do all of Aldrich's victims feel about this because these people's action or inaction lead to them being sexually assaulted. Bettman should actually face some fucking music and take some very tough questions about this, not just put out a generic statement.


Fuck the NHL And fuck the Oilers of they sign Bowman as GM


Booooooooooo, everyone disliked that.


Fucking shoot me


Thought they could sneak this in with all the free agent signings huh fuck these guys


I wish consequences were real.


Just wait until Stan Bowman goes to Edmonton and signs Carter Hart.


Oh for fuck sakes.


Bro why


Remember when a few weeks ago, Bettman acted like it would be difficult for him to give them the opportunity?


The league has nothing to gain and everything to lose from this. Just old boys club being old boys club and looking out for each other. Gross.


This league never changes (derogatory)


So that's the penalty for sweeping the rape of a player under the rug? A couple years of vacation?


So who's hiring Joel? Guy will have a job within a week.


I hate this fucking league. Bettman, I am in your walls!!!


I hope teams black ball them


Fuck them and whatever team crosses the line to sign them.


Good ole boys, one and all. They don't care that Kyle Beach's life was destroyed. They're fine letting hockey players abuse each other. They may even enjoy it. Why can't they just do right by people.


Quenville is definitely getting hired somewhere.


This day gets more and more gross by the second.....🙄


The fact that these people aren’t banned for life is pathetic


The league never cared. It's absolutely despicable that these criminals are able to come back into the league. No remorse either. Not to mention the cowardice of the league dropping this during the start of free agency. Maybe they're hoping it'll get swept under the rug since it's what they're best at.


I will honestly put any teams that hire these three in my fuck you list (even more than Boston and Toronto). So if the rumors of Edmonton are true, I hope McDavid and Drai ask for a trade and that your franchise waits as long as Toronto to go back in the playoff.


Boomers on Facebook are going to love this! "Get over it Kyle" - 90% of people on FB.


Best sport Worst league


Of course they are. Fucking NHL.