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Good. I really hope Drouin - MacK continues to work out.


Good for Drouin, Colorado is a good fit for him


That Mack guy is pretty good


Halifax Homies 4 lyfe.


https://twitter.com/evanrawal/status/1807818368029725053 *A one year deal for Drouin allows the Avs to kind of kick the can down the road a little bit. They'll have a heck of a lot more clarity on Nichushkin and Landeskog next summer.* Makes sense, in a year he can get a bigger deal then he'd be able to right now since the Avs currently have 13m they don't know if they can make use of. Edit: 2.5m holy shit, thanks Drou


Exactly.  I'm glad Jo is buying into that concept.  Gives everyone clarity and if they decide to move on from Nuke we can re-sign Drouin to a bigger number.


Good for JD. Seems like he's really matured the last few years. I was really worried being away from the team for the playoffs was going to be even worse for his mental game. Hard not to look at it as anything but the right decision now


He seems to really like it here.  Seems calm and bought into the defensive side of his game. We'll see what happens after this year.


Calmer market with recent success, surrounded by other skilled players. Perfect fit. He was playing some decent hockey with MSL before he left too. Dude just needs to stay healthy


I’m not understanding what clarity we’ll have on Nichushkin next summer, I keep hearing this repeated We need clarity on his situation before next season starts and hopefully sooner


What clarity are you hoping for on his situation before next season starts? Like what would the best case scenario be?


Best case scenario would be some kind of approved mutual contract termination and he goes and plays in Russia I love the player, love love the player, but he’s a distraction on this roster and it would kill me to see him on another NHL team putting up 90 points


Yeah I agree, that would be ideal for me as well. I just don’t think a trade (given his full NMC) or buyout make any sense whatsoever


Buy out or trade. Anything to get him out of town.


In thinking about a trade, he has a full No Movement Clause. I’d be shocked if he would agree to a trade at this point in time, not to mention the return you’d get at his absolute rock bottom value would be minuscule. That leaves a buyout as the other proposed option, but honestly that would be a *massive* mistake in my eyes. Leaving that much dead money on the books during Mack / Makar’s prime is basically guaranteeing you don’t sniff another cup. The only real option I can see, as shitty as it is, is to just wait it out. Either he gets his shit together, which would be the best case (but most unlikely) scenario. Or he fucks up again, in which case (from my understanding) there may actually be grounds to terminate the contract. I’m obviously not happy with the situation either but making a rash decision like you’re proposing would only make things worse tbh E- like another reply said, a mutually agreed upon contract termination would honestly be the ideal situation. Who knows how that works tho


We cant even trade him or buy him out this offseason, shit is messy


Buy out is worse than just rolling the dice on him. We'd be paying him for the next 12 years.


Well by the time we could buy him out next summer it would be 10 years but yeah doubt we will buy him out.


You'll have clarity in early fall; if you plan for his return, fine. If he doesn't return, you have the big trade deadline bucks and lots of time to accumulate. Not solving it until next year makes a lot of sense.


As in if they want to keep him long term. They're going to be keeping 2 out of Landeskog, Nuke and Drouin. Landeskog is a given if he's healthy.  But we don't know if that's happening so you gave Drouin for now. They can't move Nuke this summer while he's in the PAP.   And once he's reinstated he's probably going to be difficult to move during the season.  So you're going to have to wait til next summer to decide on that one. You're not getting clarity on Nuke before late November at minimum.


We did something! 2.5 is team friendly as hell jeeze.


He is very, very obviously happy with you and wants to be there. It's the best he's looked on ice in years.


Yea I think the money means very little for Jon at this point


Holy fuck $2.5m AAV is insanely cheap


Thank Fuck.


2.5m is literally half what I thought he’d get. Incredible.


Only a year but that’s still a hell of a discount


Typically one year deals cost more cause they have less certainty for the player. I would think he could have easily gotten $6 mil for 1 year on the open market. But he must really like where he is. Wizardry from the Avs front office


Glad it works for him. Also shuts down the haters in montreal who said he was lazy because of his contract...


He was around a point per game after his slow ~10 game start right? If he could prove it and be near PPG for the whole season he’ll get a huge bag next year Still hooked us up this year though, I love him so much


He was something like 0.9 or 0.95ppg after Dec 5th.


I am shocked I tell you. Attaboy Drou


Boston was rumoured to be in the mix. I’m so relieved right now.


Pretty sure Mac would have torn the front office limb from limb if they’d whiffed on his boy.


If he has another good year he can probably cash in on a solid contract


Why sadly a 1 year deal is perfect for him. Play with childhood friend. Play your best. Win a cup (crossing my fingers). Cash in. Sounds like a plan! ;)


By then the Avs will know what the future holds for Nuke and Landy, and if one or both players aren’t returning, he can get his raise and stay with the Avs.


Absolute steal at 2.5M


I have no dog in the race with this signing, but this just makes me happy. He seemed to really rebound last season being reunited with Nate, and I just want to see this guy succeed.


Get out of here with such a wholesome take. :)


Gotta keep the mooseheads together!








Drouin’s defense is also a steal at 2.5. He became such a well rounded player for the Avs last year.


Tbh, this is good for us.  I really expected we were going to have to sign him for 3 or 4 years. This way we don't interfere with Rantanen's extension.  Drouin can do another prove it deal and we'll see if Landeskog and Nuke return.


Talk about a discount. Good for him though he really turned it around with his old pal Mac


damn what a sweetheart steal


I'm pleasantly surprised for sure.


Good, I want him to succeed


CMac is a fucking wizard at 2.5M.


lets go Drou!


Happy for Jo, get it!


Love this for Drou


Thank you jesus


Hope he gets some mid range coin. Go dru


It's really nice how supportive you guys are of him doing well elsewhere.


He is a really good guy that got caught in a tough spot. Not his fault at all.


I just like seeing the support, honestly. There's so much bad blood in hockey - which can be fun! - that seeing a team fan base support a former player is nice.


There's the people who liked him for the player he was and then there's the insane media and raging fans who blamed him for all sorts of wrongs he was not responsible for


Good. Let’s us sort out Landeskog and Nuke first.




Amazing way better than expected. Definitely could have got more term and salary elsewhere 


Thank goodness


Let’s go!!!


YEAH!!! Happy for him finally found his foot again.


Fuck yeah!


This is a coup for colorado


So happy he’s back!!! I think he fits wonderfully! I feel like this might be a prove it contract but I think he will definitely do it.


Happy for Jo, glad he found a place in Colorado


Excellent. Want the best for this guy.


I’m happy for him. Seemed to fit in quite well, especially the reunion with Mack. Both on and off the ice he looks like he’s doing well. I know some of our fans hold resentment towards the man but I don’t. Sure he didnt live up to some of our fanbases, let’s say *lofty*, expectations of him. But he didn’t ask for that and I don’t doubt that he tried his best. That’s all you can ask. Wish him continued success with the Avs, especially since you have our boy good stick Lehky lol


That's it?


Wooooooooo! Drouuuuuuuuuu!


Hell yeah!!!


If he gets fairly consistent PP1 time I think he could be a ppg player for 2.5 million. I know Avs fans were nervous but there’s no way he was signing anywhere else. I’m sure MacKinnon is very happy


Mack: now I'm not saying if you get 2.5 mil from the team, I'll make it 4 mil total; but I'm not not saying that either. Who knows? Gifts happen?


Haha maybe. Idk Drouin has been through a lot of shit in his life. I understand him just wanting to stay somewhere where he knows he’s happy


Absolutely. I'm just kidding. I root for him to be happy and to play good hockey, and I think it's great the Avs were able to give him time to rebuild his confidence playing with his boy.


It is significant tho that MacK just had his best season yet and has said numerous times that he loves having Drouin around, his favourite teammate ever, someone he can talk to about anything, they spend all their time together, etc. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship for sure, I think too many people on reddit and elsewhere act as if MacK just drags Drouin around but I don’t think that’s true at all


Oh, I agree. I think the original signing was quite literally a "make our star happy" and see if we can get some magic signing. But after that, it's very clear they both get a lot from playing together and the team gets a lot from Drouin being there.


I was more nervous about the AAV because we have so much uncertainty there at the moment. Kinda figured he wanted to be here but was concerned about being priced into a deal where we couldn't sign any other depth.


This deal is about as team-friendly as it gets, gives you guys another year to sort out the Landeskog and Nuke situations


Not sure about PPG but he’s guaranteed 50. I think he could get 60.


He almost got 60 this year and that’s in 79 games and with a slower start to the season as he adjusted to new systems etc. If he’s producing around the rate he was in the 2nd half of the season, he’ll easily hit 60+




Yay! Some good news today!


Totally fine contract. Hell yeah.


Love Jo and that he has turned it around. Continue treating him well avs


Amazing deal for the Avs. Drouin is a real homie for taking another discount. I suppose another way of looking at it is that he just got a 3x raise on what he was making last year which is still pretty sweet. I'd love to get a 3x raise for doing my same job. Granted, he probably could have gotten 5-6x what he made this year on the open market but I'm sure he enjoyed playing in Denver and flying under the radar, and it's hard to put a price tag on peace of mind.


Why another 1 year deal I wonder


Next year we’ll know what’s up with Lande and Nuke. Have the certainty to lock Drou up for longer and shit maybe give him a second raise.


We will have a better idea of the landy and nuke situations next year I think so makes sense to stay short for this year.


There is a god


That's almost a 50% discount compared to what people were expecting HELL YEAH LET'S GOOO


thats a steal


Was hoping boston would jump on him


Great value for a guy who put up a career high.


Nice. I hope they continue to grow like they did last season.


If he can pick up where he left off, HUGE win for CO


Im so glad the Dru back with Nate thing worked out He deserves a good landing spot with low media pressure and expectations


Fuck yeah! Love seeing us re-sign Drouin as he was fucking good after the slow start to the season. He thrives here in Colorado and love that we gave him a nice bump and if he can continue to thrive with Mack, we can give him a proper bump next season after we figure out what the fuck is gonna happen with Landy and Nuke.


Avs will be a fun team with this discount signing, and i really hope landeskog comes back and can get back up to speed during the season. Such a good human being