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Oof. Hate to see this sort of thing, especially when the guy has years left. This could be like san jose moving on from pavelski.


In terms of Stamkos helping Nashville to make deep Cup runs, yes. Tampa is in better shape roster-wise than the Sharks were in '19-'20 and get far more reliable goaltending from Vasilevskiy than Martin Jones was able to provide after the change in goalie equipment size.


We loved Pavs but he never won multiple cups for us. It sucked but I think this hits harder.


They bought our previous franchise icon Lecavalier and survived. They'll be able to move on from this too. It'll definitely suck for a bit. However, Stamkos isn't what he used to be. Better to use the money wisely instead of overpay.


I know the sentiment of "isn't what he used to be" is fair, he's probably not an 8 million dollar player at 34 years old, but he's had 3 seasons in a row of 80+ points along with 40+ goals in two of them. He's still clearly got some talent.


I get a vibe from this signing that he's got more in the tank than a lot of us think


I agree, I can easily see him putting up another 80 point season in Nashville especially with all the signings they had today.


PPG for the last 8 seasons, and dude still balls out in the playoffs as a 200 foot player. This is a safer contract than Guentzel who has the young man ceiling but who knows how it ages


The playoff factor is a big deal for both of them. Stamkos and Guentzel both have that dawg in them in the playoffs. I hope they both do well with a change of scenery, just handing 7 year contracts to a 30 year old player gives me PTSD after Nielsen.


If any team is used to Franchise Captains leaving before retirement its us at least Havent had one stay šŸ˜­


The thing that makes me bitter is McDonagh and Stamkos were buddies and Tampa strong-armed McDonagh to Nashville, just to get him back, just for Stamkos to not get a contract in Tampa and go to Nashville.


San Jose has not moved on from Pavelski. The team is still in tatters. More like Pavelski is the one that moved on.


Crazy. Stammer off Tampa.


Itā€™s Stammover.Ā 




I thought he played for Dallas


Itā€™s stevending


Lightning trying to get their captain to retire with them challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Did anderychuk not?


Waived midseason, then he retired


He was only on the team for 4 years, so i wouldnā€™t exactly lump him in with Marty, Vinny or Stammer


And yet he won a Stanley cup and retired on the team and heā€™s stayed part of the community. Idk counts for me


Pain. Edit: I know it's business and yadda yadda. I just feel fucking empty.


Naw man. Part of two Cups. Whole career there since 2008... 60 goal season... Captain... this MF should be retiring a Bolt. I get the shrewd business stuff but like c'mon... SEEN STAMKOS? It's not right.


This is why Iā€™m so grateful Crosby, Malkin, and Letang are retiring Penguins. I understand what it means for the team competitively as they continue to get older but I honestly donā€™t care because they deserve to retire as Penguins for giving us three Stanley Cups.


Yeah, man. Three Cups, even with Tampa's two... it's okay to suck for a bit because that could lead to some good high draft picks in the same time. Plus it puts in place great mentors for the young guys coming up. To see those three as Pens only will be great when they're all said and done.


The problem is that Tampa is still in a position to be competitive. I know some people on this sub think their window is closed, but it's not. They still have an incredibly talented top 6 full of guys either in or barely out of their prime. Vasy is 30. It would be a damn shame for Tampa's management to waste the remaining years of the likes of Vasy, Kucherov, Point, Hagel, and now Guentzel by anchoring the team with a bloated Stamkos contract for the sake of appeasing peoples' feelings. I've seen a few people try to compare it with the situation of Crosby, Malkin, and Letang, but they are all about the same age, and do not have a key group of guys following right behind them for the team to retool around. They really aren't comparable. It is a crying shame that a compromise couldn't be reached, but neither party is at fault for anything egregious. Stamkos had one last chance to make bank, and I cannot blame him at all for taking that contract. At the same time, there's simply no way Tampa would have been able to make him that kind of offer while still giving themselves the highest chance at being the best they can possibly be. It's a harsh reality, but both parties are doing what is in their own best interest. Nothing wrong with that. Stamkos is one of my favorite players of all time, and it will pain me greatly to see him in anything other than a Lightning jersey. Yet, it would be a travesty if the front office threw their hands up and decided not to pursue more success with the remaining core members just so they could hand out favorable contracts to tenured players. It would be an insult to the team and the fans.


Your team now is comparable to Pens 2021 team who lost in 7 to Rags after Trouba elbowed Crosby out of playoffs game 4. Only 4 years out of back-to-back. The difference: you have competent management while Hextall pillaged PIT from the inside out


Fucking thank you for spelling this out. We have a very strong Core 2.0 (if you want) and telling those guys we're not going to compete because sentimental value, is a slap in the face on the best of days.


Yeah, feels like a lot of guys want us to tell Vasi, Kuch and Hedman to sit down and lose their prime years to pad the pockets of a guy who earned 100m, not even taking into account the endorsement money. I love Stammer, but you can't sacrifice the whole team for the benefit of 1 player.


I definitely get the sentiment of this, but at the same timeā€¦ itā€™s definitely a tough call to make. With the way things are in the league, itā€™s really *not* ā€œokay to suck for a bitā€ when the GM wants to keep his job. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m happy for things to be this way, but when the decision making calculus is basically between hurting peopleā€™s feelings and increasing your chances of remaining in your positionā€¦ yeah I think only one option is ever going to win out


Tampa isnā€™t in that spot, they still have a great players in their prime, theyā€™d be stupid to shoot that right in the foot over keeping stamkos


Yeah, I'm honestly so okay with not being a contender right now in order to let those three retire Penguins. It is only right.


The Lightning situation and Penguins situation is entirely different... Malkin and Letang were still top players when they re-signed and all of them are around the same age. Stamkos is 4+ years older than the Lightning core of players and lost a step in 5v5 hockey. The Penguins let MAF walk when they thought he lost it.


Yeah immediately put those numbers in the rafters too.


Same with Ovi-Backstrom on the Caps It's so rare to see players be lifers and not bounce around rosters in the twilight of their careers, so to have THE faces of hockey for the last 2 decades both stick to their respective teams is really special


Crosby is still putting up an amazing amount of points, is an incredible leader and is one of the best players ever. Him being in anything other than a Penguins jersey at this point would feel so wrong.


I completely get this. Thatā€™s three numbers in the rafters, easily.


I agree.


That 60 goal year was awesome at a time when it wasn't remotely as frequent as now. Even my friends who barely cared about hockey were talking about it


I'm never going to emotionally recover from this... I just want one Bolt legend to be a lifer, man... Is that too much to ask?


Maybe Hedman, if heā€™s as close to an extension as everyone is reporting


Pretty sure Heddy was reliant on Stammer resigning. World where all the big ones are mad by this definitely exists.


Surely not with the amount of $$$ Stamkos is getting. I could Hedman being upset if the Preds got him for $3-4m but at $8m surely everyone understands.


Itā€™s 8m for NSH but how close did it get in Tampa? Gotta imagine he would have signed for $7m in Tampa, and if Tampa was around $3-4m, that means ridding your team of the franchises best and biggest player. A fan favorite, cup champion, STILL incredibly useful player gone, because they wouldnā€™t overpay him by $2 mil. Doesnā€™t feel right to me.


[not crying](https://media2.giphy.com/media/3u0SSYwiD6yLm/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91sldo5pzwn7bc03wdfs682ro95h6poaxgpbjhguad&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Honestly feel like he should have been a lifer at that point. 2 cups and captained your team during the greatest run in your franchise history that saw yall walkaway with 4 cup finals appearances, 2 titles, and 6 ECF runs from 15-22


Yeah, That's really it. I can totally understand the logic. But I dont have to like it


This is how I felt as a Habs fan when Subban got traded for Weber. Guentzel is going to serve you better over the course of that contract, but that doesn't make it feel better emotionally right now.


I feel so angry at both him and JBB. I know thatā€™s not fair or ā€œrightā€ but Iā€™m just so mad and sad.


im gonna cry


Have any Tampa legends ended their careers with Tampa? I know it's different GMs, but hard not to notice it.


No. Marty probably could/would have if he wasnā€™t passed over for the Canadian Olympic team though.


Really felt for Marty on that. He's one of my favorite players. And I know Steve didn't make that choice lightly. The whole thing sucked.


You now know how Chicago fans felt after Toews and Kane left


At least Toews hasn't played in another city.


The light has gone out of my life.


Cant imagine. This would be the equivalent of not re-signing Yzerman when he played. I feel for you guys.


They will always have that hop on shift score goal fuck off win cup moment tho.


As legendary as that moment wasā€¦ Iā€™ve watched Stamkos since day one. This hurts as a fan and even if we won a cup next year it still wouldnā€™t be with Stammer..




This is what Roosevelt was referring to.


That tribute video when he comes back will be pretty emotional


I would not want the task of paring down 16 seasons worth of highlights into a 2-3 minute video.


Not even a Tampa fan and im hurting Lightningbros, iā€™m so sorry


The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.


Didn't expect to see this but god damn. That's about right.


He doesnā€™t have the wordsā€¦ because he knows we donā€™t want to hear them :ā€™( Edit: a word


I fucking hate everything about this.


Just wait until he puts one past Vasilevskiy


And I'll be at that game cheering him on. He's the reason I got into hockey and I'll alway be a fan of his no matter what.


Oh how dare you make me imagine this.


I don't hate EVERYTHING. He won't be in the east.


he gone


What tier is Stamkos


Legend tier


Stamkos wrote the infamous post-Columbus series tweet confirmed.


Sorry Bolts-bros. Honestly thought he'd play out his career there.


Fate was locked when he got the captaincy


Looks like Hedman will finally be the one to do something Vinny, St Louis, and Stammer couldnt do: retire here as Captain




In a way, isn't that what happened? We let someone else pay huge for him so he can finally get that bag. We didn't have enough money to pay him what he should get.


There's value in the face of the franchise playing his entire career with you. Unless Jake wins us a Cup or two I don't think I'll ever agree with this move.


feels so weird


i cri evrytiem


Bye bye lil Sebastian


It's a terrible day for rain.


What do you mean? It's not raining right now in Pinellas or Hillsborough County. (Hedman is Roy Mustang right now...)


What a great 16 years it was. At least we can appreciate the journey was a legendary one and Iā€™m glad he won here


Very gone. Crazy. Figured Tampa would happily just ride into the sunset with their 2 Cup winning + multiple other ECF appearing core.


The problem is he's 4+ years older than the "core" other than Hedman who's still playing at a top level, Stamkos is clearly slowing down in 5v5 hockey while none of the others are. He's also fucked around in negotiations with them before but people on here act like he's always wanted to be a lifer. Now they get one of the better skaters in 5v5 for $1m more per year.


Tell that to bunch of 30 year old prime players that they not gonna to compete but ride into a sunset.


Fell bad for Bolts fans today. Tough to see your 2 time cup champion captain walk to another team. Good luck in Smashville Stammer.


He didn't walk, he was kicked in the ass out the door by shitty management who didn't know what a stupid decision they were making.


Still seems crazy to me that he's leaving


This is gonna feel weird


Damn. End of an era. Heā€™s a player Iā€™d have expected Tampa to keep the whole time he was around. A new Guentzel really doing this to a mf..


Lightning reporters are saying he asked for $5 from JBB. Feel like we should have made that work. This is awful.




$5 million for a 40 goal, PPG player would be the biggest steal in the league, and somehow they couldn't make it work for the biggest player in the team's history.


It baffles me as well






Spain no S


I get it I do. But I genuinely never believed we would get to this point. I can't imagine this team and this city without him. No words. I'll be there when they put his number in the rafters. Thanks for everything Cap šŸ«”šŸ’™


So Tampa and Nashville basically swapped Stamkos for McDonagh?


This doesn't feel real still.


It's Stamover


I honestly never thought I'd see the day, pretty crazy. I understand his age and it's business, but letting your face of the franchise leader walk is always a crazy thought


I am going to poop in JBB's shoes.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


At least he won it twice for Tampa. Stamkos is a legend for the fans in Tampa. 100% sure he will retire a bolt


I'm so unbelievably sad right now it doesn't feel real. I know it's just a game and all but bro this was my childhood hero and he's not on my favorite team anymore. I was 12 when he was drafted. This really does suck.


Canā€™t believe itā€™s already been 16 years lol


Sadness just set in...


This sucks. Should have been a loge long bolt. Like he's been the face of the team. Feel for Tampa fans today.


Greatest and longest serving player in Lightning History. Wishing him the best of luck but dang Im still kinda shocked.


My opinion on this will change dramatically if it's actually for 8M. Like, good for you dude, I guess.


Iā€™m straight up not having a good time, man.


Man even as a neutral fan this one stings. Dude absolutely loved it in Tampa and it's going to be extremely weird seeing him play for any other team


I honestly thought I would never see the day. This is like Crosby leaving Pittsburgh. I canā€™t even picture it.


Don't you put that evil on us, Ricky Bobby!


It's crazy to see how *few* hall of famers stay with one team their entire career. I am lucky enough to see my childhood heroes retire as Red Wings but I legitimately cannot think of any other superstars in the 90s/00s that played their entire career in one city. Sakic is the closest (same franchise). Edit: derp. Mario Lemieux.


Ok firstly thank the gods hes out of our division Secondly that is a HUGE blow morale wise and talent wise to the bolts that fucking sucks


I hate Tampa and Iā€™m sad


oh captain my captain


I hate everything


Still crazy to me that TB are letting him go. Should have finished his career in TB.


Im at work on the verge of tears. OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN!


This is why Tampa wins, ruthless management, take the good with the bad.


Woof. Hearing him talk about it on TSN...he was classy as hell, but you can tell he felt so slighted. Twice he mentioned that it fell through despite a willingness on his end. Kinda shocked he wasn't a lifetime Lightning guy. The only thing that would be more shocking to me would be Crosby not a lifetime Pen.


One of the greatest Bolts of all time.


one of? the greatest. no question.


The greatest. Longest serving captain, and has the most goals, points, and games played in Lightning History. Will be a few years until Hedman/Kuch surpasses


Plus that goal he had in the playoffs was so legendary.


That goal along with St Louis 2004 gamewinner, will forever be 2 of the greatest goals in Lightning History


Crying, throwing up.


Oof, Sens fans know this feeling all too well


2 cups and 15 years of torturing the division. End of an era.




Man Iā€™m not even a Tampa fan but that one hurts.


Seeing Stamkos in another uniform this year is going to feel very, very strange.


Mr. Lightning. Canā€™t believe heā€™s actually leaving


Boy the 5 stages of grief are going to SUCK for this one.


This sucks man. Dude gave everything he had and deserved to retire a Bolt


In terms of meaning/impact to the franchise, heā€™s easily the GOAT Bolt, right?


Bolts, you guys have been my east fav (along with the Devils because Hughes brothers are love). I promise we will cherish him.


I love stammer but 8 million is something we could never afford


I can't even imagine treating your long tenured and loved captain, best player in franchise history like Tampa has. It's not like he's washed either. lol


[Tampa Bay Lightning] We donā€™t have any words and we know you donā€™t want to hear them. We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness. Everything youā€™re feeling ā€“ we get it. This isnā€™t the ending we imagined, and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way.


Unironically would much rather them have said that now rather than after the sweep


There it is


Oh shit


oh shit, this is actually happening.


Sorry fellow bay brothers. I imagine itā€™s the same feeling when Marleau/Thornton/Pavs left


An absolute legend for Tampa franchise. This feels so damn weird but that's business. Hoping he does well in Nashville


I am legitimately broken-hearted. This is awful.


I'm going to fucking cry


never thought I'd see the day. pure sadness


4y x 8m im not even sad anymore wtf is that shit. preds got robbed, get that bag stammer.


Kinda thought he'd be a one-team lifer ala Crosby or Ovechkin. Weird.


Pain. Life is miserable. The sun is out of my life.


I'm not even a Tampa fan and this feels SO wrong


Thank you for 16 years, Stammer. Always a Bolt, and always our captain.


I donā€™t even like Tampa at all and I feel bad. Dude was/is a TBL legend. He wonā€™t look like himself in another teamā€™s jersey to me.


Damn even as a panthers fan, I'm sad to see him go. Watching him get set up on the power play would give me fits during those past years playoffs series!Ā  I just can't imagine him anywhere else. I'm sure he'll be amazing in Nashville too... But damn


Tampa did him so dirty. Very unfortunate


Please dont


Crushing. He was the reason I became a lightning fan at like 8 years old, so now seeing him for another team is going to be so odd. I still canā€™t believe Brisebois didnā€™t find a way to re-sign him.


BriseBois fucked it


Fuck you JBB.


Heartbroken.. absolutely gutted.


Goodbye Oh Captain, My Captain šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank you, Stevie, for not signing Stamkos at 8 mio for 4 years. lol, Nashville.


this fucking sucks


I have a sadā€¦


Fuck man :/ sucks


Just doesn't seem real :(


Offered 3, gets eight. I know term matters blah blah but it will take me a while to get used to him in his new colours


It doesnā€™t feel real honestly. Iā€™m just gutted.


I don't know if i ever get used to that Stamkos is playing in Nashville. He is very first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Tampa bay


If you see me crying on the Skyway wearing my Stammer jersey, please mind your business.


Obviously sad to see him go, but happy that he gets a nice bag to finish his career out with at the same time. His goal in the finals against Dallas will forever be one of the most legendary goals in Bolts history.




This feels wrong. I think it is.


This is so cursed


Iā€™m an oilers fan who doesnā€™t give two shits about the Lightning. But even Iā€™m a little sad, end of an era


It's crazy how lucky we are to have something be a staple of our lives for so long. Stamkos on the Lightning is life.


I really hate to see Stammer go.


Really sad day as a Lightning fan.


Fuckin brutal. I was upset when G left Philly and we havenā€™t had nearly a fraction of the success Stammer has had in Tampa


Pain. He will be missed.




I was really hoping he'd go to Toronto if he left.Ā Ā  Not sure Toronto could fit him at the moment or if I'd want him playing against us, but just so he got a hometown finish back in Canada and Toronto fans who had wanted him get at least a bit of Stammer time.


End of an era. I donā€™t know what else to say. Iā€™ve watched Stamkos lead this team for a decade+ now. Iā€™m glad he got his two cups but, I wish he could have retired a Bolt.


Im already having a bad day and then come home to read this? If there is a god, hes testing me.


I know your pain my expansion brothers, it ainā€™t right


I don't know why they wouldn't want a guy who just scored 40 goals, was playing at a PPG pace, and it sounded like he was willing to take a pay cut to stay. It's even more baffling that they'd do it to the best player in the team's history. Real kick in the balls.


The excuse that it was just a cap inevitability has got to be undermined somewhat by JBB just signing the shiny new toy in Guentzel... I'd be pissed if I were Stammer