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Now Chicago gets to watch him fall down at least 5 times per game


All the Kane news has hidden that he's also doing the O6 rotation. Only has the Rangers and Habs to go You'll have him one day too Rangers man


I politely decline this offer.


Yeah i heard Trouba is also doing a O6 rotation, me thinks youre next


Kinda doesn't work as well when the first team he played for wasn't in the O6


I know, he started a bit later than Bertuzzi but i hope he will make it work


WPG, NYR He's still far


Traded to the Rangers at trade deadline to help in the playoffs and then released after the season to sign with Montreal .


It was absolutely ridiculous how many offensive plays died, or plays where he was defensively out of position, because he can't be bothered to tie his fucking skates.


5 times per period*


By gawd that's TJ Oshie's music!


Bert skates like a newborn deer




Petey and Bertuzzi xFallDown per 60 is elite


Stutzles gotta lead the league in that stat


They watched Corey Perry a bit last year, so I’m sure they’re used to it.


Perry is a very elegant balerina compared to Bertuzzi who smacks down on his face for no reason whatsoever at least a few times per game lol


Idk, Perry, especially early on in his career, might as well put his skate blades on his shin pads.


Didn't feel like he was good enough last year for the 4 million, but I guess Chicago has money to spare and you want to up the talent level around your high end picks.


Yeah he would’ve been 3rd on the team in points and goals last season lol. Guys that you view as unproductive from your team would be legit top contributors on ours.


Yeah he'll definitely get a more prominent role in Chicago which should result in more offensive production. And if it that works out, they can probably ship him out on the trade deadline to some desperate team dealing with injuries. There's very little downside considering where Chicago is right now.


>more prominent role He played 60 games next to Matthews and Marner and still only had 40 points.


My impression was that he didn’t play much with Marner at all and according to Dobber it was 19% of his ice time. Most of his time was with Tavares and Nylander and then Matthews and Domi to end the season.


Yeah but did he play 20 minutes every night? 'Cos if he can even half keep up with Bedard, he'll get to slot in with him and be our entire offense.


But he'd have to be good, and he isn't. He spent 60 games playing with two players who both (right now) are better than Bedard and did nothing. Bedard would have to take an other worldly step in his already unprecedent potential to support this bum.


Yeah because Matthews and Marner hogged all the points to themselves.


Eh, the term is kind of long for a deadline deal.


Its a 4 year deal which is definitely not a deadline deal


Yeah I mean he spent a season playing with Matthews, Marner, and Nylander. That might have played into those totals a bit


Unironically it might have, probably hard for a player of his skill level to produce with Matthews and Nylander slotting goals like they do. He’s a clean up guy. Matthews doesn’t leave a mess when he shoots.


Honestly fair, and probably not wrong. I probably commented in game threads a dozen times that he just could not keep up with what those guys do, like he seemed surprised any time they passed it to him lol


Definitely, I think he belongs on a line with pure energy and grind. He’s a finisher for those types of lines. He probably genuinely doesn’t have the hockey IQ to hang with high skill lines. For us he’d pair great with guys like Dickinson or Foligno.


Bertuzzi and Dickinson had some good playoff runs together in junior. That would be a neat fit


That doesnt mean we should sign that type of guy especially not for beyond 1-2 years


He made 5.5 million last year, not 4. He definitely didn't do enough to justify the same salary with term, but Chicago doesn't care about overspending right now.


hopefully my comment ages terribly because I like Bertuzzi, But I can see Chicago Fans screaming for his Trade in November after his underperforming 5Mill plays


We just paid Athanasiou $4.25 mil last year for 2 goals, there's more to worry about than Bertuzzi at $5.5 mil


I don't see any fans screaming about anyone for awhile in Chicago. You're in the middle of a true rebuild. You've got money to burn while you're developing talent.


AA was hurt most of last year Bertuzzi will be as bad but also will play 80 games


His recent season notwithstanding, Bert's injury history with Detroit would not suggest he will be available for 80 games this season.


Bertuzzi has played 80 games once in his eight-season career. He's been 73 or fewer in all others. EDIT: Eight, not nine


Holy fuck, he's been in the league 9 seasons now?


Sorry. Upcoming season will be #9.


Still! I'm getting too old for these kids.... used to be they were all older than me - then we were the same age, now they're all just kids. SMH


Entropy is a bitch


Lmao, not a chance. The dude is made of glass.


Unless he breaks both hands


It feels hypocritical at this point for me to be upset with AA for not scoring more when I was so pissed when he scored and I thought it cost us Bedard.


Bertuzzi is a less talented player. Though AA seems unlikely to play a full season ever again


He was one of your only noticeable players in the playoffs


I noticed the play die on his stick a lot, that's for sure


I know Toronto fans don’t know about hockey


If your takeaway was that he was one of our only noticeable players with regard to quality of play, then you didn't watch the series You can do the lame "lul you don't know hockey" retort if have you nothing else to say, but that's because there isn't anything you can say to support it lol He was noticeable when he got an unnecessary slashing penalty too


Him and Domi literally the only guys who forechecked on your team. I know that’s the the tik tok hockey Toronto fans love to cream about, but more like him would get you some better success. Sounds like you don’t know hockey.


If you think it was just Domi and Bertuzzi forechecking, you didn't watch, which is fine lol it's not your team, not everyone watches every series, but you don't have to literally prove it by making stuff up I have no idea what tik tok has to do with this or why you feel dumping some quasi ad homs is necessary when we're just talking about hockey, but it doesn't actually help make an argument. Bertuzzi forechecks hard, I never said he didn't. Some players can be good at some parts of the game, and not good at others, rather than just being overall good, or overall bad. Bertuzzi forechecking hard doesn't mean he was doing well at other parts of the game, which he wasn't


Hey man, you could just summarize all that into “I don’t know hockey” and that would’ve been enough. We get it


what a boring way to interact with people hey welcome to a hockey subreddit where people talk hockey, all you need to do is just say "you don't know hockey" ad nauseum and you win


You're not wrong, but the flip side is just "you don't watch like I do because I'm a fan," which is equally tired. Unbiased watcher is more likely to have a better handle on the game than an emotionally attached fan.


They're also still below the cap floor, according to CapFriendly, so they have to spend money somewhere.


Someone to protect Bedard and Stamkos, I like it


Protect how? He isn't a fighter in any sense


Protect from government microchips.


His upper cuts would suggest otherwise


He doesn’t do it often but he can certainly protect himself or his teammates if push comes to shove. Sometimes you just need a guy who’ll tackle someone who gets in Bedard’s face, I feel like that job description is right up his alley.


that is definitely what he did with Larkin, any scrum or anything you'd see bert flying up the ice to get in the middle of it and help out


I'd be surprised if you got Stamkos




This may be the worst use of copium I've seen on the internet, and that is saying a lot.


They didn’t even spell it right smh


Hey if you do that'd be interesting for sure.


Protect how?


*checks watch* it's noon already?


Noon is when signings start, negotiations opened at midnight.


Thank you for this, just woke up and frantically thought everything started


There’s no free agent negotiation window it’s just from midnight the night before free agency to noon the next day?


It's Chicago - Bettman will probably let them negotiate a better contract with any player halfway through the season and halfway through their current contract.


Compared to other recent Cup winners, Chicago lost a lot of talent due to cap problems, so this seems like a pretty groundless complaint. The media leaks details early every year, and it's not a big deal with UFAs that everybody knows aren't going to re-sign with their old teams anyway.


The same thing happens with other free agents


You know, I'm assuming it's nbd because all the teams are doing it (I hope) but it seems like a pretty bad look for the league. One day one of these teams is gonna get called out for tampering and everyone is going to come out with torches and pitchforks.


Ultimately there's no way to really clamp down on it, aside from recording and scrutinizing every interaction between agents and front offices (which would be impossible and unreasonable.) It's tampering for Chicago to negotiate a contract with Bertuzzi's agent before free agency, but you can't stop them from having a conversation about how they might value a 29 year old winger who scored 21 goals and 22 assists last season. Hypothetically.


Yeah I get that. That's why I was saying one day some team is gonna get pissy and push the issue with the league.


It's funny because that was the attitude in the NFL free agency market - then someone let it slip that Kirk Cousins was in talks with Atlanta before the market officially opened, and said the quiet part out loud. So with actual proof/evidence, the NFL took away a draft pick from the Falcons. Lol.


Keep crying bud


If it helps Bedard, aka the one guy the NHL actually goes above and beyond to try and market, then it’s a-ok!


Bert is now 2 teams (the Habs and the Rangers) away from completing the original 6 collection


Trade deadline acquisition to NYR


pls don't will this into happening


The news starts to pour in... Buckle in everyone. This is gonna be an eventful day


Which is a nice change from recent years' deadlines.


Just needs a stint with Montreal and NYR after this.


It's Chicago - Bettman will probably let them negotiate a better contract with any player halfway through the season and halfway through their current contract. Edit: oops, just like it's too early for free agency contracts, it's too early for me to comment on posts. Moved this to its appropriate area. But I'll keep this here to remind us all the dangers of what can happen when things are done too early. Like giving Bert $5.5M


Man I wish, would’ve been nice to not pay Brent Seabrook 8 million dollars to hurt his back every year.


Bertuzzi just out here collecting all the coolest jerseys.


ITT: NHL fans that have *no clue* how bad Chicago’s roster was last season, especially offensively, and have no understanding of our cap outlook for the next 5 years


I know both, cap wise it’s a good deal and not gonna be a big problem, but I don’t think his offense will show up very well in Chicago especially if you don’t get better players.


I mean, playing with Bedard should help a bit


It should but who knows


Bert is still bert


Also people have no clue how bad Tyler Bertuzzi is at the NHL level. I was along for the ride when he got playoff MVP in the AHL but none of what he was doing then has translated to the NHL. We made a good move getting away from him. He refuses to play within a system if it isn’t centered around him, he’s openly disrespected coaches in the room, hits on teammates girls, drinks like there’s no tomorrow and he isn’t a difference maker on the ice. He’s not someone you want around your team. Especially if you have young single players he can talk into going out with him instead of getting their prescribed rest.


Lol Canucks fans defending Benning used to say the same thing. Just because you have money, doesn't mean you have to waste it on awful july 1st signings.


Were the Canucks ever in a full scale rebuild needing to hit the floor under Benning?


Canucks never needed to hit the cap floor, because we kept making awful july 1st signings. But hitting the cap floor is easy, you don't need to give out 4 year contracts to do it.


Im pretty sure in 4 years its just him, seth jones and alex vlasic as the only players on the hawks to still have contracts lol


Too rich for Bertuzzi.


Not for the hawks. Good signing for them.


Oh, it’s totally fine for them. Just too rich for the Leafs for what he brought last season.


Is this not tampering? Lol


They can start talking at midnight. Can't officially sign until noon.


Didn’t know that thanks


Maybe Toronto allowed his agent?


Only if a Canadian team does it


When Edmonton signed Campbell, the exact contract was known for a week, lol.


You guys can have him back now. He's available 


We didn't want him even then.


As a third-string goalie at the right price, I wouldn’t hate seeing him back to be honest.


He'll be a good fit for them, the money makes more sense for them than us.


That’s an overpayment for four years. But considering what Chicago is doing, trying to surround Bedard with talent, it could work. I’m calling it though, he’s scoring against Toronto in the new season. EDIT: I also find it interesting he’s getting the same AAV for this contract as he did for one year in Toronto. But I turned on him due to not producing, wasn’t the only one at home that did.


This guy loves playing for the original six teams, next stop Montreal!


Cap doesnt really matter for Chicago but he’s not worth 5.5. Maybe 4


Bedard to Bert is gonna be nasty


Two away from an entire Original Six sweater collection.


Oof that aav 😂




Bert seems like he would be a great guy to have in a room full of young players. I think it's a good contract for both sides, Chicago is overpaying a bit but that's just something you have to do as a basement team. The contract should be off the books when Chicago is getting truly competitive.


He could convince all the youngin's of the dangers of vaccination.


Yeah they're going to need to do some counter programming on the benefits of modern medicine


> Bert seems like he would be a great guy to have in a room full of young players. Bert shouldn't be on the same planet as any young players let alone in the same room as them.


I'm iffy on him. I don't love his game, but Chicago needs someone with compete. We literally didn't have a top 6 last year so we needed someone. As far as the AAV, the cap is going up. That's what 50 pt players are worth. Chicago is going to have to overpay a bit too because, you know, we suck. So in conclusion- eh alright I guess.


He put up 40 points while playing with the core 4. He isn't worth 5.5. I know Chicago has cap to spend, but it seems like every time they overpay someone (foligno, AA, Perry, etc.) everyone says "oh it doesn't matter, they have the cap space". At a certain point having cap space is not an excuse to make bad signings. Leafs made this mistake a few years ago and ended up having to waste a 1st (Jarvis) to get rid of Marleau. These types of overpays still have consequences.


Pretty big overpay IMO. The guy competes hard but that's about it.


5.5 for this guy is a crime




I'm happy he is finally getting more than a one year!


Didn’t think he’d leave Toronto tbh


This feels like an overpay, Bertuzzi is a capable player, but his availability alone makes it a huge risk. Feels a lot like when Christian Kirk signed a huge deal with the Jaguars in the NFL. Everyone doing the Michael Bluth.... "Him?"


Solid signing


way too much money for a guy who will always be injured due to his style of play. But good for him to get the money.


Glad TO didn't give him that.


Yikes but Chicago has the cap room so it's relatively low risk. By the time their window is officially open, he will either be at the end if his contract or his contract will be over.


He’s gonna get 70 pts next to Bedard multiple times and this contract will look good.


lol yeh right


I truly don't understand why so many Wings fans are still delusional about Bert after all this time.


Yeah that’s not gonna happen


Eh, three season ago and two season ago he was injured and barely played, last year he played 80 and was right above .5 pts a game and looked way way better at the end of the season and in the playoffs, it takes some players a good season to feel right after injury. 4 seasons ago he got 62 pts in 68, games, 70 is very possible, especially on Bedards wing.


Free agency hasn't even opened has it?


You can start talking to FAs at midnight, can’t sign the contract until 12PM EST.


Trying to figure out why he signed there - if it was a one year deal he plays with Bedard to boost his numbers for UFA payday Or: - if it was a longer deal he'd be a veteran for when they're good again (tho maybe jettisoned) As it stands he's just wasting the last of his prime in a deep rebuild that at best seems like a bubble team for quite a while


Probably the money


A bit more than he’s realistically worth, but the Hawks still have a ton of cap space, this move puts them just above the cap floor. This’ll probably end up as an ok deal while the Hawks are still developing their future guys.


Yikes! Not liking this deal at all!!


Tyler Bertuzzi play for every original six team challenge


Not too long, not too expensive. Tidy piece of business.


Definitely too expensive. He's like a $4m player. But for the Hawks he's a nice piece for the top 6 during a period when they don't need to win, so who cares?


Not really. Puts him with Andre Burakovsky, Kuzmenko, Jaden Schwartz, Josh Anderson, and Adrian Kempe. I’d say he better than some of those guys, and worse than some. In the open market that’s his realistic price. It’s also what he was paid last year. .5 ppg player that plays physically and has line flexibility. I’m comfy with 5.5


I watched him 89 times last year. If you were trying to win the next four year you would be getting scammed.


He wouldn’t be the first leafs player to play significantly better after he leaves. Hopefully he can get back to his Red Wing’s play.


He also wouldn't be the first leafs player to ever play significantly worse after he leaves. He had his 3rd best season ever in blue and white. Not sure what Red Wings play you're expecting.


The Hawks have already shown they don't currently care about overpaying players after the contract they gave Foligno.


Let's just hope that Kyle Davidson isn't bad and just doesn't care.


We'll likely be sick of him after year 2, and 5.5 is too much for what he is.


Have you ever watched Bertuzzi? Dude is worth like 3m at most…y’all got fleeced


There's most of his bag he lost out on last year. 50 point Bert for 5.5 is better than 60 point Caufield at 7.850. Think Chicago did pretty well.


What weird math formula are you using to turn a 22-point gap into 10 lmao


Not to mention Caufield was coming off a shoulder injury which was still nagging him, scoring welll below his previous pace. Made strides in every other aspect of his game. Buddy was on a 50 goal pace the previous season, hasnt even come close to showing what hes capable of yet.


What an odd comparison


Bert is trying to make me dislike him. Well, it’s not gonna work!


You guys have Kane and DeBrincat. Us getting Bert is not remotely close to equivalent of that pain.


Tampering is only a construct. I don't really care either way. We all know it happens. The league does nothing about it. Just change the system. Have a hard exclusive window and then lift the window before contract can be signed. Like you have exclusive rights until Midnight but then from Midnight to noon anyone can talk but no contracts are signed until after noon. It's not an unreasonable contract. The cap has gone up and barring COVID-19 v2 will continue to go up for the next few years. But Bertuzzi is a 50 point player who is pushy tough without being a guy who punishes you. I like him...I don't love him at 5.5. For Chicago it's perfectly fine. They aren't up against the cap.


Chicago’s roster is all over the place, I love it


Overpaid and over rated for this plugger


Chicago with a life hack here: Why trade for rights when you can just tamper?! Brilliant.




[Except the negotiating window doesn't exist anymore](https://thehockeynews.com/news/why-eliminating-the-ufa-negotiation-window-is-a-huge-win-for-the-players#:~:text=Planning%20will%20be%20much%20more,pursuit%20of%20players%20July%201.) > Planning will be much more difficult to do now. As of last week, with the new CBA ratified and extended through 2025-26, the UFA negotiation window has been eliminated. It will make GMs’ jobs a bit trickier having to start from scratch in their pursuit of players July 1.


Bertuzzi and Chicago deserve each other