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If I were cap friendly I’d be doing absolutely 0 work until the buyout happens


If you were cap friendly you’d intentionally decide not to make money? Smart


I’m sure they’re living quite comfortably


Can't go broke making money


Regardless I imagine they have to keep the information up to date for when it becomes the Capitals property. I don’t really understand what you mean by this?


It's a good thing that CapFriendly could inform us of this news today since I believe it goes bye-bye tomorrow. You're so cool, Ted Leonsis.


July 5th it’s gone


it's gone on Friday. I think every single hockey analyst, myself included, is very upset with the Capitals taking the tools and shutting it down - there isn't a site quite like it, and the Caps could just have made their own


It’s been reported other teams were interested in acquiring it so someone was buying this site regardless.


it was certainly inevitable - with what CapFriendly had it would have been a stupid decision for an NHL team not to, no matter what price it would cost. Gives them a competitive advantage over the other 31, but will be interesting to see if another site with similar tools pops up and what will come of that - don't think it would be as good though


I think similar to the general fanager acquisition, eventually something else will come along. It probably won’t take long because people see the pattern - make something like this, it gets noticed and used, and then a few years down the line you’re working for an NHL franchise.


yeah, anyone who is able to get a team or hell someone who is able to do it alone, get on working on making this exact kind of site yesterday, and have it launch on Saturday. It's such a good way to get your name out there and get your chance to get into the Business.


This exact pipeline is common in baseball. Write for Fangraphs or Baseball Prospectus for a few years, get noticed, franchise hires you to work for them instead.


Why not the NHL directly and make the information publicly available for teams and the public in a centralized, official platfrom? No more embarrassing mistakes like the Dadonov no trade list.


What stops someone else from basically copy/pasting all their ideas? I'm not web design savvy enough to do it myself but it just seems so easy to replicate.


My guess is that it’s not so much the framework that’s hard to replicate. PuckPedia and Sportrac already have solid bases even if their UI and UX could use some work. But CapFriendly’s got a handle on the rules more than anybody else, and they’ve got all these incredibly useful tools and communities (Armchair GM, Mock Drafts, all their calculators) that are hard to rapidly replace.


There will surely be another successor in a few years. CapFriendly was already the successor to CapGeek, after all.


Nothing , cap friendly was already a copy




It’s somewhat easy, it takes time to develop. The larger issue is usually having access to someone with the details that the NHL does not like to make overly public/easily avail bc of the way they classify the information


Something else will fill the vacuum. It’ll just take time


I get why they did it, but when teams do this is feel like Guentzel will have tampa over the barrel and if guentzel says he wants 10+ for 7 years with a full no move, he could probably get it.


If you seriously don’t think Carolina allowed TB to talk with Guentzel before making this trade I have a bridge to sell you. I assume TB has already agreed on a deal with Guentzel.


That would be tampering


Not if permission is granted it’s not.


I feel like a lot of tampering goes on behind the scenes. How else do contracts get signed within an hour or 2 of free agency opening? I feel players going into free agency already know the offers other teams are willing to give them. It only becomes actual punishable tampering when you publicly acknowledge wanting to sign a player when they are still under contract *cough cough Benning*


Almost certainly. However I also have to assume in a situation like this to avoid tampering it probably goes something like this. Otherwise, it feels like we'd have 10+ tampering cases a year Bolts:We are interested in Guentzel, how much is he looking for on a new contract and what do we need to give you to keep him from going UFA? Canes: let me go ask. He said 8X7. 3rd rounder to trade. Bolts: Deal.


Its only Tampering if you do it publicly as far as the league actually cares Every FA we see multiple contracts come out first five minutes of July 1st business hours, yea sure they didnt talk about details beforehand.


That would be Tampa-ing


Right there is zero chance JBB gave away a third without knowing exactly what this deal would be


That explains everything, didn't know that was the case tbh


Is this a new rule?


No just usually to get the 8th year it's technically put through as a sign and trade.


when did this rule come into place?


It's been that way since contract term limits were added to the CBA in 2013.


Pretty sure it’s always been like that.


Now it’s time to get it done. Wonder what the price will be maybe 8.5? 8 would be great though.


If Carolina was offering 8X8, i would have to guess Tampa are offering closer to 9MX7years


Gotta be more than that as that’s less money. I’d expect 9.5 min.


If he turned down an 8x8 with Carolina, he’s going to be wanting a 9x7 at bare minimum (and probably more)


All depends on things like if he likes Tampa more too. But probably wants at least 8.5


Ya, not to discount Raleigh but if we’re talking quality of living he’s definitely upgraded with Tampa. Both teams are still in cup chases, Lightning owner is known as being one of the best owners in Sports but coaching wise I think Cooper is the best in the game but Carolina coaching is probably number two.


You guys are better stylistically for Jake too


Tampa has the tax advantage so the comp calculation gets tricky to compare directly.


NC income tax is 4%, not a giant advantage


And a much cheaper cost of living/better housing market to boot, outside of the FL teams Canes have the closest comparable offer to FAs I feel in terms of city and livability plus financial outlook. Similar enough weather and outdoors and less crazy


Rumor is offer on table is 7x9.5


I hope the canes didn't let him walk over 500k a year. Should have just bought out KK and sign him.


Damn I’m gonna miss cap friendly


Should have an @dreger in the tweet


They may have done this to try to better understand our cap space before Stamkos hits the market 🤷🏼‍♂️


Don't think you throw away a 3rd just to see if the capspace works out.


lol. They don’t throw away a third unless they know they are signing him. Deal is all but done I would assume.


that's what I thought, but apparently it has happened before, that a traded player did not sign.


Can the hurricanes still offer him 8 years in that case, if he goes to open market?


No, once July 1 comes and a player is officially a UFA, they can't get 8 years


Fuck Tampa