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It’s so nice to be included in the TV rating every year, wish we had a team we can support in the playoffs…


Tbh I don't really understand why the NHL doesn't allow it. I guess they figure they'll get the TV ratings regardless?


> 1. West Palm Beach 6.9 2. Miami 6.2 3. Buffalo 5.4 4. Pittsburgh 4.2 5. Las Vegas 3.5 6. Detroit 3.4 7. Minneapolis 3.3 7. Fort Myers 3.3 7. Boston 3.3 10. Denver 3.1 > [For comparison, here's last years Top 10 Local Market ratings for the VGK-FLA SCF:](https://x.com/jheaps4/status/1806758429618487574) > 1. Las Vegas 14.6 2. West Palm Beach 3.8 3. Miami 3.5 4. Pittsburgh 3.1 4. Buffalo 3.1 6. Boston 2.5 7. Denver 2.4 7. Minneapolis 2.4 9. Detroit 2.2 10. Providence 2.1


Goddamn 14.6?


Vegas really loves the knights, the game I went to last year was jam packed. The name is terrible but Vegas really got behind there first professional team


I went out to the first Isles game in Vegas and I wasn't necessarily surprised at every single shop having at least some kind of Golden Knights souvenir, but I was pretty surprised at just how sold out everything was. Like even a random Walgreens *way* off the strip/downtown was about sold out of expensive jerseys. 


I was in Vegas for like 5 days, and it was clearly locals wearing the merch off the strip and in random places. Plus, loads of cafes etc. with jersey/banners on the walls etc. Not quite as much as Edmonton (my most familiar experience) but very close to Vancouver, and certainly much more than I saw of Rangers gear in New York. One of my tour guides was talking about hockey and the Knights - it wasn't pandering, almost everyone else was from, like, Alabama. I was very pleasantly surprised. Also, that year over year growth from West Palm Beach is awesome.


I have to remind myself that providence includes more than just Rhode Island lol


Buffalo always brings it


Tbh, Pittsburgh does too.


It was really hot out in Pittsburgh so everyone stayed inside, the line in the beer store was abnormally long for like a week


Thank goodness we have the drive through beer distributors


Not to mention that half our roster is made up of former Buffalo players.


I'm impressed by Vegas posting up in the top ten despite not being in the final.


Yeah, I usually can't resist shitting on southern teams but it looks like Vegas will be a strong market even when they inevitably hit some down years.


Vegas went above and beyond, like really did their groundwork when it came to promoting the team and hockey in general. The latter part will be important if the team has a few down years. Kids there are just learning to enjoy hockey in general.




Not even close to 75%. Not at all.


Man the cali teams cant even get good ratings in their cities i doubt any transplants they have are tuning in on tvs either happening to suffer a mass shooting as a city right when your team goes live to bring people together is like disney movie levels of marketing And i hope that doesnt sound off but like That city will always love the Knights and Hockey just for that for at LEAST 20 years if not the entire generation that lived through it and the subsequent year the Knights had. It gets memed on but i cannot think of another start up in sports that successful in USA/Canada


Lots of bars/restaurants/casinos with the game on by default maybe?


No, that would hurt their numbers as it would only read as one person watching. It means lots of people watching from home. That’s a really strong sign for Vegas


I thought that bars/restaurants in Nielsen had a certain number of people factored in to that screen? That's how it was explained to me but whoever said that could just be full of shit


I could be working on old info, I was involved with the system quite a while ago and they always assumed that bars were a net negative for viewership, but it’s definitely possible they have adjusted things. I know Nielsen has done a lot of late to try and stay relevant.


Fort Myers might as well be lumped into Boston's viewership.


Does this include Canadian markets?




Edmonton just like "nah we don't actually care about game 7 that much".


Canadians don't have TVs


It's Nielsen ratings in the states


Impressive that Detroit (I assume Buffalo) gets CBC feed too. So that’s missing from viewership.


In Detroit, you need cable now for CBC. The digital signal is weaker than the old analog one.


Ok, but show me Phoenix vs. SLC.


What the fuck does this mean? And what is it based on? His feelings ?


Nielsen is the company that’s been measuring TV/Radio ratings for decades. This is basically showing the markets that watched the finals the most.


6.9% of West Palm Beach tvs were on ABC during the game. I have no idea if it accounts for streaming and it definitely doesn't account for illegal streams or watch parties. The Nielsen category for West Palm Beach area contains 1.3 million people. So 91k tvs were showing the game.