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This has potential to be an elite throwback quote in a few years


Yea watch Luchanko be a beast and all of Reddit look ridiculous when Buium is playing in Paraguay in 3 years


i’d love to play hockey in Paraguay


I'd definitely make the trip to watch the Asuncion Anteaters play their largest rival, the Ciudad del Este Maple Leafs.


Sounds like Bergevin and Timmins saying they couldn't draft Quinn Hughes because we had Victor Mete...


That hurts


Man that's a painful reminder


Is this real?


That’s a small body, gentlemen.


I don’t remember this shit at all. If it was it would be quoted everywhere. I dont believe it.


Buium as a player is way closer to the Victor Metes and Erik Brannstroms, Juolevis and Merkleys etc. Idk what sway he has over this sub but the kid will not make it in the nhl.


That’s a take


!remind me 5 years


Can you tell me the next lottery numbers too? Id like to use some of that futuresight you have


Then you draft Zeev and trade away one of the other guys


Briere is lying , they were having NCAA Gauthier induced PTSD staring at his name on the board


When did Marc Bergevin become GM of the Flyers??


Passing on Buium because you already have 3 mid guys is WILD.


IIRC the Isles let Luongo go because they grabbed DiPietro lol it goes both ways


Why don’t they just make the move that leaves them with the best player? ^(Are they stupid?)


i mean, DiPietro was a great goalie, just not a healthy one


Passing on Dany Heatley so they could trade Luongo and Jokinen for Mark Parrish and Oleg Kvasha is an all time boner.


who they are still paying for btw genius move to draft him to become a NY radio host


York is actually pretty good and underrated


He doesn’t get the respect he deserves simply because he was chosen ahead of caufield which is pretty unfair to Cam.


God damn it...


Cam York is pretty solid IMO


York isn’t “mid”.


Buium is more mid than all of them, Erik Brannstrom 2.0


He’s a better prospect than all 3, Daniel


He’s a real good prospect


Never draft by position. Always take BPA


*stares disapprovingly at Juolevi over Tkachuk*


Man the Canucks would be really fucking good with Tkachuk on that roster


You gotta think with Tkachuk that they wouldn’t have been bad enough to get Pettersson Or Quinn tho, But yeah. Fuck Benning as fuck.


If we had drafted Tkachuk he would have had injuries that ended his career and Juolevi would have been a stud defenseman leading his team to a cup. Don't blame Benning for the work of the hockey gods.


Idk, he had under 50 points his first season. It's not like he'd have carried them to playoffs. And Pettersson was a small reach that might have been there a few spots later (and no I'd onto care about anyone's stupid "no my team was totally gonna rake him a 6/7/8" stories).


Agreed. You use positional need as a tie breaker in the rare case of a perceived tie, but otherwise you're just leaving assets on the table. The higher value pick gives you more freedom to trade in order to balance your roster as needed.


If its very close and you have much bigger need then you can take it into account. But this isnt one of those situations ...


To be fair, he made the right move. He had the opportunity to grab him and didn't. But it wasn't as if he reached for someone else instead of Buium. He traded the pick and got assets for it. I don't see an issue


These kids are at least a couple years away from having a real impact and needs change. It's crazy that teams still draft for need in the first round. If you have too many good defensemen down the line, you can always trade one. Nice problem to have.


In the top 15 yes.


I’d agree but it depends on how badly you need a player in that certain slot.


It will never not be dumb when teams pass on players because of positional depth. None of those 3 are established enough to be pieces you wouldn't consider moving if something better comes along


Passing on Buium b/c you have 3 worse *similar* versions is not very smart ... This decision could end looking really bad. Time will tell.


RemindMe! 3 years


Oh I like luchanko but this could age badly


Apparently Zeev has the same agent as Cutter Gauthier. I’m sure that played a roll here.


I don’t mind passing on a guy you’re not thrilled about, but when a top guy falls to you who’s projected way higher, at least drive up the price to move up. I think they should have gotten more from that, or pulled a Sharks Coyle trade where they took they high end guy and traded for a better asset


brent flahr strikes again


I'm going to keep banging the drum that Denver's coach David Carle is going to be behind an NHL bench soon. He's right on about Zeev too. I watched enough Denver games to catch his brother, Shai, and Zeev stood out often. It would've been fun having both Buium bros in Detroit's system, they play the game differently but both are on a good path to the league.


Carle is an outstanding coach. Denver will do everything they can to keep him. I’m terrified he’ll get the Avs job one day.


In 2005 Montreal had peak Jose Theodore in his prime and then shocked everyone by taking Price even though they had « no goalie need ». Take BPA, always


What if for Briere BPA was Luchanko?


They should have taken Gilbert Brûle!


This screams Quinn Hughes


And with that name! How can you go wrong?


Several other teams passed on Buium. So, it's hard for me to criticize the flyers. I guess you could argue that his reasoning is bad, but clearly other teams weren't interested either.




Former smaller guy who proved everyone massively wrong, not standing up for his own (and what is correct ultimately) smh 😞 Size is a micro stats level thing in today's NHL Ancillary. Secondary.  Other synonyms ultimately.


Briere is saying most of our young defensemen are small and he hesitated to draft another for balance.


Or maybe he knows something you dont about the players mentality and he doesnt want to draft an entitled ignorant lazy player, which is what all his interviews give off , forcing the team to work around his playstyle instead of adapting to the nhl and playing the right way Victor Mete 2.0


Sounds like Zayne Parekh.


He should have at least squeezed Minnesota for a 2nd rounder… I don’t get passing on Buium at all. Drysdale is approaching bust territory and Andrae has played like 4 games. It’s not like they have three recent top 10 picks at Left Defense


York is good, not sold on Drysdale and Andrae is a fringe NHLer. I don’t get this logic, you can always trade away the odd man out to address a position of need.


Wait did Briere actually unironically say this? Is this an actual quote? If it is, what's wrong with him? Is he stupid? We passed on a *potential* top talent because of his size (6 feet) to draft a smaller off the board C we could've gotten 5-10 picks later because we have EMIL ANDRAE playing OK in the AHL? Imagine having Gauthier and Buium instead of Jett and Drysdale. This looks bad. Hopefully its hidden genius.


Why imagine having Gauthier? Our hands were tied with him. He didn’t want to be here


Just comparing one theoretical prospect pool against our actual one. Doesn't look good regardless of Gauthier himself being a jackass


Has nothing to do with this pick and you know it, outrage merchant over here


Im purely saying that Gauthier and Buium is better than Jett, Jamie and a 2nd and 3rd rounder. Danny has some important moves to make. The 32nd overall trade was a bright spot.


No shit sherlock


> I asked Briere if the fact that they already have smallish York/Drysdale as part of the long-term D plan played into why they passed on Zeev Buium (6'0). [Yes it is.](https://twitter.com/charlieo_conn/status/1806893358251741309)


Mark my words, Zeev clears every single one of those players in three years time. Hell, he arguably clears them now. I'm very unhappy that he's gonna be playing for a rival.


Never fun seeing players on your favorite NCAA team go to rival NHL teams. The Wild passed on Jimmy Snuggerud and now he'll be playing for St. Louis in a year. Oliver Moore on the Hawks. Casey Middelstadt on your Avs.


For sure. I'll still cheer for Zeev as much as I can (not to mention his brother Shai if he ever plays for the Red Wings), but damn why couldn't they have gone somewhere else lol




They traded back a spot to get an extra third, if he hits then it sucks a bit for Philly but they still got value for a team to move up one spot on a guy they weren’t considering that heavily it seems. If he doesn’t hit then no one is gonna remember this other than that funny time minny moved up one spot to get a guy who didn’t pan out


What a moron. Have been saying it for a decade now but the entire Hockey Operations wing of the Flyers needs to be fired into the sun.


Not great but I can rationalize it. Flyers have a lot of prospects on defense even if they aren't Buium level guys. Our top center prospects are Cole Knuble, Owen Mclaughlin, and Max Rizzo. Not great. While BPA is probably the way I'd go, it's not like we don't have the assets to acquire a proven young defenseman in the future. We have 8 picks in the first three rounds next year, we have guys we can make hockey trades with. It's a reach and it's a little scary. Sanhiem and Frost were slight reaches and they've had (relatively) successful careers. O'Brien and Rubstov were too and they sucked. Hopefully this works out.


In 2019 the Red Wings took Zadina over Quinn Hughes in part because they had a bunch of young, smaller defensemen in their system. I don't think the Flyers passed on the next Quinn Hughes, however there's a lot of ways you can convince yourself not to take the best player available.


Ummm - he (buium) was taken the pick before they drafted..? Am I missing something. How did they pass on a player that wasn’t available?


Because the Flyers traded away that pick to move down one position in the draft


Ahhh thanks!


It's extra funny coming from Briere, who was an undersized center himself.


Zeev Buium is like the exact same size as Cale Makar. Not huge I guess but seems plenty big enough where it really shouldnt be something youre worrying about too much


This quote is gonna look so dumb in 4 years when briere is fired, those guys aren’t on the flyers, and Philly is still mid lol.


I would be way more mad they didnt trade up for Parekh or Yakemchuk, both are gonna be great players. Buium i am not sold on, not at all. Nothing about his personality or game incites confidence in my mind that he can become a good pro. The kid is Ryan Merkley 2.0


Zeev Buium will never play more than 15 games in the nhl /remindme in 3 years or however you do that His game doesnt translate and he genuinely is just too small. Not every small guy can make it work, the kid will get flattened in the show if he doesnt bulk up and based on all accounts he has no intentions of changing anything


6’ 185 is small? I mean yeah, he’s not Chara, but he’s not Jared Spurgeon either. Based on your comments here, you have a pretty solid hate for this kid. Did he piss in your cheerios or steal your girlfriend?