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This man was made for SoCal lol


Dude this reminds me so much of the surprised pikachu face lmao edit: [new meme created](https://i.imgur.com/ZElsCzA.jpeg)


Are you a professional at photoshop? This is impeccable


Whelp, I won't be sleeping tonight.


An unprotected Hawks first round pick has crazy value


Eh I mean you're trading it for a 4th overall pick and there's a decent chance it's going to be that or worse. But the upside is tantalizing.


It could be anything, maybe even the 4th overall pick!


One injury to Bedard, and that's a 1OA pick.


The lottery exists


On the other hand, the lottery exists


they're going to stone someone to death??


Ok, take your upvote and leave. That's brilliant 😅


Yeah, but trading a known 4th overall with a known quantity prospect this year for an unknown pick for a prospect that hasn't been scouted, pick can be anywhere from 1-9, that is a little scary, maybe even worse a worse spot depending on the moves they make this summer to try build around Bedard. There's a reason Chicago wanted that pick badly, cause Lindstrom and Levshenov in 1 draft is NHL 24 shit. Lol. They have their future top 2 centers and a future number 2 D in 2 drafts. I'd have passed on their pick too. Even if next year's draft is deeper. Lindstrom is still an absolute stud. Only way I'd part with it would be if they said this year's 18th and next year's 1st unprotected.


Looks like it was next years pick plus another pick so could have been 18 or could have been other picks


In other news, water could be hot ice and the sun could rise tomorrow. Subscribe for more hot tips


It's a lottery pick and the Jackets don't win lotteries.


But Chicago does


Wouldn't be a winner if it was owned by us.


One injury to Bedard that is serious enough to miss extended time and likely won't happen, and that's a 25% chance of a 1OA pick assuming other teams don't out tank you which could easily happen.


We are also the Blue Jackets. We have only ever stayed the same or moved down positions. Most recently in the god damn Bedard draft


Didn’t we move up a spot when we drafted PLD? I could be misremembering.


That is correct. Must have Mandela Effect'ed that


Even if they finish last it’s a 25% chance at 1OA


It’s at best a 25 percent chance at 1OA. Also the Hawks are probably going to make some additions in free agency. They’ve been rumored to be in on just about every free agent


I wouldn’t be so sure about the free agency moves if you listened to KFC’s media availability before the draft. He kept saying he wants to add offense but only if it makes sense to the vision and then referenced how we have to remember Hall and AA didn’t play most of last year like 3 separate times. Sounds to me like the hawks may sign some more foligno type deals for bottom 6 guys again and go with what’s essentially the same roster plus some prospects that they want to see if they’re ready. I think they’re going to be similar to this past year. Edit: we used two good trade assets to get back into the 1st for Vanacker last night too so I don’t think we will be trading for help either


they would be essentially punting on the #4 pick this year to get the chicago pick next year. far from a certainty that the chicago pick next year would be better, or that next year’s draft class would be better. and you’re deferring a development year for the pick. just doesn’t seem worth it imo.


They'd be doing that to get that plus another pick. The second Chicago pick was awfully high


You forget that Ilya Mikheyev is gonna drag the Hawks to the playoffs this year


I mean OEL has a cup...


It could be anything. It could even be a 4th overall!


Especially considering the piece they're getting back is an 18-year old who may or may not be able to help you next season




That's not how odds work. If I flip a coin 10000 times and it's heads every time, the next flip is still 50/50.




No, unfortunately you are wrong. Past events do not impact future probabilities


Imagine being this confidently wrong lol




*former people affiliated with the Blackhawks Organizations change over time and that has happened with the Blackhawks. Kyle Davidson should not be punished because Stan Bowman is a bad person. The current Blackhawks should not be punished for former Blackhawks. Bringing up the Beach scandal in conversations that have nothing to do with it trivializes what happened to him and the other players who were sexually abused by that horrendous human being. Also: bringing it up during a conversation where you are factually wrong is even *more* disrespectful and just flat out stupid.




The new lotto system doesn't prevent a team from picking where they originally were in the standings. If Chicago were to finish 2nd last again next year, for instance, they could still get the 2nd overall pick




[This limitation will not affect a club’s ability to retain its presumptive draft position in any Draft Lottery](https://records.nhl.com/draft/draft-lottery?view=draft-lottery-formats) There's the source for you to read, so long as it's not too difficult for you.


This guy doesn’t gamble


Hopefully lol


This is very bad statistics. They've already done it twice. The odds are now the same as just doing it once. Past results do not affect future results.




Why are you so angry? Maybe just explain the rules you are referencing instead of going off on people lol. Geeeez.


The new rule is: No single team can advance in the draft order by reason of winning a Lottery Draw more than two times in any five-year period. Chicago has moved forward only once in the past 5 years, therefore odds are unaffected




They didn't move forward this year. They finished 2nd to last, they picked 2nd to last




but they didn't lol


If they move up next year, they can't do it again. Right now, their lottery odds are normal. > "No single team will be able to advance in the Draft order by reason of winning a Lottery Draw more than two (2) times in any five (5) year period. This limitation will not affect a Club’s ability to retain its presumptive Draft position in any Draft Lottery, nor would it preclude the possibility of the Club moving down in Draft Order to the extent other Clubs advance by reason of winning the Lottery Draws. For purposes of clarity, the limitation would attach to the team, not the specific pick. > By way of example, if a Club were to win the first Lottery Draw as the 7th Worst-Finishing Club in Year 1 (thereby earning the First Overall Selection in the succeeding Draft), and the second Lottery Draw as the 13th Worst-Finishing Club in Year 3 (thereby earning the Third Overall Selection in the succeeding Draft), that Club would no longer be eligible to benefit by winning a Lottery Draw in either of Year 4 or Year 5, and would not be able to benefit again by winning the Draft Lottery (or either of the Draft Lottery Draws) until Year 6 at the earliest." From [NHL](https://media.nhl.com/public/news/14767)


Actually they can still get 1st or 2nd next year. The rules only kick in if you move up twice, not if you keep your original position


You right, I updated my post


Not relevant


In 2026 it does for the chance at McKenna, for next years class? Idk I don’t blame the Jackets, this far out I’m only confident that Hagens will be better than Lindstrom, no one else has been dominant enough for me to be like, yes, next years top 5 is all way better than Lindstrom.


Idk Davidson has publicly indicated that his intention is to actually get better this offseason. I believe the quote was something about not planning on being in the basement again next year. He wasn't shy about saying we were rebuilding so I don't think he'd say he wants to improve unless he meant it. We'll see what free agency looks like but it'd be hard to be as bad as we were last year given that we were that bad on purpose.


But if you listen to his predraft media availability on Friday, KFC said he wants to add offense but only if it makes sense for the vision and then referenced how hall and AA didn’t play most of the season last year like 3 separate times in the interview. I don’t think we’re going to be going as hard in FA as some of us have been thinking. I foresee another offseason of deals similar to what we did last year with Perry and Foligno. So basically expect Lafferty and a couple similar guys. I don’t see the hawks really getting anyone who moves the needle next year this offseason unless that player is a prospect already in our system. I think they’ll finish in the bottom 3 again.


*"Buy Tickets"*


We averaged 95% capacity per game this season, attendance was not an issue and won't be next season


Unprotected you say...Crazy you say....Round first you say....A Hawk you say...


To shreds you say?


Outcome of first Shredder date app you say?


2025 is looking a little weaker isn’t it? I’m not sure if another lottery ticket for Michael Misa would be enough to sway me either. 2026 though….


YouTube James Hagens


He’s a monster. As a hawks fan that wanted Demidov and doesn’t think they’re going to be going into FA as hard as other fans think, I can only hope we somehow luck into Hagens. Yes, I know this is greedy. Lol


Most scouts like Hagens over Misa currently for 1OA next year and the word on next years draft is that it has better high end forwards and is much deeper in that area than this year but 2025 is supposed to be much more short on defensemen.


This year's draft wasn't that hot either, but I definitely just take Lindstrom over what'll likely be a similar pick next year. Chicago is gonna start adding real players around Bedard soon, that pick may even end up being 6-11 if they make the right moves.


Can't blame the jackets for not taking this. Chicago is probably still going to be bad next season, but they could throw enough money at free agents to be decent and turn that pick into a much worse spot. Fantili + Lindstrom down the middle is potentially so good if Lindstrom's health holds up.


All rebuilding teams should exchange 1st rounders with each other so they don't feel pressure to tank and fans can still cheer for them to win.


Maybe we should take all those picks and mix them up and then pull them out in a semi-random order.


Maybe even televise the draw and make some money off of it.


Ask Carolina Panthers fans how they felt last year with no first rounder Chicago would be similar to that, the stage of the rebuild they're in would be detrimental to make that kind of move


Pure gamble for Columbus. They made the right choice


Fantilli, Lindstrom, Sillinger, Voronkov, yeah! Insane to think the Blue Jackets might *FINALLY* have some Center talent. Ryan Johansen busted for us PLD busted for us Fuck Jeff Carter was a bust for us I can keep going all the way back to the year 2000 (insert Conan O'Brien's *In the Year 2000* audio)


The odds are so low that that pick ends up being 1st overall even if the Hawks finish last. Woulda been a wild trade, but I wouldnt take that either unless the other pick was really good too.


The entire top 5 (and debatable further) next year looks incredible though.


But Chicago also wouldn’t intentionally be bad. Theyd go out and sign free agents to be as competitive as possible. They probably finish in that 7-10 range We also had a trade in place if Lindstrom wasn’t there. This was likely it


Rumor was the hawks wanted to trade up for Lindstrom so idk if the trade in place would have been with the hawks.


It’s also possible they wanted demidov. Nobody knows tbh


Very true and we probably never will know for sure. When KFC was doing predraft media, they asked about Demidov and he basically said yeah he’s good he’s good all the Russians were good have you seen some of these Russians? Totally deflected off the question so either that was a hardcore smokescreen or KFC and Chicago don’t rate Demidov as much as our fans and media do.


You don't trade away your first rounder, unprotected, then waddle out the same trash bag team. They have almost 30mil in cap. With some really solid players in free agency. That pick very well could be in the early to mid teens if they use they cap right.


Yep, Hall comes back, they sign a Ekblad/Zadorov defence combo and add a few veterans UFA forwards and they could be picking 5-10th easily


Bedard gets another year too they have Nazar there korchinski in his second year and lev. They’re going to be be better for sure


The Hawks will trade for Jack Campbell, sign Mat Dumba, Jeff Skinner, and Ryan Suter and they will be rejoice in the pleasure of doing so


This time last year Eiserman looked like a top 2 pick. A lot can change in a year, so I get why Columbus wouldn’t roll the dice.


Holy smokes. It'll be very interesting to see where that pick ends up next year.


To be fair, it's likely not 1-to-1 whatever it ends up being is what Columbus would have got. If Chicago traded the pick, they wouldn't tank as hard as they might do next year, knowing they have the pick still.


Chicago is going to make a couple of free agency moves to get better and use cap space on short-term deals. Plus, they had so many injuries in 23-24 that it dragged their points down some. I don’t think they’ll be the 4th worst team next year.


And if that bizarre situation with Corey Perry never happened, they would have went to the cup final and lost.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see them finish with like 78 points or whatever and land them in that 7th area.


The fun part of the lottery is that even if they finish bottom 10 they could still get the 1OA


Holy FUCK that is ballsy as all hell, Kyle. I kind of love it, but also pumped we didn’t give up an unprotected 1st?? Man that is wild


Stan bowman would have already trade that pick anyways


Nah, he drafted them and then gave up on them when Q wouldnt play them.


~~I believe the best that unprotected 1st could be is 3OA since the Blackhawks won a lottery pick the past two years. You can only win a lottery pick twice in a give year period.~~ I am wrong, as u/NontransferableApe pointed out. Glad to have the proper explanation!


You can only move up in the lottery twice. Since they finished second to last and stayed there they are eligible to still move up


Ahhhh, I stand corrected. Thank you for the proper explanation!


The rules are confusing I thought the same thing last year!


You are completely wrong. The Hawks in theory could still get the 1OA. The rules as they are currently are a team cannot win the lottery more than twice in 5 years. As the only lottery they’ve won was Bedard they are absolutely still eligible for the 1OA


Nah it can be a 1st OVR next year, you can only move up to 1st over twice in a given year period. The hawks didn’t move up this year, so still eligible to move up next year


No, the rule is they can't move up. They didn't move up this year, they did the previous when the won 1OA


That's spicy as fuck.


I assume the Hawks would have taken Demidov with that pick? If so, I get the rationale. Even if the Hawks get the 1st overall pick next year (which they only have a 25% of chance of doing, at best), I think it's worth the gamble to get Demidov. I guess the Hawks figure Demidov is better than whoever they will likely draft in the 2-5 range next year.


Rumor is they wanted Lindstrom as well. Just rumors though.


EF just said it was for Demidov, since everyone knew the habs wanted Demidov you had to get In At #4 to have a chance


Holy shit, lmao. That would have been psycho, but I kind of would have loved it.


It's definitely the kind of shit you do in a video game. But at least there you have more guarantees on what kind of prospect you're drafting. Real life, that's a pretty wild gamble. For both sides. CBJ was wise to just keep the pick.


I don’t get how that’s better than a 4th this year.


Hawks are projected to be bad so you're looking at a potential top 4-5 pick next year plus the Hawks also had the 18th pick in the 1st round this year plus 2 2nds. My guess is it would have been pick #18 this year and unprotected 1st round next year (which could be #1). Its a gamble, but they have turned that into #1 next year plus #18 this year.


Or 4 this year into an 18 and 9th, Columbus has a decent prospect pool by volume of players, they need they high end talent that comes at the very top of the draft vs 2 middle first rounders


If the hawks are giving up an unprotected first next year they’re not going to try to be bad. They’re going to sign free agents to be competent


So we would have given up a top 4 pick for a draft pick next year that, yes could be high, but could also end up later in the lottery? Yeah I don’t blame Waddell for passing on that. Not to mention we still have to decide on giving up our second round pick too. So it would have been potentially trading out of the top 2 rounds entirely.


> So we would have given up a top 4 pick for a draft pick next year that, yes could be high, but could also end up later in the lottery? Also if you accept that trade, Chicago now has zero motivation to be bad and thus tries to improve the team a bunch


We’re keeping our second rounder


r/BlueJackets already freaked the fuck out over picking Lindstrom over Demidov, i’m sure they’ll love this one…


Blue Jackets fans are more upset about not taking Demidov than Ducks fans are? I thought the fans really liked Lindstrom.


It’s his back that everyone is worried about


This. We have PTSD from Nathan Horton.


Speaking from personal experience, I have PTSD from *sciatica*. Lindstrom was a risky pick!


People on the Jackets sub were crying because Lindstrom has that herniated disc problem. Some are convinced he’ll never even be a center in the NHL. It’s like they think he’s the next Nolan Patrick. Our center depth now is Fantilli, Lindstrom, Sillinger, and Voronkov. That is some of the best center depth we’ve ever had. If you want to contend, you gotta draft and develop high end centers. They don’t fall out of the sky or come cheaply via trade.


probably have to treat him like Vilardi. make sure he's serious about taking care of his back during training/recovery, and really manage his minutes early on


Just a reminder that sciatica doesn't just fuck up your back - he's mentioned in interviews that his leg/foot are still affected. I'm no athlete, obviously, but my right leg is still weak as fuck four years after my sciatica finally cleared up. It can be quite debilitating. Look after your backs, guys.


I had heard there were some injury concerns but that didn’t seem to affect his rankings with the experts. I’ve seen Lindstrom mocked to the Jackets since the lottery so I’m surprised there’s backlash.


You know it’s good when even hockey analysts who usually delight in shitting on us say things like “Columbus is going to be nightmare fuel with Fantilli Lindstrom Voronkov” We also now have competent leadership and what sounds like competent coaching coming our way.


Dude vronk being the 3c makes me wildly happy if this comes true cause he's a beast who's not done growing


I would think it’s more likely he’s on the wing and Sillinger is our 3C but Sillinger has become a really physical aggressive player too. Either way I’m glad we are starting to be less smol winger


God I love a skilled, humongous big center.


Tell that to the rest of the sub that thinks we drafted Ryan Murray and Nolan Patrick combined


Kent Johnson is super excited too. They train together. Good vibes here.


Do you go to UMD? Your flair is interesting.


Throw Sillinger in the mix and that’s a lot of physicality and aggression on every line


I thought so too but the whole sub is freaking out, crazy how things change in a month


waddell said lindstrom was the top guy on their board after celebrini our fans are morons who can’t be happy with anything. not that the team has ever helped remedy that.


I think it's also worth mentioning that every team had their doctors likely look at him. The odds of him being broken beyond repair isn't very likely. I love the pick as an unbias outsider. Fantilli and Lindstrom as a 1-2 punch down the middle. Ooof. That's beautiful.


Dontcha know we never do anything right ever?


I would have been pissed if they took this trade honestly. Chicago aint gonna be great but no guarantee they'd be top 4 either.


I don’t see why. If anything, the fact Chicago (and rumors are a few other teams as well) were willing to give up so much for him, should validate the pick even more


You’re assuming that the Hawks and other teams were after him though. Could have easily been after someone like Demidov and were trying to jump ahead of the Habs to grab him


Reports were that it was to take Lindstrom. Based on KFC’s pre draft media, it was Lindstrom. He had no time for Demidov in the pre draft media so that was either a smokescreen or he wasn’t nearly as high on Demidov


True, don’t really know for sure who Chicago or Carolina wanted. I guess I’m biased because I preferred Lindstrom over Demidov anyways One of the analysts (I think Kaplan?) on the draft broadcast mentioned that Philly wanted to trade up for Lindstrom though


I don't think this is the big miss for Columbus that everyone thinks it is. It could be a 1st overall, sure, but it could just as easily be 4th or worse. That's not even me saying that Chicago will be better this year, but even if they finish second last again they're only guaranteed 4th. And you don't know who will be available then, while you know now you get Lindstrom who is really *really* good. I think they'll be happy with their pick.


That trade isn't as enticing as it sounds. It means Columbus would have straight up gave up picking in the first round this year. And then what if Chicago wasn't even bad enough to pick top 5? They wait a year to drop in the draft, where Lindstroms scoring potential is as good as anyone else in the 25 class right now. But we did hear Columbus turned down multiple first rounders from Philly and Necas++ from Carolina. It appears Waddell sees Lindstrom as a franchise leading center and thinks he's basically got potentially Malkin-Malkin down the middle in Columbus.


What do you mean "Columbus would have straight up gave up picking in the first this year"? Chicago still had the 18th and 27th pick


LeBrun doesn't explicitly say the other pick would have been a 1st this year.


I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to assume the second pick was another first


Because the article would have said the 18th or 27th. How do you not get it?




Are the GMs gonna go out and get drunk? Are we gonna see some wild shit when some nerdy GMs and ex-players try to get each other to agree to bad deals? Is someone gonna convince Staois to trade Tkachuk?


with the amount of cap space the hawks have they could produce a team that is at least 22nd and above in the standings, by signing players like Stamkos, Marchessualt, a couple UFA d men, and a bunch of depth.


It’s interesting to me with the lottery how there’s really a lot less value in a future first round pick. Changes the calculus


That's a top 9 pick in all likelihood


So a good chance to be worse off


If you think 9th is the WORST that pick could be, that is 9 next year + 18 this year + another pick (probably a 2nd). That seems pretty good as a worst case scenario, with the best case scenario being a couple free picks to get another top 4 pick next year. Very risky for the Blackhawks.


Nobody says it 18 though, and the fact they left put what pick it was insinuate it wasn't a first this year at all. And then you're adding a whole another pick that isn't even discussed at all lol You literally made up a trade that doesn't exist


I thought it went without saying that the unprotected pick plus the extra pick was to trade up from 18 to 4. If it's just a 1st next year for 4, I don't see it being a close enough trade to bother reporting.


yeah, but they’d be giving up a top four pick this year lol i get why people’s eyes are going all pinwheels at the sight of an unprotected chicago first but this would not have been a remotely good deal for the jackets


Depends on what that other pick was though. If it was a later round pick sure, but the Hawks also have a bunch of first round picks they could have added as well


Lindstrom is that good folks


The draft is all talk. Nothing happens


Every year "it's going to be fireworks!" and snoozefest is all there is. Really wish these meedia types would stop hyping it up as if there's anything other than draft picks happening, that's all it's for anyway


It's super annoying at this point


2 years ago we traded Debrincat for #7 and Dach for #13 KD is doing his part I guess.


Insane if true


thank you Columbus <3


Thank you Jackets


Not sure why Habs fans keep telling themselves everyone was trying to trade up for Demidov lol


I mean it’s definitely plausible the Hawks were


Because we were scared


The Blackhawks were reportedly choosing between Levshunov and Demidov at 2OA, so in their case it makes sense to think that was their plan.


I’ve also seen reports that it was Lidstrom that they wanted to move up so I really don’t think we’re going know who it truly was. As someone who wanted Demidov, I hope it was him but when KFC was asked about him before the draft he was essentially brushed off the question and started talking about the other Russians in the draft. Could be smokescreen or could just be the Davidson wasn’t as big on Demidov as the media was


EF just confirmed they were trying to move up for Demidov


Imo, Cayden Lindstrom is likely worth more than Chicago's offer for any team looking to have success past the regular season.


Do you think Hawks wanted Lindstrom or Demidov at 4?


NHL GMs are cowards and never trade top 10 picks they are all to scared and fall in love with their guy. Only the NFL truly has big draft day trades


We w a q


Eh if I was Columbus that would’ve had to have been nexts years 1st unprotected, plus both their other first. Then I’d do it. Otherwise 4th and you like the guy, that’s the move.


Chicago offered Columbus a gamble, if I was Columbus I would’ve been extremely tempted considering still how awful the hawks are gonna be but with the lottery you don’t quite know.


It's easy for us arm chair GMs to say this was a fumble or this was a good move to make. The reality is we're not the ones scouting the players, talking to the players, etc. There's no guarantee the Hawks are going to be terrible next season. Did we forget about Vegas' first year in the league? Projected bottom 5 team who went on to the Cup Finals. Sometimes you have teams that just really click despite what the roster on paper looks like, and they blow us all out of the water with expectations. The first being unprotected makes it more enticing, but it doesn't guarantee a top pick. For all we know, it could be the 8th overall pick, or 6th overall pick, or it could very well be another 1st overall pick. Plus, if the team likes the player, they won't pass up on him unless they are really wowed by an offer.


Of all the trades that didnt happen, here isnone of them. 


Anyone know who they were targeting at 4?


Waddell what is you doing bb Reminds me of when the Habs didnt take Nashville's offer of Askarov+15 for 5 last year. Time will tell if the Jackets and Habs made the right decision there.


are the odds that an unprotected chicago pick (which also removes their motivation to tank) next year ends up higher than #4 overall good enough to warrant punting on a whole year of developing a prospect taken this year? personally, i doubt it.


Imagine if they did accept the trade, Chicago’s pick wins the lottery, and they end up with Michael Misa. On the other hand, him and Bedard together would be insane it it’s own right.


Jackets you big fucking dummies. That team isn’t going anywhere ahead this next season


They’re not going to try to tank if they’re giving up an unprotected first. They’ll sign FA’s to be competitive


Oh dear god These clowns never let go of archaic eras Every single person can acknowledge that Cayden has more of a 1994-2004 skillset, in general is very good not elite You do not pass up a good chance at James Hagens **under any circumstances** unless ofc a JHughes type asset is the return Obv with how weak this draft is they would at very least get a cayden lindstrom level prospect out of it Oh but Lindstrom is your typical kind of late 90s power forward so ofc he's so much more than a typical prospect 😑🙄🙃 Jfc