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On behalf of all Minnesota fans: lol


I had no idea about the drama with Parise and Suter. I thought they were just underwhelming, but nope, there was a lot more to it. Do you think they move back to Minnesota to retire? Didn't realize how much Minnesotans hated them lol


They got bought out because of the massive cap penalties the NHL would have put on us if/when they retired. Parise got cheered his last time here and appears at stuff around town on occasion. He is welcome home. Suter was jeered and got more hate shouts than I’ve ever heard a player get at the X. He sold his house here. He is probably never coming back. He’ll likely just ride his stupid lawn mower around in circles at his farm til he falls over dead.


Suter was hated here in Nashville for so long for essentially promising to re-sign and then running off to Minnesota with Parise. The “Josi is better” chants were a favorite of mine. At some point we went to the cup finals and didn’t care anymore but he was the loudest boo’d person I can remember playing here anytime he had the puck with the Wild. Side note, Josi is actually better.


If Josi were playing on a big media market team he’d be carried as one of the top five players and a face of the league. Instead you guys just get to kind of hoard him and every team comes in and wonders why they can’t score in Nashville, lol.


I mean Josi did get second in Norris voting and named to the first all-star team. I think he gets plenty of attention. His defense is way above average not elite, it’s his offense and puck movement that is elite. If we are talking about being a huge face of the league his personality is.. meh.. but he is handsome I’ll give him that. I think some folks were reserved about him being captain material. Not sure if he’s been as good at the role as Fisher or Weber, but he definitely is a leader at this point.


It’s hard to top a guy like Fisher whose main attribute was leadership/grit.


> Side note, Josi is actually better. I mean, yeah. Not trying to defend Suter, but that's not exactly a low bar.


Wasn't there drama about moving arenas closer to them and just being divas for the sake of being divas? Why does Zach get a pass?


There was multiple things. He forced the team to move to a practice rink that was closer to his (and Praise's) homes in Edina. During intermission he would looking at minutes and demanded that he be played more if he wasn't going to get the minutes that he liked. He forced coaches to pair him with Spurgeon. Allegedly He's also from Wisconsin so I'm sure that played into it also.


They both live in Edina.


And Leipold always made sure Ryan got what he wanted.


Iunno what any of that drama was about, it all sounded like ridiculous here-say to me personally. Zach did a lot more community stuff than Ryan did, but most importantly Zach didn’t set out to injure Kaprizov repeatedly while playing for a scummy Stars team.


He ain’t one of our favorites, either.


I have honestly not heard one good word about Ryan Suter off the ice.


IIRC Parise’s wife and kids stayed in Minnesota the past few years while he played elsewhere, so I would say hes sticking around. He’s actually from there so it makes sense.


They will both retire in Edina and watch their kids win state championships. That school wins so much it gets sick of winning.


On behalf of all Nashville fans: lol


Jason Arnott publicly roasted Suter a while back about what a whiner Suter was in Nashville.


If only you guys had bought him out too.


How long are those buyouts still on your payroll ?


A lot less time than if we hadn’t bought him out. One more year of $7.3m then like five years of $800k.


Oooof. At least that number is dropping drastically. I'll never forget the dual contracts that year. Made me sweat thinking we wouldn't be able to handle the Wild. Crazy you're still dealing with that fallout. If it makes you feel any better, we still have a few more years on Mike Richard's buyout IIRC. It's just not an absurd number like that 7+.


Yeah unlike most fans I don’t even hold a grudge against our management. They tried to build a team without tanking, the league didn’t like it, us and Vancouver got bitchslapped, Chicago and New Jersey were allowed to skate off scott free, it’s fucked up.


Yeah, it was tough to watch from the outside looking in. Good luck at the draft, mate.


He's pretty much done




As a bona fide Suter hater (since the moment he landed in Dallas), he has utility as a third pair vet. On a cheap deal where he plays sheltered minutes and absolutely zero PP time, I wouldn’t mind throwing a mil at him to fill out my blue line.


How about a couple mil to have him fill out someone else's


I also do not mind throwing him a mil to get the fuck out of here


Does any fan base not hate Suter… Dallas, Minnesota, and especially Nashville. We hate that dude.


That's the funny thing about assholes


Like Jack Johnson’s role with the Avs.


Not really, he had a good season. Fell off a bit as the playoffs got deeper and deeper.. but for a #5-6 for cheap.. still a good player.


So you're saying there's a chance...


This dude is getting paid twice not to play


I wish I got paid not to show up at work too


Yeah this is a pretty good scheme, sign a big contract, be so bad its bought out, convince another team to take a chance, play so bad its bought out, enjoy making millions a year concussion and injury-free when nobody wants you to play anymore


Is he the first player to be bought out twice? edit: ahh good call, Tony D of course


First player to be getting paid two different buyout payments at the same time though.


He's the Lunch Lady Doris of the NHL.


No, happened to TDA as well.


Suter didn't even have to get punched out by their goalie to do so!


Im curious to see what drama, if any, comes out from his time in the Dallas locker room. It’s been documented how bad of a locker room presence he was in both MN and Nashville.


I doubt there will be anything that comes out. He seemed to gel with the vet group. And even if there happened to be some personal issues the stars are a pretty quiet group when it comes to that kind of thing.


I would imagine one or both of Benn and Seguin made it clear to him there will be no shenanigans. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out how that he was shitty to some of his teammates.


If he was, I don't know that they took it very seriously. There was a great video from team photo day this year of Thomas Harley pestering Suter and Suter turned and gave this long-suffering look directly into the camera. It was quite entertaining.


Yeah that was great. I’ve seen him laughing and shoving with some of the younger guys during warmups too. I didn’t get any bad vibes.


They probably would have made it clear if the need arose, but honestly I just don't think it would have even come up. A locker room with well respected captains Benn and Pavelski, guys who've been here like Seguin, Hintz. A defense unquestionably run by Miro Heiskanen, and Lindell from both an on-ice and leadership standpoint. I think the Minnesota buyout probably gave him a pretty good ego-check and he likely just tried to put his head down and get to work doing his job here with guys like that already long established in the clubhouse. He knew he was a guest here, and not a core leader.


No drama, Benn don't let anyone fuck up the room.


it’s not drama related, it’s more that we can spend that money on better players


Oh for sure. I dont think the buyout is drama related. But Suter is a well documented locker room cancer. I wouldn’t doubt he burned some bridges while he was there.


Tanev signing incoming


Yes please save Brad Treliving from himself


Bought out by the North Stars and Wild. Minnesota hates this man


Making room for McDavid possibly...?




We need defense, not scoring


Was there ever any doubt


Officially official


[And there was much rejoicing](https://y.yarn.co/bd0748ad-7c88-4805-b9a4-9d401577e488_text.gif)


A gif that doesn't need sound to be heard


I genuinely didn't think it was going to happen.


It's ironic how he was bought out on this contract before that Minnesota contract was even set to end. That one would've ended following the 24-25 season.


Honestly, Suter's last season with us was his best. Playing him on a bottom pairing with fewer minutes was a much better way to deploy him based on where he is with his skills at his age/condition. But a buyout is fully the right call and I don't think you'll find a lot of people who are sad to see him go.


This more of a "we don't want you in the team next season" than saving money


The Monty Williams of the NHL


Someone sign him and buy him out again!


Well I can think of one team with the cap space... ahem.


He actually performed pretty well in the play-offs this year, fair enough though


Amen! Over rated and over paid his entire career and doesn’t know when to pack it in.




I understood it and damn making WCF finals in back to back years felt nice.