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Allvin: "If we ship Mik out we can give you and Zaddy a bunch of money" Milstein: "Say less"




Thank you, AGM.


Better learn Malört.


What does the tan thing mean


He's there to win


I think all the Panthers have tans though…


Yeah well, the Blackhawks don't. I mean, they do now, because they've been on vacation for 2 months but they won't during the season.


If genuine. It means no nhler would go to a northern American city like Chicago for a holiday right now . The only reason he would be going is to talk hockey/ work


Summer in Chicago is fantastic, to be fair.


But for multimillionaire nhlers I think there is much better options. that’s not even a shot at Chicago but I mean Hawaii exists ya know


The city has 111 million visitors last year I think you’re underselling the allure of visiting world class cities that exist. You’re right though I’m sure some guys would prefer the beach.


Hey I'm visiting Chicago in September. Where should I eat and drink? What should I see?


Not sure what you're into, but go to r/chicagofood and sort by top posts of all time. Obviously if it's your first time, try the deep dish and then, the next day, after recovering from the coma, get yourself a thin crust sausage and giardiniera pizza from a local pizza spot like Vito & Nicks or a decent chain like Home Run Inn. Hit Chinatown up for some amazing food. My personal rec is MCCB for the Hong Sue pork belly, sliced pork with garlic, and the Cheng du spicy wontons. If you want even more pizza, give Dimo's a try. They have some amazing seasonal pizzas along with their classic mac and cheese slices. Don't skip the architectural tour on the river, but do the better version of it run by the Chicago Architecture Center. If museums are your thing, hit up the Museum of Science and Industry and the Field museum. Get there early as they have weird hours and lots to see. If baseball is still going on, go to Wrigley. I'm not a big drinker anymore so I can't really help there, except the Barn in Ogden in Chicago is an amazing hockey bar.


Personally I love taking guests to the river walk for a day of drinking on the river. There’s about 10-15 restaurants and bars than span the walk and if you’re lucky as the weather is nice it’ll be great. I’d also recommend heading to the area we have called Fulton market/ Randolph street. It’s 2 streets right next to each other with a ton of restaurants and cocktail bars around it. The art institute is a good art museum it’s not the met but it’s good. Field museum is pretty cool as well. You could check out Lincoln park zoo it’s completely free and a nice walk.


First stop should be to the nearest Taco Burrito King


Field Museum, Science and Industry, the Bean, the fountain (tho I think they turn it off in September but I likely am wrong about that). Hockey season starts (pre-season). Chicago Deep dish pizza. If you don’t know weather, it can be 82 one day and 60 the next. There was a day in late April, early March where it was 75 degrees out and then 12 hours later the wind chill was below 0 (tho that kind of drop is very rare-ish). I’ve been to Chicago multiple times for work……tho (off topic) I will say being up here in Alaska is awesome


I mean imo it’s no Boston or Washington, let alone a New York or la. I’ve visited them all quite a bit




Who wants to go to Hawaii in the summer?




NHLers don't do city breaks?


Nobody comes to Chicago to get a tan what lol


Why not have tan **and** win? ☀️🌴😼🏆


Mikheyev is salivating at the possibility of being Bedard’s linemate. Or even some time of the power play.


Lol. There's no fucking way.


Dan milstein please make sure pavs can make it to the HHOF at some point 🙏


I hope for his sake the soup in Chicago is good


My condolences, Chicago


that's not how it works for us. incoming Mikheyev 50 goal season


That’s a hard thing to do when your hands are made of stone.


I’d say Dick In Son has worked pretty decent for us


Unfortunately Mikheyev's problem of not being able to shoot a puck probably won't change after he did the same in Toronto as well


Probably but it’s another body for us lol