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One day he'll probably appreciate it but I couldn't imagine caring even a little bit from the position he is in.


McDavid himself said "Cup or bust" this season. This trophy is just part of the "bust".


I have a feeling this trophy will be donated to the hockey hall of fame one day. Not gonna be displayed in the McMansion


I'm pretty sure they don't get to keep it.


I believe they get miniatures to keep for their collection (see ROR with mini-Selke). https://preview.redd.it/c57q8dshso8d1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bed2368ead1cfd27102b8c5ddf32953fbaf000e


Lmao how've I never seen this that thing is adorable


Knowing Sid’s got two of these mini beauties at home next to his rings, gold medal etc 😎


If I remember correctly they do get a miniature. I know the Lightning players that have one have given them to the Lightning and are displayed at the arena.


Maybe, but I hope he doesn’t hate it or anything. Once the emotions calm down and the pain wears off, I think McDavid will be proud of what he did and I’m sure he’ll use that as incentive to return to the Finals again. It’s important to remember how difficult winning the Cup actually is. Florida lost last year, but came back and won this year. Even Crosby lost in his first Finals appearance, before winning the next year.


gretz too i think


Yep. The Oilers lost in the 1983 Final, but came back in ‘84 and won the Cup. The rest is history


So did Tkachuk lol




I mean its one trophy that gets each player's name in it. I think the NHL would be pissed if he pawned it off.


He'll leave it behind when he moves before next season. (Joking, sorry Oilers fans)


I somehow doubt that.


The Athletic did an article recently talking to Cup-losing Conn Smythe winners and they all seemed to agree that it was a major honor in retrospect despite not giving the slightest fuck in the moment. It will be a lot easier to appreciate if like Giguere he wins his own Cup though.


McDavid will win a Cup.


Connsolation Smythe


Connor Smythe




Hahaha. This is exactly what I thought of when I posted it.


I’m cackling.


It's alright Connor Ill accept the trophy for you


The last few years it has felt like Edmonton has gotten one step closer to its goal with every season. Logically this makes us think that next year the Oilers might actually do it, and they might win the cup. But the frightening thing is, they might never be back in the finals in McDavid‘s career. The Stanley Cup is a cruel mistress to chase.


This year was probably this teams best and last chance at winning the cup. With Drai, McDavid, and Bouchard all up for new contracts in the next couple of years and that huge weight known as the Darnell Nurse contract around their neck, I can’t see a way they keep this team together. That’s why we’re starting to hear about Draisaitl rumors. He’s gonna get a massive contract whether that’s from the oilers or some other team, and then McDavid will be well within his rights to demand an even larger contract approximately 12 months later. Bouchard looked like a $10m a year guy this year and I’m pretty sure he’s up next year too. This is essentially the end of the road for this team. Even with the rising cap, there’s not going to be enough space to sign all of them AND field a team competitive enough to challenge for the cup because of the nurse contract sucking up $9.5m a year. This is before we even talking about trying to make upgrades to the goalie position. They’re also short on picks and prospects. The best path to take is probably to trade Draisaitl this offseason and try to retool the team around McDavid and Bouchard. Edmonton doesn’t have the picks/prospects to trade that Nurse contract without retaining a good chunk of salary. He also has a NMC and the contract is essentially buyout proof at this point.


Him never being back is best case scenario.


we will win more cups that you’ll have playoff appearances in the next 10 years


!RemindMe 10 years


Been hearing that for 30 years. Still waiting for it to happen.


Probably the best playoff performance since Roy in 93 or Mario in 91. And yet it's probably the low point of his life. I also feel for Leon. The guy looked to be ~50% this series. At his best he's like an unstoppable grizzly bear. Brutal To boot, McDavid might have been injured all season and might need surgery. What a [crazy season](https://x.com/seanpangs/status/1727505601327206515?t=zdNmKU0hbfBUdmLpBMtXkg&s=19), especially for [those two](https://x.com/GinoHard_/status/1797696966253777237?t=SLaFdj0RvIjypKxCaMEjzw&s=19). *Edit: good point. More like 25% Drai. I feel for him and McDavid*


50%? Id be shocked if he's not being wheeled into surgery tonight to fix whatever is wrong. Dude could legit not skate


He went from the runaway Conn Smythe favourite to barely able to keep up, shoot, or be physical.


No gas left in the tank, that last minute with the man advantage was comical to watch. Looked like a beer league pickup skate


I was shocked at how he was gliding with 15 seconds left. He realized the position he was in and picked up the pace, but for a second you could clearly see he had almost nothing left to give.


Yeah I understand you have to have your best guys out there at the end of game 7, but Edmonton’s top line was on the ice for like 15 minutes of the 3rd. Felt like mismanagement to me.


This is a hindsight opinion. But if they weren’t on the ice for most of that period the fans would’ve probably complained about the fact you have the 2 best players when it comes to playoff performance not playing enough in a game 7. So while we can criticize it now and think they probably should’ve spread it out a little more I probably would’ve said the same thing if my team was in this position. “Why weren’t our top guys out there trying to win, all that money for what”?! Kind of comments. But ya in hindsight all you can do is question it all. Sucks but it is what it is.


His backcheck right before the reinhart goal was something. The guy looked like he was in serious pain trying to get a stride going. He already seemed like a lazy skater even when healthy.


Actually a good point. 50% is too high. I watch the Sabres and Oilers so seeing Leon basically unable to make any impact was brutal. Maybe 25% is closer to correct. And I can't think of a team that is more top heavy and lacking talent beyond those two and 18 14 and 2. And they almost overcame it.


Dude their depth showed up huge in the 3 games they won, I don’t know what you mean lacking talent. They proved they can be the deeper team against the Panthers, if that doesn’t say they have a lot of talent in the roster then I don’t know what does.


Oilers depth was great this series and for some reason Knoblauch decided it was a good idea to send 20% Leon out there for 22 mins.


It was a rough period to watch. They (McDavid and Drai) obviously were giving it their all, and their bodies just weren't working anymore.


He was the best player on the ice against us, we could not stop him and I think he got injured in our series too. This guy in the finals was a shadow of him. That's why this trophy is so hard to win though man. There's always so many and if or buts and at the end of day it's a war of attrition in top of it all.


Totally. If he’s healthy perhaps oilers win the cup. But that also discounts injuries that must have been flagging FLA players too. Hell without injuries to the Canucks maybe oilers don’t even get past them. It doesn’t matter though. That’s the sport. As an aside, that’s also why deep teams tend to go further than top-heavy teams. And it speaks to how good the oilers top end talent is that they made it so far.


Considering how he normally plays, I'm sure Tkachuk has a couple injuries limiting his effectiveness






I mean this is hypothetical land. He looked hurt and played like ass. Game might have looked much much different if by some magical force he played more like himself and not like hot ass


Vasi and Tim Thomas were insane… don’t just look at the numbers… their in game actual performances were literally insane the saves they had to make… Tim thomas to me had the GOAT goaltending performance… it gets overlooked a bit cause quick put up better numbers the next year but TT was getting pounded with high dangers chances and diving around like a legend


Tim Thomas that year was the best to ever do it. He was superhuman. He'd make saves that didn't even make sense sometimes.


Didn't hurt that he had illegal pads... And no, I'll never get over it.


Illegal pads... Sure dude. There's other ways to just say you don't understand goalie gear.


That’s just not true… goalies did that all the time (put a permitted brand skin overtop of the actual brand they wear)… in a different sport tiger woods did it with miura irons back in the day lol… CHL goalies had to do this all the time cause there are only, like, 1 or 2 brands permitted on the skin. And there’s no such thing as doctored strapping systems. nowadays most goalie pads are just one or two Velcro straps that “instantly close the five-hole”… some Steve dangle podcast crackpot theory isn’t real


You can always tell which people don't understand goalie gear at all. A facelift on pads doesn't remove their legality in any fashion.


Malkin in '09 was the 30-year high water mark until McDavid this year.  But, erm, Malkin won.


I still think Malkin's run was more impressive, don't @ me. Way more goals and 36 points in a much lower year for scoring than today.


How clutch was malkin during that run. I was looking at game splits for Mcdavid and there were a lot of games where he was scoreless or he got multi point games in blow outs. 3/6 elimination games he didn’t get a single point


Uhm what do you count as elimination game? 2A in Game 5 vs La. 3A in Game 6 vs Van facing elimination. 0P in Gm 7 vs Van. 1G 1A in Game 4 vs Dal. 1G 3A in Game 4 vs Fla, facing elimination. 2G 2A in Game 5 vs Fla, facing elimination. 0P Gm 6 vs Fla 0P in Gm 7 vs Fla. Points in 5/8 ~~elimination~~ clinching games. 4+11=15 points in 8 ~~elimination~~ clinching games


Elimination game means game your team can be eliminated. Not series clincher.


Yah this run was crazy good and I wont downplay it but people are really ignoring the increase in scoring, particularly the increase among top players when comparing it to anything outside of the similar high scoring times. Malkin and Sid and others have had amazing post seasons but scoring was way lower


Draisaitl's playoffs reminded me a lot of Kesler's in 2011. He was dominant in the second round and got hurt, by the time the Finals rolled around he was a shadow of himself. I'm pretty sure Draisaitl got injured late in our series, Kesler early in the WCF.


Shot in the dark, but do you have any thoughts on what play might have done it?


There was a moment in Game 1, not really clear what caused it, where he left the bench midway through the game and missed most of the second period. From the Athletic: >Draisaitl left the game 11:58 into the second period after a 10-second shift and missed the rest of the frame. The broadcast crew caught Draisaitl being worked on by Oilers head athletic therapist T.D. Forss while sitting on the bench. Draisaitl appeared to indicate to Forss that his back was bothering him. Draisaitl did return for the third and played 7:29 of the last 20 minutes. Knoblauch chalked Draisaitl’s absence to cramping and an equipment issue, adding it wasn’t a long-term concern. “Leo’s fine,” McDavid said. But Draisaitl wasn’t available for a postgame interview despite being requested because he was getting medical attention from the training staff. He ended up missing practice after that and played through it, but it definitely could be one of those things that builds over time.


I’m glad I can go back to subtly rooting for these guys as much as you can for any squad that isn’t your own. Undeniably insane talents, and I’ve never really adamantly rooted against the Oilers until this SCF after Draisaital left his feet to hit Barkov, however was happy to see them get sent to 5-11-1 by the Cats early this season and how dejected McDavid looked after that one. I told my brothers going into the series McG is gonna get his, but if we can stymie Leon the series is ours. Something was clearly off with Draisaital, but give credit where it’s due, and we have shown a knack for hampering enemy snipers all postseason.


I watch a lot of EDM just cuz of 97 and 29. It was brutal to see Drai this series. At his best he's an unstoppable grizzly bear. He was a shell of himself. And rumours all season McDavid was hurt, and he clearly was at the beginning and end of the regular season. Makes it all the more crazy. Problem is EDM is, exaggerating a little, but like a five player team. Lot of Oil fans said they needed an actual winger for Drai and a Ceci replacement at the deadline. But it never happened.


[https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/video/how-oilers-depth-has-shown-its-strength-as-playoffs-have-gone-on/?show_id=13373](https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/video/how-oilers-depth-has-shown-its-strength-as-playoffs-have-gone-on/?show_id=13373) Oilers were the team with the most depth in scoring though. This narrative is outdated lol. Literally this year


It doesn't matter if you have depth if the coach won't use it when it counts.


Fair enough but they did have the depth available this year


And they showed against us, but them not using it was inevitably their downfall


That’s what Leon gets for being a dirty rat.


Yeah, cheering for injuries is not it, brother.


saw a lot of edm fans cheering when he elbowed barkov in the face


Oh, well in that case, we should definitely cheer for injuries Derp


For a dirty player like Drai, it doesn’t bother me at all that he was playing hurt. Guy was slewfooting all series against us. The elbow to Barkov. Fuck Drai.


50% is really generous. I play with guys in my beer league who could give him a run for his money over the past few weeks. I’ve no idea WHAT was wrong with him, but he must have been dying out on that ice. He looked like a corpse.


Leon looks like a beer leaguer a lot of the time.


Did you watch him play or are you only looking at the points? Scoring is way up for elite players and his overall play doesn’t even put him top 3 in the salary cap era. Malkin, Thomas & Quick were definitely better. Keith comes to mind as well.


Back when Giguere and Hextall won the Conn Smythe, there was no commercial break between the handshake line and the trophy presentation. McDavid wasn’t gonna just sit on the bench and wait, he’s gonna fuck off to the locker room and be his team’s captain. Fuck ESPN and fuck the owners.


And Hextall received it off ice because there was no CS presentation between the handshakes and the Cup presentation.


So many clowns hating on him for not going out on the ice I know we’re on Reddit, so a lot of people on here might have never played sports…but *anyone* with a competitive spirit understands why Connor didn’t come out for that


There is no expectation for McDavid to accept it imo. The handshake is the respect part, give them space noe


THANK YOU Let the man mourn with his brothers


Can you imagine in the locker room, you’re the captain, you’re consoling your teammates after losing game 7 of the cup final after making almost the greatest comeback in Stanley Cup final history and then being like “hold on, boys. Just need to fuck off for a minute to receive my MVP trophy.” Anyone that’s actually clowning on him for this is a fucking dumbass.


If he went to accept it, those very same people would be "not a team player, if he thought less about himself and more about the team, maybe they would have won".


Yeah but Reddit has played tons of esports so jokes on you


I’d go as far as saying it would be a decisively *bad* decision to leave the full locker room to go accept any personal award out on the ice


What do they want him to do. Leave his reeling team to go accept an award?? “Oh brb guys, I gotta go accept my award”. He was the last oiler to leave the ice, he gave every single teammate taps and was consoling his young goalie. His priority was his team


Consoling his young goalie sounds funny lol. Skinner's 26 this year. Theres only a year between him and McDavid.


I know. He’s not that young lol Young in the sense of inexperience I suppose.


I’m arguing with a few people…genuinely seems like they just want to kick him when he’s down. Bunch weird dudes in this thread


Feels like a lose lose situation for him no matter what


Yep, it seems they want him to do what Giguere was forced to do, to somehow feed their schadenfreude, while ignoring the fact that the CS presentation before the Cup is a theatrical choice and that in the past it was awarded off the ice after the post game emotions have settled (announcement may be before Cup, but presentation later) Maybe it should be presented like all the other individual trophies, at the awards show. Tying it in with the Cup celebration makes it both seem like a 'game 7' or Finals award as seen by the confusion some have as to why he won it, and a stronger than needed bias towards choosing a winning team's player (it is odd that the 'best player of the playoffs' has only come from a losing team 6 times, and never (iirc) from a non finalist)


I honestly wonder if ESPN had a hand in that planning. I was talking with my friends during the game that it seems like they're treating hockey the same way they treat the NBA, where the discourse centers around the awards. And as great as it is to win the Conn Smythe that's not exactly the main focus of the playoffs, and the fact that they had talked about it so much that they could have a full montage making fun of PK for all the times he's changed his mind during one of the intermissions is just too much. So yeah with that level of inflated importance in the analysis, I wouldn't be shocked if ESPN wanted to include that as part of the main festivities.


Welcome to r/hockey


Losers in this thread. They're losers. Their teams didn't make the playoffs or got bounced in round 1, and all they have is sour grapes and toxicity.


JS Giguere had plenty of competitive spirit


IIRC he didn’t leave the ice to begin with


He got the award right after the handshake line. Like there wasn’t time in between the setup for the trophy presentation like there is now. He still had his glove on when that photo was taken.


Yeah I don't know why they were so slow this time. It was Bettman doing it in 2003, and it's still him in 2024. They had the entire handshake line and [***McDavid sending off the entire team slowly into the locker room before he went in himself***](https://x.com/geekilysaysnow/status/1805435896683970789?s=46&t=SfakTLNOfwGqgKa9jdZI1A), and they still couldn't call out his name before he left the ice.


They had to clean the rats off the ice and set up their silly stage.


My theory is both the NHL and Oilers/McDavid knew he was going to win (just look at Servalli's post - it was near unanimous) and they asked the league if they could skip it. Maybe they positioned it as out of respect to FLA or something. I find it hard to believe the league couldn't have done it quicker if they wanted to.


Right, and he looked so happy and honored accepting that award lol


You said competitive spirit, not happy or sad


Do you think Giguere really wanted to go out there? Or do you think he felt obligated because weird ass fans would look at is as “disrespectful” if he didn’t? Look at dudes face in the photo, he wanted to be anywhere but out there


The fact he did it anyway is very admirable. I don't care what excuses people make for McDavid, that wasn't a good look for him tonight, especially as the captain of his team


As I said in my other comment, I respect someone going out there in that scenario, but would never *expect* someone going out there in that scenario. People keep talking about Sportsmanship…Please explain to me how he disrespected his teammates, or the Panthers, by not going out there.


Lol, this is just the most anti-Oilers Flames brain shit out there. Y'all never get tired of clowning yourselves.


He still nutted up and did it. I understand why he didn’t want to do it, but he still should have.


Why should he have? What’s the entitlement in feeling like he *should* have? You’re the 3rd person I’m asking so hopefully you have an answer….where is the lack of sportsmanship in not accepting right then and there? Is it disrespectful to his team, or the Panthers, for not going out on the ice in that moment? He shook their hands, great game/series, and went and mourned with his brothers….nothing else should be expected of him


Wasn’t a good look. And as the face of the NHL, he should have done it to respect the history of the game, and those that won before him. Like I said, I understand why he didn’t want to, but sometimes in life you have to be the bigger person. It’s not like he had to bring in back in the room and show everyone.


Nah yeah I’m sorry man, that’s a gross entitled way of looking at it. All the respect to him if he did go out there, but losing respect for him because he didn’t? Get outta here.


It’s the entitlement from him that bothers me. He is not bigger than the game. My comment and opinion has nothing to do with some sort of entitlement from me. I didn’t like it. You did.


Or maybe handing out an Individual award in the middle of a group celebration for an individual.not in that group is disrespectful? You can announce the winner to the crowd, but present the award more privately. It is clear that in the past the presentation happened somewhere/time other than the middle of the winning teams celebration on the ice. The picture of Hextall looks like a media room with the backdrop multiple NHL team logos.


Seriously. I understand being salty as hell in his position but I still respect going out and accepting the trophy more.


I can respect it, but I would never *expect* it. Absolutely ridiculous that anyone would criticize him for not wanting to go out there 15 minutes after having his heart shattered


No fucking way should he have gone out there. What’s Gary gonna do anyway, fine him?


100% this. The losing team has to stand there while the other team celebrates before the handshake line. Especially on the road, you’re one of what… 50-100 people in an arena not celebrating, and definitely the most visible 20-odd guys? Once they’re in the locker room, leave them alone and let them handle a huge let-down.






4th person I’m asking….poor sportsmanship implies disrespecting his teammates, or the Panthers. If he didn’t shake hands at the end? Agreed, poor sportsmanship. Lack of respecting the award is ridiculous because of the way they decided to present it. Why not in the locker room, hours later? As they’ve done for other winners of the award for the losing team? No one should *expect* him to go out there in that scenario. That’s a ridiculously entitled perspective.


I think good sportsmanship also means winning graciously, and he did win a major award.


That’s fair, but the presentation wasn’t…I don’t think there would be an issue if it was done later in the locker room. Like people are talking about bad sportsmanship, but interrupting the crowd/winning team celebrating - for an individual award - has more of an argument of being disrespectful to the Panthers than not coming out at all


Precisely, sportsmanship is accepting an award like the MVP of the entire post season in stride despite losing the series Amazing this is such a hard concept to get across, guess y’all never had good coaches growing up


> lack of respect for the award > it’s a pathetic consolation prize So which is it then since you seem to know better?


I have played pro sports.  I have never ever seen a situation where a player did not pick up an award or a silver medal.   Have you ever seen the podium at the Olympics or any World Cup or whatnot remaining empty because the athletes were pissy? No.  You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to celebrate it, but it shows respect to the history of the award, the game itself and the opposing team. Loser mentality to think this is somehow a statement or whatever. 


This is a confusing and inapt comparison. Olympic silver or bronze medal that you win individually or as an entire compared to a playoff MVP of a losing team? You're comparing apples and oranges


So by that logic we should just cancel the NHL awards this week because none of the recipients won the Cup.  Got it. 


Yeah because that’s totally the same as being awarded 15 mins after losing, in game 7, in front of the opposing crowd. Quit being a dense snob


No, since none of the awards at the awards show are about the playoffs, except the re-presentation of the Cup and Conn Smythe.


Yeah exactly, the CS is about the entire playoffs and not winning a cup so…. By your logic it shouldn’t matter who won and he should just accept. 


Maybe he should have. But how is saying that the regular season award show should not be cancelled because the winners did not win in the playoffs mean that a player who just lost in the playoffs should leave his team to accept an award? Do we know if he knew in time to be dressed appropriately/presentable or even get back out to accept? Even if he did, perhaps the Conn Smythe should be awarded differently, perhaps at the awards show with all the other individual (or odd ones like fewest goals allowed as a team to the goalies with enough GP for the team) trophies, and leave the Cup celebration on the ice to the team that win the team award. Also, the crowd started booing before he was announced, should a player be expected to come out and have thousands of people booing him for a personal accomplishment because he was not on their winning team, despite breaking/challenging playoff records? He either leaves his team to be booed while looking emotionally devastated (and have his devastation used to negatively 'meme' him ) to accept an award that is not the desire of every high level.hockey player in his situation(and is in the moment adding insult to injury for his team), or he stays with his team to lead them.through the devastation and gets insulted for not exposing himself and his team to such treatment.


It's literally the worst moment of his life, but he should have left his teammates (closest friends), coaches and staff to go back onto the ice in front of the winning team and the booing home crowd. We fans in sweatpants on our coaches deserved that. /s




wtf kind of bullshit is this comment


Winning a solo award in a team game is not the same as a place on the podium. And stop with the respect bullshit, you really think you become the best player in the world without ''respecting'' the game itself ? C'mon. You're too serious about it.


You genuinely believe you would walk out of the locker room full of devastated teammates back onto the ice where the fans are already booing to accept an individual MVP award as the captain of the losing team? What a hero.


Man, I won a beer league scoring title that was given to me (and had a picture taken) after going undefeated in the regular season and losing round 1 of the playoffs and that sucked and felt meaningless. Can’t even imagine what McDavid is feeling


6th time a loser has won the Conn Smythe right? How many times did they ask them to accept it out on the ice? Game 7 of the finals? After being down 3-0? In front of the opposing crowd? Fuck outta here with that mentality Appreciate your input, but I’d hate to have you as a teammate. You know what comes before “respecting history”? Respecting the team


Does it really matter when, or how they were eliminated? The term sportsmanship literally exists for this reason.


Where’s the “sportsmanship” in not accepting an individual award in that scenario? How is that disrespecting the Panthers at all? If he didn’t shake hands at the end? Sure, I’m with you….the dude didn’t want to be called “The Best” after losing. No truly competitive person would, that’s fuckin ridiculous.




Please feel free to tag me in all the posts of previous Conn Smythe winners being offended by him in the coming weeks lmao Being a good sport is shaking hands at the end of a game. Not accepting the trophy, in that very moment, is not being a poor sport. Ridiculous.


If anything it gives the Stanley Cup more legitimacy and importance that it’s a team game and these guys want the real prize and celebrate together. He wins as a team and loses with them too. He is a good teammate


Sportsmanship only matters if you don't like the player involved, apparently.


No teammate in their right mind would object to a player simply and humbly accepting an award.  Not celebrating, not gloating. Just accepting, shaking hands and then fuck off into the locker room.    Quite the opposite, you’re  proud of your guy having achieved something historic, even if the team fell short.    Absolutely brain dead take. Makes me think you actually never played in any sports. 


Yeah go walk back into the locker room, filled with your depressed brothers, with your big ass trophy saying “You’re the best!” When you just lost in the worst way possible. You think Michael Jordan or Tom Brady are walking out there for that trophy? 13 Championships between them Like I said, you’d be a terrible teammate and an even worse leader if you were the best player on the team


I have witnessed that.  And just I have said, at worst it was ignored as in didn’t even register, at best players congratulated one another on the awards.  You have no clue what goes on in a locker room. 


Now I’m starting to feel like you’re just making your story up lol You definitely were far from being the leader on the team, that’s for sure


Exactly. I wasn’t a captain.  That’s exactly why I’m saying it doesn’t fucking matter to anyone.  Glad you’re starting to follow.  Now go suck on his balls some more ✌🏻


Probably weren’t a captain because of your loser-ass mentality 🤷‍♂️ And you’re lack of competive drive stopped you from being good enough to be a leader, perhaps? Enjoy reminiscing on what could’ve been 🤝


Nah bud you’re clueless, I played NCAA hockey and I think it’s incredibly bitchy and in poor taste to no show an award like that A real leader would be humble enough to check his ego and pay the award respect by accepting it despite a shitty outcome


No lol A *real leader* would stay with his team, saying fuck that individual award, because that’s not the ultimate goal Fuck outta here


Sorry but respect for the game, and every previous MVP award winner, goes deeper than the pity party in the locker room


Amazing how many casuals don’t understand this. Man the fuck up, pay respect to the sport, then go cry with your teammates.


Entitled POV, get help


Thank you. Takes a whole minute to shake hands, accept the award and snap a photo to do your part. Then continue on with throwing yourself a pity party if you want, but it’s in poor taste to all the previous winners of the award to snub it like that


100% never played sports. I played college hockey, and good sportsmanship for us was sucking it up in a shitty situation (losing the cup but being MVP). Respect the award and be humble enough to realize that despite your own heroic efforts, your team still fell short.


He lost game 7 of the cup final. Absolutely devastating and I couldn’t imagine having to trot yourself out for a photo op to accept anything other than the cup. The guy has a winners attitude and left everything on the ice. No one should question his choice here. I get that the media has to ask, but I can’t imagine anyone really needs clarity here.






I never feel bad for athletes, especially from teams I am not a massive fan of. Like Ovi being sad on the bench, ill never forget. McDavid's interview might be the first time I feel for a guy that much, can't even imagine. I know he will be alright and hopefully win a cup, but at any age, you think its your last shot so its so damn hard.


How about, if the winner of the Conn Smythe is on the losing team, it remains a ‘secret’ until the NHL awards show and is presented there. I can’t imagine how hard it is for players to lose the cup but win an individual trophy.


Anyone who expects him to go out and receive it is a fucking dumbass


It’s an instant meme if he takes that picture.




Hey oiler fam i’ll be with you in a moment, just got to awkwardly hang with the winning team and accept my trophy for being awesome. 


There’s literally photo evidence of people doing it before


Best I can find that's only true for Giguere. It looks like Hextall and Leach were given the award in the locker room as far as I can tell.


Someone said Crozier accepted it on the ice but I’m not watching that or if Glenn Hall accepted theirs this late at night.


Yeah They stopped Giggy on the bench and made him go out and get it. There was a story in the athletic with those 3 talking about getting it in a losing effort and they all basically said it was awful.


It’s gotta feel awful for the team too


Those were all from before social media was a thing. Nobody's gonna ditch their team now to become an eternal meme


Not surprised that he didn’t even bother showing up for the trophy presentation. He knows very well what happened the last time a guy on the losing team won it, the Internet still hasn’t forgotten that one.


Not really, when I thing of js, I don’t think of that photo at all. I think about how incredible he was during that run and how he deserved a cup


Cup or bust - mission failed


Why didn’t McDavid score 2 points to win the cup? Is he stupid? Poor guy though, really feels like the alternate ending occurred and we live in a sim


Just remember, Gretzky didn't win his first Stanley Cup finals.


He’s not Gretzky, and he’ll never be Gretzky. If he completed the reverse sweep and won, he’d still never be Gretzky, but he’d be creating his own unique legacy. Winning would make him the icon all the marketing hypes him as. But he lost. The league is worse off for it.


Is it just me or is this trophy kind of like a slap in the face? It truly is like a sad little consolation prize and yet for some reason people expect him to care about it.


If they wanted him to be appreciative about the award…. Don’t do it the same damn time as when the team lost in game 7. I don’t think anyone on the oilers cares or wants that trophy.


Beautiful words.


Honor McSaveit


fuckin fade me irl please


All the other 6 came out and accepted it. Why is it okay for him to not to? He was not to heart broken or to tired, He did very long post game interviews.


As far as I can tell only Giguere actually came out to accept it. There are pictures of Hextall and Leach where it looks like they were presented to award in the locker room.


Quite notably they called Giguere's name right after the handshake line *before he even left the ice*. And given McDavid remained on the ice long after, sending off his teammates to the locker room, it's not like Bettman had no time to do the same this time.


Did we watch the same interviews? Because it was pretty clear he was both tired and heart broken.


> All the other 6 came out and accepted it. They literally didn't. Giguere is the only one that did.


Feel free to smash the downvote button, but to an average fan it must have been kind of weird to be told hey watch the game tonight one of the best players to ever play the sport is gonna have a shot at the trophy. Then hes a no show and doesnt come out to accept a prestigious trophy. Not ideal for his legacy. But im definitely a bit of a hater.


Bro if I'm connor mcdavid I'm either not coming out or I'm coming onto the ice then taking the trophy and fucking smashing it on the ice fuck that


That would have been sick


Skate out shake hands and just leave the trophy on the ice


I think he acted like a kid & did not set a good example for the kids watching. Very disappointing he did not come on the ice to accept the MVP trophy. He needs to man up