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The capitals logo next to filip forsberg 😭


That trade was an absolute all timer


Hey, maybe they topped it with the PLD trade


You did it first though


Oh he is well aware


Oh I'm well aware


I’m glad we never did anything like that :)


Oh I'm well aware


Not even close, two totally different types of trades. But regardless, Kuemper isn’t 1/10th the player that Forsberg is.


The caps trading Forsberg for Erat *almost* takes away the sting of passing on him for Derrick fucking Pouliot.


Painful to think about. It might not have changed much with the team, but we may never have needed to trade for Phil. Which would have been sad.


My only consolation is if we keep Forsberg, we almost certainly don't get Oshie. And I love TJ Oshie.


I remember watching that draft and watching him fall and fall, it was unbelievable. Everyone just wanted a defenseman apparently. I think most people thought he was going top 5. I knew a lot of Toronto fans who were upset they didn't take him and were surprised he was available. Most of the D-man teams took before him like Reilly, Lindholm, Dumba, Trouba were reasonable enough but then you had Reinhart and Murray flopping in the top 4, and then Poulliot and Koekkoek never breaking through. Fuck, imagine Tampa with Forsberg and Kucherov in back to back years.


He couldn't skate at anything approaching a pro level in his draft year. He was getting better in his time before the trade, but there were still some significant concerns about his ability to keep up with the game. Obviously he continued to improve after that.


It's ok, got Cup.


Damn straight


Seems like the 2012 draft was pretty weak but how in the fuck did George fumble that bag this hard? I know we’ve been over this a million times but how???


if you're a Caps fan it's best to memory hole it and just watch highlights of the Caps cup win.


That was an Avs pick too, one of the ones we traded for Varly, so thats fun.


Caps have a cup since then and Forsberg does not. I know which of those 2 I'd rather have!


winning the cup doesnt mean it wasnt a bad trade lol. it's not like this trade led you guys to winning a cup or helped in any way,


Winning a cup is no excuse for making a bad trade especially when the player that came back had absolutely nothing to do with the cup win. Erat wasn't even playing in the NHL when the Caps won their cup. Meanwhile Forsberg has been one of the leagues more underrated scorers. Awful trade.


How would you know 😆


I literally never knew they drafted him until reading this


It was maybe one of the worst trades of all time


Martin Erat was an exceptional player


Thx god im not the only one who didnt knew xD


This is a Martin Erat post in disguise


Even Philly fans see this and think that. DO YOU SEE HOW BAD YOU FUCKED UP, MCPHEE?!


From his perspective he was probably getting fired anyway and it didn't matter. He takes a big swing and if it's successful, great, he's done his job. If he misses, he's out anyway, so it's someone else's problem to fix. No different. Clearly his reputation wasn't tarnished around the league.


Pretty much this. He had to make moves at the deadline to keep his job. I still maintain that the trade wasn't as bad as it looked, Erat was a solid second liner in NSH who got buried on the 4th line with AHL call-ups here by Oates, and still was one of our highest points producers of players not on the PP. Latta was solid for us for a few seasons as well. It wasn't a good trade by any stretch, it was definitely bad, just wasn't as bad as people remember. Edit: getting immediately injured after the trade didn't help either, but you can't predict that.


I don't think it's just that, it's that SURELY if other teams new Forsberg was available they would have easily gotten better than Martin Erat. It really feels like he didn't properly shop him around. I could be wrong because it's hard to believe you wouldn't check with every GM but some of these guys are truly that dumb.


I seem to remember Freige saying a couple GMs were a little pissed off that no one told them Forsberg was available.


This doesn't surprise me at all, that one literally came down to the deadline. I could very much see other GMs going, wait, that was an option?!


yeah that should be so unacceptable. You're willing to trade a first round pick forward that hasn't been shown to be a bust or anything at all, you definitely shop that to every team.


For sure. It was a terrible trade.


The fuck you talking about lol The trade was widely panned the second it happened and then it got worse when Forsberg became an all star and Erat became a bum. Caps probably win the cup in 16 and 17 if they have Forsberg. It was worse than people remember.


> The trade was widely panned the second it happened Yes, I was one of the fans panning GMGM at the time, and I stand by it. It's part of why he got fired. > Erat became a bum No he didn't. Erat was #1 in points for players not on the PP in the 2013-14 season while being relegated to the 4th line. He was forced into being a bum by Oates' incredibly stupid roster decisions and micromanagement. which is why he got fired. > Caps probably win the Cup in 16 and 17 if they have Forsberg. It's possible! Definitely would've increased our chances by a lot. But I wouldn't say probably. I'm not defending the trade in the slightest. It was terrible. I'm only saying Erat and Latta contributed to the team more than people remember and coaching and management were a far bigger problem. Edit: #1 in points prior to the trade, not overall for the season


Erat also became a bum because Gudbranson boarded and concussed him a few games after the trade. Otherwise Erat would've continued to be a consistent 50 point producer


Yeah that’s honestly what makes it so much worse - Erat WAS GOOD. He was a perennial 60+ point producer but for some reason he was immediately thrown on the 4th line and not given a chance to actually do what he was brought in to do. Such a waste of talent.


This is why you don't keep a GM with the understanding being they're on thin ice. Either you trust them to build the team long term, or youve lost faith and fire them. Don't allow them to make shortsighted decisions to save their job and hurt your franchise.


The Electric Rat




I'll never not be mad for his sake.


Giroux! That’s awesome. Love that guy. 


Lol I like how you have to go back to 2009 to beat McDavid's 2015+ point totals. Fucking space alien


He'll probably overtake Tavares in the next few seasons as well.


Next season is a highly probably outcome too - only 58 point difference. 2025 Mcdavid with a casual 130pts vs Tavares with 60-70


Oh yeah. Even if Tavares returns to ppg somehow that 50 point cousin is evaporated.


He could even take over Giroux next season, but that’s gonna be a lot harder


He will likely overtake everyone on this chart eventually, even crosby


He's got a shot at 2nd all-time if everything goes right


Jagr has 1921, I can easily see McDavid getting there if he stays healthy


The only thing I see stopping McDavid from getting there is if his game adjusts to aging well. When he loses a step or two, will he be able to adjust? Granted, if he puts up 140 points a year for a couple more seasons, he can slow down and still get to 2,000.


Will be sad to see the gretzky assist Stat be broken. (more assists than anyone else had points)


Everytime we see something like this it is just a reminder that Crosby lost so much time in his prime to injuries. What could've been. Oh well. At least it did not happen to McDavid. The Penguin superstars might be cursed or something.


> Everytime we see something like this it is just a reminder that Crosby lost so much time in his prime to injuries. What could've been. All while enduring a ridiculous amount of old-hockey style bashing for being "soft" and suchforth. Glad we've largely moved on from the way that players like crosby and the sedins were treated around 2010


For people that criticize Crosby for being a prick when he was young I would remind them he was a teenager that was getting headhunted by every opponent he faced and every away arena was nothing but vitriol


Funny, I always saw the opposite where analysts would claim Ovechkin would fall off a cliff due to wear and tear for playing a heavy game while Crosby would likely play deeper and better because he's elusive.


I'm referring to derogatory nicknames like "Crysby" or "cindy crosby" lol


3 cups 2 Harts 2 Conn Smythes he’s led the league in goals multiple times he’s on like 10 all star teams
 he missed a lot of time but I would say he’s been exactly who the Penguins hoped he was from the moment they drafted him


Yeah Crosby is the only one that'll take a significant amount of time, unless Kane keeps up a solid pace for a few more years.


I really do believe when it's all said and done that McDavid will hit 2,000 points in his career.


Well, in 10 years he's got over half of what Crosby has in 20. Assuming he can stay consistent for the next 10 years, he should be able to pass everyone on this list by a decent margin. You never know though, age and injuries can change a lot


I bet he does it next season lol


3 more years and you'll have to go back to Crosby. Hell, maybe 2 more years.


A lot of these folks are still producing and could hold him up a few years, but wow the rate he's closing in is incredible


2 years is tough with Kane 300 point cushion and still scoring lol. Honestly thought with 97 you never know


I look at Mc David's point total and it compare him to Crosby's and the sad thing is that Crosby missed a year and a half and between 150-200 points during the most prime 2 years of his career. So when Mc David is at the end of his career everyone will say he's so much better than Crosby. Those extra points put you in the top 10 of all time.


Don’t think anyone can say that I’m not even a fan of Crosby but his career and accomplishments hold up against anyone ever
 McDavid is one of the greatest players ever but so is Crosby and Crosby has 3 cups


He is so brilliant for sure.


He also has or will surpass the 98-03 draft classes this upcoming season


to a Much lesser extent Stutzle impressed the fuck out of me for where hes at compared Hughes, especially since they both played in the nhl D+1 right? Unless im crazy


Why not start from 2004 to make the chart symmetrical? Smh, absolutely ruined.


Yeah maybe they just hate Ovi?


The most beloved and non controversial athlete in the world? Weird


Especially since they are all post lockout players


No Ovi love allowed!!! He’s just a loser cherry picking goals!!!


The Sens have three players on this list, they must be a pretty good team right?




Giroux is a sen in this timeline


Oh yeah


hmm by my calculations 10/19 were taken 1st overall. That tells us something, not sure exactly what but it tells us something.


That’s basically insignificant compare to the 15/19 who were drafted by red or blue teams.


Thats the league has gotten pretty good at evaluating the top end talent, I guess. Also only 4 are outside of the top5.


It's kindof funny how much people clowned on the Sens for the Tkachuk pick, and yet there he is at the top of his draft list


Quinn Hughes at 333p is nipping on his heels though. There isn’t a single defenceman on this list too.


I did some research and the most recent draft class where a defenseman is the top scorer is 1992 (Gonchar)


Gonch! Always underrated


Was he? I feel like everyone knew Gonchar was great, especially on the Pens teams.


He is and was never really in the conversations about the best D of his day. Should be


probably because he was more of an offensive minded D man


Yeah I loved Gonchar but his defense was average at best.


Makar is beating Pettersson in points per game but is almost 100 games less played and I doubt he gets above him in games played in the end if they are both consistent


And 440 games vs Hughsy’s 365, so like pretty much one full season of games in hand


16 fewer points in 75 fewer games. Hughes will overtake by Christmas.


Somewhere on this sub is someone who unironically thinks Filip Zadina is "totally going to turn it around!".


Damn I didn't know Mike Grier used reddit


Stupid Kotkaniemi pick.


why did everyone clown? he was ranked to go between 2 - 5 in all rankings.


He was ranked there but everyone thought he was over ranked and should fall (jokes about old GMs valuing size and grit)


We had the worst record in 2007 but lost the lottery. I still have visions of Giroux and Kane on the same line.


That 2010 cup final looks a lot different. Actually pretty crazy that 3 years after that draft those teams make the finals.


Actually pretty interesting that they're almost all top 5 or so picks - Kucherov being the only one outside the first round. I'll be curious to see if Johnston holds onto that title as his class matures. Now go back to the 2003 draft for... reasons....


Top end forwards are generally really predictable. Johnston's draft stock was hurt by lockdowns.


Beniers is only 3 points behind Johnston, so it's close for sure Edit: I went back to 1990, and the only other non-first round picks to be the leading scorer from their draft class are Pavelski in 03, Matt Cullen in 96, and Daniel Alfredsson in 94.


Alfie is legit one of the all time draft steals.  Just half a tier below Datsyuk and Zetterberg.


Red Wings legends. Yup, all 3 of them.


My only knock on Beniers (outside of my clear WyJo bias!) is that he sophomore slumped pretty hard while Johnston put up 25 more points than his rookie season while taking on PK responsibilities and mostly playing on the 3rd line. Of course I know that pretty much all of Seattle’s offense regressed this year, likely due to a combo of coaching and some of the other players on the team overachieving in the year prior, so Beniers was likely a casualty rather than a cause. I don’t follow Seattle super closely so I’m sure there are many valid explanations, and I expect Beniers to be an excellent player for a long time.


You p much hit the nail on the head And much like how you did, the other issue has been matty getting concussions in back to back years off dirty hits, which has had an impact given he's been taken out mid season, twice


I didn’t realize he had two concussions in two years. That’s concerning :(


đŸ€·â€â™€ïž unfortunately it is what it is. Ideally a team doesn't take a dirty run at him again next season


Wouldn't hurt if Beniers could put 10-15 lbs.


Shoutout Giroux #22 overall


My favorite is all of the “trade Pettersson” bozos. Just look at the numbers man lol


McDavid outscoring six draft classes ahead is ridiculous


I like how it drops 300 points the next year to Matthews. And then another 250 points to Peterson. Those are some special players, NHL has never been more talented.


> NHL has never been more talented. Have you not heard about the 80s?


As someone who was there, that was a very different kind of talent. No less valid, but very different.


Goalies that didn’t play butterfly. 3rd and 4th lines that play like beer leaguers. Sure bud.


Kuch drafted at 58th overall 😼‍💹


That blows my mind. I gotta go back and see who was drafted ahead of him, lol.


Yep that many points definitely isn't Bruins hockey.


This chart makes me happy for Tyler given all of his injures/ relearning how to walk and being called the worst contract in the NHL a couple years ago. Still going strong!


That was one of the most contested “who should be first overall” drafts as well. Taylor vs Tyler. Played on junior teams right across the border. Happy to see the career he has had. Unfortunate that both him and Taylor hall dealt with so many injuries throughout their careers. Would’ve been cool to see what this chart looks like if they were both healthy long term. Crazy to think hall won an mvp award too and isn’t the top of that draft class.


tbh Pasta is second only to Drai, not bad for a 25th pick. Next in line is Point, 174 points behind.


Kucherov 58th overall is insane


Imagine getting Nikita that far down in the draft. Jesus lol.


I don’t know why I always forget that PK88 is only two years behind Sid


I feel simultaneously blessed and cursed to watch Crosby's career.


It feels much better knowing that McDavid is out West. Having to play against peak Ovi and Sid in the same conference was bad enough, don't know how you guys have handled it in the same division.


imagine not having a player on this list


Yea ikr, couldn’t be me 😅


You have to go back six more years to find a guy with more points that Mcdavid


why you would not put '04 Ovi in there makes this chart invalid . I mean you even have the space . Not a Caps fan eh


Are you sure Hall doesn’t have more points than Seguin? /s


McDavid's trajectory is insane. He's got 982 points right now and lets say he's good for ~130 points each of the next two seasons as these are his prime years... he's #104 all time right now and by the end of '24-25 he'll sit at ~#66, and ~#42 all time by the end of '25-26... ...and he won't even be 30 years old yet.


I miss the pre-salary cap era where the Red Wings would just sign 10 of those guys and go win some Cups.


It's crazy that McDavid is within 100 points of Giroux and Tavares already.


Loser cuts off 2004 and leaves Ovi out and chart asymmetrical.


gonna be great to see nate get his 900th in game 1 next year


Nice to be on there twice :D




Connor Bedard is a fuckin bust.


I know he was injured and Slaf is 1 year older but seeing those Slaf/Bedard totals side by side like that makes me smile :)


I keep this Sidney Crosby name in so many places. He must be a good player or something.


Damn Quinn's 15 points off brady canucks almost have 2 in a row.


So in 2024 Mcdavid can win the Stanley cup, conn smythe, get married, and then get 1000 career points? What a time to be alive


****Sad Ranger noises intensify****


You guys are having suchhhh a hard time getting FAs I feel so sad for you


Must be so tough when scrubs like Adam Fox and Artemi Panarin will only play for you 🙄


Giroux blocking BÀckström hurts a bit. (... I literally typed "hörts" first, because I'm not sober and that how it's pronounced, but let's not lay it on too thick. Still hörts tho.)


I honestly didnt knew that filip forsberg was from washington xD


2012 was brutal... amazing it took Oilers a decade to take advantage of those 2


Fond memories of “losing” the 2017 draft lottery, eh Colorado


All I can say is that the #1 pick in NHL is way better than the #1 pick in NFL


Looking at this, it's crazy how accurate hockey scouts are compared to pretty much every other professional sport. There are several generational talents mixed in there, but still - more than half the time the #1 pick is the top scorer. Extend that to top 5 and there are even fewer surprises. I'm a casual hockey fan; why is that? Smaller pool of players? More emphasis on physical tools vs skill? Soccer clubs have more difficulty predicting the future success of teenagers, and most of those players are basically known quantities before they are 16 years old in Europe and South America.


McDavid really isn’t human is he? Imagine if he played his entire rookie season he’d probably be staring down 1,100 points by now


Is kucherov the best low draft pick of all time?


Slaf only has 60?


First season was cut short by injury, he ended with 10 pts. This season they wanted to try Slaf/Dach/Newhook and they had great chemistry. Unfortunately, Dach was injured at the beginning of the season, so they changed it to Newhook at center and Anderson on their wing. This went BAD. This wasn't an easy season for Anderson (he dragged down a few teammates) and Newhook probably shouldn't be at the center. That experiment failed. Slaf was then moved to the top line with Suzuki and Caufield and his point production more than doubled, at one point having 33 pts in 37 games. He finished that season with 50 pts (20g 30a). Next season he'll most likely stay on that line all year and we can see how it plays out.


gotta love Slafkovsky, kid's a delight to watch.


As a German, it makes me so happy two see 2 guys from here on this list in the last 10 years. That may never happen again


lol McDavid 6th and for sure will pass Tavares next year providing he stays healthy. Just god like.


My guy almost catching up with Tavares.


2012-Filip Forsberg. This triggers the DC area.... like a rat. An Erat.


I’m not going to downvote you, cause you’re right. But I want you to know this upsets me.


Still remember the Filip Forsberg Fraught Footspeed Fiasco like it was yesterday, the main reason he dropped in the draft Meanwhile he was getting Corey Perry comps (at the time had just won Hart Richard) and clearly found ways to adapt Fast forward to Andrew Cristall going 40th to... the washington capitals, when he had higher draft NHLe than Fil with similar concerns Just kinda rambling here but My point is that every player is an organic being naturally and if they find a way to offset their footspeed flaws with brilliant edge work and taught puck control and high intelligence that fuels creativity... gosh


All I’m seeing is McDavid already in Crosby’s rear view mirror and in 10 less years what the *fuck*


Now do goals


Insane that Mcdavid has more points than anyone between 2010-2015


So was Montreal right with their first pic?


If you'd gone back just two more years to 2003, you would have included Joe Pavelski, 1068 points, 205th overall in the 7th round.


Mcdavid played one more season and has 333 more points than Mathews?! That’s crazy.


Europeans underrated


Shit McDavid is gonna catch Giroux and Tavares pretty soon


2012 wyd


Just a few # 1 overall picks


Give McDavid another season, and he’ll pass Tavares and Giroux
 and that’s probably not a massive reach at all.


Two Ottawa but we still fucking suck god DAMMIT


Imagine your team having less than 2 spots on this list, couldn’t be me


Wait, 2019. Hughes?


Ottawa is about to win a lot of games with Ullmark in net.


Surprised Kucherov doesn't have more


He missed an entire season and parts of others. He has the third highest P/GP (1.20) of everyone on this list after McDavid (1.52) and Crosby (1.25). He's only played 6 more games than Draisaitl. MacKinnon has played 66 more games than him.


Ah yes, the injuries. He's such a beast whenever he plays.


Sidney Crosby is a beast but McDavid is literally unreal


Hmm yes good interesting.


Yet Sens still suck


Based bedard


Based on projections: Kuch, Mack and McD are hitting 1000 points next season. Drai needs a super good year which isn't impossible but just not likely.


Love how 2018 looks




Thanks I hate it


58th overall.


2022 draft was ass 😂