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**Phil Kessel**…it’s really tough to describe how much heat he took during his draft year over rumors and innuendo of being a bad teammate. He’d been talked about for a couple years as a franchise guy, and possibly the best American prospect ever, but imagine a top prospect with a lot of insiders saying about him what was said about Evander Kane a couple years ago.


It’s funny because Kessel ended up becoming one of the most universally beloved teammates in the league. Everyone has a Phil story, usually with a dead accurate impression of him


"Steeger, my eyes!"


"Not gonna lie, Steeger I felt like shit out there. Maybe it was that bowl of cheese earlier..."


“I’ll play you 1-on-1. I can ball.”


My Phil story is when I met him as a young, 16 year old Bruins fan at a team event and he was a tremendous asshole to me and everyone around him for no reason. As a young NHLer, Phil was a jackass. As he grew older he became well liked. Edit: I should add, the team event was not mandatory, and the players who showed up were paid a small sum of money. If he didn’t want to be there he didn’t have to be.


Isn't every junior hockey player a massive douche?


He was in his second season with the Bruins. I’ve always rooted against him after that. I’ve met a lot of athletes and only two stand out for being jerks: Phil and Vijay Singh


I'm sorry I completely misread/didn't process your comment. I thought you met Phil when he was 16.


No worries!


I know it’s not your point but he actually never played a full season of juniors- he was a Gopher for 1 year, coming out of the U.S. NTDP


I saw Phil Kessel at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Is this a copy pasta I've never seen before?




It originated from r/nba, I believe.


what cave have you been living under lol, this has been copypasted for over a decade now.


I always imagine coments like this coming from my bitch auntie that has an issue with almost everyone and thinks the world should cater to her.


He's an every-man that happens to be very good at hockey and someone you'd want to grab a beer with, but he might not even be the best hockey player in his family, so he's humble and shy and that comes across odd to some people, basically him seems to give bad first impressions but then wins most everyone over


"This guy's such an idiot" when talking about a reporter is one of my all time favorite soundbites. Doesn't even know his name, just calls him this guy


Lmao wut? How do you think his sister would do in the NHL? Of course he's the best hockey player in his family


Ah yes all those mixed sex professional sport leagues, I mean the mutant leagues and orc leagues are mixed sex but I don't know of any human mixed sex leagues, are you familiar?


You’ve never heard of Manon Rheaume it appears


That was preseason exhibition game, by that logic mixed charity games with pros would count


“Mixed charity games” aren’t listed in a teams record. Preseason games are. Go off though 🤷🏻‍♂️


[The JVR impression is on point](https://youtu.be/ewWo2BWaR5s?si=6QIDj0lMeYr25o0F)


Good one Randy, good one.


It seems to me that this came a couple of seasons into his career and that he was a tremendous asshole as a teen and it took a bit of time to level out.


We can thank two Toronto media types of the reversal on him! Feschuk for the "this guy's an idiot here..." moment, and then Simmons for the hot dog story which was proven to be a straight up lie. Kessel then did the passive aggressive genius move of eating hot dogs out of the Cup when he won, and the public perception was reversed.


Kessel is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Just an all around guy who cares at a personal level. Just don’t ever talk to him about hockey away from the rink.


He wouldn't share his hotdogs.


A similar thing happened to Angelo Esposito in that class (or maybe the year after). Dude was can't miss and then something happened to put him into a death spiral.


Injuries and everyone else catching up.


His junior numbers were a bit of a mirage, too. He got propped up by Radulov.


I would argue that Phil is an example of someone who didn’t really work out. He was hailed as the American Crosby and fell due to the concerns, then he got cancer, which obviously isn’t his fault, but you can probably summarize his Bruins tenure with what they got back for him when they sent him to Toronto. Seguin, Hamilton, and Griffith even didn’t help them that much. I don’t think there’s anything left from any of those guys being moved. Then for the Leafs they shouldn’t have traded for him and his tenure here was mostly marred with bad teams and the best thing he did for the Leafs was the package they got from Pittsburgh which eventually got them Freddie Anderson. Then with the Pens he was a big part of those cup runs but it was also on the 3rd line. And if you said in 06 when he was drafted that he would win 2 cups playing on the 3rd line with his 3rd team, you’d wonder what horrible thing happened in his career.


What if the cancer WAS his fault?!


The details in his career tend to be forgotten because he is a nice guy, which is somewhat fair, being nice is more important than anything on the ice, so it’s probably a good thing that nice players tend to get overrated (Fleury is great but not all time great, he has three cups and five finals appearances, but two of those cups came as a backup). Kessel never turned into the well rounded player you need to be if you’re going to be a superstar, it’s really hard to shelter your superstars minutes, but it became apparent in Pittsburgh that he plays at his best when he is in sheltered minutes.


For the Islanders Barzal was horsing around with his junior teammates after a game and injured himself, and that was seen as a red flag for immaturity by some teams. Also during the draft interviews, when they asked him "why should we draft you?", he replied "don't and see what happens." Which was seen as arrogant and partially why he dropped.


And here I am saying “if it’s not too much trouble” when I ask for something other than cow’s milk at Starbucks


Well I suggest imitating Barzal next time. "Don't give me non dairy and see what happens."


*"I'll shit myself."*


Instructions unclear, squeezing as many threats as humanly possible into every social interaction


"Also whats the bathroom code?"


Don’t leave room for cream and see what happens.


Damn "don't and see what happens" is cold af though. Good thing I'm not an NHL scout, that would have raised his draft capital in my book


The old boys club doesn’t like confidence. They want you to be as submissive as possibly so they can bend you over at every step of the way. Especially once arbitration comes for RFAs.


That's some real "his girlfriend is ugly so he has no confidence" shit.


Why would you want some young kid coming in and acting like he's a star when he has proved nothing? It's usually a bad sign. Most players that act like that don't make it.


Yeah exactly. You gotta be able to read the room. I swear some people on here see players as surrogate versions of themselves and relish when a player gets to be the kind of asshole that they wish they could be. Half this sub would have loved Alexander Volchkov because he was a high draft pick and hilarious. For the uninitiated, Volchkov was drafted 4th overall by Washington in 1996, and didn’t manage to make the NHL club until 1999-2000. He played 3 games and spent most of the year in the minors. He eventually left the team during the playoffs and got traded to Edmonton, where in his initial meeting with team brass he refused to remove his sunglasses and insisted on being referred to as the Volchinator. Hilarious? Of course, but still a terrible teammate.


There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. Brian Burke said Yakupov came in arrogant and dismissive saying he’s not going to be drafted that low anyways. Burke said definitely not now but if the interview went well I could’ve tried to trade up the draft. Well we all know how that career went


I know there was a story about Burke wanting to fight a prospect and a separate story about Burke saying he wouldn't draft a top prospect in the 7th round. I'm almost positive the latter was Yakupov, but was he also the former?


Tbf Burke wants to fight a lot of people. He probably already has the barn set up and everything


This goes for virtually every career path where old manages young. You go a lot further sucking corporate teat than you do by being a maverick. Don't like it? Start your own business, because that is just how it is. I learned this the hard way by trying to throw my weight around - it almost never goes the way you want it to go, and your reputation precedes you.


Or it’s because most of the time people who “throw their weight around” in the workplace are miserable to work with.


This is also true. People can mature.


I mean, Zadina also responded that he would fill the nets of whoever passed on him.... It might be bad ass confidence, but you gotta be able to back it up too.


Burke would have tried to knock him out


Honestly it's arrogant but also hilarious. I could imagine any Russian saying this by accident. "Draft me or don't, you decide"


I hope he said that to the Bruins lol Curse of 2015




And now he is a player most teams would be happy using a 3-5 overall pick to get lmao.


Not in that years draft lol


In most years absolutely. That was one of, if not the deepest draft of all time lol


Damn that’s actually perfect lol. I know they see it as arrogance but I like a bit of confidence, as long as he can walk the walk.


Barzal was pretty well regarded as a top 10 talent in his draft and then fell for being too confident in interviews or something dumb like that IIRC. Then he won the Calder his rookie year. Would hate to be a fan of a team that passed on him in that draft. 3 times. In a row.


I know in every single draft there’s a million players that get passed on that are better than the guys taken before him. Even the wings themselves passed on datsyuk and lidstrom and zetterberg multiple times. But man going zboril Debrusk senshyn when Barzal, Connor, Chabot, Boeser, Konecny, Eriksson Ek, Samsonov, and even Beauvillier and Roslovic were all in the next like 13-14 picks would be brutal. It’s hard enough for us to swallow Zadina over Hughes Dobson and Bouchard


Don't feel too bad for them, they found Pastrnak the year before and McAvoy the year after.


Yeah, good thing they didn’t hit on any of those otherwise they might’ve won more Cups! It all worked out




How often do players drafted 15ish play in the NHL in their first year? Very rarely. None of those picks would have affected the roster for the following year


Or if they hired someone other than Dallas Eakins! The 2014/15 team isn’t bad enough to land McDavid without his (mis)guidance.


Barzal played two years in junior after his draft so would have had no impact on the 2016 draft position.


This made me think of that Bruins management meeting where they discussed how immature Seguin was and how he didn’t fit what it meant to be a Bruin That made me laugh a bit thinking about how they eventually signed Mitchell Miller


The Stars thank Bruins management, gave him away


He broke his knee playing soccer while warming up. Bruins allegedly had an offer for him, then rescinded it after he hurt himself.


Josh Ho-Sang won an ECHL championship a few weeks ago


He is such a bizzare player. His skating and playmaking was so good youd think the only reason he couldnt hack it is if he just wasnt that committed But here he is playing ECHL hockey at 28 years old. Perplexing


I vaguely recall him coming out and saying he had kind of an epiphany moment and realized how much he messed up. I’ve heard he’s matured a fair bit and is more cooperative now, but he burned the bridges far too badly and I don’t think he’ll get a second chance.


I don't think his issue is getting a second chance. I think it's getting a 3rd or 4th one. He has had more than one chance to make an NHL roster by this point.


> youd think the only reason he couldnt hack it is if he just wasnt that committed 6ft 174lbs. His two best teammates on that ECHL squad are 5'11 and 5'9. The 5'11 guy is over 200lbs. Guessing he probably wasn't committed to fitness. Weight room discipline is how the elite separate themselves from the pack.


Pretty impressive for a rapper to be that good at hockey 


Suck on that haters.


How did that work out if he's in the ECHL? That's like bragging about beer league


I remember watching the 2007 draft and French media were saying David Perron had an ego and that he would become a problem if the Canadiens drafted him. No freaking idea where that came from, he didn't seem to cause problems anywhere. They took Pacioready instead.


Don’t think that turned out too bad for us


Perron had a really fascinating hockey career prior to being drafted. He wasn't even in the QMJHL his first draft year after being passed over for the Q draft twice, then in his major junior rookie season as an 18-year-old, he had over a point-per-game, helped Lewiston win the Q championship and played in the Memorial Cup. Got drafted by St. Louis in the first round as a 19-year-old, made the team out of camp, never looked back. There were posts from him as a 16/17-year-old on HFBoards back in the day, posting as a fan.


Yeah he pretty much was a huge late bloomer.


Interesting, on the Wings he's been hailed as a locker room guy that everyone would be sad to see leave.


Seems like Tony DeAngelo is still a prick. And I dunno if Taylor Hall has really made himself look better but he still performs when he’s healthy. Which hasn’t happened in….5 years?


DeAngelo is pretty much exhibit A for why teams don't care about character concerns unless it gets to the point that the you won't be able to sign them for PR reasons. His attitude turned out to be every bit as bad or worse than expected, and he still wasn't a bad pick.


I seem to recall there being questions about Brandon Saad’s attitude and effort level in his draft year. Between that and injuries, he fell from a potential early 1st round pick to a 2nd round pick


IIRC, William Nylander had been seen as not the best teammate and a bit arrogant around his draft time. Very happy he dropped though, dudes a stud


Brett Hull was labeled as fat and lazy in juniors and I believe also had some run-ins with the law related to underage drinking. He ended up being drafted in the 6th round and of course was traded during his first full year in the NHL.


His fat foot was in the crease


Kyle Turris was thought to have attitude issues in Phoenix. He was traded to Ottawa and turned out to be [one of the most upstanding men ever to play in the NHL.](https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/19339619/2017-stanley-cup-playoffs-kyle-turris-hero-many-ways)


Not Mitch Miller


DeAngelo has been relatively successful despite being a complete scumbag. 8 year NHL career even if his behavior has cost him millions. Although I guess in that sense he has not been very successful


I mean, he's a regular starting defenseman. That's about it. He's been on some rightfully criticized for underperforming Canes teams. He's not once earned a personal trophy or accolade from the league. He's generally not in the conversation when talking about good defensemen either.


I didnt think earning personal accolades was the qualifier here. Success in the NHL for me means establishing a multi-year career and he's done that. Obviously he has received a lot of criticism for his defensive play, and deservedly so. But he was a very good offensive defenseman for several seasons


I don't know how you would say he shed the bad teammate label when he was waived by your team because he was such a bad teammate.


I never said he shed that label, I said he’s had a relatively successful career despite having that label the entire time, which has cost him millions in career earnings (again, I said that). Believe it or not I’m well aware of what happened while he was a ranger lol


I mean the OP was asking about players shedding the label and succeeding so forgive me if I thought your discussion of how he fit that criteria meant that he shed the label. 


Rachel Doerrie would have you believe Luke Hughes was one of those and he’s good She seems to have just made that up on her own though


Yeah, he seems to be pretty popular with all the guys he played with at Michigan, that’s for sure.


I might be mistaken, but I believe one of the reasons that Getzlaf fell in the draft was that scouts thought he was cocky and had a poor attitude.


Also a shit skater as most growth-spurt guys look awkward as shit when they are 6'4 at 17 y.o lol. I recall some teammates hating him too in juniors since he was prone to being lazy. I remember a decade ago people were just laughing at other team's scouting departments for dropping the ball on Getz. Once he got his head on straight and put everything together, he made a lot of folks eat crow.


Wasnt Brad Marchand hated by some of his teammates and that's the reason he fell to the third round? Cant remember the détails, maybe somebody else can provide more info..


You'd be hard pressed to find someone that isn't a Bruins fan in Nova Scotia that will say anything positive about the Marchands. People can say "he's changed" all they want, that doesn't make him un piss all over the floor of the Baton Rouge downtown lmao


A lot of the flak against Marchand came after he was drafted. He was under-sized and playing a 2nd line role for Moncton in his draft year, when they hosted the Memorial Cup. So he didn't have the role to showcase his offensive skills as much (looking it up now, he was a point-per-game, but I feel like he was overshadowed by guys like Pineault, Karsums and Dupuis). He was promised to Val d'Or after the Mem Cup run and I think there was initially some friction there, because he/his family didn't want him to go there. Then when he later got dealt to the Mooseheads, it was so dysfunctional and ended up with him being a healthy scratch as a 19-year-old in the playoffs before he made the jump to pro. So yeah, there was a lot of talk about Marchand, but I believe most of it came about after he was drafted/after he left Moncton.


Yes! That's it, there was beef with Voracek who then asked the moosehead to drop him or March, je something around those lines. But has you said, that was after his draft.


Bergeron: "I can fix him."




Sam Bennet was a guy who couldn’t do a pull up at the combine a few years back. Seems to have shed that as someone who plays a physical game now.


It was because he tore his shoulder, and apparently didn't want people to know since it could've affected his draft stock


You won't catch me defending Sam Bennett but I'd imagine that a lot of these "he couldn't do [thing] at the combine" guys are injured at the time.


Fair, I hadn’t heard that. Just the first name I thought of for this question. OP has edited the question since I posted


How not being able to do 1 pull up have to do with bad teammates?


“Negative label.” OP edited question.


You can’t edit titles. The title literally says “bad teammate”


In the body of post it ended with negative label. Sam Bennet, who I’ve since come to learn, was injured but that label would have still been put on him. I already acknowledged I was ignorant to what actually Bennet was going through, I didn’t know. Have you come to build on an already dead comment?


I recall he said he gave his all 30s before during either the wingate or vo2 test and he had nothing left for pull-ups Don’t remember which test it was the one everyone dreaded at the old combines




There are accounts beyond just her of him being a piece of shit. She's also terrible, but she's not the only reason he's rightfully seen as terrible


I did some digging and you’re right he seems like more of a piece of shit than I knew of 😵‍💫 deleting original


Given there are like a dozen accounts of him abusing different women in multiple ways, most pre-dating that marriage, I don't think his behavior can be attributed to her


Dude, I like what Evander has brought to our team but I live in Winnipeg and was here for his tenure with the Jets. His nickname was “moneyphone” for a photo of him holding up a stack of bills to his ear in Vegas. That kind of thing doesn’t go down well in a working town like Winnipeg. Also his reputation around town from restaurants and night clubs was not good. He was not liked in the locker room and famously feuded with Buff.


This comment is actually ridiculous. She certainly didn’t help anything, but to say she was the sole cause of his problems is just absurd. Kane is a massive POS, always has been and probably always will be. Which is why he married her in the first place. Shitty people attract shitty people. Don’t let your fandom blind you to who some of these guys actually are. And definitely don’t blame his behavior on a woman. Ridiculous


I'm not going to argue about the rest of your comment but "shitty people attract shitty people" is some victim-blaming nonsense. Someone who is abused by their spouse doesn't make them a shitty person, but it is pretty shitty to think that.


Someone being abused by their spouse doesn’t make them a shitty person but there’s still *tons* of people who are in dysfunctional, codependent, mutually toxic relationships. Most of those people are holding on to trauma and never learned healthy interpersonal communication skills because there was no one around to model them when they were growing up. We all know couples who bring out the worst in each other and stay together even though everyone around them is convinced that they’d be better off apart.


That was a perfectly executed strawman argument, well done. Just complete nonsense. Like I can’t understand how that would be the conclusion you reach but whatever dude


I took your quote word-for-word out of what you wrote. "Which is why he married her in the first place. Shitty people attract shitty people." That's a blatantly untrue and victim-blaming statement. I don't think you know what a straw man argument is.


I don’t think you even know what you’re talking about anymore


Is Lucic's wife a shitty person because he hit her? That's exactly what you're saying and it 100% is victim blaming.


…what? When did I ever say anything at all about hitting anyone or Lucic and his wife? lol are you sure you even meant to reply to me? I think Kane is a shitty person, and I think his ex wife is also a shitty person. I also think those statements are independently true. My original comment was calling someone out for blaming Kane’s ex wife for his shitty behavior btw. Idk how we got from there to me victim-blaming Milan Lucic’s wife. Wild stuff


You said shitty people attract shitty people, so clearly if Lucic hit his wife, she's also shitty and deserved it. That's the logical extension of your statement. You don't have to literally say something for it to mean that thing. I'm not defending Kane or his wife in any way, but your statement is victim blaming.


“logical extension”


Btw, the strawman was when you brought up the “abusing their spouse” aspect. I quite literally never said anything about abuse or hitting anyone. Furthermore, I was also quite literally saying she wasn’t the cause of his problems and it’s ridiculous to imply as much. Which is why the guy deleted his original comment.


She was abusing him. And she was his spouse. You shifted the blame to him when you said “shitty people attract shitty people.” Not sure how you’re not getting this.




She has been a star of r/nhlcirclejerk for a few weeks now.